The Right Way Around: Book One

By Jinchuu-kun

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[Highest Ranking #44 in Naruto] Naruto has been kidnapped by Madara and held hostage after years of battle. N... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter 41

Chapter Thirty-two

414 22 18
By Jinchuu-kun

A/N: I GOT A 90/100 ON MY PSYCHOLOGY EXAM!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT I AM SO RELIEVED!!! AND I TURNED IN MY 150 POINT PROJECT!!! Now I just need my final grades for the semester. Jashin help me. @_@;

I think my chapter a day streak is coming back. The stress of school is disappearing, so my time and ability to write is returning back to 100%! REJOICE READERS! XD <3

Though I am considering working on a book I wanna publish on Amazon after I finish the first book for The Right Way Around. Like, take a very tiny break between this book and the three years of training book. I need to make some money. x-x My broke ass has nothing. Literally, I'm unemployed and living off financial aid. LOL I hope you guys won't hate me if I do that... Though maybe I can write both at the same time!? I wonder if anyone will even by my stuff on Amazon once I start putting up my sellable stuff... Welp, now I'm depressing myself. @_@

(Pic isn't mine, as usual. No idea whose it is. Love it. Worship it. Artist's sig on pic.)



Naruto rolled onto his side, nuzzling something soft that was touching his head, playing with his hair. "Mmm.." He smacked his lips a little and curled closer to the warmth he felt near him.

There was a soft laugh, "Adorable..." The voice that followed the soft laugh was just as soft and sweet, even slightly feminine. It sounded vaguely familiar.

HOLD UP! Someone was touching him! Naruto blinked his eyes open and came face to face with someone's lap. "Uhh..." Slowly he turned his head and looked up into the sweet face he'd been desperately filled with anxiety over saving. "Haku..." He whispered. This was new. This never happened. He never woke up with his head nestled in Haku's lap while the beautiful boy played with his hair or caressed his head.

Haku blinked a little, shocked to hear his name from the handsome boy he saw acting so brave and smug with Zabuza-sama. " know my name...?" He said softly, his surprise in his voice.

A dry, thick swallow forced it's why down Naruto's throat as he nodded slowly. When had he wrapped his arms around one of Haku's legs, using it like a teddy bear? He blushed a little and cleared his throat. "A-ah.. uhm.. We-well..." Haku laughed quietly again, behind his free hand. The sound and shy behavior making Naruto blush more. Haku was adorably sweet.

"I didn't think you could be made uncomfortable or stumble over your words, ninja-kun. You were so cool before." Haku smiled sweetly, though his amusement was evident.

Why hadn't he moved yet? Shouldn't he move? Wasn't this uncomfortable for the young assassin? Naruto licked his lips and chuckled. "I didn't think you'd out yourself so easily." This time Haku blushed and realized his mistake. Naruto could feel the other boy's body tense, bracing for a fight. "Hey... I don't want to fight. Not even a little." He shifted to get up and was stopped by Haku's slender, gentle hands firmly keeping him in a lounging position. "Eh?"

"You're very different from the other boy. He acts cool, but he's always tense. And he's always watching you, your every movement. He reminds me of a wildcat watching its prey." Haku's fingers traced along Naruto's forehead before following the ridges of a braid. "But you... You're very cool. So calm, collected. Zabuza didn't scare you at all. Everyone else was terrified, including your sensei. But you and Shi no seemed more bored than anything."

Naruto grinned, shrugging a little. "It's cause he doesn't scare me or Shi no Kitsune. We're not easily frightened. I've seen far worse things and experienced far worse than Zabuza Momochi could ever cause." Naruto glanced away, clearing his throat. But Haku didn't miss the haunted, dark, abyssal expression that flashed across his features.

"For some reason... I believe you." Haku whispered, his fingers tracing the slight frown creasing Naruto's forehead then moved down to trace the frown tugging at his slightly pink, kissable lips.

"A-ah..." Naruto fidgeted nervously. "" He rubbed his lips together, feeling like Haku was exploring him, his face. Like Haku was analyzing him in a way that no assassin or shinobi analyzes a person. It felt like he was being...checked out. So he went to move again. The last thing he wanted was for Sasuke to see this. But once again, Haku pressed him back down.

"You're very handsome for a twelve-year-old..." Haku murmured, the pads of his fingers dusting over Naruto's lips.

Welp! This needed to end. Naruto quickly moved away, clearing his throat. "And you're very pretty and young looking for a fifteen-year-old boy..." He turned to look at Haku and sucked in a breath when the older boy's face was mere inches from mine.

