By Fight_The_Faries

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Dakota Hale is the youngest member of the Hale family. Her life hasn't exactly been what you would call a dre... More

Prologue AKA: Missing
Chapter 1 AKA: Who The Hell Cares 'Cause I Dont
Chapter 2 AKA: Un-Fucking-Believable
Chapter 3 AKA: A Cougar Is A Mountain Lion, Dumbass
Chapter 4 AKA: Haha, Sharp Point
Chapter 5 AKA: The Neverending Crap
Chapter 6 AKA: Vendetta
Chapter 7 AKA: I'm Sorry
Chapter 9 AKA: Laser Eyes
Chapter 10 AKA: The Way It's Always Been
Chapter 11 AKA: Good Lacrosse Ball To The Face
Chapter 12 AKA: I Promise
Book Two Bitches!!!

Chapter 8 AKA: Just Fascinating

215 9 9
By Fight_The_Faries

An extra chapter for you guys! I'm so excited about the next few chapters, you don't even know. Merry Christmas to you who celebrate it! Until next time!

Also, I would just like to give a little shout out to Bloodmoonlight_. I would like you to know that your votes mean so much to me! so thank you!

I've been staying with the Stilinski's since that night at the school. They shut the school down Thursday and Friday, so everyone would return to school the following Monday.

Anyways I'm alone in the Stilinski residence at the moment watching a little TV. Stiles went out to make Scott feel better about his breakup with Alison, also known as to getting shit-faced drunk. The only problem is werewolves can't get drunk.

Turning off the TV, I go and head up to bed. I climbed halfway up the stairs when the front door opens. I turn around to see Scott supporting a drunk Stiles. Scott looks at me with an anxious smile, he knows I'm still pissed at him.

"Hey, he, uh, had a little too much to drink." Scott told me gesturing to a limp Stiles

"Psh, no. I'm not drunk. Not even close." Stiles laughs to himself hanging his head. I hold back a laugh and cover it with a sigh. I walk downstairs and grab Stiles other arm and put it around my neck.

I bounce once or twice to get a feel for his weight. "Okay Scott, I got him. Okay" I nod to Scott once I know I got him. Scott lets go and looks at me and Stiles making sure I got him.

"You good?" He asks

"Yeah, I got him." I say and take one step then turn my head back "You can go home Scott" I tell him.

Scott nods a few times and is about to leave but turns quickly back to face us "Hey, I haven't actually said this to you yet but...I'm sorry." He tells me sincerely.

I simply nod in response "It's fine, just forget about it. Now go on home Scott, your moms probably worried." I say and he gives me a smile nodding, then walks out.

"Okay, Stiles," I tell him as I help him upstairs to his room.

I kick his door open a bit more and we stumble in. He almost falls out of my grasp and onto the floor, but thankfully I caught him. "Okay, Stiles. You're gonna have to help me out a bit okay."

He hums in response. "I wanna throw up" He whines and I roll my eyes

"Okay, okay," I say as I finally get him to his bed

He falls face first into the bed and I fall with him. I stand and turn him over onto his back, my hair falling in his face. "Your hair smells nice, like Tulips, and rainbows." He tells me with a goofy smile on his face.

"Alright," I tell him and grab his legs and put them on the bed. I huff as he lays there with that cute goofy grin. I let a tiny smile slip onto my face as I grab under Stiles' arms to get a grip on him and lift his upper body to rest on the headboard.

But when I put him down his head went smack against the board "Shit" I whisper-shout to myself as Stiles groans a bit and moves his head. "Stiles, hey, hey, hey" I clap in front of his face and he opened his beautiful eyes. "you with me?" I ask as he nods again.

I let out a sigh of relief "Okay Stiles, I'm going to get you a shit ton of water alright? That will help you not have a major hangover in the morning." I say as he gives me a lazy thumbs up.

I go downstairs and fill up two whole cups of water and grab some bread for him to eat. I walk into Stiles room to see him right where I left him. "Hey there beautiful" Stiles slurs

"Hey there Mr. Drunk-off-his-ass," I said ignoring his comment. I sit on his bed to the side of his hips.

