24 Days of Baekhyun - Chanbae...

By pcynkjw

167K 7.4K 5.6K

Where Baekhyun and Chanyeol were forced to live in the same house for Christmas. highest rankings 🌸 #1 - bae... More

December 1st
December 2nd
December 3rd
December 4th
December 5th
December 6th
December 7th
December 8th
December 9th
December 10th
December 11th
December 12th
December 13th
December 14th
December 15th
December 17th
December 18th
December 19th
December 20th
December 21st
December 22nd
December 23rd
December 24th
December 25th

December 16th

5.8K 265 334
By pcynkjw

Baekhyun woke up to warmth. He opens his eyes to meet up with Chanyeol's bare chest as his head was rested on in as the younger held Baekhyun close. Baekhyun looks up to see a pair of sleepy eyes looking back down at him. Admiring him.

"Did you know that you look so beautiful when you sleep?" Chanyeol compliments and Baekhyun couldn't help but blush. "I think we should get up now, Baek. It's a quarter to noon and we didn't wash up last night." he points out. Baekhyun noticed that they didn't have any clothes on, his whole face going red. "Go take a shower, Baek." Chanyeol speaks, feeling the vibrations on the bare chest that makes Baekhyun want to shiver.

Softly nodding, Baekhyun gets up and heads to Chanyeol's bathroom to take a clean shower. Chanyeol didn't hesitate to check out Baekhyun's smooth and round ass while he walked.

When both persons were clean, they exited Chanyeol's room to be greated with yelling by Sehun and Jongdae playing another set of Mario Kart. Glancing a bit further, Baekhyun could see Junmyeon on the kitchen table, looking down as ever. It tore Baekhyun's heart to see him upset. He walked over to the older with a frown on his face. "Junmyeon..." Baekhyun slowly says, "You lied to me, Baekhyun." he mutters, stepping outside in the cold, "You said that you'll forget about him. You said that you hate him." Baekhyun follows, "I do hate him—"

"No you don't, Byun! Clearly, I saw you enter his room and leave the next morning," he furrows his eyebrows

"Do you still like Chanyeol?"

"W-What?" Baekhyun didn't know what to do.

"Answer me, Baekhyun! Just answer me and this will all be over. Junmyeon breathes and repeats his question. "Do you still like Park Chanyeol."

Baekhyun sighs, "Yes."

Junmyeon's face hardens, "So be it, slut." he spits before turning around and running to his car before driving off to god knows where. "I'm sorry." Baekhyun breaks down into silence as he runs inside and enters his room before the tears in his eyes couldn't hold no more. Baekhyun sobs in silence.

"I'm hungry." Jongin pats his belly as he makes aegyo to Kyungsoo, "Kyungsoo~ Jongin is hungry," he pouts as he talks in third-person, "Alright, what do you want to eat?" The older asks, watching as the sky dims down. "Mmmm... What about you?" he whispers, but unfortunately, Jongin whispers loud. "Hey, you guys can frickle-frackle outside, I don't want anything lewd in here!" Chanyeol bursts as Kyungsoo blushes red.

How hypocritical, Jongdae thinks in his head, thinking about what happened made him lose to Sehun, "Ha!" he exclaims as the screen displaces a first place and second place. "Ah, damn you!" Jongdae tosses the controller beside him.

Jongdae found out last night on what they were doing. It was around a quarter past eleven in the evening when he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, then he heard weird sounds. He followed where the noise was coming from and gasped when it led to Chanyeol's room.

"You like it how I finger-fuck you until you want more and moan my name, hmm?" he hears a muffled deep voice spoke inside the room as it followed with a loud lewd moan.

"Holy shit." Jongdae whispers to himself as he continue to hear countless moans inside the room, "Is that Chanyeol and Baekhyun?" he covers his mouth before shuffling back upstairs and into his room.

"Minseok! Baby, wake up!" Jongdae exclaims as he jumps on the bed and shakes the older awake. "Hmm? What is it?"  Minseok mumbles; eyes still closed as he's regaining his concious from his slumber. "Chanyeol and Baekhyun are fucking!" Minseok hums, "Hmm?" the younger grunts and repeats his sentence, "Chanyeol. And. Baekhyun. Are. F-U-C-K-ing!" he says slowly as it took Minseok the time to process what his boyfriend was saying.

"F-U-C..." Then it hit him, "Chanyeol and Baekhyun are fucking?!?" Minseok quickly sits up, almost yelling as Jongdae shuts him up by putting a hand over his mouth. "Can't you hear them?" Jongdae whispers before they both stay silent.