"You think I'm pretty?" Haku's voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. Dark brown eyes staring into endless blue.

Naruto's eyes widened and he nodded slowly. "Yeah... prettier than anyone I've met..." He swallowed thickly again.

"You know I'm a criminal right?" Haku tilted his head, his eyes shifting to linger on Naruto's lips again.

"H-ha... Yeah, I know you're a missing-nin. But a criminal? Nah... that's not you. Not even close." Naruto looked back at Haku, not putting space between them. Though he knew he should. He didn't want to. "I bet, if you had a choice, you wouldn't kill or hurt anyone."

Haku's eyes widened. "Why would you say that?"

"Because if you were fine with your current existence, you wouldn't have let me live." Naruto tilted his head, lifting a brow. "You can feel it, right? That I'm not all human." Haku nodded slightly. "And you saw I wasn't afraid of your master. Which means?"

"You could probably fight him alone and survive." He hesitated and then looked down. "Probably win."

Naruto grinned his trademark grin. "Better believe it." Haku's cheeks flushed pink and he quickly kissed Naruto on the mouth. The kiss lasting barely a second or two.

Naruto's lips parted slightly in shock, large blue eyes staring at the pretty boy. Then his brow drew together in thought and he touched his lips. Why had that felt familiar? "Haku... did you..." He looked up when he heard the older boy laugh softly. He really liked his laugh.

"You were deep asleep... How could you remember that...?" Haku blushed further, shaking his head a little.

"I thought I'd been dreaming..." Naruto smiled and pushed himself to his feet, holding out a hand to help Haku up. "Trust me... you don't want to get attached or involved with me. I'll just ruin your life." He took the soft, uncalloused hand in his and helped him up. "But... I do have an offer for you and Momo-chan."

Haku blinked with a slight tilt of his head. "You're twelve... How bad can you be?" He snickered as he was helped to his feet, dusting off his kimono and grabbing up his basket of herbs. "An offer?" He grinned. "If Zabuza-sama heard you call him that again..." He giggled quietly.

"Oh, he's gonna hear it again, soon as we get back to your little cottage." Naruto took the herb basket from Haku. "I'll carry it. Besides, you won't need it for him. I can help."

"You're just full of surprises..." Haku took Naruto's free hand, lacing their fingers together as he started walking.

Naruto stumbled forward when Haku tugged him. "Uhh why are you holding my hand?" He caught up next to Haku and looked at him. Damn... he forgot how short he was. Haku was slightly taller. That wasn't ego-crushing at all.

Haku smiled. "Because I want to. And you don't know where we're staying."

"Yeah but we don't need to hold hands for that." Naruto glanced at their hands.

"Okay, then it's just because I want to." Haku smiled sneakily, hugging Naruto's arm a little.

Naruto blushed, clearing his throat. This guy was three years older than his current body. Sure Naruto had changed his look drastically, making him not appear as young as he was. But still... Did Haku really think he was that handsome?

Either way, he gave up getting his hand back and they walked in comfortable silence, hand in hand. They actually looked like a rather cute couple. Even if Haku was taller. Naruto just looked like the punk younger boyfriend who was likely gonna grow up to be a stud.


Kurama stood beside Kakashi's bed. Feet shoulder width apart, hands on his hips. He was watching the Copynin sleep and Kurama had one hell of a grumpy expression. He looked like he wanted to punch Kakashi in the dick. And yet...he kind of also looked like he wanted to ride the jōnin like it was the last time either of them would ever have sex again.

To say he looked conflicted was a massive understatement. And Madara was watching this, arms crossed over his chest. He had taken over Sasuke's body the night prior after the little asshole had punched HIS blond boy in the fucking mouth. It was an understatement to say that Madara was not pleased.

And now he had this problem. Kurama was fighting his control. He hadn't been before that fucking mockery of a Sharingan user did whatever he had done. He still didn't know what the bastard had done to Kurama and it irked the fuck out of him. Obviously, something happened between the two ninja the day before. But no one had a fucking clue what it had been.

"If you're gonna kill him ya might wanna hurry up," Madara spoke quietly, joining Kurama at the side of Kakashi's bed.

Kurama gasped slightly, shocked he hadn't heard or felt Sasuke come into the room. He quickly tugged up his face mask. "Don't be ridiculous... I'm not gonna kill him."