"Okay so here is what you're going to do, you are going to chug both of these watered and then you are going to have some bread to get something in your stomach," I tell him and hold one of the waters in front of him.

"Okay." He says and grabs the water out of my hand. "Whatever you say." He smiles. I roll my eyes at him. He drinks one of the waters and hands the cup back to me. "You know." He starts looking at me drowsily. "You have got a great personality." He says

I laugh loudly and hard, tears were forming in my eyes and I couldn't breathe. Once I started to get my breath back I looked at him and he just stares at me dreamily. I stop laughing. "Oh, you were serious?" I ask him

He nods fast with a drunk smile. "I mean it, and you have hair that smells amazing, I wanted to throw up and then I smelled your hair and all of that went away." He slurs, moving his hand away from him horizontally for emphasis.

"That's nice, Stiles" I pat his leg

"Yeah. And don't even get me started on your personality. I could talk about that for hours." I raise my eyebrows as he keeps talking.

"A-an-and-and you have perfect skin, and your legs are great. The scars show how strong you are and you shouldn't hide that. They show a great part of you, you know? They show all of the things that are apart of you, that makes you, you." He says rambling all I can do is stare at him in his drunken state.

"You are mean to People, and you scare the hell out of them. Nobody wants to talk to you because they think that you're just a flat out bitch" I furrow my eyebrows at what he just said.

"Hell you were mean to me and you still kind of are, but I still have that attraction to you. Because I know that on the other side of those walls that you built so high is the real you, that you almost never show. That is that person I have seen a tiny bit of, and you act like you don't care about anything. You put on a fake smile and that famous poker face of yours, just to get through the day. But either way, I like you because you are just." He pursed his lips in thought "fascinating" he finishes his ramble.

I just sit there not knowing what to say. I was flattered and was starting to blush then remembered that he's drunk as fuck. So I just bit my lip and gave him his bread which he ate right away then the second cup of water.

Once he finished everything I took the cups and plate. Before I could get up Stiles grabbed my wrist. "Goodnight, Dakota." He says looking like he was going to pass out any second.

"Night Stiles." I say and right after I said this I heard his soft snores, signaling that he was out like a rock. I smiled lightly and walked out of his room, closing the door quietly before I left and went straight to bed.


"It's just weird. Everybody's talking about what happened the other night, and nobody knows it was us." Allison tells Lydia and I as we walk down the hallway to our next class.

"Thank you, for the protection of minors." Lydia states with a big smile on her face and I nod

"Lydia, Dakota, do you think I made the wrong decision?" Allison asks us fidgeting with her books, wanting to know if her breaking up with Scott was a bad idea

"About that jacket with that dress? Absolutely." Lydia tells her pointing to Allison's clothes

I roll my eyes at the strawberry blonde "You know what she means, Lydia." I say as she just looks at Allison and I.

"Hello? Scott locked us in a classroom and left us for dead. He's lucky we're not pressing charges or making him pay our therapy bills." She tells us

"Okay, my opinion is that you did make a mistake in breaking it off with Scott because he was only trying to help us back there. You do know that right?" I ask both of them as they stay silent.


We are in class ready to take a test. I'm seated next to Allison in the front when Scott comes up and stops in front of her. I look between the two having an idea of how this was going to end.

"Allison." Scott starts but is soon cut off by the devil himself.

"Mr. McCall, please take a seat." Mr. Harris says giving me and Allison our tests once Scott leaves to his seat.

Mr. Harris goes in front of the class You have 45 minutes to complete the test. 25% of your grade can be earned right now simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book. However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover, and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So let's get the disappointment over with. Begin." He starts the clock.

I write my name on the cover of the booklet and turn to the next page and start to answer the multiple choice questions.

Soon enough after I flip to the next page in the test Scott bolts out of the room with his stuff we all watch him go.

"Mr. McCall?" Mr. Harris tells after him, shortly after Scott left Stiles ran out after him with his stuff. "Mr. Stilinski!"

Allison and I give each other a look before continuing with our test in front of us.


