Under The Cherry Moon {A Prin...

By MakeThatChange96

24.3K 1.1K 911

What does a beautiful talented artist plus Prince equal? Trouble. When Prince discovers Allison Richards and... More

The Purple Bug
Prince Charming
The Art Of Seduction
Full Of Surprises
Reality? Check. Allison? Undecided.
The Girl With The Cold But Broken Heart
The Tonight Show Starring Prince & Jerome
Too Good To Be True
Forgive & Forget?
Pick Up Where We Left Off
Horny Pony - Part One
Horny Pony - Part Two
Allison Vs Morris
Prince's Anxiety
Seeing Double
Prince & The New Power Generation
The Next Step
Separation Anxiety
Prince Gets His Way
Two Different Worlds
A/N: Break...
Tell All Interview
Work Shenanigans
A/N: Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year
This Isn't Pretend - Part One
This Isn't Pretend - Part Two
Love 2 The 9's
The Purple One Vs. A Winchester
Putting Down The Knives And Picking Up The Microphone
Winchesters To The Rescue
Don't Go Into The Light
Reinforcements - Part One
Reinforcements - Part Two
Rough Night
Is It All Just An Act?
Can You Turn Off The Purple Light?
Off The Reservation
Living Nightmare
Allison Out Of The Picture...Or Is She?
What Doesn't Kill Me Better Run
Oh, Awkward...
She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Tell Him He's Dreamin'

Under The Influence

358 12 7
By MakeThatChange96

*Author's POV*

Prince was sitting back in bed, his back leaned up against the head board with his hands over his face as he releases his sigh. He'd just completed another show, for once he felt tired. He just wanted to lay there and let his body recharge, his mind refresh.

He felt the bed sink beside him, yet he didn't pull his hands away from his face. He liked the darkness over his eyes, yet he still smiled, knowing who was beside him.

"Did you get lost?" He asks.

"No, I just wanted to check on you. You really went all out tonight." Allison says, taking his hands gently into hers and slowly pulling them away from his face.

She looks at his tired features, her brows arch.

"Wow, and you tell me to relax...honey you should go take a look in the mirror." She scoffs.

Prince rolls his eyes.

"I'm fine, for the two hundredth time...weren't you doing something?" He asks.

Allison glares at him.

"Well I was actually going to go get you a nice cool wash cloth to put over your tired eyes and pretty face but now that you're trying to get rid of me...forget it." She says getting up.

Prince chuckles as he grabs her by the waist, pulling her back down.

"No, I'm sorry. Come back." He laughs.

Allison giggles, not fighting to get away either. Prince pulls her onto his lap, looking up into her eyes. He lets out a sigh as he pushes some of her brown curls out of her face.

"Stay, I can't sleep in an empty bed." He whispers.

Allison smiles, placing her hand over his that rests on her cheek.

"Okay, I'll stay. But I do need to leave early in the morning to go shoot some scenes." She says.

Prince pouts.

"Sure there isn't any way I can persuade you to stay any longer?" He smirks.

Allison raises an eyebrow.

"Persuasion huh?" She asks.

Prince nods as he leans in, pressing his lips to hers. His hands running up her thighs slowly while his lips move in perfect sync with hers. Allison runs her fingers through his soft hair.

Prince's lips travel down her neck and Allison let's out a soft moan, causing Prince to grip her waist, pulling her into him tighter.

The two pull away, staring at each other with pure lust.

"Yeah there's no way there's any sleep happening here..." Allison scoffs

*On The Supernatural Set*

After shooting the scenes for the day, Allison was on her way to her trailer when Jared walks up to her.

"Alli, hey!" He calls out.

Allison turns around and smiles.

"Hey Jared, what's up?" She asks.

"Well, now that the day is done, I was wondering if you wanted to catch up, over drinks?" He asks.

Allison gives him a small smile.

"I don't know, Jared. It's been a big day..." She sighs.

"Oh come on, just one." He says with a smile.

Allison throws her hands up in the air and chuckles.

"Fine! One drink, then I'm going home." She says.

Allison and Jared head out to the parking lot, jumping into Jared's car and heading out to their usual bar downtown. All was well until they got in, Allison's smile disappeared when she saw Jensen sitting in an empty booth.

"Where are we sitting?" She asks Jared.

Jared looks at her then at the booth that Jensen's sitting at.

"There." He states.

Allison slips out a sigh as she goes to sit down, Jensen looks up at her then at Jared. Giving Jared a stern look.

"What a day huh?" Jared asks, ignoring the angry looks from both Allison and Jensen.

An awkward silence falls between the three of them before Jared rolls his eyes and speaks up.

"Oh come on, you two are acting like children, well not really you Allison. But you Jensen..." Jared scoffs.

"I have nothing to say." Jensen shrugs his shoulders.

Allison looks at him.

"Seriously? Because I miss my best friend...I miss that Jensen. Where did he go?" Allison asks.

Jensen shrugs his shoulders.

"He left when you decided to play with his feelings." He says.

Jared rolls his eyes.

"Feelings? What are you? Twelve?" He asks.

Allison huffs as she gets up to go sit at the bar by herself. She stares in a space, trying to bottle up everything she was feeling. But instead she wanted to open a bottle...

"Whiskey please..." She says.

The creepy bartender flashes her a smile before passing her two glasses.

"Have two, ones on me." He says.

Allison furrows her brows then shrugs, downing them both.

Jared walks up behind her.

"Woah, slow down there." He says.

