The Ghost (LOT Reader X Leona...

By ComicSatan

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To exist or not to exist, that was a question you had lingering in your head for many years now. Never fittin... More

Autors Note
Star Labs
The Flash
Captain Cold
Is this wat a kidnapping feels like
When the Ghost saves my life
Going bad?
The heist
when things go wrong
My final decision
Different time and place
The stone of Puyupatamarca
The fate of Juan
The big explosion
one last second change
Radiation gave me life
Time and time again
Project Svarog
Saving private Stein
Space pirates
The Wizard and the Ghost

The world going jurassic

431 18 0
By ComicSatan

 Now that I knew Juan was safe and the village was protected, I had no trouble leaving. I could no longer stay in this time, there was so much happening and I needed my rest. The morning after the incident I left, Juan waved goodbye and hoped to see me back again.

For a few months I traveled through different times. I stayed for only one week in each year and tried to stay under the radar as much as possible. Prevented interacted with people and remained out of sight of the cameras if they were there.

At one point I found myself in the year 2002. A simple era. Everything was in development. As always I adapted myself in my environment.

I walked through the streets of Toronto in Canada. It was full on summer and everything was in bloom. Toronto was a beautiful city with a lot of culture. A summer breeze filled the air and everything smelled of flowers.

I soon found a place to stay, an abandoned apartment complex. It was not perfect, but I had to do it for the time being. It smelled stale and everything was frantic because of vandalism.

Wandering through the complex, I went looking for the best room. One that did not smell too much of mold and perhaps of some furniture and a mattress. After an hour of searching, I found a room that was almost completely intact. It was special to find something like that. Despite the fact that the room was in good condition, it did not mean all furniture.

Here and there I had to move furniture to my new residence. At the end of the day it looked decent. I thought about staying for a week because of the room I stayed in.

It was quite difficult to live with the life I had. I had no home or family and no friends. Maybe a few, but I could not be seen with them anymore, they knew too much of who I really was than they should. My second personality was strictly secret for everyone. I could not afford that people would find out what I was. I was not a meta like Barry in 2017 or like the Legends, someone with a talent, I was a freak by nature.

I had visited almost every year and visited each place once, it became a bit lonely. In my life I had already helped so many people and talked to so many people that I would never see again.

During my stay in Toronto I got talking to a man on the street. It was not the intention to keep talking to that man for so long, but somethings just happen that is beyond your controle.

We hit each other in the street and I spilled his coffee, luckily it fell on the street. I apologized and offered him a new cup of coffee. "It was not a problem, but because you offer it." The man said with a wink. Together we walked to a coffee tent and bought him a new coffee. I also took one myself because why not. We started talking about coffee and then the conversation progressed and the names exchanged.

The man I spoke to was Cain. As in Abel and Cain, but without the whole I killed my brother situation, better still, he had nothing like the real Cain, believe me I met him. ''Y/N.'' I honestly admitted and gave him a hand. After our conversation progressed something strange happened. I had seen a lot in my life, things that changed just because I or someone had touched the timeline, but this hit everything.

The whole world around me changed from the then modern life in woods and houses made by wood and sprinkle. Even humanity changed drastically. From expensive suits and designer clothing they walked in animal coats. The appearance and behavior of the people also change. For example, Cain began to behave like an animal with human traits.

My appearance and behavior did not change because in reality I did not exist. As soon as I could, I tried to mix in my environment. The ideal of my gift was that I could not only teleport myself but also my clothes. That way I could easily change into the Ghost and back in myself.

Once I had adjusted myself, I tried to find out what was going on. Where I had just stood were skyscrapers and technology now there is nothing to see and yet I was still in 2002.

The nature around me was in the prime of life, birds singing and the sun that enriched us with its warmth. But there was also something else in the area. Maybe not right next to us but a few kilometers away. The roar of an animal could be heard, it was more scream than roar. It seemed to come from a giant beast.

Walking through what was first a bustling city I searched for answers. I saw not only people but also people hybrids that looked like animals. People with furr, with a tail or other animal aspects. I was shocked by what I saw, this was no longer the world I knew. It was as if I were on a completely different planet.