Lydia and I were talking in the hallway, I don't even remember what we were talking about in the first place but somehow it ended in a weird conversation with Toaster Strudels.

Anyways, we were talking about the deliciousness of toaster strudels when Scott walks up to us interrupting our conversation.

"Hey, Dakota? Can we talk for a second?" He asks me, I hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

"Uh, sure. I guess" I say and he instantly grabs my arm and pulls me into coaches office. Once we're in he closes the door behind us. I lean against one of the desks that coach has and Scott starts

"Just I needed to ask you something." He stated and looks like he's contemplating two different things. "Do you, uh - Do you know if Allison still likes me?" He spits out.

I roll my eyes at Scott's stupidity "Of course she still likes you, Scott."

"Really?" He asks looking like a child on Christmas.

"She'll always like you, I mean you were her first love. It's just with everything that's been going on, and the night at the School didn't make it any better what-so-ever. And she does want you back she just doesn't know what to think at the moment. And from the whole classroom situation that really didn't help, she's just confused." I tell him and he suddenly gets this dark look in his eyes, his whole demeanor changing just like that.

"Are you grateful?" He asks taking steps closer and I eye him getting ready for whatever was about to come. "For the whole classroom thing?" He clarifies as he is about a foot away from me now.

"Uh, Sure. I guess you could say that." I tell him with a slight shake in my voice but it was hardly noticeable.

He takes one more step so he's right in front of me and smirks down to me. He then does something I would have never expected.

He kissed me.

I was stunned for a millisecond. Getting over my initial shock I lift up my right hand and put it under his jaw to get a good grip and threw him off of me and onto the other desk and glare down at him.

"You're so lucky that I know it's the full moon McCall and that you are new at this, so I'm going to cut you some slack." I take a pencil that was just sitting on the desk and jam it into his right arm, he groans in pain.

I let go of him, breathing heavily before getting out of there. Once I'm out I run right into Stiles. "Hey, are you okay?" He asks me looking down at my swollen lips. His mouth drops a little then looks back into my eyes.

"Just Fucking Peachy" I shout wiping my mouth then spitting onto the floor disgusted and leave the vicinity.


I'm currently standing outside Allison's house looking like a complete idiot. I've been standing on their porch for a solid ten minutes trying to build up the courage to knock on the damn door.

"Okay, Dakota you can do this. All you have to do is lift up your fist and knock on the door. Not so hard." I take in a deep breath preparing myself. I dont move a muscle and just stare at the door not being able to do this.

"God, what am I doing. This is stupid" I whisper-yell to myself "You have to do this, You must." I turn back to the door. "I can't." I take a few steps to leave but quickly turn back to the door. "Do it." I encourage myself frustrated "No, dammit." I yell back and forth to myself, I turn away again and start to leave. "Do it bitch" I tell myself, turning around on my heels and march myself back to the door and knock before I can talk myself out of it, again.

I wait there cursing myself out in every way possible. Please let it be Allison that answers. Please for the love of god let it be Allison that answers. I was freaking out. But if you were to look at me I looked as calm as a high surfer. If one thing goes right this week please let it be this.

The door finally opens to reveal Allison. Oh, thank you, Jesus. Allison's face brightens up when she sees me standing there. "Hey!" she squeals as I pull on a small smile.

"Hey, Allison," I say and then a person appears from behind her. Kate. It's just not my fucking day, is it? I stare at Kate my face blank as she puts on a fake smile and turns to Alison.

"Hey, who's this?" She asks already knowing the answer as Allison smiles once more turning to her aunt

"This is my friend, you know the one that I was telling you about earlier." Oh fuck. On the inside, I was freaking out but let nothing show on the outside.

"Oh, this is her?" Kate asks gesturing to me with a big fake smile plastered on her bitch of a face. "I'm Kate, Alison's aunt." She holds out her hand only acting nice because of Alison's presence. I would too but that's just not me.

"Dakota." I look down at her hand mine staying by my sides. "Germaphobe," I say with a small smirk my eyes never leaving Kate's almost in a challenging way. She tightens her mouth in a thin line obviously offended.

