Heartache »Ashton Irwin«

By LaAndell

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Apple Belle Lawson has been through different kinds of heartbreaks but the last one was definitely the hardes... More

Chapter 1- Pilot
Chapter 2- Happy, Free, Confused And Lonely At The Same Time.
Chapter 4- Little Note.
Chapter 5- Don't Waste Your Time.
Chapter 6- Gold Digger?
Chapter 7- Drunk Dancing
Chapter 8- Opening Up.
Chapter 9- Kicked Out
Chapter 10- Coincidence?
Chapter 11- Bloodsucker
Chapter 12- One Condition.
Chapter 13- If We Didn't Go As Friends...
Chapter 14- Subconsciously
Chapter 15- Double Date?
Chapter 16- Congratulations
Chapter 17- Nice Is My Middle Name
Chapter 18- Developed Feelings
Chapter 19- How Do I Explain Something That I Can't Even Understand Myself?
Chapter 20- Just Friends Don't Look At Each Other Like That
Chapter 21- Sorry Isn't Enough
Chapter 22- Fired
Chapter 23- Don't
Chapter 24- He Didn't Make It
Chapter 25- Fireworks
Chapter 26- Clue
Chapter 27- Fearless
Chapter 28- Beginning of Something New
Chapter 29- Walking
Chapter 30- Busy Being In Love
Chapter 31- Blushing
Chapter 32- Broccoli It Is
Chapter 33- Coward
Chapter 34- Mirrors
Chapter 35- Trust Issues
Chapter 36- A Good Reason To Cuddle
Chapter 37- Runaway With Me
Chapter 38- Never Be
Chapter 39- Little White Lies
Chapter 40- Break Down
Chapter 41- I Fancy Your Bandmate
Chapter 42- Drunk In Love
Chapter 43- I'm All Yours
Chapter 44- All Of The Stars
Chapter 45- Kiss Me
Chapter 46- Fairytale
Chapter 47- Big Girls Don't Cry
Chapter 48- What Happened To You And I?
Chapter 49- Talking to a Wall
Chapter 50- Don't Let Me Go

Chapter 3- A Bird Told Me...

561 18 5
By LaAndell

”See you on Saturday” LeAnne said with a huge smile, while I walked out from the office. ”See you!” I said and smiled back. It was Thursday afternoon and the sun was shining. I know I need to work tomorrow, but I was still planning on going out tonight. The plan was a me year and it seemed to be a good decision this Monday, but it won’t stop me for getting out and have some fun and maybe have a few drinks. I walked home and into my apartment. I took a fast shower and then I decided what to wear. A light blue dress with an open back. I curled my brown hair and put on a light make up. The clock was only seven thirty when I was done. Maybe going out on a Thursday night all by myself was a bad idea. I rolled my eyes, why am I such a coward? After a few drinks I don’t really care anyway. I placed a thin layer of lip gloss on my lips before I put on my high heels. I took my bag and walked out of the apartment. To get over Nathan I need to get better confidence, and what is a better way then faking it? 

I walked into a nightclub, and sat down at the bar, watching everyone on the dance floor. Considering it was a  Thursday night it was many people out having a good time.  ”Apple?” I turned around when I heard my name. Behind me sat a guy with dirty blonde curly hair and brown eyes. It was Ashton. ”Hi” I said with a smile. I didn’t expect to see him here. ”Hi! I did not expect to meet you here” Ashton said. ”Do you go here often?” He continued. ”Some times” I said. ”Can I buy you a drink?” He asked. I don’t let guys buy me drinks, because I’m easy influenced and one drink to many can lead to something I will regret. ”Sure” I mumbled. Ashton did not seem like the type that would take advantage of me. A bartender came up to us. ”A beer” I told him. Ashton quickly looked at me. ”Make that two” He said. ”So you are friends with LeAnne?” He asked. ”We went to High School together” I said. The bartender arrived with two ice cold beers and I took a sip. The cold filth, ran down my dry throat. ”And how do you know David?” I asked. ”We went to the same High School” Ashton answered and I smiled at him. ”So will you attend the wedding?” I took another sip, before I nodded. ”Yes” Ashton was a sweet guy and I wonder what he did here on a Thursday night. I was here to get drunk and hopefully not think about Nathan for the whole night. ”So what are you doing here? Meeting someone special?” I asked. ”No” Ashton laughed. ”I’m just here, all by myself” He continued. ”Yeah, same here” I said and Ashton smiled at me. After two more beers and to many of the drinks that Ashton recommended I started to feel the alcohol streaming through my body. My view was dizzy and I didn’t feel like myself. I was happy and somehow in a dance mood. ”Will you dance with me?” I screamed over the loud music, that filled the pub. ”Okay” Ashton answered. I heaved a pure liquor shot, before Ashton took my hand in his and we walked out on the dance floor. The song that was playing at the moment was the newest Kesha song. Lights of all colours was flashing at the beat of the loud music. We danced at the dance floor together, I’m not a good dancer, unless I’m home alone, but with a fake confidence and some (a lot of) alcohol in my system I think I did pretty good. Song after song passed, and the time flied but I had a great time. ”Next song will be a little slower” The DJ said through a microphone. Ashton’s hands was placed on my waist and I lay my hands around his neck. ”You sure as hell know how to dance” Ashton said as he bit his lower lip. I smiled at him. I think it was the alcohol, but Ashton had beautiful eyes. Ashton had a touch of green which was very beautiful and unique. ”You have beautiful eyes” I mumbled. Ashton laughed. ”You’ve had too much to drink” He smiled. ”No, seriously, you have beautiful eyes” I slurred. ”Thank you” He answered. ”Do you want to get out of here?” Ashton asked, as his eyes met mine. My dizzy mind did not think clear. I know I will regret it in the morning if I follow Ashton home, but at the moment it felt like a good idea. His eyes begged and his lips had a small smirk. I don’t think I will remember anything anyway, and it’s just for one night. ”Yes” I said. Ashton smiled a surprised smile at me, before I grabbed my hand and started to walk out from the club. 

