Lean On Me (I Promise, I Will...

By Cosmic_Pumpkin_King

178K 6.8K 3.4K

When Loki was young, he had a companion by his side that would always listen to him. They were as close as an... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Sequel is Up

Chapter 1

22.4K 624 487
By Cosmic_Pumpkin_King

This is another book from my fanfiction.net account Lukas Avier. I'll try to post the chapters on FF.net on here as quickly as possible!

— Yuki :D


When Loki was little, he was always in his brother's shadow. It was all he knew, all he was used to. Still, he couldn't help the bitterness that built up inside of his and settled on his tongue as he watched Thor receive praise from their father as he stood getting scolded for practicing magic. It wasn't the "warrior's way" after all. His mother, Frigga, was kind to him but he could see the disappointment hidden carefully in her eyes when he refused to go out and practice with a sword or bow. He felt alone and trapped, different from everyone else.

Now, Loki was, as Midgardians would call him, a teenager and was working on a spell, something to help pull a prank on his arrogant brother. He failed at it three times before but he knew perfection didn't come on the first try. He was getting farther than anyone else that used magic for he was creating his own spells. Many couldn't do that, especially at his age.

"What are you doing?"

Loki started at the unexpected voice and felt his magic give a slight burst, losing its small green light. He quickly hid his hands behind his back, thinking maybe it was a castle guard searching for him under the orders of Odin. Those thoughts vanished, however, when he glanced up at the person that interrupted his self-appointed practice session.

The person was his age with wavy black hair and green eyes brighter than his own. He was dressed in a simple white shirt with a brown vest over it and baggy black pants that fell to his ankles near brown shoes. His hands were shoved in his pockets and Loki figured he was not someone from the castle, but a citizen of the land, perhaps a tradesman.

The teen's eyes scanned the area, taking in the magic books and the notes carefully laid out around the god, "You use magic?" He looked up when the other gave no answer and raised an eyebrow, "Well," He took a seat on the grass, mindful of the papers near his legs. "Carry on then."

"I- Uh," For once, Loki was out of words, eyeing the green-eyed person like he was the oddest creature in Asgard. "What is your name?"

"Ah, I apologize, Odinson," The person crossed his legs, leaning one elbow on his thigh and using his hand to cushion his cheek. "I am called Perseus."

"It's a pleasure, Perseus," Loki nodded, getting his bearings back. "May I ask what you are doing out here?"

Perseus shrugged and gestured to the large field around them, "I'm fond of the flowers. They are very pretty."

Indeed, flowers graced the land, dotting the area and circling the pair. They were an unchanging part of Asgard, something that was a constant in Loki's life. He came to this area when he was troubled or wanted to be alone to practice his magic. "Yes, they are. I must admit, the golden ones are my favorite."

"Angasiiar," The teen said, eyeing the flowers. "They are called Angasiiar. They are the most beautiful flowers in all of Asgard, and perhaps all the worlds. They are used as a courting gift."

"Courting?" Loki was now curious. He had never heard of this before.

"Figures Odin never told you," Perseus snorted but there was no hate in his voice, just something strange like disappointment. "When you find a man or woman you feel you want to marry, you bring them gifts. It can be something small like a simple earring or something grand like a stable full of horses. Courting in Asgard lasts about maybe a week at most. The last gift given is an Angasiiar flower, showing deep love and devotion. Of course, a courting attempt can be denied if the one you are courting refuses to take or use the gifts you are given."

"You are right," Loki nodded. "My father had never told me about this 'courting'. I wonder if it is because he does not want me to marry..."

"I don't think that's it," Perseus said with a small tilt of his head. "At least, it might not be. Fathers generally do not talk about marriage and relationships. That is usually done by the mother. Although," He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "It is a wonder why your mother hasn't told you yet... Perhaps she will soon. Now, what have you been working on?"

"Ah, you," Loki searched the teen's face, looking for any chance he would turn around and report to his father or ridicule him. Finding nothing of the sort, he continued, "You want to see my magic?"

"Yeah, it's really interesting," Perseus leaned forward slightly, eyeing the pages on the ground. "You don't mind, do you? I've never seen anything like this up close."

"No, no, I do not mind. It's just... My family never approved. They want me to be a-"

"-A warrior, right?" The black-haired teen nodded, as if to answer his own question, "Just because you're not picking up a sword or hammer and bashing people's head in doesn't make you any less of a warrior than those bigoted bearded men running around," He smiled gently, like he didn't just insult most of the population of Asgard in front of one of the princes. "So, magic?"

As it was, Loki spent hours with Perseus, showing some of his magic and listening to the teen tell him all about the flowers that surround them. At one point, Perseus had given him a pretty white and blue flower with a golden stem and grinned cheekily, "This flower is a Blensiir. It means to always believe in oneself." He held it up to the young god before leaning down and kissing one of its blue petals softly, whispering something so quietly, Loki could not hear it. He then handed it over, "Believe in yourself, son of Odin. There is something amazing about you, I feel it."

It was soon nearing nighttime and Loki could hear Thor calling for him to come inside from wherever he was. He looked over at Perseus as the two gathered up the papers and books, "Will I see you again?"

The green-eyed teen smiled softly and gave a firm nod, "I will be here every third day, if you will allow me."

"Then I shall see you then. It was fun, Perseus, but I must go now. Goodnight."

"Good night."

Loki saw him again three days later as promised and brought cookies Frigga made to share. He didn't bring many books this time, content to just sit and talk to the person who didn't seem to mind his method of fighting and living. He enjoyed the company and the attention of someone who didn't see him as just a prince or a god who could not even fight like a warrior.