"Of course." She says with a clearly forced tone only making my smirk grow wider. And Alison looks at me confused, knowing that I'm not actually a germaphobe and I'm anything but.

"So anyways why are you here?" She asks shaking off what had just happened.

"Oh, right. I came for the Chem notes and I was here to talk to you about something but that can wait." I say wanting to tell her about the thing with Scott feeling bad for what did happen. Even though it wasn't my fault by any means, and I apologize close to never.

"Right. I forgot sorry. Um, please come in." She moved to the side gesturing for me to enter as Kate gave me a death glare behind Allison's back.

I looked at the threshold of the house making it look as though I was looking at what little I could see of her house pondering the thought of going in. When in reality I wasn't going to, not in a million years.

"Nah, I'm good. I have to head out anyways. I just came for the notes and besides, I don't want to overstay my welcome" I inform her smoothly.

"But didn't you say that you wanted to talk?" She questioned. Crap.

"Yes..I did..but I can talk to you about it tomorrow at school" Nailed it!

She nods understanding that I'm uncomfortable in these situations "Alright, I'll be right back." She tells me and runs upstairs leaving me and Kate to quietly glare at each other.

Once Alison gets to her room and we hear the soft noise of the door shutting Kate speaks. "You got some guts showing up here you know." She continued to glare

"Ha funny. You know I was just going on a walk and stumbled over a sharp object that I'd just love to introduce your face to. I think that it'd look really good jammed all the way through your skull." I say with a smirk.

Before she could reply Alison came downstairs "Got 'em!" She states happily then looks between the two of us sensing the tension. "Everything good?" She asks and hands me the notes as Kate nods.

"Yeah, just having a nice conversation with your friend here." She says through clenched teeth.

"Thanks for the notes," I say and leave. Alison says bye and once I'm out of the view of the house I sprint out of there letting out a breath of relief. I did it....ish.


I arrive at the McCall house to see how Stiles was doing on taming the wild Scott. I walk upstairs hearing them yelling. "I'm gonna kill you!" I hear Scott Yelling. Sounds like everything's going swell.

I was in the hallway and saw the door at the end of the hallway open, I walked closer to go in when Stiles' voice stops me just outside the door.

"You kissed her, Scott, okay? You kissed Dakota. That's, like, the one girl that I ev - and, you know, the past three hours, I've been thinking, it's probably just the full moon, you know, he doesn't even know what he's doing, and tomorrow, he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been. A son of a bitch, a freakin' unbelievable piece of crap friend." Stiles yells to Scott

The next words that came I was not prepared to hear. "She kissed me." I hear Scott say. Whoa, whoa, whoa, back the fuck up!

"What?" Stiles asks his voice quiet and almost heartbroken

"I didn't kiss her. She kissed me. She would have done a lot more, too." I hear Scott say tauntingly to Stiles.

I walk into the room and stand beside Stiles "Like what? Stab that pencil through your neck instead of your arm? Yeah, you're probably right about that Scotty." I smirk down at him.

Scott looks back at Stiles "You should have seen the way she had her hands all over me." I roll my eyes at him as Stiles leaves the room not wanting to hear any more of Scott's lies. "She would have done anything I wanted. Anything!" He screams after him.

I've had enough of what Scott was saying so I brought my foot up and kicked him in the face. He fell backward onto his floor.

Damn, that felt good. I then reach into my pocket and pull out a melted Snickers bar and tossed it at Scott, it landing on his chest.

"Here have a Snickers, 'cause you just aren't you when you're hungry," I say the line and when I'm finished I bring my arm up and swing it in a jay motion into a thumbs up with the biggest fakest smile I had in me today. Staring down at Scott.

He growled and glared up at me from his spot on the floor. I dropped my arm and "smile" looking down at Scott with a bored look on my face. "I'm going to kill you." He snarls and I smirk turning around to go in the hallway

"Man, if I had a dollar for everytime someone has said that to me." I say

Seeing Stiles on the floor I sigh and sit next to him "You do know that I never did any of that right?" I ask as he looks at me and puts on a goofy smile.

