Apparently I Know You #Wattys...

By VampireCrest13

318 34 12

My impatient eyes snapped to the entrance of that vintage store.The piercing sound of the door chime alarming... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

45 4 1
By VampireCrest13

Dominic's POV
     I plodded towards the construction site ahead of me.It was early in the morning,the crispy golden sun got up like an infant and painted the dark black sky into a bright blue one.The milky clouds high up started travelling around visiting the noisy environment.

Just about then,a tan coloured short and chubby man appeared in front of me,scanning me with his minuscule eyes.His boots were muddy from all the intense railwork they had going on a few feet away.As I glared down at him,his sight travelled from my head to toe,obviously judging what the hell a young lad was doing rooted in the middle of their site.He was pissing me off.

    I mean I am an 18 year old freshman from an all male college who just moved here,absolutely hated my Father's guts so I needed to earn my own wages which explains why I applied for a job at this railway construction site.Oh,and I also stayed at a community student hostel and managed to bully my way through into getting the biggest room for myself.Well it came easy especially when all the other guys residing there were just lame Star Wars nerd fanatics who gelled their hair too much and had a sick obsession for Cindy Crawford.Either that or their just gay.Anyways,they all knew better than to even throw a glance in my way,taking into consideration that I was 6'4 and had a rather large physique for guys my age.

Getting back to the situation at hand...My icy gaze snapped to the annoying midget in front of me.
If this bastard doesn't stop fucking scrutinising me-

     Before this dwarf could say anything he'd regret,a ridiculously enthusiastic voice alarmed our "staring contest".A pot bellied middle-aged bald man treaded towards us with a huge smile plastered on his face.

      "Aaah you must be Dominic yeah?Dominic Eastwood.College student applying for the construction of Rosewood Town's Railway Station?I must say quite an abnormality for a lad your age to be working in a rubble like this,huh boy?"he uttered incredulously.

He was smiling like a fucking loon.What the fuck was he so happy about?!

        He had almond-shaped coffee brown eyes which were lit up in old age delight,a freckled and crooked nose with many wrinkles and skin creases surrounding his forehead and eyes.As he smiled,he had a golden buck tooth which shined in the sunlight.He was wearing a faded Band T-shirt and scruffy grey pants matching his white loafers.He had a name tag on his shirt pocket,"Bob Doe".His bald head was brighter than my fucking future.

        I gave him a firm nod,ignoring the questions I had no intention of replying to.I guess he ran the show around here as I see him gripping my resume in his hand.
    "18 years old,worked as a garage Mechanic and a part-time street cleaner all throughout high school." He mumbled off the paper he was skimming through.

    The dwarf next to him apparently looked impressed at the mention of my employment history.I got that a lot.Just cos I was the son of some billionaire business mogul doesn't mean my life had to be spoilt,luxurious or whatever.Well I didn't want it to be anyway.I was given an allowance the size of an African safari and did supposedly live at a swanky penthouse.But I didn't want any bit of that bastard's tainted money.I could very well suffice on my own.I never used a single penny of his and I usually crashed at a hostel or motel most of the time.

    "If you guys are well done analysing me,bring me around the damn site! I'm supposed to build a fucking railway.If I wanted people admiring my ways,I would have sent in my headshots to Calvin Klein!" I snapped at them annoyingly.
Fuck I hate people...

Happy little Bob Doe was quite amused with my response while Dumpy Dwarf sent a smirk in my way.With that,Doe introduced himself and the employees and took me around explaining what was to be done for building the railway.He handed me a blueprint of the entire layout of the railway station.

     There was a van, and the people in the backhoe, and the other construction workers who were working on the building site.Most of them were communicating by a two-way radio.Guess I won't be needing that cos I hate talking.A group of sweaty men painstakingly lugged a wheelbarrow filled with rubble across the site.There was a cement mixer churning cement onto a plywood.And I saw a man consecutively knocking down many brick walls with a huge sledgehammer.It was an oddly satisfying sight to see.It was my kind of job.Breaking and fixing.Slamming and pushing...

"Well then that's a wrap.You can start with the steel rods at the back.Any tools you need you can find in your blueprint.Any extras or stuff that runs out,there's a vintage store right across the street there that sells just about anything you need" I peeked over to where he pointed.It was a big store with a clear glass window facing the site.

I gave Doe a firm nod signalling that I was ready to get on with work.Finally...Time to let out some stress since I moved here.
     I sauntered over to the steel rods that were gonna be reinforced into carbon fiber rebar.I could not find the epoxy resin to coat the stupid rods.It was nowhere near the equipment I searched.Guess they don't have it here.I sighed and started striding towards the vintage store across the street.

      I felt a vibration in my pants pocket where I kept my flip Nokia phone.I know it was kind of uncommon for people to have Nokia phones these days.But I didn't really need some expensive smart one I mean I didn't really do friends or much of family for that matter.I survived mostly by myself since I was a kid,without a Mother figure and a Dad who's too damn busy with his business trips.My dad's role was just to give me a generous sum of an allowance to get me through the month...or a year to be exact.As for my social life,I was severely bullied through my elementary and middle school years as I used to be some fat kid suffering from social anxiety.Had no friends at all.Rather typical if you ask me.But everything did seem to change when I entered high school and puberty seemed to hit me like a truck.Girls naturally flocked to me and guys were inviting me to their drunk ass parties.I mean I guess all the hockey trainings and my choice of jobs helped toned my physique.

