Rivalry (KO x Reader x Tko)

By -summertimesun

40.4K 897 1.2K

Now I KNOW it's an obsession because this is the SIXTH one. S I X T H. ~~~ Valentines Day is just around the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Nine

2.1K 55 153
By -summertimesun

Just wear the dress it won't kill you.
Also I can't write dance scenes for the life of me so bare with me here.

Y/n pulled on her dress. She left her hair down and took her glasses off. Thankfully, her mother wasn't home to see that.

She slipped on her white shoes and walked towards the door. As she opened it, she saw Vance waiting outside. He had on a suit to look fancy. After all, they were trying to make KO jealous. It was a dumb idea and even a bit cruel considering who they were making jealous, but Vance wanted to do it. And even though she didn't realize it, Y/n wasn't thinking clearly.

"Ready?" Vance asked. Y/n nodded. He began walking down the sidewalk, Y/n following. As they were walking, Y/n spoke up.

"Do you think we should be doing this? I mean, KO is a really nice kid. I feel bad for trying to make him jealous." She said.

"Was it nice to leave you? No. Was it nice to try and make you like him? No. Will making him jealous be nice? No. Revenge isn't nice. Revenge is evil. But sometimes, it's needed." Vance said. Y/n looked down, thinking. Maybe he was right. Maybe this was needed.

"You know... You're actually kind of nice when we're getting along..." Y/n said. Vance chuckled.

"And you're a lot more evil than I thought." He said.

"I'm not evil. It's just like you said. 'Revenge is evil. But sometimes, it's needed'." Y/n said. Vance rolled his eyes.

"Sure." He said as he laughed a bit.

They soon approached the school. Many cars were parked in front of the building, and children in fancy dresses and suits were all walking inside. Vance linked arms with Y/n and led her inside.

They made their way to the gym, the room the dance was being held in. As they walked in, they heard loud music playing and children's laughter.

The gym was filled with people of many different ages. But mostly kids around Y/n's age.

"So what do we do first?" Y/n asked.

"Look for KO. Hopefully he came." Vance said.

"There's no way KO would miss the dance. He probably came with..." Y/n spotted KO, who was in a suit. He was standing next to his friend. "Dendy..." Y/n felt a burning feeling inside. She felt upset. She didn't know what it was.

"Woah, Y/n, don't get jealous. KO is supposed to do that." Vance said. Y/n sighed.

"Right. Yeah. I wasn't jealous. I'm just nervous." She said. Although, she knew she was jealous.

"Uh huh. Sure. C'mon. First things first. We dance in front of him." Vance said as he led Y/n onto the dance floor.

"Don't you think it'll be a bit awkward since you're a couple years older than me?" Y/n asked.

"No. We just need to make it look like we're close. He'll go crazy over it." Vance said.

"Right..." Y/n said. "At least your short enough to dance with me and not trip." She joked. Vance was, after all, only a couple inches taller than her despite being 13.

"Ugh, whatever." He groaned. Once on the dance floor and was able to be seen by KO, they began dancing to the music.

Vance placed one hand on her shoulder and the other on her side. Y/n placed her hands on his shoulders.

As they danced, Y/n felt eyes burning holes in her back. She heard Vance chuckle.

"Ooh, he looks upset." He said. Y/n's eyes widened.

"He's looking at us?" She asked.

"Yep. He looks like he's gonna blow a fuse." Vance laughed a bit.

"We don't want to make him too angry. Just jealous." Y/n said.

"Oh, he's jealous, all right." Vance said as his grin widened.

As they were dancing, they turned, and Y/n could see him. He had his arms crossed and he was glaring at Vance. He was talking to Dendy, but didn't take his eyes off of Vance.

KO grabbed Dendy's hand and led her onto the dance floor. Y/n gasped.

"KO's gonna dance with Dendy! I think he's trying to make me jealous." She said.

"I expected that. That's okay. I've got a trick I know he won't try to pull off with his little friend." Vance said.

"And what's that--" Y/n was cut off as Vance dipped her. He leaned close, his eyes shut. Y/n's eyes widened. He stopped right in front of her face, but it was close enough to look like they were kissing.

Y/n caught onto what his plan was, and went along with it. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, but made sure not to actually kiss him.

They pulled apart a moment later and Vance pulled Y/n up. They looked over at KO, who was frozen, staring at them, his jaw dropped. He looked shocked to the core. Y/n had never seen him look so surprised.

Y/n grabbed Vance's arm and pulled him off the dance floor, and out of KO's sight.

"I-I think our plan worked a little too well. I've never seen him look this shocked by something." Y/n said.

"Good. That's exactly what I wanted." Vance said. Y/n frowned.

"What? You wanted to make him this upset?" She asked.

"Remember, revenge is evil, but sometimes needed." Vance said.

"Right... What do you think he'll do?" Y/n asked. Vance looked back towards the dance floor.

"He's gonna talk to you." He said.

"How do you know?" Y/n asked.

"Y/N!" A familiar voice shouted.

"I've gotta go. See ya later." Vance said as he waved and walked away. Y/n sighed and turned to see KO walking up to her.

"What was that?!" He exclaimed. "You kissed him?! Why?! He's a bully! He hates you! Why would you two kiss?!"

"KO, calm down." Y/n said. "Why do you care? It's not like we're friends anymore." She said as she crossed her arms.

"I-I know I said that I didn't care if we were friends anymore, but I do! You have no idea how upset I've been since I said that!" KO said.

"How upset you were? Imagine how upset I was! I couldn't stand being in the same room as you because I thought you hated me!" Y/n said.

"I don't hate you! Y/n, I still--" KO was cut off.

"I know, I know. You love me. But..." Y/n trailed off and looked down.

"You're with Vance now even though he's way older than you." KO said, annoyed by that.

"No, I'm not with Vance. That was a trick." Y/n said. KO's eyes widened.

"Y-You mean... You don't like him?" He stuttered.

"Yeah. We were... We were only trying to make you jealous. It was a dumb idea, I know, but--" Y/n was cut off.

"No." KO said. "It wasn't a dumb idea. It did make me jealous. But that means I still like you the same. Even after our argument, I still like you."

KO wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck, holding her close. Even though she knew what was next, she didn't stop him. She may not have liked him as much as he did her, but she didn't want to stop him.

Y/n placed her hands on his sides. KO leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her. Y/n felt his hands run through her hair. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him close.

A few seconds later, KO pulled away, making the kiss short. He looked into her eyes.

"I really do love you..." He mumbled, getting lost in her eyes. Y/n sighed and smiled a bit.

"Maybe I do have a small crush on you still... Maybe enough to date you..." She said. KO smiled widely.

"Does this mean you'll finally be my girlfriend?!" He asked excitedly.

"I don't know yet. I said maybe, silly." She said. "I'll think about it."

"Well... For now, do you wanna dance?" KO said as he held his hand out for her. She smiled and took it.

"Sure." She answered. KO smiled and led her onto the dance floor.

Y/n wasn't expecting the dance to end like this. But she wasn't complaining. She liked this ending much better...

Okay, I've got a question.
Would you call me a:
Great writer
Good writer
Okay writer
Or bad writer?

I would say I'm an okay writer. But I want to know what you think. Please tell me, I'm really curious.

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