"So, you didn't stab him in the arm with a pencil?" He asks as I let out a little genuine laugh.

"No. that one I did." We both laugh a bit at that. "But the whole kissing thing, that isn't what I did." I say as we smile at each other.

"Yeah, he doesn't seem like your type." He says nodding and looking back down at the floor

"Okay, now I'm curious. What seems like my type Stilinski?" I ask wanting to know what he thought the type of guy I'd go for.

"Well, you seem like the type of girl that would want someone with movie star looks, charm, Smooth on his feet. Not weird and goofy, or dorky but can make you laugh. Someone who's strong but has some intelligence. Nice, cares about you with all his heart. You know someone like that." He tells me looking sad.

"And what makes you think that?" I ask

"Because that's the type of guy you deserve." He states and I think about what he had just said, and that was it. We just sat there in a comfortable silence.

Well, that was until Scott had to open his mouth. "Stiles, please let me out. It's the full moon, I swear. You know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose. Please, Stiles, let me out. It's starting to hurt. It's not like the first time. It's the full moon. It's Allison breaking up with me. I know - that it's not just taking a break. She broke up with me. And it's killing me. I feel completely hopeless. Just, please, let me out."

Stiles swallowed thickly tears in his eyes from doing this to his best friend "I can't." He says shaking his head sadly. After some deep thought on what to do to comfort him I grab his hand in mine. He looks at me shocked that I had done this then smiles at me as we listen to Scotts screams.

"No, no" We hear him kicking around pulling at the cuffs trying his hardest to get out. "no!" Stiles covers his ears trying to block out the screams of his best friend. After a minute or so of this, it abruptly stops. No die down, nothing.

"Scott, are you okay?" Stiles asks as we hear nothing We jump up and go into the room "Scott?" Stiles asks to no-one. Not good, not good. I say to myself starting to panic. Pushing past Stiles I make a run to the direction I thought that he would go in. Not expecting to see what I saw when I did find Scott.


I'm running along the woods alone trying to find Scott hoping he didn't kill anyone. I stop huffing and puffing trying to listen for anything that sounds remotely werewolf. I stand there for a while straining my ears until I finally hear the sounds of leaves wrestling and bodies being thrown.

It isn't much to go on but I take off into the direction I think it was coming from when growling is heard, I sprint faster hearing a loud and threatening roar.

That roar, it sounds so familiar. I run faster than before. Voices fill my ears when I get really close. I stop when I see two male figures one is on the ground. Scott. The one standing above him was very familiar, it looked like it was Derek.

The two look over at me and I finally see his face. Derek's face. I let out shaky breaths in shock seeing my brother alive. Once I got over my shock I ran to him tears swelling in my eyes and a smile broke out on my face.

I jump on him embracing my big brother who I never thought I would see again, He hugs me back as we stay there for a while in each other's comfort.

"What's happening to me?" Scott asks looking at the two of us scared.

We break apart but he holds my hand as I hold his for dear life "Exactly what he wants to happen." Derek tells him as we're all out of breath for different reasons.


Derek and I help Scott into his room and get him onto his bed. "Thanks." Scott says as Derek and I go to walk out he stops us "Wait." We turn back around and Scott sighs "I can't do this. I can't be this and be with Allison. I need you to tell me the truth. Is there a cure?"

I look up at Derek who is deep in thought knowing that there is no cure. "For someone who was bitten? I've heard of one. I don't know if it's true." Derek says while I try to hide my shock and confusion as to why he said that, knowing for a fact there isn't a cure.

"Well, what is it?" Scott quickly asks wanting to know about the fake cure.

Derek looks to the wall thinking of what to say, a second later he turns back to look at Scott "You have to kill the one that bit you."

"Kill the Alpha?" Scott questions in disbelief knowing fully well that he can't do that by himself. Oh, I see where you're going with this. I say to myself pointing it at Derek.

"Scott. If you help me find him, I'll help you kill him." Way to get his hopes up bro, oh well.

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