Lost Boys imagines/preference...

Galing kay WylderWatkins

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My favorite movie so I'm excited to make this. This will have David, Dwayne, Marko, Paul, Frog brothers, Mich... Higit pa

Where you first meet ( lost boys)
where you first meet ( frog brothers, Michael, and sam)
When he asks you out (Lost Boys)
when they ask you out (frog brothers, Michael, Sam, Star)
What they call you( Lost Boys, Sam Michael, Frog brothers, Star )
Where you go on your first date ( Lost Boys)
Where you go on your first date ( frog brothers, Michael, Sam, Star)
What season is theirs ( all)
Your first kiss (lost boys)
If they were in a band (Lost boys)
Jealousy preference (Lost Boys)
Dwayne (Jealousy) imagine
His favorite place to kiss you preference
Paul ( date ) imagine
Marko (date night) imagine
cheesy pick up lines they'd use on you ( preference)
The song he gives to you to show how much he loves you (preference)
David's greedy/ Markos protective ( imagine)
Note ๐Ÿฆ‡
When you wear his jacket (preference)
PDA (preference)
David (date) imagine
When you both get caught during a heated session (preference)
Dwayne (date) imagine
When you want to pretty them up (preference)
Protecting their (you) mates (preference)
When you tell them no (preference)
What they do when your feeling insecure (preference)
How much they spoil you (preference)
When you ignore him (preference)
How clingy they are (preference)
Dwayne turns you into a vampire (imagine)
Dwayne's insecurities (imagine)
When your mad (preference)
Paul crosses the line, Dwayne gets pissed (imagine)
You braid their hair (preference)
How and when they changed
When its your birthday (preference)
Them protecting you from the others (preference)
Theyre reaction to when you dont want to be changed yet (preference)
Taking lessons from Dwayne (imagine)
Boys take a liking (imagine)
When your on your period (preference)
Giving him a massage when he's stressed (preference)
What they do after a fight with you (preference)
He's needy for your attention (preference)
He does your make-up (preference)
baby fever, Dwayne and also a Paul (imagine)
Dating David includeds
Dating Dwayne includes
Dating Paul includes
Dating Marko includes
Dating Sam includes
Marko (one shot)
You want to go to the carnival (preference)
You have commitment issues (preferences)
what he gets you for Christmas (preference)
What you get him for Christmas (preference)
Baby its cold outside, David (imagine)
All i want for Christmas is you, Dwayne (imagine)
Ill be home for Christmas, Paul (imagine)
Christmas Eve, Marko (imagine)
You make it feel like Christmas, Michael (imagine)
Dating Michael would include
Last Christmas, Sam (imagine)
What you guys do on Christmas morning (preference)
They're present wrapping job (preference)
Them trying to find excuses to kiss you (imagine)
Sleepover, Paul (imagine)
How they wake you up (preferences)
what character they are from that 70s show (preference)
Big spoon, little spoon (preference)
Jealous Dwayne (imagine)
Waited for so long, Dwayne (imagine) part1
Waited for so long, Dwayne (imagine) part2
Your children (preference)
Older version of your children (preference)
They propose to you (preference)
Your engagement ring he got you (preference)
Your wedding dress (preference)
His suit, (preference)
Your wedding theme (preference)
When Mates fall, Dwayne (imagine)
Misunderstandings and Heated Moments, Marko (imagine)
Vacation, Dwayne (imagine)
Between Two Guys, David (imagine)
Misunderstandings and Heated Moments, Dwayne (imagine)
Kitten, Dwayne (imagine)
One For All and All For One, Lost Boys (imagine)
Always There, Dwayne & Paul (imagine)
when you tell them your going on a diet (preference)
Our Little Secrets, Dwayne (imagine)
How They are if You Broke Up With Them, (preference)
Cheesy Pick Up Lines (Part 2)
How They Pamper You, (preference)
Surfer Nazis Mistake, Boys X Reader (imagine)
Supernatural and The Lost Boys Combined, Dwayne (imagine)
Love's Stronger, Michael (imagine)
Hanging From The Bridge With You, Michael (imagine)
When All Else Fails, Marko (imagine)
Yours Truly, Edgar (imagine)
How they are in bed (preference)
One Must Go, So Why Not You (Paul & Dwayn)
Slumber Sammy, (Sam)
New Babies (preference)
Wild Child, Paul (Imagine)
Taking Care of Marko, (Imagine)
No Mercy, Dwayne (Imagine)
Ferris Wheel Romance, Dwayne (Imagine)
Beautiful Disaster (Dwayne imagine)
Couples Costumes (Preferences)
Mysterious Girl (Lost Boys Imagine)
Little Sister (Imagine)
HALLOWEEN!!!! (Note)๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ
What You Do On Halloween (Preference)
What They Get You For Valentine's Day (Preference)
Home By Now, Dwyane (Imagine)
Kill Bill, David (Imagine)
Kill Bill, Dwyane (Imagine)
S&M, Marko (imagine)

