Let's Play A Game (A RWBY Che...

By treylore

129K 1.2K 2.4K

Greetings & Welcome . You must be wandering why you are here, i shall tell you this is a tale of a boy who go... More

John's Ungrateful Life (1)
John's Ungrateful Life (2)
The Trial of (Y/N)
(Y/N)'s Game
Information #2
A Wilted Rose
Melting The Angel
Taming The Cat
Burning The Dragon (Finale)
Thank You and New book
10000!!! R!E!A!D!S!
John's Past (BONUS)
News To All (Vol.2)
Information (Vol 2)
The Past (Vol 2)
QnA/ Ask the cast
Atlas Intervention (Vol 2)
Author Note.
Raid ( Vol.2)
Grand finale (Vol 2).

Reunions (Vol.2)

2.8K 43 149
By treylore

Location Vale

Eric is sipping from a cup.

Eric: Ah, Warms the soul but scalds the tongue.

Alison: Eric, we got word from the labs. The ribs belonged to Weiss Schnee.

Eric: What?!

Alison: That's the not the end of it, her body is missing as well. Also the Schnee cooperation changed their heir remember.

Eric: I know, so they know she's dead. Now comes the hard part, 4 bodies are missing. We have no clue how to find them. Now how do, we do this.

Alison: This guy really covered his tracks well.

Eric: Are there any survivors we can contact.

Alison: Wade Wilson is one but we have no idea where he is. 

Eric: Alright, are there any faculty we could contact.

Alison: John Kramer.

Eric: I see, Where does he work now.

Alison: He became an independent businessman he owns the warehouse, Gideon meatpacking plant.

Eric: I'm guessing that's where we are going first then.

Alison: Yup.

Meatpacking Plant

Eric and Allison arrived on the scene. They walk towards the building.

Allison: I don't like the feeling from this place.

Eric: I agree.

They knock the door. A voice replies from the other side.

(Y/N): I'm coming!!!

The door opens revealing (Y/N).

Eric: Ah yes, is a john kramer here.

(Y/N): Nope, He's on a business trip. Might I ask why you're here.

Eric: We're investigators Eric Matthews and Allison Kerry Vale P.D. We have some questions for him. Can we come back when he returns.

(Y/N): Sure.

Before the door could close.

Jessica: Geez, Guys you should have called me if you were continuing the case.

Eric: Jess, you were still asleep so I didn't want to wake you.

Jessica: Stop treating me like a kid.

Eric: Fine, Fine.

Jessica: (Y/N)? Is that you.

(Y/N): Jess?

Eric: You both know each other.

Jessica: Of course I was his senior. How's it going (Y/N).

(Y/N): It's been going good.

Jessica: I loved to stay and talk but we have a case. I should get going. Oh before I go here's my number in case you want to get in touch.

(Y/N): Ok, good luck.

Jessica: Thanks.

The 3 investigators walk off.

The door closes.

(Y/N): Now we have 3 investigators after us. Damn. I need to contact John.


Tai: What?

John: I'm sorry so say that they're dead.

Tai could'nt believe what he was hearing. 


Summer came out and was stunned she dropped the plate of cookies.

John thoughts: Yes, yes this is what I live for, the despair the distraught. It fuels me.

Qrow: How did they.

John: The school camera recorded. How they died.

Raven: Can we see the recordings.

John: Of course.

John place down his scroll as a holographic image began to play. First it was yang, she was screaming in pain as the gears turned slowly snapping her limbs. Then her neck next it was Ruby where she got shot in the head.

Qrow: What sick fuck, would do this.

Raven could not bear to watch, she put on her mask as tears began to flow down her cheek. Summer fainted. While Tai was still contemplating what has happend.

John: We also have a lead. On who may do these.

Qrow: Who, when I get my hands on Him.

John: The lead could be their ex.

Qrow: Ex?

John: (Y/N) (L/N), a student at beacon. They cheated on him so I think he wanted to get revenge.

Tai: They cheated on him? So he chose to kill them.

John: *Chuckles*

Tai: What's so funny.

John: Oh nothing. I just find this situation so familiar.

Tai: What do you mean?

John: I looked back in the school records. Mr Xiao Long, and it seems that you have the same story like this. It seems that your wife cheated on a "john kramer" with you. in the past.

The house was silent.

John: Like mother like daughter I presume.