"Do you fight?" Loki asked at one point of their conversation, taking a small bite from one of the cookies.

Perseus scratched his chin thoughtfully, "I suppose I do. I don't do it often, you must understand. I am skilled in the sword but I do not enjoy the fighting many Asgardians seem to now. It is too tiresome and causes more pain and despair than justice."

"I can see your point, Perseus," The god nodded.

"Percy," Perseus said, looking at him. "It is what my mother and friends call me."

Loki could feel his face coloring slightly. Friends. When was the last time someone called him a friend? "Yes, well, then. Percy it is."

"Tell me, Loki," Percy leaned back in the grass, looking for all the world like a god amongst gods as the nature seemed to envelop him in a warm embrace. "Is Thor really going to become king?"

The god's face turned sour for a moment and he bit his lip, "It appear that it may very well happen."

"I hope not," The green-eyed teen turned on his side to face the trickster. "He would make a terrible king with all of his arrogance. I believe you would make a wise king, much like how your father was before now."

"Before now?" Loki furrowed his eyebrows, not in anger but confusion, "He is a great king, Odin is. Many respect him."

"That may be true," Percy nodded. "But he has failed to see how his act in teaching his oldest has caused him to neglect his other son. He has also failed to realize that he is not focusing on the needs of the citizens as well. Another group of bandits attacked once again for a fourth time. A mother's home was burned. Her child almost died. I helped put out the fire but the guards were nowhere to be seen."

Loki swallowed thickly, "Was this the day my father had the guards spar against Thor and the Warriors Three?"

"Yes, but know that is not any of your fault but your father's lack of observation and consequence. Please forgive me, Loki, if I have offended you in any way," Percy sat up and bowed his head slightly.

"No, no," Loki waved him off. "It is just... Much to think about."

"Yes, well," Percy nodded. "On to more happier notes, how is your spell for Thor coming along?"

The third time Loki saw him, the green-eyed teen was sitting among purple flowers the seemed to spike at the base of the stem, speaking quietly as if they understood his every word. His prank against Thor was successful. He had changed his brother's blonde hair into a bright pink, causing the Warriors Three to laugh at their friend. He had also managed to have a civil conversation with his father without it ending up with the two shouting at each other and hurt feelings.

"The guards are back," Was Percy's way of greeting as the god came to sit next to him.

"That is wonderful news," Loki smiled but wouldn't meet the other's eyes, preferring to play with the grass at his fingertips.

"They've," Percy's eyebrows furrowed. "They've started walking around, patrolling. I- They actually stopped some of the bandits before they came through the gates." He turned to the god, "You wouldn't have anything to do about this, would you, Loki?"

The god of mischief finally looked up at him, "I may have spoken to my father about what you have told me. He agreed that he had been neglecting the people of Asgard and that he should have been thinking more clearly. He has decided that the guards will stay as a sure-way to keep bandits and such from attacking the town."

Percy blinked and Loki freaked for a second internally. Did his friend hate him now? Before he could speak, he found himself nearly tackled by the green-haired teen, "Oh, my gods, Lokes, thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He leaned back, giving the god the brightest smile he had ever seen, "You're amazing!"

"I- Yes, well, for the townspeople, right?" He grinned and Percy nodded.

"Yes. For the townspeople," He smiled, laying back in the grass once more. "Have you completed your spell yet?"

"No," Loki shook his head, moving to lay down next to his companion. "I need a Ynngsnar flower and then it is complete."

"Oh," Percy turned on his side, plucking up a red flower, before turning back around and handing it to the god. "There you go."

"Thank you," Loki smiled at the flower before placing it on his chest so he could continue laying on the grass. "Are you familiar with all the flowers here."

"Mostly," The green-eyed teen answered, smiling at the clouds that moved lazily across the sky. "I tend to the flowers when I can. I am the only one that is able to often."

"What to do you mean by that?" Loki looked over at him.

"I'm a water user," Percy turned on his side, using his elbow to support his body. "While it is not necessarily some great magic like yours," Loki could feel his cheeks coloring slightly at the compliment. "I am able to control the water around by will."

"That is a useful skill," Loki nodded. Suddenly, he sat up quickly, mindful of the flower, as a thought came to him, "Come with me, Percy."

"What?" Percy leaned up at look at him, confusion written on his face. "Loki, what do you have planned?"

"There's a place I wish to show you but it is in the castle. Come, we must not wait around!"

The two teens found themselves walking the halls of the palace, careful not to run into any guards. Loki was not sure how his father would react to one of the townspeople coming into his home and didn't plan on finding out. Thor had almost found them a couple of times but the god of mischief quickly placed a concealment spell on his friend, hiding him from view. A couple of times, the two even played some pranks on the guards; making the floors slippery, changing their swords and spears into snakes, and dousing them in water.

The two were laughing breathlessly by the time they reached the doors to the castle's garden. Loki wiped a tear from the corner of his eyes as he grinned, "Come, Percy. There is something I wish to show you." He pushed open the large gold doors, revealing the garden never seen by someone not from inside the palace.

"Oh, wow," Percy gasped as his eyes scanned the flowers that he had never seen before. "Please tell me you have books about these! I have to study them!"

Loki grinned at his friend, "I am sure my mother has some books."

The two ended up sitting in the garden together, admiring the flowers that seemed to shimmer magnificently in the sun. They talked about everything and anything from Thor's warrior antics and his obliviousness to life outside the palace walls. Soon, it was nearing nighttime and the two rose to leave.

"In three days," Percy smiled, bowing slightly, something more out of playfulness than actual respect to a prince. "Good night, Loki."

"Good night, Percy."


I totally made those flowers up, so don't go looking them up on Google or something

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