Supernatural collides with The Lost Boys, Dwayne (imagine)

3.4K 57 7
Galing kay WylderWatkins

It was a long drive to the destination your father and uncle had said you all have been a signed to go to by grandpa Winchester.

Your father, Dean Winchester, and you drove all the way from New York to the place called Santa Carla to hunt down a pack of vampires that have been known for all the missing people. You had to admit you were pretty nervous sense this was technically your first mission, not wanting to mess up and get hurt or someone else hurt.

Sitting in the back seat in the middle, with your uncle Sam in the passenger seat and your father in the drivers seat of the old Chevy Impala. Gazing little each window with careful observation while listening to your father and uncle talk about where you guys will be staying.

"There's a nice little motel that's stationed on the outskirts of Santa Carla that we can stay in." Your uncle said, suggesting to your father while looking at a map of the state.

"That'll be great, we'll be there by the afternoon tomorrow so we'll have all the time to get ready and look around the next night for our targets." He said agreeing with your uncle on the place he chose to stay until the mission was done. Looking over at you a few times in the review mirror every now and then with a little knowing look, "Your going to do just fine, Y/H, we'll be there with you and make sure your safe." He said, giving you a warm and comforting smile.

Everyone who was a Winchester or apart of the family is in the family business immediately, yet until you turn 18 that's when the real work starts. You turned 18 last summer and you had yet to really start your fist ever mission and put yourself to the test.

(The next afternoon)

Being woken up by a little shake and nudge, you find yourself in a parking lot of a what you guessed to be the motel you were staying at with your dad and uncle. Looking up to whom has woken you, your uncle Sam.

"Come on, you'll be more comfortable in a bed than a back car seat, your dad took care of bringing your stuff in for you." He said smiling happily, while you stepped out of the car, stretching your legs.

"Ugh, never thought it would feel amazing to stand." You say while stretching out your arms more. Your uncle laughs a bit, nodding in agreement, ushering you inside with him.

The room was nice, simple, but nice. Two queen beds and a TV along with a simple bathroom. Most motels you've been in were horrible and creepy, probably cause murders, drug deals, alcoholism has happened in them along with the owner just not caring to take care of the place.

Popping down on one of the beds, your dad walks out of the bathroom looking to you instantly, "Look at you already for another nap again, I'm beginning to think your a vampire now too." Smirking at his own joke while taking out some equipment on the other bed.

"Pft, I would've burst into flames just by being put in the sun, along with you having me baptized, I think the holy water would've burned me alive." Rolling your eyes tiredly, closing them for what felt like only minutes. Until you were shook awake again by your dad. When you opened your eyes and looked out the window of the motel room it was dark out. Flashing lights of Santa Carla were on and bright.

Hearing the busy and popularity of the boardwalk as you sat up, "It's time, me and your uncle Sam went out while you were asleep to get some info on the packs where abouts and living place. I didn't want to wake you, I wanted you to have as much rest as possible." Saying logically, you nodded in understanding, getting up and getting ready to head out to get this over with.

You were kind of excited, but mostly nervous to the point you wanted to throw up. So many 'what ifs' were running wild through your head, and you couldn't quite tame them. Taking a deep breath once you were fully ready to head out, looking over at your dad and nodding, "ready." Was all you said, stuffing your shaky hands in your Jean jacket pocket, following you father out the motel door to meet up with your uncle who was at the boardwalk.

(Dwayne's POV)

We were all at the boardwalk, Michael, David, Star, Marko, Paul, and laddie. Paul and Marko doing they're usual thing, cat calling girls that walked by, smacking one another and then chasing each other around. The two blondes were more childish than laddie was, I thought while smiling a little and shaking my head.

