Oneshots ||Kpop gxg||

By angelkoyuki

180K 1.5K 2.4K

•in which cj writes various gay oneshots about various gay idols• ||sporadic updates usually only when I have... More

Good morning ||Hwasun||
Body Love ||Hwabyul||
Attention ||Moonsun||
Anything For You ||LEsol||
Homesick ||Chaelisa||
Love & Hate ||Hwabyul||
Lethargy ||Hwabyul||
Burn Out ||Wenseulrene||
OTP challenge day 1||moonsun||
OTP challenge day 3 ||Moonsun||
OTP challenge day 4&5 ||Moonsun||
OTP challenge day 8 ||Moonsun||
OTP challenge day 9 ||Moonsun||
OTP Challenge day 10&11 ||Moonsun||
Her Biggest Fan ||Moonsun||
Anger ||Moonsun||
Insomnia ||wheesa||
OTP Challenge day 12&13 ||Moonsun||
Memories ||Moonsun||
Fondness ||Moonsun||
otp challenge day 14 ||Moonsun||
Pain ||moonsun||
Thankful ||wheesunhwabyul||
Public ||Moonsun||
Restless ||Moonsun||

OTP challenge day 2 ||moonsun||

2.2K 48 78
By angelkoyuki

Day 2: morning routine


"Yongsun?" Byulyi's low voice drifted down the hallway, reaching her girlfriend who was in the kitchen.

"Yeah, Baby?" Yongsun called back, looking up from the pan she had been tending to on the stove.

Byulyi peeked around the doorway, she had a towel wrapped around her body and her dark hair was still wet, "Have you seen my red button up? I can't find it."

The blonde smiled at her forgetful partner, "I ironed it last week, it should be in the closet. I think I hung it near your dark blue shirts."

Byulyi nodded and moved to disappear back down the hall, turning back at the last second to peek back around the corner.

"What's up, Byul-ah?" Yongsun asked when she noticed her still there, not looking up from the food this time.

"Thank you," the younger replied with a soft smile, "I love you."

Yongsun glanced back up just to catch a glimpse of her girlfriend's retreating back and she laughed lowly to herself. Left alone once again in the kitchen, she started singing along to the music she had playing. Shutting off the stove, Yongsun moved the pan to the hot pad she had placed on the counter.

"Breakfast is ready when you are, love," Yongsun called to Byulyi, collecting two plates from the cupboard as she did. Her girlfriend called back a reply, citing that she'd be out a few moments. The older woman split the food she made in half, placing an even portion on each of their plates and then transferring the pan to the sink.

By the time Yongsun had sat down at the table, coffee in hand and food in front of her, she had two dogs already at her feet. She sighed as she met four hopeful puppy eyes, Daebak's cropped tail attempting to wag happily at her.

"Look at you, Daebakkie, teaching the puppy to beg for scraps," Yongsun shook her head, "Don't follow your brother's example, Keongang-ah."

"Talking to the dogs again, Unnie?" Byulyi mused as she walked into the kitchen, stopping beside her girlfriend to press a kiss against her forehead.

"As if you don't," Yongsun replied as she smiled warmly at Byulyi, "I'll get you some coffee."

When she returned, Byulyi's favourite red coffee mug in hand, her girlfriend was sat at the table waiting for her. She thanked Yongsun as she took the cup, a content smile still gracing her lips. They ate breakfast in comfortable silence, save for moments when Byulyi complimented her cooking or when Yongsun told Daebak to stop begging for food.

Byulyi was the first to leave the table, collecting her empty dishes and moving to the sink to put them down. Yongsun got up moments later, setting her dishes beside the sink and hovering beside Byulyi for a moment.

"I was going to wash them, why don't you finish getting ready, love?"

Byulyi turned to look at her momentarily and smiled, "You still have to shower, leave the dishes to me, Yongsun-ah."

Yongsun frowned and leaned forward, resting her chin gently on her girlfriend's shoulder. She wrapped her arms loosely around Byulyi's waist, effectively backhugging the taller woman. She merely hummed and continued washing their breakfast dishes, relaxing ever so slightly into Yongsun's embrace.

"Do you have a photoshoot today?" Yongsun asked lowly, her fingers absentmindedly fiddling with the hem of Byulyi's shirt.

"Mhm," Byulyi replied, "Two. A modelling agency wants a portfolio for their new model and then I have an idol group jacket shooting."

"Busy girl," The blonde mused and sighed, "Does that mean you can't join me for lunch? I was going to go to that cafe you like during the students' break and we haven't been able to spend lunch together in a long time."

"We can have lunch, sunshine, I already promised you we would."

Yongsun frowned, "I don't want to get in your way, Byulyi. If you're going to be busy I don't want to drag you away from your work. You need all the time to focus on your shoots today."

Byulyi finished drying her hands on a tea towel and turned around in her girlfriend's arms. She placed her still slightly damp hand on Yongsun's cheek, which made the older furrow her brow in annoyance. Byulyi just chuckled and shook her head.

"I'll always make time for you, Yongsun. No matter what, you know you're a priority."

Her words, while undeniably cheesy, were followed by a sincere nod and her shy grin; effectively making Yongsun melt. She returned Byulyi's smile and gave her abdomen a gentle squeeze.

"You're a dork," Yongsun muttered, "And I love you so endlessly." She stood on her toes to press a kiss against Byulyi's cheek, letting go of her after that. Turning to leave the room, Yongsun made her way to the bathroom; intending to have a quick shower before she had to leave.

