Broken yet not Lost

By Kashish_J

71.6K 2.7K 1K

A story of two broken individuals who are trying to pick up the pieces of their respective lives. Tale of two... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
New Story
Chapter 26 - Last Chapter

Chapter 1

3.1K 112 20
By Kashish_J

Mehek's phone rang continuously but she didn't answer. Even the cab driver studied her in the rear view mirror wondering why she ignored it. Finally she reached her cottage and entered after paying for the cab. Once she was alone in the one bedroom, hall & kitchen cottage, she fell down and broke into tears. Dr. Harpreet Kaur was her last straw. She cried for sometime and composed herself. Finally she had the courage to revert to missed calls from him. "Hello, Mehek. I was trying to reach you for long. What did the doctor say?", he asked anxiously. "Ajay", she addressed him sadly, "Nothing new. She too said the same, Ajay. I am infertile". Few moments for silence passed amidst them. She was sure he was as saddened as she was. His marriage is fixed to happened in couple of days. If Mehek was able to provide him with even a slight ray of hope, Ajay would have avoided the marriage he was forced to. "Ajay, forget about me and marry the girl who can provide you a family. I wish you all the best. Please don't try to contact me further", she disconnected the call and threw away her phone breaking it into pieces.

It was past evening. Abrupt downpour added further depression to it. Mehek hid herself in the darkness, trying to escape the pain destiny had slapped on her. Hasty loud knocks on her door woke her. She peeped through the glass window to find a shabbily clothed young man before her door. She had noticed him earlier. Her new neighbour who had moved in recently to occupy cottage in the farthest end of the property. She opened the door slightly, "How can I help you?". He was completely drenched and shivering, "I lost my keys to my cottage and my phone ran out of battery. Can you please help me to reach the owner?". The cottages they occupied were owned by an elderly couple who lived in their retirement home just few kilometers away. Mehek nodded but quickly recalled that she had brutally shattered her phone. "I am sorry. I don't have a phone", her reason made him frown. He probably thought she was trying to avoid him. Mehek felt pity on him as he didn't seem the type of guy who would disturb others unnecessarily. "Why don't you come inside? You can use my charger to revive your phone and then call Uncle & Aunty", he was relieved to hear her suggestion.

She placed his phone to charge and turned to him. He stood timidly away from the window to avoid the chill. He rubbed his palms and arms to keep himself warm. Though his cloths were not up to the mark, he had a good phone. He tried to act scruffy but his hair style and clean shaven face said otherwise. As usual his guitar was slung around his shoulder. Mehek offered him tea which he accepted with gratitude. She gave him one of her woolen shawl to cover so that he could get comfort of its warmth. "So you are a musician", Mehek tried to make conversation while sipping her tea. "Yea, I guess. Atleast I am trying to be one. Not a successful one although", he humoured. "Do you stay here alone?", he asked casually but Mehek got alarmed. "No, my husband just went to town to get supplies", she tried to smile while lying through the teeth. He smiled back and went back enjoying his tea. Before it became awkward, Mehek turned on the television. While he was engrossed into the show, Mehek made some sandwiches. "Thanks. You don't have to trouble yourself", he told while she served them to him. "I was anyway going to make it for myself. It's no hardwork to make few more slices". After few minutes, his phone woke from its slumber and he managed to call the owner. They promised to send their servant with spare key. So it was another couple of minutes left before the end of their strange acquaintance. "Your shawl got wet and dirty. I will return it after washing", he informed her while they heard servant arrive in his scooter. Mehek nodded and got up to leave him till the door. "Thanks. Mrs...I didn't get your name", he asked extending his hand. "Mehek. Mehek Sharma", she took his hand and shook it confidently. "I am Shaurya", he introduced but refrained from giving a second name. "Bye, Mrs Sharma", he bid farewell and walked into the umbrella held by the man who brought the spare keys. Mehek stood at her door until they both disappeared into his cottage.

Longs walks were the only activity which calmed her mind. She came to this part of town for visiting Dr Harpreet Kaur. But now she was unsure whether to return or stay back. The loneliness and peace this place offered pulled her like magnet. She had explored the place well enough to know all deserted routes to have minimal human contact and be close to nature. While being in solitude of environment, she found him again. Shaurya seemed to be lost yet enjoying it. "Good evening, Mrs Sharma", he wished her while she smiled back. "Are you lost?", she asked and he rubbed his neck being embarrassed. "Well, sort of", his answer earned her chuckle. They walked together to their destination. They were silent most of the time but Mehek felt a soothing effect in his company. While she headed to her cottage, he rummaged his bagpack and returned her shawl. "Thanks a lot for your help that day. I would like to return the favour", he gave her an envelope, "These are 2 entry passes for wine tasting function in town. I hope you and your husband enjoy it". Mehek felt a bit guilty to lie to him being married but she was on guard, after all he was a stranger. That too a sinister one who kept secrets.

Mehek felt lighter and comfortable. Since she moved to the town, she had been avoiding people. Apart from Uncle & Aunty whose cottage she stayed, she knew none. But today while attending the wine tasting ceremony she met many people and made few friends too. It was a quiet town filled with good people who welcomed her into their community. Mehek was looking forward to meet them again and walked back happily holding onto the wine bottles she had purchased. She decided to pay a visit to Shaurya and gift him one of the bottles. She knocked at his door and waited but no one answered. She tried few more times and was about to give up when he abruptly opened it. He looked disdain in his worn out clothes and had grown a messy stubble. He was breathing heavily. Mehek greeted him nervously and decided against her earlier intention to step in. She did small talk and presented him the bottle. When she was about to leave, he asked her abruptly, "Would you mind coming inside and spending some time with me?". Mehek was in dilemma. He appealed again, "Please". Her heart melted at his plea, "Sure. I would love to". She never knew her simple act of kindness would be a turning point of her life.

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