Sighing and looking down at the ground while shaking my head some more. I couldn't shake these visions and feelings I've been getting, they started a week ago, slowly getting stronger and stronger. A scent has invaded Santa Carla, not blood, but a rather beautiful one, like white and purple lilacs blowing over the sky's.

"Come on boys, might as well get back to the cave now, unless we all want our asses on fire." David announced, knowing it's 2am in the morning and we had an hour to get back and get settled, we all agreed and hoped on our bikes and rode back to the cave.

Riding back to the cave was tough for me though, the scent, visions in my head of a girl, a girl whom I've known all to well, my mate. She invaded my mind more and more, her long H/C spilling down her back and past her shoulders. Her skin flawless as ever, it was her scent I was smelling but I couldn't understand why. She wasn't here, if she was I would've seen her, right?

As we all parked our bikes, slipping off of them and walking into the cave, the scent hit me stronger and stronger. It was strong enough to make me want to lay down next to her and let her scent over come me and put me to sleep. I was the last one to enter, Paul and Marko on the couch laughing about stuff, while Star and laddie went off to bed and David in his wheel chair lighting a cigarette. Michael sitting on the edge of the fountain reading a comic he got from his brothers room.

Everything seemed fine and cool and relaxed, then all hell broke loose. What seemed to have been a gallon of holy water spilt down from the ceiling of the cave went right on Paul's leg. He screamed out in pain, his vampire form coming out as he did so, falling to the floor in complete agony. Marko was trying to help him up and get him away from the stuff we call acid.

Then another gallon came raining down right where Marko had been sitting. It's a good thing he wasn't there no more or he would've been twice as worse as what Paul seems to be. "What the hell!!!" Marko yelled as he settled Paul down by a frightened Star and Laddie.

"Michael, Dwayne, go look in the upper part of the cave, I'm going to the other part of the cave to look for whats happening!!" David demanded as he got up dashing to the other parts of the cave. Me and Michael instantly went to the upper caves, Michael in front of me as we were darting into one of the more hidden little caves, Michael entering first only to be smashed across the face with a lead pipe. Dropping instantly to the floor, obviously knocked out cold and will be in loads of pain when he wakes up.

I stepped back a good bit, not wanting to be the next one to get hammered in the face. That's when the scent was so overpowering to me, it's like I could feel her, wherever she was. Like she was in this very hidden little cave we had.

Breathing a little heavily, I slowly took a step forward when I figured there wasn't anything there. I was dead wrong. The same lead pipe that knocked Michael out came whipping out and smacking me hard in the chest. Growling in pain and frustration I took a hold of the pipe and yanked on it, pulling a girl out along with it, sending her crashing to the ground.

I couldn't see her face cause her long Y/H/C hair was in the way, until then she flipped it out of her face and looked up at me with a pure horrified look. My heart pounded like thunder in my chest once I seen her, she was so beautiful, she's exactly what I seen in my visions. Exactly what she smells like.

Guessing out of nervousness she grabbed a stake from aside and lunged up at me with it. Thinking quickly I grabbed her wrists and moved her flush up against the wall. The both of us breathing heavily, looking into each other's eyes. She must of seen the adoration and love that I had in mine cause she relaxed a little and stopped struggling.

Still afraid though, she shrunk a little into herself. "Hey, hey I'm not going to hurt you darling." I said softly, loosening my hands a bit around her wrists, cursing cause I left marks on her beautiful skin. "You don't have to be afraid, I won't let anything happen to you, Y/N." I said, taking one of my hands from her wrists and running my finger tips up and down her cheek and jawline.

The action seemed to relax her more, still shying away though a bit and nervous as well. "Y/N!! Y/H!!!" I could here what seemed to be family of hers.

(Your pov)

He was so gentle with you, you could see it in his eyes that he didn't want to hurt you. No he wanted something else, something caring and loving, you could feel a connection with him just you couldn't tell what it was. "Y/N, Y/H!!! " You could hear your dad and uncle come running towards your way.

He released you from his grasp but stayed by your side, not wanting to leave you. You didnt want him to leave, he made you feel safe and warm and what you felt so much happiness. Oddly sense you don't even know him, all you know is he's a bloodsucking vampire, something your father, uncle Sam, and grandfather would not approve of.