"Why not?" Madara asked the question completely void of emotion. "It's obvious he did something to you to make you look like you wanna dick punch him."

Kurama snorted a little laugh, shaking his head. "Yeah..he most definitely did something..." Kurama's voice sounded distant like he was lost in the memory of what had happened.

That just wouldn't do. Madara had to break whatever spell this Copynin pulled. "What exactly did he do anyway?"

"It's nothing for you to worry about..." He sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I probably shouldn't be obsessing over it anyways... It was...a non-event." Kurama looked away from Kakashi.

"Mhm...such a non-event that you're obsessing over it." Madara quirked a brow at the redhead.

"Heh...caught me..." Kurama sighed, stepping back. "He kissed me." Wow, he hadn't even told Naruto that. Why the fuck was he telling Sasuke? He turned away, heading for the bedroom door.

Madara felt a massive eruption of anger flood him. Now he wanted to murder the fucking bastard. Or castrate him. "Is that all he did?" It was bitten out through clenched teeth, his fingers digging into his arms that were folded over his chest, trying to control the rage.

Kurama blinked and turned some to look at Sasuke. "Eh? ...yeah..." Why did the little Uchiha seem so upset? "It's really not a big deal... I shouldn't be letting it get to me like this."

"Then why are you?" Madara lifted his head and looked at Kurama point blank.

"Ah..." Kurama stiffened under that stare. He felt like he was suddenly defending himself to his lover that he hadn't cheated. "Because no one's ever kissed me quite like THAT before..."

"Like what?" Madara narrowed his eyes, turning to face the kitsune head on.

"I... I'm not sure how to explain it?" Kurama knit his brow, taking a step back.

Madara felt himself twitch in annoyance and frustration. "Come on... Try to explain it to me outside." He walked up to Kurama, grabbing the other man's hand and pulling him from the room, heading for the front door.

"Sasuke? Hey... kiddo, it's fine. I don't need to talk" Kurama looked around as he realized they were outside, alone.

"Don't call me kiddo." Madara turned and pressed his right hand to Kurama's chest, his palm right over the thudding organ beating against Kurama's breastbone. "Explain the kiss and I'll tell you what it means."

Kurama stiffened when he felt the hot hand pressed to his chest. "Wh-what's with the hand?" He pointed to the hand pressed over his heart.

"Just trust me, yeah?" Madara smiled gently up at Kurama.

"I do..." Kurama whispered. "I just..." He blinked a couple times from being anxious and rubbed his lips before licking them. Taking a deep breath he sighed out, closing his eyes. "So... yesterday... before you went and talked to Kakashi... We were... well... I was..." Kurama sighed heavily, rubbing a hand over his masked face.

Madara lifted a brow. "Look... I know I look young and I'm like... twelve or whatever. But I've had sex. I kiss Naruto all the time. We've made out. We've done heavy petting, and more. So a kiss isn't going to make me blush." He smirked.

"Wow...WOW!" Kurama blinked before pressing his fingers to his temples, then smoothing them through his hair. "Okay... processing that." He shook his head. "I got him some food to eat... and told him he didn't get any unless I fed him. Which meant he had to remove the mask." Madara looked up at him in surprise. "I get sassy..." Kurama shrugged as if that was a perfectly reasonable excuse. Madara held back the urge to slap the shit out of Kurama. "Well, I got him to let me pull his mask down... And...he...he kissed me."

Madara clenched his jaw tightly when he felt Kurama's heart jump and start beating against his hand like a hummingbird. "What was so special about it?"

Kurama looked down. "He was soft and gentle. It was... it was a firm kiss... Deep..for sure. felt like he was cherishing me in the kiss." He swallowed thickly, his breath hitching and picking up.

"I see." Madara closed his eyes, feeling the thumping against his palm, he didn't even have to press firmly to feel it. Kurama's heart was racing in his chest and Madara settled on the firm decision that he was going to fucking gut Kakashi like a damn fish. He pulled his hand away. "From your heartbeat, I'd say you really liked it. Really like him."

"E-eh!? No... no... you're wrong. I don't like Kakashi." Kurama made a face, shaking his head and backing away. "I've just never been kissed like that before. That's all. It was an exciting, amazing new experience that meant nothing." Why was he defending himself again? And why was he defending himself with Sasuke like the damned brat was his boyfriend?

"Mhm..." Madara looked at him. Fuck he wanted to knock the redhead out and walk off with him. Licking his lips he forced himself to calm down. He didn't need to fucking fly off the handle at that moment. Dominating Kurama could happen later, back in Konoha.

