Alive [Lirry]

By lilacdreams-

367K 15.8K 3.4K

❝Don't look back, live your life. Even it's only for tonight.❞ Harry Styles -- famous model and troublemaker... More

The Opposites series.
stay strong, guys ❤ (imp, pls read)


11.2K 569 105
By lilacdreams-

Today was Harry's first photoshoot and interview in London, which was with London's Seventeen magazine.

They were all now at Seventeen's studio where the photoshoot was to take place, and to say that the car ride en route had been a tad awkward was an understatement.

Harry was still not acknowledging Liam more than work deemed necessary, just the way Liam had initially requested of course, and because Liam had been right all along.

And also, because Harry wasn't himself lately. He wasn't A-list famous, but still, Harry had a decent fan following that was growing with time. Sure, Harry had faced his share of hate that comes from being famous, but this time, it was too much.

Harry was hated because of his bisexual playboy image, which was of course not true. Harry respected women, he could never use them. His mother had raised Harry and his brother as gentlemen.

After Hilary had dated Harry two years ago and then brutally dumped him, the tabloids had viewed Hilary as the victim, and somehow pinned Harry as cheating on Hilary, using his picture with one of his fans to frame him.

Hilary had of course been behind this, and Harry couldn't understand why she had hated him so much. Why, when Harry had given so much to her, she had just crumpled his heart, turned the media against him and made Harry accept a false image of himself.

He despised the bitch so much.

And it was not even Harry's fault this time. Hilary the Bitch had seen Harry at the party that day, and had suddenly plotted the devious plan in her head on the spot. Or who knows, maybe she was planning it all along.

Hilary just wanted to make a fool of Harry just like she did all those years ago, she loved it.

And now Harry had fallen into her impromptu trap yet again, and he hated himself for being so stupid.


On the way, Jackie had explained everything to Harry, about his photoshoot and his interview. The photoshoot was a fun summer one, and the interview, a light, need-to-know facts one. And Harry had to do the photoshoot with a model.


Liam observed Harry behind the camera as he stood in the sidelines. Harry looked visibly drained, Liam could tell, and he felt guilty. It was partly his fault.

Harry was getting social hate, something that he was most vulberable to, and he had decided to confide in Liam. And then Liam had to act all professional, not even realising he hurt Harry even more.

And now, Liam understood Harry's reasons for his behaviour towards Liam. Harry had every right to ignore him.

And Harry had chosen the best way to do so, by doing exactly what Liam wanted. Act professional.

Even if Harry looked drained right now, his still showed that fluid grace, that natural ease behind the lens that Liam couldn't move his eyes away from.

"Eh? Told you he's a natural," Jackie teased, and Liam allowed a small smile.

"He's good," he nodded. Liam still had to stay here with Harry because when he went back, there were fans at the studio and so Liam needed to protect him. It was astonishing how rapidly Harry's fanbase was growing.

Jackie then turned serious. "What is going on with you and Harry?" she asked bluntly.

Liam frowned, slipping his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. "What do you mean?"

"Why is Harry suddenly behaving so well around you? Just a dew days ago, I had to literally rein him in from smacking your bum!"

Liam chuckled at that. "Guess the recent events changed him," Liam said evasively, making Jackie frown in thought.

"Okay, Harry! Good! Amazing! Tip your hat a little and-- gorgeous!" The photographer-- Mark-- complimented, snapping a dozen more pictures of a semi-shirtless Harry, who was posing on a beach set complete with fake sand and a simulating fan.

"And that's enough solo shots!" Mark declared, and Harry stepped down from the set, smiling at the makeup lady who touched up his makeup.

"Now we'll continue with the model!" Mark declared. "When is Hilary Mackenzie going to get here?!" he bellowed, slicking his long hair back with his fingers as he fiddled with his camera.

Harry froze. "What the hell? Why will she be here?" he spat.

Mark stared at Harry weirdly. "She is going to be your partner for this summer shoot," Mark rolled his eyes as he walked away, ordering the set to be re-arranged.

Jackie walked up to Harry, who was glaring at the ground. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, because I knew you wouldn't even come for the interview then! But hear me out. This is only so the hate would end!" Jackie clarified, as Harry narrowed his eyes at her.

"How the hell would posing for a few pictured with that bitch fix this mess?" Harry spat.

"Look, Harry. Me being your publicist, and Hilary's publicist team discussed this. This photoshoot is going to be the mending bridge. A fun summer photoshoot will show that you're friends again. In the interview, you will clear up everything as say it was a misunderstanding, and that you and Hilary are friends. You--"

"I will not work with her and that's final," Harry said lowly, and Jackie sighed.

"It's for your career, Harry. You can't keep old grudges. Just put this aside for--"

"Jackie, I know I don't have a say in this, but I think this is a bit too much," Liam said, his eyes fixed on Harry. "That girl has used Harry and humiliated him, he will fix it on his own. This photoshoot is going to mess things up more. I don't think he's ready for this," Liam said softly. He expected Harry to scoff at his words, but Harry's lips twitched into a small smile and he nodded at Liam.

"Think about it Harry. You still have time before Hilary arrives," Jackies interjected softly. "I'm saying this for your own good. We have a good chance this will clear up the media feud."

"I'm not ever going to be friends with her so I won't lie. My mother taught me to respect women, but Hilary doesn't deserve it," Harry sneered. "So no. I don't want to do anything with that bitch," Harry spat lowly, fixing his glare on Jackie.

"I don't care if this affects my career, but I will not work with her, never!" he growled, his hands trembling with rage as he fisted them at his sides.

Jackie visibly stepped back at the ferocity in Harry's voice. She had never seen Harry this livid. Harry hardly ever got angry, and when he did, it was scary.

Jackie bit her lower lip, sighing. "That's alright Harry, I won't force you. You can just do the interview right now, and I'll talk to them about giving you a separate shoot."

Harry scoffed. "Good luck with that. I... I need some fresh air," he said as he glanced at Jackie and then at a surprised Liam, as he walked out of the studio and towards the parking lot, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Why couldn't he just get Hilary out of his life for good?


aghh the bish! poor haz :(

but he's warming up to liam again

la la la lirry smut la la la

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