Qrow was mad at john and used his sword.

John: My, my, mind my insolence. 

Qrow: Leave.

John: Wow, that's harsh.

Qrow: I don't even know you.

John: How cruel to not recognize your best friend.

Qrow: John?

John: Correct.

Tai: I thought you died.

Qrow: What.

Summer: John.

John: Welp, I've completed what I came here for. 

John got out from the couch, and walked out the door before he left he said.

John: You people should fell ashamed.

He close the door. After a few steps, Tai dashed out of the house.

John: What is it no-

Tai threw a punch into johns face. Causing him to fly across the field.

John: *cough* Damn *Cough* Cheap move. But I got a few moves as well. BRING IT OUT

A squad of whitefang came out with a coffin.

Tai: Huh.

John: Look inside.

Tai walked forward he peeked inside the coffin revealing ruby.

Tai: You bitch.

John: Wait. I giveth life into this corpse, I giveth light into this soul, I giveth Soul into this body.

As he said that a bright light enveloped Ruby's body.

Ruby: *Gasp* What how.

Tai quickly hugged his daughter.

Tai: Sweety.

John: I told you I'm not bad.

Tai: Heh I guess.

Tai and Ruby began walking back to the house. John took out a revolver from inside his coat and aimed it a Ruby. And fired.


Ruby's body fell to the gound. Tai turn backed and saw a grin form on John's face.

John: Boom, Headshot. 

Tai fell to his knees and began to cry.

John: Grab the body.

Wfg: Yes sir.

The white fang went and recovered Ruby's body and then placed it back into the coffin.

John: Well, its been fun Tai.

A bullhead lands.

John: Ah my ride is here, till next time.

John enter's the bullhead and it takes off.


John check his scroll and saw multiple missed calls.

John: Investigators Huh. This game have just gotten more fun.

WFg: Sir, you'll keep your end of the bargin right.

John: Yup, My efforts and fortune will now help the WF and their activities, tell sienna she has my support.

WFg: Yes sir.

John: Now then, there's still one more reunion left.

Vale(Gideon Meatpacking plant)

John: I'm back.

(Y/N): Welcome back.

Amanda: Sup.

Billy: Welcome back, creator.

John: Hey Trey, if your'e going to use the "creator bit" at least make it consistent.

Treylore: Screw you.

John: Fuck you.

Lighting strikes John.

John: *Grrlgrgr glrgrl*

John: Ok I deserve that.

Treylore: Now lets get back into the story.

John: Ahem, Anyways I've done what I needed to do.

Amanda: Oh the whitefang dropped of Lily's body earlier.

John: Ah, I think she has been healed up enough. Lets go take a look.

(Y/N): Soon, will be reunited.


John: Ready machine.

Billy: Stage one commencing.

The liquid in the tube started to evoporate.

Billy: Stage 2 commencing.

The tubes and wires connected to Lily's body began to unplug from her body.

Billy: Clothes are now being applied. Engaging Resurrection process. 10% 20% 80% 100%. Subject is now awake. 

The doors of the machine opened. Lily's eyes opened.

Lily: About fucking time. Wait where am I.

(Y/N) quickly hug and kissed Lily.

Lily: Huh, Mmm Mmm~

Lily just went with it and they both stayed like that for a bit.

John: Alright we'll leave you two lovebirds alone.

John, billy and Amanda quickly walked out of the room. After a bit, Lily and (Y/N) broke apart for some air.

Lily: Ok, now that, that's over. What happend to me. I thought I died.

(Y/N): You were about to die but professor kramer. He saved you.

(Y/N) went and hug Lily again.

(Y/N): Never again, I'm never letting go. I love you Lily.

Lily: I love you too, (Y/N).

They both separated. And walked out.

John: Done yet.

(Y/N): Yup.

John: Tell her.

(Y/N): Oh right, Lily I also murdered all of team RWBY.

Lily: WHAT?!!

(Y/N): Mhm, After I lost you that day, I became slightly.

Lily: You killed them without me. How cruel.

(Y/N): Not the reaction, I was expecting.

Lily: I'm the daughter of Freddy kruger, What did you expect. Oh "(Y/N) how could you" or "You beast". Huh huh.

(Y/N): Yeah I can see that.

Lily: With me, we could have killed them in their dreams. they could die over and over again as well.