   The reality of high school was that no one gives a fuck about your existence unless you somehow mold and fit the society standards of what was deemed physically acceptable or appropriate.In short,when you are attractive,you're life was least in school.Even though I was well liked by most then,I refused to even befriend anyone.I didn't need them or anyone for that matter.The same assholes who bullied me actually appreciated me in high school.I ignored all the girls who flung themselves onto me or all the guys who favoured me.I hated everyone.No one helped me when I was suffering...Not even my Father did.So,fuck everyone's company.I didn't need them.I was truly gratified on my own.

    I whipped out my phone to view a text message from my Dad.
What the fuck does he want now?!

Dexter: Dominic,I have just arrived in Pennsylvania for Rosewood's Charity Gala.I hope to see you there if you are interested.Or else Miranda,my new business associate would gladly take up the position for my plus one.
You: No,don't hope to see me there.Take your conquest and don't bother me.
Dexter: Very well then Dominic. ;) It's about time you start participating in our family business young man.Remember,college is just an accessory for men like us.

   I didn't bother sending him a reply.I wasn't gonna quit college.And I most definitely wasn't gonna join him.He was a very well-known business tycoon but as his very dear son,I know there's more to this than meets the eye.And it isn't in a good way.

     I stepped up onto the white wooden porch of the vintage store,the planks creaking.There was a transparent glass door decorated with rose bushes all around it and a wooden label on top of it which read "Nona Rose's Vintage Home".I shoved the door open making the door chime shriek loudly across the store.

        "Hola Señor,good morning dear.Bienvenido!" An old lady with a thick Spanish accent emerged from behind the counter with a huge smile plastered on her face.She was in a bright yellow sundress with her short frizzy grey curls framing her small and narrow face.I gave her a curt nod before pacing and dwelling around the shelves for a bottle of epoxy resin.

      The door chime rang loudly once again as I heard hastened footsteps around the entrance.

    "Buenos días Nona...I'm so sorry I'm late.I got held back again.I will handle everything else here." A silvery voice spoke.
     "Cariño,I don't know why you work yourself so hard for.School in the morning,work till evening.It's your last year in school,disfrútala!"
       I heard the girl chuckle softly.My eyes flickered from the objects on the shelves to the girl in front of the counter.All I could see was her back and long brown hair which swayed along her waist as I watched her.
   "You know I like to keep myself busy Nona.I'm absolutely fine.Anyways,enough about me,how are you?"
They continued talking for a while after that.

Stop staring at her dumbass.
  Damn I'm just looking at her back anyway.
  You've got a job to do.

I ignored the tiny voice in my head.I didn't normally stare at girls,attractive or not.I just didn't bother.People in general pissed me off anyway.
Still watching her...
Well her voice was somewhat pleasant,so why not wait and see her face right?

    "Cariño,if Lila does show her face here,please do inform me.I've been worried sick for her.The last time I saw her was before she stomped out of the house.All I know is that she's been crashing at a girl friend's house.I would stay and talk more but I'm running late for my niece's wedding.I have to get going now.Adíos!"

"I don't think she would come here of all places.She never really was interested in helping out here Nona.But I will keep a look out for her,alright?Adíos Nona."

The door slammed shut,leaving both of us completely alone in the store.I continued gazing at her as she slipped behind the cash register.She ducked down retrieving an object that fell and rose up,slowly ruffling her hair.Her face was now in a perfect full view.

    She was...not bad...Her long dark brown curly locks of hair cascaded down to her waist,bouncing gracefully as she moved about.Her skin was a warm shade of olive with a nice dusky hue like the colour of the glowing sun,a crisp circle in the beach-tanned sky.Her plump lips were a pale tint of cherry pink,accentuating her cute button nose and full cheeks that had a bronze highlight to it.

    But her eyes...A sense of familiarity hit me.Those eyes...I was still stalking her through the spaces between the shelves and she had no idea.
    Memories of a treehouse in the middle of the woods played in my mind.Could it actually be Her?

  Her eyes were like pitch black orbs of onyx stones that could shine,even on the darkest charcoal shade of raven wings.Her pools of sable were like an endless spiral of starless midnight skies that held just a pinch of mysterious glint in them.Her mystery I was already drowning in.
Goddamn-It has to be her...

    I quickly grasped the stupid shit I was buying and silently strode towards the counter.Her head was ducked low scribbling words onto what looks like a delivery list clipboard.
Her purple pen had a name dented on it.


Images of a very pretty seven year old girl and a very fat eight year old me laughing in a treehouse flashed through my mind.Her.Munira Kher.It was Her.
And that was my last functional thought before her doe-eyes snapped to the figure that stood erect before her.

Sweethearts,it would mean a lot me if you you could vote on this chapter and maybe drop a comment about your opinion or maybe any possible feedback I could use to better this story for you guyssss ;) Thanks so much <3

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