R I C H • Stiles Stilinski BA...

By superman1011

171K 4.6K 922

Stiles has had enough of the pack ignoring him, and above all abusing him. He is not their damn housemai... More

C R Y S T A L • E X P R E S S
G O D S • W H I S P E R
C O M P A N Y • S I N
P R E T T Y • T H I N G S
S O B E R • T O U C H
T E N N E S S E E • W H I S K E Y
H E A R • M E
F A M I L Y • P A C K
A L P H A • B E T A • O M E G A
T R U E • F O R M
I A N • H A R D I N G
P O W E R F U L • A N D...
D R O W N I N G • I N...
G A M E • C H A N G E R
U N C L E • S A T A N


848 34 3
By superman1011


Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. The rough waves of the glowing and radiant sun penetrate my window effectively forcing my eyes closed and slowly the fatigue of the long journey seeps out of me as the streaks of sunlight replace my unrest. Eventually, I sit up. Dragging my feet off the bed, and rubbing my knuckles into my eyes I familiarised myself once more with the brightness of the day. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn watching my legs dangle above the off-white polyester carpet and then finally press my toes into the floor. I stumbled across to the other side of the cabin as my drowsiness had still not left me, and into the freezing water. 

Once my feet touched the main floor I felt a deep 'harrumph' rumble from my throat. It looked like a drunken cyclone had erupted in the midst of the room. Clothes were strewn across the floor, a haphazard path made towards the center of the room. The only clues that this uber-chaos was human-made were the partially drunken glasses of wine and the group of hungover humanoid figures hunched over the breakfast bar. "How is everyone this morning?" I asked receiving various noncommital noises. 

"Fantastic, and yourself?" Theresa asked offering me an omelet with an assortment of toppings. 

"Good, I finished the battle plan and sent out invitations to the leaders of the groups Hade's and I recruited. They should be arriving soon, meaning we must get these woman out of my apartment." Theresa nodded with a private smile, and I carefully took a bite out of the soft foamy half-moon. "Where's Diablo?" At the mention of his name his head rocketed into the air, and he yawned loudly. 

"Here," he called raising his hand above his head before slumping into the breasts of Pia who groaned in discomfort and pushed him onto the floor. Gina huffed a laugh under her breath and continued to read the newspaper that she had collected from my door. Leanne who must have stumbled down earlier continued to rest her forehead against the cool granite of the table, her glass of orange juice seemingly untouched. 

And Pia proceeded to tug the blanket from Diablo's grip and tighten it around her naked body before falling back asleep. "I hate to cut the party short girls, but we've got some business to attend to," I called, gently rousing Leanne from her short nap. She, in turn, groaned and almost slipped from her stool had I not gripped her arm tightly. 

Gina nodded and folded the paper applicably before standing and tossing Pia's dress at her, "Come on hun, you heard the boss man." As Gina helped the girls I finished my breakfast and then moved towards my Uncle. 

"Dee," I called and kicked his curved back, "get up and see your conquests off, we've got a busy day ahead of us." His head rose up slightly and his steely eyes met mine. "I'm tired," he complained, "I pleasured two beautiful women, and Dracula over there, give me a break." I crossed my arms entirely unamused. 

"You didn't have too," I protested and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, because you were so willing to fulfill their needs," he jested and I sighed deeply. I averted my eyes from Pia who had stood up in her entirely natural state, and instead focused on my Uncle who had lent back on the carpet seemingly unwilling to move. 

"Fine, I'll take them down to the limousine. But you have to clean up this mess-" I said, mainly motioning towards the overturned couch and mass of pillows, "I mean it, we have guests coming." He groaned in dismay but nodded. And once the woman were dressed in their undergarments and pieces of Diablo's suit, meant as a memento of sorts, I led them down the elevator and towards my limo. Leanne kissed my cheek in silent thanks, and I waited until the limo had turned the corner before reentering the building. 

Unsurprisingly when I returned to my residence Diablo had fallen back into a deep slumber. I rolled my eyes and shared a moment of understanding with Theresa who held a warm mug between her paws and shook her head. Instead of suffering through his complaints and abuse I righted the couch and threw the cushions he wasn't resting upon back onto the furniture before settling beside Theresa. "Who exactly are we expecting this morning?" she started and gently placed the mug on the counter before retrieving one for me. 

"We were unable to talk the Dragons into battle, but they were kind enough to introduce us to Acis the leader of a small group of Cyclops - his connections, however, run rather deep and today we will be meeting with Arges."

"One of the first of three," Theresa said with a cunning twinkle in her eye and I nodded in agreement. 

"Hades will pass the plan on to Arges, whereas we have a spokesman for the Leviathans whose name I believe is Lucas, he will also be delivering the plan to the Hydra who we have stationed in Queens currently - and after being nearly killed by the herd of unicorns it's very unlikely they will turn up to this meeting but I believe they too are sending a spokesman and if not I'm sure Hades will see to it that they too get the plan of action." 

Theresa nodded, a smile slightly pulling at her inviting lips, "Yes, unicorns are not to be underestimated, neither are the gnomes in Africa. They'll flay you alive." I shivered slightly and then checked the watch ticking on my wrist. "Sorry I was held up," a fine-dressed man emerged suddenly from my decorative fireplace, "traffic was insane." 