"Y/H!" Your father said as he finally reached the hidden cave he planned for you to be, breathing heavily and stopping dead in his tracks once he saw who and what was standing by me. "Y/H, come here now, slowly." He said, glaring at the bloodsucking man near you while holding out a hand for you.

Looking at your fathers held out hand and then back at the man that you've quickly grown a connection with, you slowly link your arm through the native man's arm, leaning into his arm a little, looking at your father with a apologetic look.

"No dad." You say quite softly and quietly. He looked at you like you were crazy, like you weren't even his daughter.

"No?" Questioning while your uncle Sam laid a hand on your fathers shoulder to try and calm him.

"I want to be with him." You said once again softly and nervous. You felt the native man's hand grasp onto yours firmly, making you feel comforted.

That's when the other vampires came running in, making your father and uncle fling up their weapons ready to fight. The one that had holy water dropped on his leg was now healed.

"You alright Dwayne?" The one with the platinum blonde mullet asked the native man, who was now known as Dwayne.

"Just fine David, Marko, Paul, you three alright?" He asked, his voice deep and smooth, not too deep though. So now you know that the Twisted Sister blonde was known as Paul and Short Curley blonde with a colorful jacket was known as Marko.

"What the hell happened to Michael?" David asked, looking down at the guy that everyone seemed to have forgotten about that was laying cleaned knocked out on the ground.

"She knocked him out." Dwayne said, wrapping an arm around you now and bringing you in tightly to his side, making your father give off an annoyed and protective noise.

"Well damn, poor Michael, but he had it coming I guess." Marko said smirking at they're poor brother on the ground still sleeping from the blow of the pipe to the face.

"Alright bloodsuckers, one let my daughter gouged your bloody hands off her and we'll leave and you guys can go about your sorry eternity lives." Your father said harshly, glaring at all the guys, only for Dwayne to pull you more I to his side.

The action made David smirk, "Mmm sorry but looks like your only going to get half of that deal, our beloved brother Dwayne seems to have found his mate and there's no letting that go." Saying with a little amusement and seriousness combined.

"Mate?" Your uncle says with a confused tone, looking at David and at his brother.

"Yes, mate, as in life long partner, connected forever and eternity to love one another. More than a soul mate, they're a blood mate, once one has found their blood mate, none other will ever satisfy them ever." David said simply. This of course pissed your father off greatly.

"I forbid it!!" He yelled, in rage. Your uncle Sam had to hold him back while Paul and Marko had to hold Dwayne back from lashing out as well.

"Dean, Dean look I understand your upset, but this is true for vampires you can't forbid it, or else both parts will grow greatly depressed and miserable cause they can't live without one another once they've met." Your uncle Sam said, making your father stop tiredness taking him over and defeat as he stood there with a sad and broken expression looking at you and Dwayne.

He seen how Dwayne seemed to have protected you, to have not harmed you the whole time he was with you. He seen the love the man had for you in his eyes and the way he held you with care.

Sighing heavily, he looked at you for awhile nodding after a bit. "Ya I get it, I understand, your just my little girl, I never imagined you to be a vampire in life. I never imagined my little girl like that, or to become it, even to be one of there mates." He said sadly, uncle Sam putting a hand on his shoulder to show him support.

"Dad we can always see one another still, I'm always going to be your little girl." You say, walking over and giving him a hug, he returned it instantly, hugging you just as tight as Dwayne held you.

As he was hugging you he looked over at Dwayne with a little bit of a harshness to his eyes still, " You be careful with her, protect her, love her, be gentle with her." He said sternly, Dwayne licking his lips and nodding his head with care to let him know he would always be with you and never let you go. 

As you let go of him you step back to Dwayne whom embraced you and kissed your forehead.

"Uggghhh, who puts a bar in the entrance of a cave?" Everyone looked at Michael who everyone seemed to have forgotten about once again on the ground.

"Well Michael maybe if you watched where you were going you wouldn't be in this mess." Said loudly, making Michael cringe at the loudness. Making everyone else laugh, Dwayne pulling you into him, seeing the new and brighter future you had ahead of you with your complete other half finally.

I'm sorry this took a little long, I had some editing and wanted to make it a certain way. Hope you like it!! (/ω\)(つω'*)

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