Age is But a Number (lesbian...

By KimNCRosina

1.2M 18.6K 2.4K

Laura is your average almost 18 year old. She's craving that excitement and freedom that comes with being old... More

Age is But a Number (lesbian story)
Age is But a Number (Lesbian Story): Chapter 2
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 3
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 4
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 5
Age is But a Number (Lesbian Story): Chapter 6
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 7
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 8
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 9
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 10
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 11
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 12
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 13
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 14
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 15
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 16
Age is But a Number (Lesbian story): Chapter 18
Age is But a Number (Lesbian Story): Chapter 19
Age is But a Number (Lesbian story): Chapter 20
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 21
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 22
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 23
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 24
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 25
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 26
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 27
Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 28
Age is But a Number: Ending

Age is But a Number (lesbian story): Chapter 17

34.1K 534 30
By KimNCRosina

Beth’s POV

“Beth you’re outta your fucking mind!” Tee exclaimed as she watched me slip on the pants to my tuxedo. Today was the day of Laura’s prom and my nerves were killing me. To top it all off my best friends Tee and Jessie decided to pop in. I could have just lied to them and said that I was going to a business party, but I never lied to my best friends.

“Aren’t we all?” I quizzed and gave Tee a wink as I looked at myself in the mirror. I cleaned up too well. Laura was going to drool when she saw her date wearing this.

“Darling you’re not really going to take her to the prom, are you? If one of the chaperones sees you they’ll surely call the cops,” Jessie pointed out as she took a sip of wine and laid across my bed next to Tee. Jessie had a strong British accent that could make anything sounded fancy, which always made me wonder why she would choose someone as loud and obnoxious as Tee.

                “I’m not stupid, I’m taking her out for a night on the town Beth Style,” I assured them as I smiled to myself. My plan was perfect. Since Pookie felt bad about bugging Laura about the whole dress and date situation she decided to rent a Limo for Laura to go to the prom in. I managed to pull some strings and the Limo driver is actually going to drive Laura and I around the entire night. Prom pictures can take a little while to develop so by the time that happens I would have already gotten someone to Photoshop a picture of Laura and her friends at prom together. It was perfect.

“Beth didn’t you say this girl’s parents are like Nazi strict?” Tee questioned as she laid her head on Jessie’s stomach.

“Just one of them is. Trust me, I know what I’m doing. I’m Beth I can do almost anything,” I chuckled as I applied eyeliner and winked at myself in the mirror.

“You’re also cocky, and cockiness is a tragic flaw my dear,” Jessie pointed out as she took another sip of her red wine.

“So is alcoholism miss I always have to have a glass of wine in my hand,” I teased and watched Jessie guzzle down the last drops of her crimson drink.

“Don’t talk about my baby Beth. She loves her red wine there’s nothin’ wrong with that, but there is something wrong with you trying to fuck a minor,” Tee voiced and Jessie began to burst into laughter.

“Why must you always assume that I just want sex? For your information Laura is very intellectual…and has a very long tongue,” I chuckled and pulled out my iPhone. It was 5 and I had almost 2 hours to kill before I would be with Laura.

“You’ve been inside her mouth already darling? Well, well someone’s trying to get a home run,” Jessie giggled then frowned when she stared at her empty wine glass.

“There’s some more wine downstairs miss wino, and no it happened unexpectedly. It all happened unexpectedly to be honest. We just met like 2 and a half weeks ago and now I’m taking her to prom…well an alternative to prom. Do you think I’m moving a bit fast?” I questioned and laid across the bed.

“Beth I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. All I know is that you have a lot to lose and you’re too pretty to go to jail. I had an uncle who was a pretty boy and went to jail,” Tee started then reached in her pocket pulled out a flask and filled Jessie’s glass back up.

“And?” I demanded. As much as I loved Tee she could be so irritating at times.

“Like I said I HAD an uncle who was a pretty boy and went to jail. Once he came out we never heard from him again. See? That’s what jail does to ya, it fucks you all up. Do you want to be all fucked up Beth because you wanted to fuck? I don’t think so!” Tee declared then kissed Jessie on the cheek as she watched her sip out of the glass.

“Tee your mouth is worse that a sailor’s and I’m not going to jail because she turns 18 in two weeks. All we have to do is keep it on the down low for two more weeks and then we’re in the clear. It’s a bulletproof plan. I got it all covered,” I assured her.

“We’ll see darling. But I want front row seats to the fight when her mother finds out that you and her daughter are having a secret rendezvous,” Jessie chuckled and took another sip from her glass.

“Yeah and I want front row seats to when your ass falls on the floor from sipping on red wine all day,” I fired back then rolled my eyes.

“Does this girl even know what you do for a living Beth? I mean I doubt a 17 year old girl is okay with dating a woman who owns the largest sex toy company and owns 3 sex clubs,” Tee pointed out.

“No…” I confessed. Because I never thought that Laura and I would get really close I didn’t feel that it was necessary to tell her that I was heavily involved in the sex industry. I knew that if we were ever going to be in a relationship that I would have to tell her, but I wanted to tell her when the right time came.

“Beth dear you’re going to break the poor girl’s heart! I mean she’s only 17!” Jessie exclaimed almost spilling her drink on my bed.

“Oh hush Jessie! When you first met Tee you didn’t tell her all your dirty little secrets now did you? Like how you were a nude model,” I snapped.