"More." Allison says.

Jared raises his eyebrows.

She receives another glass then sits back at the booth, sitting beside Jensen. Jared sitting down also.

"You know, I'm sorry your feelings are hurt. I am, but do you think this is fun for me? I'm a married woman...who had feelings for another man at my most vulnerable state. Answer me this, if you were in my position, and had everything that happened to me...happen to you. Would you have left your wife for me?" Allison let's out.

Jensen turns to look at her, eyes widening. Taking in her tipsy state before thinking about his answer.

"Probably not if I could work things out." Jensen says.

Allison points at him.

"Aha! See, now you're getting it! Prince and I were working things out...we have worked things out. Why are you so mad at me about that?" She asks.

Jensen sighs.

"I'm not going to answer you while you're like this." He says.

Allison slams her hand on the table.

"Tell me!" She demands.

Jensen rolls his eyes, looking away from her.

Allison scoffs, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Okay, I think it's time to try and sober you up so I can take you home." Jared sighs.

Allison goes to stand, she almost falls. Jensen goes to catch her, Allison smirks.

"See? No matter how angry you are at me...you still care." She says.

Jensen's expression softens.

Allison's smirk disappears as she passes out and falls to the floor, Jensen quickly jumping down to grab her.

"Allison?" He panics.

*Two Hours Later*

"I should have known." Jared sighs.

Jensen looks up at Jared's devastated expression.

"It's not your fault, man. If anything, it's mine. I've been too hard on her, maybe if I just spoke to her like you told me too she wouldn't have drank in the first place." Jensen sighs.

The two boys stare at Allison through the door.

Jared runs his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah but her alcohol was spiked...I should have known something was up when that weird bartender just gave her a free drink for no reason." Jared says.

The doctor walks up to them, giving them both a sympathetic smile.

"You can take her now if you like, she's still out of it but the media hasn't gotten wind of this yet so take advantage of this. Just keep an eye on her, keep her fluids up. If you're going to give her food, make sure it's proper food with fibre in it...foods that will absorb everything that's in her system. Like you would with a hangover. No having huge greasy food meals, that'll make it worse." The doctor informs the boys.

The boys thank the doctor before walking into the room and gently grabbing Allison out of bed.

"How the hell are we going to explain this to Prince?" Jensen asks quietly to Jared.

Jared shrugs his shoulders.

*At Jared's House*

Jared was drawing up a bath for Allison while Jensen was making her some food.

Jensen quietly knocks on the door before walking in.

"I see you're up." He says.

Allison slowly sits up, squinting her eyes in pain.

"Yeah, I haven't been up long. What happened?" She asks.

Jensen sets the food beside her on the nightstand, sitting on the bed with her.

"Creepy bartender spiked your drink." He admits to her.

Allison raises her eyebrows.

"Oh...that'll do it." She sighs.

"Listen, I'm sorry for being such a dick to you. I feel completely responsible for all of this..." Jensen sighs.

Allison looks up at him.

"Of course you do..." She says.

"But it's not your fault, I feel stupid for acting out the way I did. I just can't deal with...being without you. That's all." She admits.

Jensen smiles.

"I know, but maybe try and be a little less dramatic and less dangerous." He chuckles.

Jensen places his hand on her cheek. Allison laughs as she leans into his hand.

"I tried using my words but you just weren't listening." She whispers.

Jensen looks down at his lap.

"I know, I'm sorry. I figured if I just treated you as a co-worker it would be easier from now on...it's not." He says.

Allison and Jensen look up when they hear the door swing open.

"Someone wanna explain to me what's going on?" Prince asks, staring at the two.

Jensen gets up off the bed, walking to a safe distance between Allison and Prince.

"We just went to the bar for some catch up drinks and some asshole spiked her drink." Jensen says.

Prince walks down and stands beside Allison, taking her face into his hands softly. Looking her over, Allison giving him a small smile.

Prince looks up at Jensen.

"Did you leave her up at the bar by herself?" He asks.

Jensen squints his eyes and crosses his arms.

"What? She literally got up to go get a drink. None of us knew this was going to happen..." Jensen defends.

Allison closes her eyes and sighs.

"And last time I checked, she's a grown woman...she doesn't need a babysitter every where she goes." Jensen scoffs.

Prince raises his eyebrows.

"True but something always happens when she's around you." He says.

Jensen chuckles sarcastically.

"Me? What about you? Your psycho ex tried to kill her!" Jensen argues.

Allison stands and throws up her hands.

"Enough! Both of you!" Allison yells.

Prince goes to hold her before Allison falls, she's panting and sweating.

"I'm so sick of the arguing." She says.

"I'm just looking out for you." Jensen says.

Allison looks over at him as she leans into Prince, holding onto him.

"If you want to look out for me and you really do care about me...you will get along with my Husband." She says.

Prince smirks.

Allison looks up at him.

"You're not out of the woods either." She says.

His smirk disappears.

"You need to get along with him, I'm so sick of listening to you two fight and argue all the time." She says.

Prince goes to protest but Allison holds up her hand.

"You will try, don't make me lock you both up in a room together...because we all know I will do it." She threatens.

Prince sighs, nodding.

"Okay, for you I will." He places a soft kiss on her forehead.

Allison let's out a sigh of relief.

"Good. Starting tomorrow you two can have lunch." She says.

Jensen snaps his head in her direction.

"Tomorrow?" He asks.

Prince looks at Allison then at Jensen.

"Yeah...tomorrow will be great." He says.

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