I jumped up from bed, but I regretted it immediately. I had an headache. Where the hell were I? I looked around in the big bedroom. The bed was big and fluffy, nothing like mine. The room was black and very boyish. This was definitely not my room or apartment. Oh right... Ashton... I was alone in his bed, only in my underwear. I don’t remember anything from last night, what the hell happened? I wrapped myself in his blanket before I walked out from the bedroom. His apartment was huge. Following the bedroom it was a living room and a kitchen. ”Good morning, sleepyhead” Ashton said. He stood, only in his pants, beside the kitchen table. In front of him a pencil and a paper laid, a corner from the paper was pulled away. ”Morning” I said as I scratched my head. I felt embarrassed as more things from last night flashed through my mind. I don’t remember how I ended up sleeping here, but I remember how Ashton asked me to follow him home. ”We didn’t do anything last night, if thats what your are worrying about” Ashton said with a morning smile. ”Oh...” I mumbled.  ”So what happened?” I asked. ”You don’t remember much do you?” Ashton asked, still with that annoying smile on his sweet face. ”No, I don’t” I mumbled. ”You took advantage of me” I assumed. ”What?” Ashton did a hand gesture to prove that he was innocent. ”No, I did not. I asked if you wanted to get out of the club, and you agreed. So I took you here and...” ”You took advantage of me” I interrupted. Ashton did not seem like a guy who would take advantage of a drunk girl, but I never thought Nathan would cheat either. ”No, can you let me finish?” He asked. ”Sorry” I mumbled, as I sat down at one of the chairs at the kitchen table. Ashton sat down opposite from me. ”So I took you here, hoping you know...” Ashton began to stammer. ”You wanted to get laid” I finished his sentence. ”Yeah, anyways so when we arrived you started to cry” Oh my god! I looked down at my lap. Crying? Seriously? I could not even go one day without crying? ”You talked about some guy, Noel or something” I sigh soundless. What is wrong with me? ”And that’s it?” I asked, hopping I did not make a fool out of myself in any other way. ”Basically” Ashton answered. ”So how does it come I woke up in my underwear and you in your pants” I asked. ”You told me, after your breakdown, that you were tired, so I helped you to my bed. You asked if I could undress you, so I did and then I put a blanket over you and left the room. I slept on the couch” Ashton nodded to the couch, were a compressed pillow laid and a red blanket. ”Do you believe me?” He asked. ”Yes, and I’m so sorry for last night” I said, and felt more embarrassed now then before. ”It’s okay. Do you feel any better, do you want an aspirin?” Ashton asked. ”Yes, please” I answered. Ashton stood up and went to fetch me a glass of water and an aspirin. ”Thank you” I swallowed the aspirin and took a sip of the cold water. ”What time is it?” I asked. ”Eleven” ”ELEVEN?!” I screamed. Ashton laughed. ”I need to get to work” I quickly stood up and rushed into the bedroom. I found my dress on the floor, together with my heels and bag. ”Do you want me to drive you?” Ashton asked, as he showed up at the doorway. ”No” I answered. ”Turn around, I’m changing” ”I’ve seen it befo-” Ashton began. ”I was drunk and you took advantage” I interrupted ”I didn’t” ”You undress me” ”You literally begged me” Ashton said with a huge smirk. ”I was drunk!” I defended myself. Ashton laughed at me before he walked out from the bedroom. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, before I changed into my dress and heels. I can’t wear this to work, and my mascara is smudged under my eyes. ”Ashton” I said, as I walked out from his bedroom. ”I’m in the kitchen” I heard him answer. ”Maybe you can drive me home?” I asked. ”Didn’t you say that you needed to go to work?” Ashton said as he turned around. He still just had his boxers on and I tried to keep my eyes in his, instead of his muscular body. ”I can’t go to work like this” I said as I looked down at my wrinkled dress. ”I think you look hot” I rolled my eyes. ”Can you just drive me home?” ”Yeah, give me one minute” Five minutes later we sat in Ashton’s car. He had a black Range Rover. The ride was in silent but I did not mind. I just wanted to get home, change and go to work. Ashton parked the car outside my apartment. ”Thanks for the ride and I’m sorry for last night” ”It’s okay. Everybody breaks down now and then” Ashton said. If it only was now and then... ”See you at the wedding on Saturday then?” ”Yes we do, but please don’t tell anyone about last night” I said. ”I won’t” ”Thanks” I walked out from his car and went up to my apartment. When I came in I saw that I had a new message, from the answering machine. I pressed play. ”Hi Apple, it’s me LeAnne!” I heard LeAnne say with a high, happy voice. ”I was just calling  to remind you of our manicure and pedicure this afternoon. So see you later, and by the way... A bird told me you hooked up with Ashton last night” Piiiip. And the phone called ended. 

So now is Ashton back in the picture ;) I hope you like the chapter and next chapter will be up tomorrow


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