I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By LoveLover

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Heaven is a 16 year old teenage girl. She runs away from home because of her parents who treat her like she i... More

Heaven *Chapter 1*
The Fight *Chapter 2*
Running Away and Then Kidnapping *Chapter 3*
My Kidnappers *Chapter 4*
My New Life *Chapter 5*
Punishment Sucks! *Chapter 6*
A Personal Maid *Chapter 7*
Near Death *Chapter 8*
Back to Work *Chapter 9*
Invite *Chapter 10*
Pleasure *Chapter 12*
First Impressions *Chapter 13*
A Long Night *Chapter 14*
Drunken Kisses *Chapter 15*
Trouble *Chapter 16*
Not Again *Chapter 17*
Talking Things Out *Chapter 18
Snapping *Chapter 19*
Getting It Out *Chapter 20*
Pick One *Chapter 21*
Girls Rule *Chapter 22*
A New Maid *Chapter 23*
Ransome *Chapter 24*
Escape *Chapter 25*
Couldn't Be a Cheater *Chapter 26*
Tears of... Joy ... *Chapter 27*
The Past Hurts *Chapter 28*
Amusement Park *Chapter 29*
Finally *Chapter 30*
Swimming *Chapter 31*
Complicated Lies *Chapter 32*
Getting Ready *Chapter 33*
Pool Party *Chapter 34*
Memo! Again!
Rough Times *Chapter 35*
Running Away... Again *Chapter 36*
Come Back *Chapter 37*
Being Back *Chapter 38*
Comfort *Chapter 39*
Kile Being Kile *Chapter 40*
Not Him Again *Chapter 41*
Horrible Decisions *Chapter 42*
Another Memo!
Mix Up *Chapter 43*
Another Try *Chapter 44*
Bowling Balls *Chapter 45*
Consert *Chapter 46*
Fighting = Leaving *Chapter 47*
Everything Changes *Chapter 48*
New Begginings*Chapter 49*
Comfortable People *Chapter 50*
The End *Chapter 51*

Shopping *Chapter 11*

82K 1.2K 235
By LoveLover

I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 11


Drew's POV

I leave Heaven in my room and go over to Kile's room. I knock on the door and wait. He opens the door and smiles. "Hey dude. What's up?"

"My parents are throwing a party tomorrow. They want you to come" I told him.

"They always want me to come. I'm like their second son" he said.

"Yeah. You need to find a date" I reminded him.

"Oh, yeah. Who should I take?" he asked me.

"I don't know. Who ever you want to take" I said. I'm not interested in who he takes. He usually takes some slutty vampire chick.

"I can take Jasmine" he said.

I roll my eyes. Jasmine is really slutty. Of course Kile wants to take her to show her off to everyone. "Cool." I turn around to go get Heaven's clothes.

"Wait. Who are you taking?" he asked.

I sigh and say, "Heaven." I start walking down the hall.

"You're taking that little bitch?" He laughs and says, "Yeah, that's going to impress everyone! The great Drew Jacobs brings a maid as his date to an important party full of important people! I bet your parents are going to be embarrassed! They're going to wish I was their son after tomorrow night!"

I growl and yell, "No, my parents won't want their son bringing some slut to an important party full of important people! I think they would rather their son bring a pretty girl who has some dignanty than a girl who shows off her body to make people think she's hot!"

I hear his door slam and I keep walking. Jamie is standing in her doorway watching me. "Don't say a word" I told her.

She nods her head and goes back in her room. She knows not to mess with me when I've had a fight with Kile. We used to never fight. Now that Heaven's here, we always fight.

Heaven's POV

I get out of the huge shower and wrap a towel around me. I sigh with content. I havn't had a shower since I got to this place. Feeling clean is so nice. The slaves are just supposed to use a wet towel to wash themselves, so this is so better.

I open the door to the bathroom and look out to the bed. My clothes aren't there. Great. Drew must still be getting some for me.

I don't know what to do. Do I wait in the bathroom or in the room? I think about it and then walk out of the bathroom. I go to the couch and sit down.

I wait for about ten minutes and then the door opens. Drew walks in with clothes in his arms. When he sees me on the couch, he laughs.

"What?" I asked.

"Nice hair" he said.

"Thanks" I said sarcastically.

"Sorry that I took so long. I was talking with Kile and then it took me a while to fins some clothes for you" he explained.

"It's fine, Sir" I told him, remembering to use Sir or Master.

"I hate when you call me Sir and Master. It makes me feel like I'm your owner or something" he said.

"You are my owner."

He sighs and puts the clothes down on the bed. He walks over to me and sits down next to me. He looks straight into my eyes and says, "No, I'm not your owner. No one can own you. You're not a dog. You're a person."

"Yeah, well sometimes I do feel like a dog" I confessed.

Drew looks stunned. "Why do you feel like a dog sometimes?" he asked.

"When Kile was beating me, I felt like a dog. When you were meanly ordering me around after he hurt me, I felt like a dog" I told him.

He looks down and says quietly, "I'm sorry. I will never treat you like that again." I don't say anything. A shiver runs through me and Drew notices. "You should get dressed before you get sick" he said.

I nod my head and get the clothes from the bed. "Will you wait here until I'm done?" I asked him.

He looks up at me and says, "If you want me to."

I smile and go into the bathroom. I get dressed in a red T-shirt with a white cami underneath. I slip on a pair of dark, jean capris. I walk out of the bathroom and don't see Drew anywhere. I jump when I feel someone breathing on my neck.

He laughs and says, "You're always so jumpy."

I freeze. That's not Drew's voice. I whip around and see Kile behind me. He smiles a cruel smile.