Seconds later... "Oh~" A barely audible moan could be heard from the room below theirs as they hear more moans come forth. "Oh my gosh!" Minseok covers his mouth in shock. "Oh I'm so gonna get Baekhyun in the morning tomorrow." Jongdae smirks before Minseok asks to go back to sleep.

It was now half-past eight in the evening and something felt off. Chanyeol noticed that Baekhyun ran into his room around noon and he still hasn't came out since. He scans the room to see that Junmyeon wasn't present either. He stands up.

"Hey, where's Baekhyun Hyung?" Sehun asks. "And Junmyeon Hyung?"

"I saw Baekhyun go into his room, but I don't know where Junmyeon went." Minseok points out. "Something doesn't feel right." Chanyeol mumbles to himself, but everyone else has heard as they saw the tallest person rush into Baekhyun's room.

"Baekhyun! Are you in there?" Chanyeol knocks on the door, but there was no reply. "Baekhyun!" he continues to beat the door, causing a huge commotion that everyone followed up. "What's going on?" Kyungsoo worryingly questions as the door doesn't budge open. Chanyeol then pushes himself through and grabs his coat before going outside to start his car; driving off immediately to find that bastard. He follows the tire tracks that follow up the hill where he eventually finds an unoccupied vehicle and a shack.

"Kim Junmyeon!" Chanyeol yells out from his lungs, anger rushing through his blood stream as he searched. He busts down the door as there was nobody inside. Chanyeol looks to the ground and barely sees a trail of foot prints that was getting covered up in snow. He seitches in his flashlight and follows it.

After following the foot prints, it had lead Chanyeol to a flat plains covered in a blanket of snow. And there he was, the small fingers in the distance as it began to snow heavy. "Kim Junmyeon!" Chanyeol roars has his voice echos once more. The figure stops and turns around; Chanyeol moves quick on his feet.

"What the hell did you do to Baekhyun!" he shouts, stomping closer to the older. Junmyeon didn't speak, instead he turns around and keeps on walking. "Junmyeon!" he yells once more as the other turns around and throws a blow on the younger's cheek. "This is all your fault, you know that?!" Junmyeon yells, watching as the taller to the ground. Chanyeol didn't know Junmyeon was that strong. He crawls, grabbing one of the older's legs, "F-Fuck you!" he mutters, bringing himself up and returning the punch on Junmyeon.

The two punches continue, until Chanyeol notices that there were tears that were streaming down the older's face. "You're such a player, Park Chanyeol." he hiccups, "You left me. You betrayed me." He grabs Chanyeol shoulder and raises his fist, "What the hell did I do?!"

"What the hell did you do?! Do you not fucking remember?!" Junmyeon shouts, his eyes growing big as his rage grows, "You said to me that you'll forget Baekhyun by your mistake. You initially went to Wendy to forget your feelings. You told me to leave you alone, said that I can have Baekhyun... so I did. I grew feelings for him, Chanyeol. Couldn't you see that? But you did see it. You knew that I liked Baekhyun since the beginning and you just played with his feelings and threw it away. You ruined my fucking chance after you broke him!" he yells.

"He has hated you for three years and I tried to fix on what you broke! He has cried and cried, always thinking about you. Only you. I wanted to start something new with him, but then I found out that he's fucking living with the bastard that broke his god damn heart." Junmyeon stakes a breath, "You can have that slut, he's not worth my time." he spits. Hearing anyone calling Baekhyun rude names made Chanyeol's blood boil even more. He knocked over Junmyeon and beat him to the ground, "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare. Call. Baekhyun. A. Slut!" Chanyeol screamed with each punch.

After a short minute, the two grew tired and lied down on the cold ground, watching was the snow continues to fall. "What happened to us, Chanyeol.." Junmyeon sighs, "You said to keep our relationship together strong, but it faded away.

"Maybe that's what happens when a break-up happens.." Chanyeol replies. "This is what happens what I tried to go out with Baekhyun back then. I was afraid of losing my friendship with him, just like I did with you." Chanyeol sniffled. "But we still had a friendship after we broke up," Junmyeon stares at the stars, "It wasn't healthy, though."


"Junmyeon, I'm sorry for what I did back then." Chanyeol frowns, "I was just getting too focused on Baekhyun that I didn't care that you liked him also."

"Can we still be friends?"

"Sure, Chanyeol. I still loved you after our break-up, you know that, right?"


9 Days until Christmas...

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