Madara had to keep reminding himself that he had the mind control. But that was fucking shaky at best because he didn't have his own body and he wasn't in control 100% of the time. His left hand lifted to rub at his forehead slightly, scratching it some to make the motion casual. And for the mind control to be completely effective both Naruto and Kurama had to be within chakra sensing range. Speaking of which...why couldn't he sense Naruto anymore? FUCK!

Popping his neck he let out a breath. "Maybe you should just put some space between you and Kakashi-sensei... kinda...distance yourself from romantic intimacy for a while? Cause... you're struggling. Anyone could see that. And can you really juggle three separate men who potentially want you all to themselves and don't want to share?"

Kurama blinked, staring at this kid who shouldn't be able to give this kind of adult advice. "Ehm..." He swallowed and looked down. "You might be right. I think I just..." He licked his lips and looked away. "I can't though... I either live with Tenzō or Genma on any given week because Shi no Kage headquarters isn't finished yet. I'd be homeless..."

This was perfect! He shoved Sasuke next to him, but just behind his control that Sasuke could observe, see what was happening and help further Madara's plans. "I have an entire compound to myself..." He offered quietly. "Ever since everything last summer... I... don't really want to be there alone anymore." He fidgeted, trying to further the innocent Sasuke image. "You could take whatever house you want... if... if you wouldn't be comfortable living in the Main Clan House with me..."

"Sasuke..." Kurama stared at the young boy in front of him. Seeing the innocent, yet to be the truly twisted kid that Sasuke had been before everything went to shit. Sasuke was just a little kid. A severely isolated, completely alone, without a family kid. This time around...Sasuke was Naruto. No one had even bothered to adopt him. No one had offered to take him in. Naruto did what he could. But even with Naruto being adopted by Kakashi, no one did a fucking thing for Sasuke Uchiha. "Yes." He responded instantly. "I'd be honored to live in your house with you." He leaned down, kissing Sasuke's hitai-ate since it blocked his forehead and through his face mask.

Madara stared up at Kurama in shock. That was way easier than he thought. But then he realized Sasuke was crying and touched his cheek, looking at the damp fingers. Yeah okay, he couldn't deal with this bullshit. He handed control over to Sasuke and the boy lurched forward, slamming into Kurama and hugging him tightly with a quiet sob. Kurama gasped at the sudden affection and kneeled down slightly so he was eye-level with the boy.

He wrapped the kid in his arms, resting his head over Sasuke's and closing his eyes. "It's okay... you don't have to be alone anymore." He winced when he heard Sasuke sob into his chest loudly, clinging to him tighter. Kurama's heart broke and he tightened his arms around the boy. This poor kid. Maybe his relationship with Naruto would be okay if someone just...was there for him, nurtured him, took care of him as he so desperately needed.

"Thank you..." Sasuke whispered between hiccuped sobs.

Kurama closed his eyes, smiling a little. "It's my pleasure."


"For fuck's sake would you slow the hell down!?" Hidan winced, limping after Kakuzu. "Or fucking carry me ya piece of shit!"

Kakuzu chuckled, slowing down to a stop so the younger immortal could catch up. "What's wrong? Haven't you healed by now?"

"Seriously? You just fucked me again not even thirty minutes ago. BEHIND A FUCKING BUSH ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!" Hidan glared up at Kakuzu. "My ass fucking hurts, okay? You've been pounding it off and on for HOURS. I'm surprised it's not just permanently gaping and I'm not just shitting myself as we walk."

Yeah, there was no way Kakuzu could hold in the absolutely amused laughter that bubbled out of him. Hidan glared at him. "I'm gonna cut your dick off. Let's see if you can stitch THAT back on."

"Oh don't be like that!" Kakuzu wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling the grey-haired, twisted beauty to him. "You heal so perfectly. You're a virgin every time we fuck." He shuddered slightly, pulling his mask down to kiss Hidan deeply. "Mm.. your body is amazing and I can't get enough of it."

Hidan grumbled into the kiss, biting Kakuzu's bottom lip when he drew back. Not hard, like he had the previous night. "I hate you."

He smirked. "Trying saying that when you're gagging on my cock again."

With a groan, Hidan closed his eyes, tossing his head back. "For the love of Jashin!" He slumped forward, stomping off towards the docks. "You wouldn't fucking cum! My jaw fucking dislocated at one point. Careless, violent fucker."