"So I hear Drew is taking you to the party tomorrow night. Well that won't due. Maybe if you disappear for a while, he will take someone else who's not a human." he said.

I don't say anything. I'm deathly afraid of Kile. When he takes a step toward me, I scream, "Don't touch me!"

He tackles me and we fall to the ground. Pain goes through my back and I gasp. I try to struggle out of his grip on me. I give up when I don't get anywhere. I hear him laugh. "You're so pathetic! But it's going to be easier to drink from you."

My eyes widen and I thrash around. He leans his head down to my neck and he opens his mouth. I scream.

Right when I feel his teeth touch my skin, he's gone. He's not on top of me anymore. I look around and see Drew holding Kile against the wall.

"What the hell!?" he yelled at Kile.

"I want that girl out of here! I want her dead!" Kile yelled.

Tears start to pour out of my eyes and I stand up. And I run. I run away from them. I run out of Drew's room and down the stairs. I run to the door and go outside. I take off toward the thick trees. Rocks and twigs cut into my feet but I keep running through the trees.

Out of no where, I run into something hard. I fall to the ground and look up to see Drew. He leans down and puts me on my feets. "Are you okay?" he asked me. I start crying and sobbing even more and he pulls me into his arms. I cling to him with all my strenghth. After a moment, Drew picks me up into his arms and I wrap my arms around his neck. I hide my face in his chest and whisper, "Thank you."

He leans his head down and kisses the top of my head. Then I feel like we're moving. When I look up, all I see are blurs. I hide my face in his chest again.

I feel Drew sit down and I look up. We're in his room again. I sigh and cling to him even tighter.

"Heaven. I need to clean up your feet. They're bleeding" he told me.

"Don't let me go" I said.

I feel him sigh and then he yells, "Jamie!"

I hear the door open and then Jamie's voice. "Yeah?"

"Can you fix up her feet for me? She doesn't want me to let her go" Drew explained.

"Sure" I heard Jamie say.

Soon I feel her hands on my feet and I whin a little when she pulls a rock out of my foot. I guess it wasn't a good idea to run outside, barefoot.

"It's okay. It's out" Drew soothed. This is the quietest I've heard him ever talk.

After about 20 minutes Jamie says, "Okay, she should be fine now."

"Thanks Jamie" Drew said. "So can you still take her shopping tonight?"

"Of course. But can she still go?" she asked.

"Heaven? Can you still go shopping with Jamie?" he asked me in a quiet, kind voice.

I shake my head.

"Come on, Heaven. She really wants you to go with her. And you will be perfectly safe with her" he said in the same voice.

I sigh and say very quietly, "Okay."

He kisses my head. "Thank you, Hun."

"We will leave in a hour" Jamie said.

"Okay" I said quietly.

"Kay." I hear her walk away and then the door close behind her. I sigh and pull myself closer to Drew.

"I don't think you can get any closer, Hun" I heard him say. I smile and look up at him. He smiles down at me and smoothes my hair back. "Are you okay, now?" he asked.

"I'm better" I said.

"Good." He stands up and walks to his bed. "Will you lie down for me?" he asked.

"If you don't let go of me" I said.

"I'm going to have to let go of you for a second" he said.

"Noooo" I whinned.

"It will only be a second" he said.

I nod my head and he lies me down on his bed. Then he sits down by stomach and takes me hand in his. I try to pull him closer, but it doesn't work.

"Try to sleep, Heaven. You need it" he told me.

I shake my head no. "Not unless you lie down with me" I said. I really want him close to me.

He sighs. "Fine." He moves around the bed to the other side and lies down behind me. I scoot back so I'm touching him. he puts his arm around my stomach and I grab his hand. He laughs. "I'm not going anywhere, Heaven."

I nod my head and close my eyes. I fall asleep in no time.

I wake up with Jamie saying, "Get up!"

I groan and open my eyes. I feel Drew still laying behind me.

"Come on! You need to finish getting ready so we can go!" Jamie whisper yelled.

I nod my head and slip out of bed. I go to the bathroom and do everything I need to do. When I'm done, I go back to the bed. I smile at Drew and then leave. Jamie is waiting in the hall.

"Come on" she said. We walk down the stairs and then through a door that leads to the garage.

"Umm... Jamie? How are we getting to the mall?" I asked.

"My maid will drive us. She's your age and can drive." We go to a small, blue car and get in the back seat. There's a girl with brown hair sitting in the driver seat. She backs us out of the garage and then we are on our way to the mall.

Drew's POV

I wake up with Heaven gone. I sit up quickly and look around the room for her. Then I remember Jamie and her were going shopping. I relax and smile. She didn't want me not touching her. She wanted me as close as possible. And I liked that. I was going to kill Kile when he tryed to bite her. Stupid Kile!

Heaven's POV

After hours of shopping, we both find our dresses. Jamie's is a light blue, strapless dress that stops right above the knees. It has a black bow that goes around the waist. Mine is a dark blue, long dress. It has a pin type thing on the left side in between my chest and hips. I love it.

After we pay for the dresses, we go back to the car. On the way home, Jamie says, "Drew likes you."

I turn to her in surprise. "What?"

"I've never heard him talk to anyone like that. I've never seen him care that much about someone before either. My brother likes you" she said.

I don't say anything. I just think about what she said.

Okay!! That was a good chapter I think. Well I'm going to put their dresses up with the rest of the pictures, so go to the link below and you can see them. Heaven's dress is supposed to be dark blue so just pretend it is ha ha ha!!! Well please comment! I love reading them!! Thanks!


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