The Baker Street Baby

By ageplayfandomwriter

63.5K 1.6K 759

What will happen when Sherlock Holmes goes to sleep as his normal mature 6 foot self and wakes up back as a 2... More

Chapter 1: The Prologue
Chapter 2: This Can't Be Real
Chatper 3: A Woman's Touch
Chapter 4: The War Begins
Chapter 5: The Uninvited Guest
Chapter 6: The Sleepless Night
Chapter 7: The Crazy Morning
Chapter 8: Paging Dr.Watson
Chapter 9: The Day That Couldn't Get Any Worse
Chapter 10: The Discovery
Chapter 11: The Day Has Finally Come
Chapter 12: Your New Home
Chapter 13: The Mad Man And His Box
Chapter 14: The Rescue
Chapter 15: Christmas Eve
Chapter 16: Christmas Day!
Chapter 17: The Cure
Chapter 18: Another Trip To The Hospital
Chapter 19: A Doctor Needed
Chapter 20: The Doctor Is In
Chapter 21: The Babysitter
Chapter 22: A Rainy Indoors Day
Chapter 23: Roadtrip
Chapter 24: A Heart-Breaking Goodbye
Chapter 26: A Second Doctor's Opinion

Chapter 25: Where's John

1.1K 30 13
By ageplayfandomwriter

The events of the previous day played in Sherlock little head as he slept. As it played over and over again his heart raced at the terrible thought of what might have happened to John. Horrible images flashed in his head as his mind dared to imagine what happened. But soon these nightmares ended as Sherlock soon started to wake up.

As he started to wake he could hear two people fighting back and forth. He groaned as he slowly started to move and stretch. He hit the side of something making him soon realize he was sleeping somewhere smaller than his usual crib. His little head pounded in pain of all of the emotional stress he had endured. He soon opened his eyes and sat up taking in what was happening around him.

Sherlock was sitting on a chair in Mycroft's underground's bunker. He had been here a couple of times when he was big but now that he was little he had realized how dark and depressing it really looked. He looked over at his brother's desk to see Lestrade and Mycroft arguing back and forth. The two were arguing over whether or not Mycroft and the secret service handle the situation at the country house right.

But that's didn't worry Sherlock. What worried Sherlock more than anything was that John was still missing. He stood up on the chair and tried to get the two's attention. First he started to yell but their argument was louder than his little voice. The anger started to build and build within his little body and soon he had had it. He picked up Redbeard who was laying on the chair next to him and threw it at Lestrade.

The little boy was impressively a good shot. Redbeard hit Lestrade straight in the arm. The little stuffed animal instantly broke him out of the argument with Mycroft. The two looked over at Sherlock standing on the chair starting to look upset. Sherlock's little face was red as tears started to fall down. John was missing and he wasn't having it.

Mycroft looked at Lestrade and sighed. "We are upsetting brother dearest." He said softly. Lestrade rolled his eyes "Its not my fault he's upset." The two walked over to Sherlock. Lestrade handed Redbeard back over to Sherlock. "Good morning? Didn't someone have a good nap?" Mycroft asked trying to sound sweet.

Sherlock wasn't having any of this. He knew he was put to sleep by Mycroft and he remembered what happen at the house. "Where John?" Sherlock asked trying to sound big. Sadly though his little mind was starting to mess with his brain. He didn't seem to care though, he wanted an answer. Mycroft sighed looking at Lestrade then Sherlock.

"Sherlock I'm not going to lie to you because despite your position I know you still have that brilliant brain of yours. As of right now we still have no word on where John is or what might have happened. All we know is that a shoot out happened and when we went back to investigate, Moriarty, Sebastian and John were missing. We are going everything in our power to try to find them but at the -."

Mycroft tried to continue explaining but little Sherlock couldn't take it anymore. Tears started to roll down his checks and his face began to turn red. "You did this!!" He yelled then started to hit Mycroft with his stuffie. Mycroft held his hand up to block it "Sherlock calm down. I didn't do any of this!" Mycroft started to yell back. "BRING JOHN BACK!!!"

Sherlock continued to hit him and cry. "I wan John!" He said soft, almost defeated. He stopped hitting Mycroft. In all honestly he wasn't mad at Mycroft, he was mad that he didn't have John. He sat down in the chair and just started to cry to himself about the situation. He held Redbeard close and just cried into the stuffed animal.

Mycroft and Lestrade sorta looked at eachother unsure what to do. Especially Mycroft, he was extremely lost how to help his little brother. He felt bad about everything that was happening especially for the fact that John knew way more about what was happening to Sherlock then Lestrade and himself combined.

Finally Lestrade stepped forward and picked Sherlock up off the chair. He picked him up and held him close. Sherlock was at first pushing away from the detective. He was about to start hitting him as well with his stuffie. After all he wasn't really that close to him in any sense but soon his comforting was making him feel better.

Sherlock cried into Lestrade's shoulder as he rubbed his back. Sherlock honestly really needed a shoulder to cry on and Lestrade somehow knew that. Mycroft looked amazed at how Lestrade knew how to comfort him. Lestrade smirked seeing Mycroft's amazement "I have a lot of young nephews and nieces that I babysit for." He whispered.