Despite the fact that the world was now full of afforestations, there were still trails. Paths made of stones others of wood. It was remarkable how the people were developed here. Here and there I saw paces of humanity how I knew it, polite, civilized and social.

I decided to follow one of the paths and hopefully I could find answers, without even knowing if they spoke English and not knowing what to expect from this world. Slowly I stumbled across the path and took up my surroundings in me. Nothing was more the same, I could not figure out how this could happen.

My path led to a village of about ten huts, children ran from hut to hut over the grass and the mothers were sitting in front of their cabin watching their children, the men on the other hand were nowhere to be seen. I mixed in the village and tried to start a conversation with one of the women. "Excuse me, do you speak English?" The woman looked at me, it seemed she didn't understand me. But to my surprise she replied. It was flawed but it sounded somewhat English. ''To talk? Yes me .. you are?" It sounded like she originally spoke a different language, but somewhere it sounded familiar.

Relieved that such English was spoken I tried to ask a few questions. "What year is it?" Perhaps this was too direct. The woman looked at me questioningly. "Where are we?" I tried after that. "Home." It was all she said. Just at the moment I wanted to ask, I felt a low drone shaking through the earth and a roar filling the air. The drone came closer and I saw the woman's face turning white and she searched for her children in fear. "Run." Without giving any further explanation, she looked for her children and hid in her cabin.

The drone was now so close that the pebbles on the ground were shaking. It was difficult to maintain my balance. The roar loomed up from the forest again. I turned around and for the first time in my life I was scared. I had previously thought that I was on another planet, but now I knew for sure, I was in a different era, because I was face to face with a T-Rex.

Frozen in my place I stopped. As much as I wanted to run, I could not put myself there. I stayes as quietly as I could. The T-Rex that stood before me sniffed once and my hair blew in all directions. I didn't think it saw that I was there, which was a good thing, as long as I didn't move. The giant of a beast came a step closer.

Not knowing what happened to me, I was pushed aside before the beast stood upon me with its gigantic legs. From my trans startled I watched the young man lying beside me in the grass. It was none other than Leonard Snart. I couldn't blame them this time that we were working on the same thing because this was something that happened world-wide and in every year. Despite the fact that I came from 2002 and they might be further in the future, all the time somehow became one great timeline.

I looked at where I had stood before and was almost crushed by a T-Rex, the beast had walked on and didn't bother to look at us anymore. "Are you okay?" Said Leonard, who had already got up and offered me a hand. I looked at him and nodded my head. "Yes, think so." was my sincere answer. I put my hand in his and let him help me up. ''You sure, because you were standing there quite a while with that beast.'' He also looked at the T-rex and how he leaned away without looking back.

I looked at him with fear in my eyes. Never before in my life did I feel so scared and hopeless. "No, no, I'm not okay." With trembling hands I wiped my hair from my face. "Hey, hey, it's okay." He tried to reassure me, it worked a bit, but what did you expect from a criminal?

Before I knew it, the other Legends were behind me. "Thanks again, but I have to go." Quickly I looked back and without saying anything I walked away. Hoping they didn't recognize me as myself, Y/N. The less they knew, the less I had to erase from their memories.

After I had walked away, the Legends talked about what had just happened. "Do you see that, there is good you after all, Leonard" Sara joked. "If I hadn't pushed her aside she would be crushed by that beast." He defended himself. ''Relax, it was just a joke.'' Sara laughed at his reaction.

Mick stood next to Leonard and put a hand on his shoulder. "Doesn't she looked familiar?" Leonard looked at him and thought carefully. ''Now that you say so, yes.'' He looked at where I had disappeared. ''But from what?'' With that question nestled in the back of their heads, they walked back to the Waverider.

Now that I knew that the Legends were here to set the timeline right, it was time to visit them as the Ghost. Why wait if we could work together just as well.

Without thinking about it, I transformed into the Ghost and went looking for the Waverider. I had no plan and hoped they had one.

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