John: Man, this chick is alot more insane then I remember.

Lily: I heard that.

John: What the.

Lily: I can see the text. Also hi Trey & Readers.

Treylore: Hello.

John: Anyway the investigators are coming soon. So why not you two go on a date or something.

(Y/N): Well then. Lily would yo-

Lily: I love too.

(Y/N): Well lets go then.

John: Now then back to what I was working on.

Billy: Chains check, nails check, explosive check.

John: Excellent. The room will be complete soon.

Billy: What's this room for anyway.

John: Didn't you read the "Returning" chapter.

Billy: Nope, I was reading books by Davidwill54.

John: Ah alright. Anyways let us continue. The investigators should show up soon.


Eric: Allison, where are the reports for the burger thief.

Allison: Next to the Burger murderers.

Eric: Thanks.

Jessica: We need to go, to the Warehouse soon.

Eric: Yeah I know.

Jessica: What do you think happend.

Eric: What do you mean.

Jessica: Like how did this man turn like this. Into a murderer.

Eric: He most likely has been wronged many times. The person we're facing is like the one in SAW. If we are correct. Something must has happend in his past. Like most killers.

Jessica: I see.

Eric: It's our duty to protect the innocent. Remember that.

Jessica: Yes sir.


(Y/N): So, umm lily.

Lily: Yup.

(Y/N): How long are you going to do that.

Lily: Do what?

She was stabbing somebody with her clawed glove.

Lily: Oh.

She stops stabbing the person.

Lily: Lets continue then.

(Y/N): It's good to have you back Lily.

Lily: It's good to be back.

Both of them continued walking when they arrived at a crosswalk where they see some familiar faces.

(Y/N) thoughts: Is that ruby.

Summer: Ah, it's (Y/N). (Y/N) hello.

(Y/N): Huh. Oh its her mom. Hello Miss rose. 

(Y/N) and Lily walked closer to her, it seems that Qrow and Tai was with her as well. Summer smiled and (Y/N) while Qrow and Tai only gave him a glare.

(Y/N): So what, brings you back to vale.

Summer: We're here to see what happen to Beacon.

(Y/N): Ah, well enjoy your'e time here.

(Y/N) and Lily walked off.


Eric, Allison and Jessica were walking towards the building. Before they could knock on the door, It opened.

John: Ah, I've been expecting you. Please come in, come in.

Eric: Thank you for your hospitality.

John: No problem. Come the couch is this way.

They all sat down.

John: So what can I help you with.

Eric: These.

It was pictures of team RWBY brutally murdered. 

John: Ah I see, They were my students a bright bunch to say the least. I had high hopes well until they were murdered.

Eric: Do you have any idea, who would do this.

John: Nope. Maybe they made some enemies. Maybe it was the white fang.

Eric: Alright. But you see, white fang activity has died down since the Roman case. So it couldn't be them.

John: I see.

Eric: We also heard that the team cheated on their boyfriend.

John: Ah yes. (Y/N) (L/N), good kid he didn't deserve it. But thats in the past after they broke up with him, he started dating Lilly kruger.

Eric: I see.

John: If that is all. I think you should head back its pretty late.

Eric: Ah one more thing.

Eric placed down a file, I think you should into these John.

John looked at the file, and he started to sweat profusely. It was pictures of him and summer from the older days.

Eric: Your'e with summer rose in this picture, so you should have a good relationship with the Rose family. So how did Ruby die. If you had a good relation ship of course unless something happend in the past. And then you didn't bother at all. I know you have the semblance of Resurrection. So why didn't you use it.

John was speechless

Eric: So then, Did you do it.

Jessica radio went off.

Radio: All nearby units. Please head to [coordinates] An officer has been killed.

Eric: Shit. We'll continue this next time.

John: Of course.

The investigators leave.

John: Excellent work.

Lily: Why thank you.


Officer: Miss how may I help you.

Lily: This.

She stabbed him in the stomach.

OfficeR: *cough* Gah.

He reaches for his gun but.

Lily quickly cut off his hand.

Officer: Ah fuck.

He gets stabbed even more.


Lily: Who knew killing the Officer. would prove so efficient.

John: They know.

(Y/N): What do we do now?

Amanda: We play a game.

Wordcount: 2130.

Another chapter done. This was meant to be posted on new years day but I got sidetracked. Anyway its out now.

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