Soon Sherlock cried turned into soft sniffs. Lestrade still held him in his arms just to make him still feel safe. Mycroft walked over to Sherlock. "Little brother I am so sorry about everything that happen that night. But you must know I did everything to make sure you were safe. I promise you we will find John. That why I called Lestrade. Together we are working with the police and secret service to find them." Mycroft looking at Sherlock in Lestrade's arms.


Hours and hours went by. Mycroft and Lestrade went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth throughout the office. Sherlock could barely keep track of them! They were on the phone, off the phone, they went to the left, they went to the right, on and off the computer. Sherlock was getting dizzy just watching them!

Sherlock tried to speak up and give his little opinion on things but every time he did he was either rejected or was awed at. Again Sherlock little temper was rising. With every hour that passed by Sherlock grew madder and madder waiting and worrying about John.

He knew they weren't going to solve this with the stupid idiots that were the police and secret service in London. They needed someone who was more than the both of them. They needed a Doctor. He was the only one in Sherlock's eyes that could possibly give a better insight into finding John.

Sherlock jumped off the chair and made his way over to Mycroft's desk. Mycroft sat in his desk chair on his laptop. Sherlock didn't really know how to get his attention. He pulled on his pants leg hoping to grab his attention. That didn't work so he tried again, harder. This didn't work again so Sherlock was going to try to rip his pants leg off. That also didn't work in ripping it off but it worked in getting Mycroft's attention.

"What's the matter Sherlock?" He asked alittle agitated. In all honestly it had been a long hard day and Mycroft was exhausted. Sherlock looked at him a bit mad himself. "Doctor." He said plainly. Mycroft looked at but confused "Doctor? Doctor Watson? Sherlock I already told you, we are still looking for him."

But Sherlock shook his head. "Not Da-...John. The Doctor." Sherlock said as his little side started to slip in again. Lestrade looked alittle confused. "Why do you want a doctor Sherlock? Are you feeling okay?" Lestrade said kneeling down and trying to feel Sherlock's head for a fever. Sherlock just rolled his eyes and slapped his hand away.

It finally clicked into Mycroft who Sherlock was talking about. He looked down at Sherlock "But I thought he was missing? Didn't Amy and Rory tell John that he was missing?" Mycroft asked but Sherlock shrugged. Mycroft looked at Lestrade who was still confused. Sherlock was right and Mycroft knew it. As much as he hated to admit it.

"Look up Amy and Rory Pond and get me a street address Greg. They might know someone who can help us." Mycroft ordered. He picked up Sherlock and sat him back down. He looked his his little brother and couldn't help but smirk. He was still in his little dinosaur onesie with his little coat on the back of the chair.

Knowing they were leaving soon meant that he had to check Sherlock to see if his diaper was...clean. That way going to be a challenge but he knew the last thing he wanted was him to get a diaper rash on top of everything else that was happening.

"I got an address on them so we can leave whenever you want." Lestrade said to Mycroft getting off the phone. Mycroft pulled him over to the side to talk away from Sherlock. Sherlock looked over at the two confused. Why were they talking so far away?

Then it hit Sherlock, it was probably about him. But what did they want to do that they didn't want him to know? He looked down at himself and that's when he felt it. He had a wet cold diaper on. Sherlock didn't even notice it with all that way happening.

Soon the two of them started making their way back over to him. And that when Sherlock took off. He started to run around Mycroft office. Under desks, under chairs, running as fast as he could away from the two clumsy adults. But as he was running away from Mycroft he wasn't paying attention and Lestrade grabbed him.

Sherlock kicked and screamed at him to stop. "Relax Sherlock! We are only checking if you need a change!" Lestrade said almost out of breathe. Lestrade held Sherlock while Mycroft checked and it was soon obvious that Sherlock needed a changing. Sherlock's face was red as an apple with embarrassment.

The next battle took place as Lestrade and Mycroft tried to change Sherlock on Mycroft's desk. Sherlock kicked, screamed, spit, and tried to bite the two of them as they tried to grab the zipper to his little onesie. Finally Mycroft had had it with him.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes!" He yelled. Instantly Sherlock froze looking at his brother standing above him. "Since John isn't here at the moment I am in change of you. That means I make the rules brother. You have three strikes with me and then I or Greg will spank you like the little kid you are acting like. Now stay still or its strike one brother dearest." Mycroft said firmly.

Sherlock's heart died when he heard Mycroft say that last part. He was going to what?!?!!! No way!! Nooooooooo way on earth was he going to do that to him. But at the moment seeing Mycroft's red face he didn't feel like testing him. Sherlock had to swallow his pride on this one. Lestrade pushed Sherlock gently and laid him down on the desk. He grabbed his stuffie and gave it to him while the two changed Sherlock's diaper.

Sherlock covered his eyes at the thought of it all. His face was red with embarrassment. But thankfully soon it was over and he had a new diaper on him. After he was changed Mycroft grabbed his coat and buttoned him up. "It's still a nasty day outside so better to stay warm with the rain coat just incase my umbrella doesn't fit the two of us."