"Says the immortal boy who literally runs into every battle without a single worry about losing a limb. What happens when someone slices your head from your shoulders?" Kakuzu lifted a brow.

"Uhhh that would NEVER happen. I'm too fucking good for that to happen. And if it DID, YOU would fucking stitch it the fuck back on! GOT IT!?" Hidan growled, pointing an accusing finger at Kakuzu.

Kakuzu tilted his head, walking up to Hidan and caressing his neck. "Hm..."

"...why do I get the feeling you're thinking about facefucking me when my head isn't attached to my body?" Purple eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Haven't a clue what you're talking about. You have a wild imagination." Kakuzu smirked, tugging his face mask back up as he continued on.

"MOTHER FUCKER! You're sicker than I am!" Hidan sulked as he followed his newly acquired boyfriend and lover. "Where are we headed anyways? You haven't told me who the bounty is on." He was tossed Kakuzu's bing book and blinked. He saw a little red tag sticking out between two pages and flipped it open. He lifted a brow. "Which one? Shi no Kitsune or Sharingan no Kakashi? And why the hell would they be off-shore outside of Hi no Kuni?"

Kakuzu turned to look at Hidan, walking backward. "Both. They're traveling together at the moment. Some escort mission from Konoha. I believe my source said they were escorting a bridge builder who needed protection from some gang boss named Gato...Geto...whatever. Shi no Kitsune is worth six million ryo alive, four million dead. Kakashi's worth four million alive, two million dead." He turned back around.

"Holy fuck..." Hidan looked over the information and data. " says Shi no Kage is a Jinchūriki... What the fuck!? The fucker can do bijūdama! HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO CAPTURE THAT!? Since I'm assuming you want the highest reward."

"I have some ideas. Kakashi is a sensei now, so he's got his genin team with them."

"This is insane..." Hidan shook his head, catching up with Kakuzu again. "You can actually die if they get all your hearts. They'll have to chop my ass up or leave with my head to end me. Even then I gotta starve first."

Kakuzu lifted a brow and glanced at his small lover. "You don't die if your heart gets removed? Starvation is the only way?"

"Jealous?" Hidan grinned wide. "FUCK!" He cried out in pain when Kakuzu smacked his still very sore ass. "Asshole!"

"Just get on the damned boat," Kakuzu grumbled. Secretly he was happy that it took starving Hidan to kill him. Nothing short of that would do it. And yes, a part of him was a bit jealous. But he was thrilled his boy was so resilient.


Naruto stared at Zabuza as the large man rested in his bed, snoring softly. "He's kinda...attractive." He tilted his head. He couldn't appreciate the missing-nin's looks in the previous timeline because he was a kid who really hadn't discovered his sexuality yet. But now? Zabuza was HOT. Even with the shark teeth. Actually, he was hotter with the teeth. He definitely looked better than Kisame.

"Think so?" Haku murmured, seeming a bit disappointed that Naruto found Zabuza-sama attractive.

"Yeah." He shrugged. "But I have a boyfriend. Soooo," He held up his hands. "What can ya do?" Snickering he moved closer to Zabuza, raising his hand before smacking the assassin of the mist right in the forehead. He immediately shunshinned to the front porch, peering in through the open door.

Haku lept to the side and out of Zabuza's warpath, pointing at Naruto when Zabuza looked around for the idiot who smacked him.

"You," Zabuza growled, reaching for his sword even though he could barely move.

"Me!" Naruto chirped happily, hopping up to Zabuza. "Hi, Momo-chan."

"Haku, why is he here?" Sneering, the assassin looked down at Naruto.

"I'm here to help you guys. And heal you." He poked the very defined, muscled, firm chest. Mhm...he had a thing for men built like Zabuza. Something about all that raw strength, rippling pectorals...

"Are you...staring at my stomach and...dick?" Zabuza gawked at the boy in front of him.

"EHH!?! No!" Naruto blushed furiously and cleared his throat. "Fuck no." Oh most definitely. "I have a boyfriend!"

Zabuza smirked. "Then he isn't doing it for ya, kid. Not if you're checking me out."

"U-uh..." He cleared his throat again and pulled his face mask back up before holding out a bare forearm. "Bite it. Hard enough to draw blood."

"Why?" Zabuza eyed the arm cautiously.

"Seriously? Just fucking do it. What am I gonna do? Poison ya with my arm? Don't be stupid." Sighing Naruto wiggled his arm in front of the man. Shrugging Zabuza leaned down and bit into the meatiest part of the kid's arm, his sharp teeth easily puncturing Naruto's flesh.