“She already knew about my nude modeling because she was my photographer remember? The bottom line is that you’re going to end up hurting yourself and this girl if you keep this up. I mean dating a girl 3 times younger than you who isn’t even legal yet is so risky. What if you had a daughter and she dated someone who was three times older? You wouldn’t like that now would you?” Jessie scolded. But I just blocked her out. I hated when people told me I was wrong and that’s all had been doing since they got here.

“Whatever, whatever,” I hissed. I closed my eyes as they continued to give their opinions. Right now I could care less about what they thought. The only thing that was important to me right now was making sure that Laura would have an amazing night. Everything else could go fuck itself…

Laura’s POV

“M-mom? A-are you okay?” I asked nervously as I came down the steps wearing the prom dress Beth had given me. At first I thought I would look to plain in it, but boy was I wrong. The gorgeous black complimented my pale skin perfectly, the silkiness of the dress gave me just enough elegance, and the sexy little slit in the dress gave me just enough pizazz. Not to mention the fact that Mommy had given me the most gorgeous silver chain and had curled my hair just perfectly. I felt like royalty, I was royalty.

“M-mom?” I asked again with the same nervousness, but just a little louder. Mom had gone into shock and that could mean one of two thinks. Either she thought the dress was way too provocative, or she thought the dress was perfect.

“You look absolutely stunning Laura,” Mom smiled and I swore I saw a few teardrops in her eyes. I rarely ever saw Mom cry so I knew for a fact that she wasn’t lying.

“Awwww! Sweetie you look so beautiful!” Mommy exclaimed and hugged me tightly. I always thought it was so funny how Mom and Mommy always had two different reactions.

“T-thanks you guys,” I blushed and did a little spin.

“Do I really clean up that well?” I asked with a wink.

“Let’s just say that you’re gonna make a lotta girls jealous at prom,” Mom laughed and gave me a tight hug.

“We HAVE to take pictures!” Mommy declared as she ran into the other room and pulled out her silver Nikon camera.

“Smile baby!” She yelled happily and I gave a great big smile. 30 flashes later Mommy put the camera down and tears began to drop from her eyes.

“Aw why are you guys crying? It’s my prom night! You’re supposed to be happy,” I reminded them. But still tears continued to come from their eyes.

“It seems like just yesterday you were that little girl running around in the yard rubbing mud into your birthday dress, and now you’re standing here as a beautiful young woman and about to go off to you prom,” Mom sighed as she wiped the tears from her and Mommy’s eyes.

“Soon you’ll be off to college, then you’ll graduate, then find that special someone, then have your own kids and soon we’ll be all old and about to keel over and drop 6 feet below!” Mommy cried out and laid her head on Mom’s chest. Even though it wasn’t funny Mom and I couldn’t help but laugh, which made Mommy laugh too.

“What time is that limo supposed to get here baby?” Mommy asked Mom as she stared out of the window.

“At 7, this is in about ten minutes. If they’re late I’m calling the company and complaining. I paid good money for this damn limo,” Mom complained.

“Sweetie why didn’t you want to ride in the limo with your friends?” Mommy questioned and I began to frown.

“They all had dates remember? I was supposed to go with them, but then I cussed out my date and I really don’t want to sit in a limo while all my friends are cuddled up with their dates. It’s just depressing,” I explained. Every time I thought about the fact that all my friends had dates I got mad. But then I thought about how soon I would be on a date with the most amazing woman. I would choose a date with Beth over prom any day.

“Oh well screw them. Their gonna feel so bad when they see how much fun you’re having when they have to deal with their dates all night trust me. Now see your mother and I are different when it comes to dances and parties. She can dance with whoever as long as it doesn’t get dirty and I can dance with whoever as long as it doesn’t get dirty. We’re the life of the party aren’t we Tina?” Mom grinned and Mommy began to do the robot.

“Hahahahaha I love you guys,” I laughed as both Mom and Mommy did the robot. Soon I couldn’t resist and I began to join in with them. I loved being close to my parents, which is why I felt so bad about lying to them. They thought I was off to go to my senior prom when really I was off to go on a date with their friend who was 3 times older than me.

“So what are you guys going to do tonight while I’m out?” I asked. I thought that if they were doing something fun tonight that me lying to them wouldn’t seem so bad.

“Eh I don’t know. I was going to invite Beth over for a couple of drinks. She keeps telling me that she wants me to check out this amazing pool that she has,” Mom said and I instantly began to fill with fear.

“I-I think that Beth is going to be gone tonight,” I replied and wished I hadn’t. That was the most stupidest thing for me to say.

“Haha, Laura how would you know? And remember to call her Ms. Beth,” Mommy corrected me.

“Umm…Jessica told me. Jessica told me that Ms. Beth was going to be out tonight,” I lied. I still couldn’t get over the fact that we had made up this imaginary daughter that Beth supposedly had.

 “Eh. I guess I’ll just hang out here with my baby tonight. I’m sure we can find something to do,” Mom flirted and growled at Mommy. I swear I could taste vomit coming up.

“Um, I think I just heard the Limo pull up,” I announced as I peered out the window and surely enough a sleek, black limo was parked right outside of our house. I wanted to jump up and down when I saw it. I truly felt like a princess tonight. Nothing could ruin this night, nothing.

“And just in time too. Come on sweetie we’ll walk you out,” Mom smiled as she and Mommy linked arms with me and walked me outside. Usually I felt babyed if Mom and Mommy did this, but tonight I just felt even more special. When we walked outside a simple man in a black uniform climbed out, greeted us, and opened the door for me. I hugged both Mom and Mommy tightly then carefully climbed inside. Once I was inside I looked around and wanted to scream. Tonight was going to be perfect. I could just feel it.

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