After he was done Mycroft went to grab Sherlock's diaper bag from the other room. Lestrade went over to Sherlock and clipped a little pacifier onto his rain coat. He looked back at him and smiled "Oh Sherlock you look so cute when your mad at everyone." And he wasn't lying Sherlock had the cutest stubborn face in the whole world.

Sherlock wanted to kill the two of them. He didn't want Mycroft to be in change of him. He wanted John so badly to come back and save him from this hell with his brother and his boyfriend. But for now he had to listen to his know it all brother and make it through to get John back.

Soon the three were all ready. Mycroft grabbed Sherlock and picked him up holding him on his hip. The three walked out of the office building and into the rain. Lestrade pulled Mycroft's umbrella out for him since he didn't have an extra hand with Sherlock. The three walked down the tiny stairs infront of the office building over to the cop car infront of the building.

Sherlock loved the rain and smiled while they were outside, watching the rain fall around. But his happiness soon dies as his eyes laid upon the car seat in the back of Lestrade's cop car. Soon Sherlock grabbed tightly onto Mycroft and would let go.

Mycroft struggled as the rain was falling around them. "Sherlock come on! Lets not be difficult right now!" He said struggling to get Sherlock off him. He soon managed to get Sherlock off him and into the seat. Sherlock kicked as he was buckled into the little baby seat in the car.

Mycroft sighed closing the car door. He looked at Lestrade and sighed "It's going to be a long day with brother dearest." Lestrade laughed "I thought he was a pain in the ass when he was big. Let alone now. But I think we've been doing pretty good considering." Lestrade said trying to show some positivity.

The two sat in the front seats taking a deep breathe. Soon out of no where Redbeard was thrown into the front seats from a very pissed off Sherlock. Mycroft picked up the little stuffed animal and was about to explode again but Lestrade quickly took over the situation.

"Sherlock I'm not going to give you back your little stuffed animal if you keep this up. This was your strike 1. Now because you threw him at us I'm going to hold him up here for 10 minutes. In that time I don't want a peep from you. If we hear one word I will add 5 minutes onto your time." Sherlock's jaw dropped. He had to sit in this stupid car seat without Redbeard?!

"No!" Sherlock shouted not thinking. Mycroft turned around and looked at Sherlock. "I'm sorry did you say something?" He looked over at Lestrade "Did you hear something Greg?" Sherlock's heart pounded, 10 minutes was bad enough let alone 15. But luck for him Lestrade shook his head. "No I didn't hear anything for now. But we will have to see how this trip goes."

Soon the car pulled away and they were off towards Amy and Rory's house. Sherlock crossed his arms and looked stubborn the whole time. With nothing to do or say he was extremely bored. He start to mess with the little pacifier they clipped to his rain coat and started to look outside.

The trees started to pass by one by one and soon Sherlock's eyes started to grow heavier. For some strange reason, there was something about car rides that always made him sleep. But he could sleep now! Not without Redbeard! Sherlock kept dozing off and jumping back awake.

Soon after an eternity, Lestrade's timer on his phone went off. Sherlock jumped up after dozing off again. His eyes widen as he heard the timer. "Redbeard!" He shouted as he put his hands out. "Hold on there little brother. Before you your stuffed animal back you must promise to be good and quiet for the rest of the trip." Mycroft explained.

Sherlock quickly nodded his head and reached for the stuffed animal. Mycroft sighed knowing he wasn't even listening to him. He handed Sherlock the stuffed animal back, which he grabbed like the flash. He held the stuffie close, wrapping his arms around it.

Mycroft smirked looking in the review mirror at him. Greg looked too and felt the same way, Sherlock was adorable!Sherlock started to stare out the window one more. That day soon started to turn to night so fast. Sherlock looked up into the sun setting sky and wished that he had John once more. He worried about where his John was and what might have happened to him.

But maybe The Doctor could help him with his crazy box! Plus the Ponds were so nice,maybe they could give a better insight. But as he started to worry and think more and more he started to get sleepy at the same time. Before falling asleep he wished upon the sun set for one person, one very special person. He dreamed for his daddy, his doctor, his John.

John soon woke up to a powerful pain in his head. After the wave of pain past he opened his eyes and lifted his head. His mouth was ducked taped and his hands were tied behind his back. He struggle against his restraints but they were too tight. Moriarty and Sebastian smiled as they saw their guest had woken up. Moriarty walked right over and stood right infront of John. "Good morning Doctor Watson. We have such great plans for you."

Thank you all so much for reading! I'm so sorry that this was a bit of a short chapter! I had originally intended this to be the longer better chapter but I realized that I needed a tiny chapter in between to get the story going towards the action again. Plus I'm all honestly we all really needed a cute little chapter a way from all the crazy action. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I promise the next chapter will be much better! This one was just a filler for what's to come next time! If you like this chapter star it! Comment below any suggestions or complements you might have! Thank you all so much for your wonderful support! Without you I couldn't have the motivation to write! Thank you all so much again for your understanding and I will see you all in the next chapter!!

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