The blond hissed and shuddered a little, a green healing glow pulsing from his arm. "So while that's going on. Thought I'd let you in on Gato's stupid, fucked up plan to backstab you guys. He's not gonna pay ya. In fact, he's gonna have his mass of useless goons try and kill ya."

Wincing slightly he looked at Zabuza. "Ow? You don't need to take your anger out on me, ease up a bit." He sighed, continuing on. "Also, Yagura Karatachi is stepping down from Mizukage. He's teaming up with me and a few other Jinchūriki and we're moving to Otogakure. Mei Terumi has been appointed Mizukage. Why did all this happen? Well, Yagura has been under a mind control jutsu for years now. We finally broke it and he feels it's best if he just retired now and seeks other pursuits in life."

Zabuza finally let go of Naruto's arm and licked his lips. "I feel...fine now." He blinked in amazement, stretching his limbs and torso. "Impressive ability, kid." He smirked and then sat back on his bed. "So why are you telling us all this?"

"Because Yakura's given you both a full pardon." Naruto activated a seal and tugged out a scroll, handing it to Zabuza after releasing the blood seal lock on it. "Mei Terumi's signature is on there as well, complying and agreeing with the pardon."

Haku and Zabuza stared at each other and then quickly opened the scroll, reading over the contents before staring at each other again. It was real, had the Mizukage seal and the two signatures. Everything. They were completely free of all charges and invited back to the village.

"Sooo yeah. I'm just gonna wait here until Gato shows up and snuff the little man out. It'll make shit easier on me and my team." Naruto shrugged and waltz back out to the porch. "You guys can pack up and leave if you want."

"Can you handle Gato and his men on your own?" Haku frowned with concern.

"Definitely! It'd be awesome if he came with his whole crew though... Make it super easy so I don't have to hunt down his hideout and slaughter them all... Maybe I should just do that instead of waiting here for him..." Naruto spaced out, staring off into the distance as he thought, his tongue idly fidgeting around his left canine.

Zabuza and Haku looked at each other, Zabuza smirked. "I'm curious to watch him in action. Aren't you?" Haku nodded vehemently. "We're staying kid. We won't get in your way unless you look like you're about to get maimed."

"Huh?" Naruto blinked out of his daze and looked back at the two assassins as Haku grabbed their travel pack and Zabuza took his sword. "Er...mkay."

The two newly pardoned shinobi joined him out on the porch. "We can take you to his estate."

"Estate? He doesn't have the fucking decency to have a proper villain hideout!? Oh, that's it!" Naruto growled, his eyes bleeding purple. "Take me there."

Haku blinked wide-eyed at the now purple-eyed, slitted pupil, fox-like Naruto. "...what are you?" His eyes widened when the boy grew a fox tail and ears.

Naruto grinned, baring his enlarged fangs. "I'm a bijū/human hybrid. No, not a Jinchūriki. Me and the Kyūbi Yin half merged on a molecular level. The Yang half merged with Shi no Kitsune."

Zabuza stared, gawking once more at the kitsune hanyō looking boy. "'re both..." Naruto nodded. A rush of air left Zabuza's lungs. "I'm suddenly very happy I did not get to fight him."

Haku nodded numbly beside him. "I'm suddenly very happy we're not going to fight them on the bridge like planned..."

Naruto snickered at the two. "I wasn't about to let you two die. That's why Kitsune didn't fight, too. He knew about the pardon. "

"That I did." Kurama dropped down from the roof. "I see you went without me." He glared at Naruto.

"Not my fault you stayed in the house last night. I toldja I was sleeping in the woods until Haku found me." Naruto stuck his tongue out at Kurama after briefly tugging his mask down.

Kurama snorted, smacking Naruto upside the head. "Gaki." Shaking out his limbs like a kitsune would their fur, his tail and ears sprouted like Naruto's and he yawned. "Let's go kill some scumbags." He popped his knuckles and darted off, beelining for Gato's place by scent and negative emotion sensory.

Naruto yipped excitedly, just like a kit, and took off after Kurama. "COME ON GUYS! I can sense him and his ilk from here!"

Zabuza looked down at Haku. "Ilk? Who the fuck talks like that?"

"Not a twelve-year-old boy..." Haku shook his head and the two raced after the wild kitsune.