He dusted his pristine suit almost as a habit before stepping onto my carpet and over my Uncle. "The Leviathans extend their apologies that they could not attend this ceremony, though for obvious reasons." Lucas said formally and extended his hand to both Theresa and I. 

"We're just pleased that they have sided with us against Zeus," I said pleasantly guiding Lucas to the lounge while Theresa fixed him a beverage. 

"Speaking of which, they have shared some concerns; about Zeus hearing wind of the approaching battle and our side losing the element of surprise," Lucas said and I nodded with a gentle smile. 

"Of course, those fears are fairly founded. However, they needn't fret. I've had many people I trust, cast a series of complex spells to mask any discussion of the war and our allies. They are safe." Theresa settled beside me drawing the map I had asked her to fetch and idly spread it with her claw-like fingertips and while our guest was distracted I kicked my Uncle awake.

"Searja iea meg quuyug hel ac?" a woman suddenly said literally materializing above my Uncle who blinked up at her with bleary eyes. 

"What language is that?" I asked quietly and Theresa frowned deeply. "I've never heard it, the dialect is very unique," she whispered back as the strange pale woman glared at the two of us. 

She spat, though it seemed to be a part of the language as she then continued to produce odd noises from the back of her throat before exclaiming, "Fanumc!"

"It's Uryuomoco," Hade's groaned and clambered to his feet with false spry, "native to the meadows of Moicoco, she's the spokesman for the Unicorns." 

"So you can translate?" I asked and he snorted whilst buttoning up the shirt I had tossed him earlier. 

"Gosh no, what's sexy about sneezing and spluttering your vowels?" he laughed once more and then gently took the woman's hand into his to lay a kiss to that back of my hand, "No doubt she understands us though, the woman from the meadows have always been very intuitive." 

I frowned and watched as Hades led the woman to the sofa opposite us, the map being projected between the four of us - and then we began running through the plan only making minor changes. Having our expected guests turn up almost unexpectedly had put my senses into override and the air around us seemed static with the electricity at the tips of my fingers. 

Suddenly two younger boys seemed to materialize from the shadows, and before my company could react my electricity solidified into a crackling energy force that encompassed the two teens. My form hovered over the couch, toes pointed towards the floor as even my eyes glowed an electric blue. "You both seem awfully young to be soul traveling?" my voice thundered beneath a false set of crooked teeth. Behind the large glass windows, a storm brewed, grey clouds swirling into existence and unsheathing icy daggers that plummeted towards the Earth. 

The taller boy had the brightest sea green eyes that seemed to swirl upon closer inspection and I allowed my toes to graze the carpet as I drew closer, "Who sent you?" I tightened the glowing cage, causing the boys to move closer - the taller boy seeming to shield the seemingly younger teen who tightened his hood and ducked his grey eyes away from my prying gaze. 

"We're here to stop you from proceeding with this battle," the taller boy said tightening his jaw as his hand ducked into his pocket. "If you do this the camp will be forced to fight and we cannot afford to lose anymore half-bloods."

"How did you hear about this battle?" I amused myself with a careful smirk, "I mean what idiot goes up against Zeus?" 

"The Dragons in Alaska heard wind from their cousins and used the information to bargain more security for their caves," the taller boy said and the veins in his arms seemed to flex as he clutched something tightly in his pockets. "I thought you said we were protected," Lucas hissed, and I held my hand up to silence him. 

 "Yu quumg fujoc meejro yum ni vagg," the woman heeved and Hades spluttered with laughter before wildly slapped his chest. "You may get your wish. Now Son, I don't believe I gave you permission to leave home?" 

"A demi-god? Like me?" I asked and allowed the electricity to dance towards my fingertips as though they were conductors. "Yes, this is my son Nico di Angelo and I thought I taught him better about the company that he keeps. Especially God worshippers like this toe." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion trying to place those sea-green eyes, "This is Percy Jackson, and it is quite a rare occurrence to have three demi-gods of the Three in one room - though it seems obvious which one has the strongest aura." 

Lucas seemed to cower behind us, though to be fair to him he was a meer human representative. I doubt he had ever been in a room with so much authority. Theresa, on the other hand, drew her sword her eyes narrowed in kind to her slim smirk, "How about you unbind them and I'll show you who truly has the most power in this room." In answer, I simply waved my hand, the breeze turbulent enough to drive her sword down to her thigh.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Percy, Nico," I nodded towards them both before allowing my eyes to return to their liquid pools of amber. "Unfortunately, I will be pursuing this fight regardless of the potential lives lost. It's about time someone reclaimed the throne because Lord knows, Zeus will be retired soon," I smirked hauntingly.

Percy's eyes flitted to the floor despairingly before he huffed a sigh, "Please, we do not want to wage a war against our kind," his tone was borderline begging and I unmercifulness laughed. 

"Zeus's reign must end Mr.Jackson," I said with finality, alienating him to the enemy he would become, "nothing will change my mind. Now that we no longer have the element of surprise, you will be seeing us soon enough. If you want to live, stay out of my wrathful path." I pushed the force field towards a darkened corner, my farewell clear in my warning. 

Percy's eyes locked with mine briefly before finding their exit and I tensed at the loss ever-present in his eyes. If he survived there would be more souls in his orbs, but with revenge clouding my judgment I couldn't help but push that thought into the cages of my mind. 

Happy New Year.

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