The group of four ran without pause straight for Gato's place. Two with one mission in mind, slaughter everyone there. And two with another, watch the two kitsune maniacs slaughter everyone there. To say Zabuza and Haku were excited to see the very first bijū/human hybrids in full glory - killing without mercy - was an understatement. They were over the fucking moon about it. Even though Haku hated killing, he had nothing against wiping out a band of thugs and their leader. So he would happily support and cheer Naruto on. Zabuza just wanted to see how deadly the two really were. He had no doubt that Naruto would soon make his way into the bingo book. Likely after this. How would that happen? Oh, Zabuza just had a feeling. he was sure Shi no Kitsune would get his reward risen too. Which would be insane because it was already massive.

The two kitsune skidded to a stop just outside the gates of the estate and looked up the massive gate, both of their left ears twitched in irritation. They looked at each other, grinned toothily and then scaled the fucking thing like it was nothing. Claws were very helpful in this. Especially for Naruto as he had removed his boots somewhere along the way and sealed them away. They looked more closely related in their hanyō forms than in their normal human forms. But it was hard to see because of their face masks, and Kurama had his black kitsune mask back on as well.

They landed silently on the ground and split, one to the left, the other to the right. They took out the gate guards easily, snapping their necks like toothpicks. Then they wedged the gate open enough for Zabuza and Haku to continue following them. The Kiri shinobi were shocked as they had snapped the necks of five people each before opening the gate. And they'd done it in five seconds flat.

The two kitsune hanyō looked at each other, nodded once, and then took off around separate sides of the estate. Zabuza followed Kurama, Haku followed Naruto. Naruto jumped from guard to guard, snapping each one's neck as he went. The first one dropped with a quiet snap. The second had his head slammed into the wall and skull brushing speed, splattering brain against the stone. The third hit the ground from Naruto's heel breaking through the top of his head, crushing his brain. The fourth went down from his head turning a full 180 degrees.

Kurama slammed into his first guard, claws sinking into the man's chest with a squelching noise and coming up with a pair of lungs. He dropped the wet mass on the ground and slammed another guard into a tree, snapping the man's spine and instantly killing him from the force of it. The third was slammed face first into the ground, then Kurama grabbed his head and ripped it backward, folding the man's neck in half with a sickening crunch. The fourth got Kurama's foot against his spine while his arms were yanked back and torn the fuck off before Kurama took the right arm and literally slammed it down the guard's throat, killing him instantly.

Both hybrids rounded the last corner and hit the fifth and sixth guards together. They slammed the guards into each other, grabbed their partner's guard's head and them smashed them together, crushing both men's heads instantly from the impact. The guard's bodies dropped lifelessly to the ground.

Naruto and Kurama stared wildly at each other, both panting, both splattered in blood, bone, and brain matter. Their bodies were trembling ever-so-slightly from the adrenaline, their slitted pupils were blown wide because of it. They started laughing and leaned against each other.

"You're not yet. There's still the people inside and Gato." Zabuza lifted a brow at Haku's words. Did the kid see what they just did? it'd be no problem for them. Hell, Zabuza was a little jealous how easily they could kill.

The two hybrids gave thumbs up to the two assassins and they went in the back door. "Come on, more death to deal." Snickered Naruto.

"I gotta admit... it feels fucking amazing fighting side by side again." Kurama glanced at Naruto. "I've missed this."

Naruto looked up and nodded. "Me too. I feel like me again. Not some cooped up little kid that everyone thinks completely incapable." He put his arms behind his head as they walked through the kitchen.

Kurama killed a couple people in there with the kitchen knives. He threw them like kunai, nailing each person either in the head, chest, or throat. They went into a dining room and Naruto disposed of the men in there with ninja wire and kunai. Then they snuck into the living room area and got rid of the men in there as silently and quickly as possible.

They finished clearing the first floor, then on the second floor. Finally reaching the third floor where the more skilled guards/thugs were and where Gato was. Naruto and Kurama started dancing as they went down the hall, dancing around each other and using one another as their partner as they killed the guards. This time they let the men cry out and wail and gargle as they drowned in their own blood. They wanted Gato to hear his death coming for him.

Naruto and Kurama kicked in the doors together, sauntering into the large, tackily decorated bedroom. "Hiya!" Chirped Naruto.

Kurama leaned on Naruto's shoulder, crossing his legs at the ankles. "Sup boys?"

Every single thug left was facing them, weapons drawn and Gato in the middle, looking smug. "You think you two can just come in here and off me?" Gato laughed. "FOOLS!"

"They just wiped out every single one of your men on this entire property." Zabuza lifted a brow as he walked into the room behind the two blood splattered, bone flecked, tissue smeared shinobi. Haku nodded, joining Zabuza's side.

"The fuck are you two doing!? YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED THEM!" Gato roared indignantly.

Zabuza laughed. "Like hell. They would've mopped the floor with me." He shrugged. "Besides, I wanted to see them in action. One of them has a six million ryo bounty on their head. And I think the other is about to make his Bingo Book debut."

"I think you're right, Zabuza-sama." Haku snickered, grinning proudly at Naruto. "And to think, he's only twelve." Naruto winked at Haku who blushed and looked down a little.

"GET THEM!" Gato pointed his cane at the hybrids and then at his no-longer hired assassins.

Zabuza and Haku stepped back, letting the other two bloodthirsty beasts kill off the rest of the guards. They stared in awed horror limbs flew, blood sprayed and splattered. Howls of pain, wails of anguish, and pleas for mercy rang through the room. And then it ended as fast as it had begun. A deathly silence rang through the room as the two very blood-soaked shinobi circled Gato slowly.

Gato stood there, covered in his own men's blood and tissue. He was shaking, mouth gaping, eyes wide, terror written all over him. "N-now just wait a second... Wh-what if I hired you guys? I could pay you lots of money!"

"Nah, we're just gonna kill ya, then pay Zabuza and Haku what they're owed, and give the rest to the village you tormented." Naruto chuckled darkly, nearing the short little man. "Should we do it quick? Or agonizingly slow?"

Kurama grinned beneath his masks. "Slow. What do you want? Arms or legs?"

"Arms I think." Naruto trailed his fingers down the vile man's arms sensually before gripping his wrists in a bone-crushing hold.

The gang leader yowled in pain, collapsing to his knees. But before he could actually land on the floor Kurama grabbed his ankles in an equally crushing grip, causing the man to cry out more. The two looked at each other with their poisonous and vibrant purple eyes. The Yin half's darkness reflected in Naruto's dark, abyssal purple. The Yang half's vibrancy reflected in Kurama's brilliant, bright purple.

Slowly they began to step back away from each other, holding the eye contact as they began to stretch Gato out. His didn't start screaming until every single joint in his limbs began dislocating slowly. His cries reached their climax when the dislocated joints were so far spread apart the skin was stretching, threatening to his limbs clean off. And right when the bastard was about to faint from the shock they roared together and pulled his limbs clean off. His head and torso hitting the messy floor with a loud, wet, crunchy smack and thud. If the sheer force of that didn't kill him, bleeding out would within next thirty seconds.

Dropping his limbs they sighed, dusting their bloody hands off and then high fiving each other with a laugh. Zabuza and Haku could do nothing but stare in terror at the two creatures in front of them. They had seen some fucked up shit in their day. But this whole thing was a level they had never known a person capable of. It was hauntingly beautiful. And downright terrifying.

"You guys ready to go? Are you gonna head straight for Kiri? Or are ya comin' with us first?" Naruto tilted his head, panting softly as he and Kurama leaned against each other.

They hadn't used any chakra or jutsu's. They hadn't trained their bodies to perform at quite that level yet. So it was safe to say they were going to collapse from exhaustion soon. They had to get back to Tazuna's house.

"We'll stay here, pull our share of the loot and then bring the rest to you and the village." Offered Zabuza. "And might I suggest a dip in the river on your way back? You'll scare everyone." Haku nodded in agreement with that, wiping a bit of blood off his cheek.

Kurama giggled, still high off the killing. "I think he's right kit. A dip might do some good."

"Mmmhhmm, sounds nice." Naruto yawned. "Let's hurry. I can feel the adrenaline crash starting."

And so Kurama and Naruto left the two Kiri assassin's to do their thing and headed back to their team waiting at Tazuna's place. They had succeeded in saving Haku and Zabuza. Even got them pardoned so they could return home. They felt good. They saved two very important, special people and wiped out an infestation oppressing an entire village.

They hadn't gotten to kill and fight like that since the war. It felt...good. It had been extremely cathartic for them. They got out their frustration, anger, upset, hurt. And just the general disconnect at being in a different time and having to relive an old life. The dissonance in them had been soothed a little that day.


A/N: Annnnnd my tired ass is going to bed! GOOD NIGHT! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was kinda short compared to my other ones. But... I couldn't justify continuing it. It just felt like the perfect walking into the sunset together type ending. So I had to.

Please vote! And comment! I need some cheer. :D

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