Her first class wasn't until 9:45 AM, which gave her time to get ready and spend breakfast with her girlfriend most days. It was nice, she often thought, even if she did still wake up at 6 AM to make sure everything was ready for the day.

Yongsun was just rinsing her strawberry scented conditioner out of her hair when she heard the bathroom door creak open. Fully aware it was just Byulyi, she continued singing along to the music she had playing through her Bluetooth speaker, unbothered. She heard a familiar and endearing laugh as she belted out a high note with ease, which made her smile.

"What'cha up to, baby?" Yongsun called, hoping Byulyi would hear her alright through the shower door and over the music.

"Still have to do my makeup," Byulyi replied, "But you've gone and fogged up the mirror. I swear you shower in boiling water, unnie, how does your poor skin survive."

"It's not that hot," Yongsun replied, "My skin and I are just fine, thank you." She was grinning by now, almost amused by the ease at which their banter turned to playful bickering.

Byulyi didn't reply, though Yongsun heard her rummaging through the drawers of the vanity. She grabbed her favourite body wash, switching to humming along to her music rather than full on singing. She was rather glad she didn't sing, once she realized that someone else was instead.

Byulyi always insisted she couldn't sing. Yongsun thought that was complete and utter bullshit. Her voice was a low alto and though she had no professional training, she could carry a song with ease and made it sound warm and calming. Yongsun adored her girlfriend's voice and always enjoyed when she would sing, since Byulyi was often apprehensive about it.

Shutting off the shower, Yongsun peeked out of the door; releasing a cloud of steam as she opened it. She admired Byulyi's soft vocals for a second longer and then spoke, "Can you hand me my towels, Byul-ah?"

With that, the singing stopped, and her girlfriend passed her soft purple towels wordlessly. She went back to putting on her makeup, leaning close to the steam streaked mirror. Yongsun wrapped her hair in one towel and used the other to dry her body. She applied body lotion, since the bitter fall air was deadly to one's skin, and then wrapped her towel around her body.

She stepped out of the bathroom in search of some clothes. She found them quickly, deciding on a white button up and her favourite high waisted trousers. Yongsun dressed as fast as she could, hoping to avoid the cold air of their bedroom. Standing in front of the full length mirror, Yongsun took the time to tuck her shirt into her pants; smoothing the shirt down gently to chase away any last wrinkles.

She returned to the bathroom and smiled when she saw Byulyi had already plugged in the blow dryer for her. Standing on Byulyi's left, Yongsun let her long hair fall from the towel and dried it once more. She picked up some product and ran a bit through her hair, picking up her dryer and brush to speed up the drying process.

They got ready in comfortable silence, save for the soft playing of music from Yongsun's speaker. Byulyi had pulled her dark hair up into a ponytail, leaving only her bangs to frame her face. She left the bathroom after finishing her routine, disappearing in direction of a barking corgi to see what the dogs had gotten into.

Yongsun finished her hair and makeup after about 30 minutes, checking her lipstick in the mirror to ensure it was applied evenly. She pocketed her chosen colour, in case she needed to touch up her lipstick later, and then put her makeup bag away. Running a hand through the soft waves of her blonde hair, she nodded to herself and left the bathroom, in search of her phone.

She found it charging on the bedside table, assuming Byulyi had thought to plug it in the night before. Yongsun had fallen asleep at the table, slumped over her stack of music theory tests she had been grading. Byulyi had woken her gently with a kiss on the cheek and a light shake of her shoulder, insisting she get some rest. Yongsun complied, Letting her girlfriend chastise her about overworking herself as she led her to their bed. The older was out like a light almost immediately after the brunette had tucked her into bed, mumbling an "I love you" to Byulyi before slipping into sleep.

She smiled at her girlfriend's thoughtfulness once again and unplugged her phone, pocketing it as she headed out of their bedroom. She found Byulyi on the couch, a small grey bundle curled up on her lap as she watched some news channel on the television.

"Jjing Jjing-ah, it's morning. Why're you asleep already, old grandma dog?"

Byulyi laughed at Yongsun's words as she leaned down to pet her tiny schnauzer. Jjing was completely unbothered by the attention, staying fast asleep as Yongsun settled down on the couch as well.

She leaned into Byulyi without much thought, content when her girlfriend's arm wrapped around her shoulder. They sat quietly for a few moments, Byulyi apparently engrossed in whatever program had come on.

"When's your first photoshoot?" Yongsun asked after a while, checking her watch of the time.

"10:15, it's only one model so it shouldn't be more than two hours," she rested her head gently against Yongsun's, "The second one is at 4:00 PM, that might be longer. It's a group of 9 girls so it may run rather late."

Yongsun hummed in acknowledgment, "I'll keep your dinner warm for you."

"Thank you, sunshine."

"I should leave, I suppose," Yongsun sighed as she checked her watch again. She wiggled out from under Byulyi's arm, getting to her feet and adjusting her shirt so it sat properly. The blonde made her way across the room, collecting her work bag from the chair by the doorway.

Byulyi had stood up as well, setting Jjing Jjing down carefully on the couch before she did so. She followed Yongsun out into the entrance way, leaning against the doorframe as the older put on her boots.

"I'll see you around 12:30 then?"

Byulyi nodded, "I'll come pick you up, the studio isn't far from the school. I'll let you know before I leave."

Yongsun smiled and walked over to her girlfriend, fixing the collar of her shirt, "You look so good in red, you should wear this more often."

"I'll keep that in mind; anything for you, sunshine," Byulyi mused, letting Yongsun pull her down for a chaste kiss.

"I love you," Yongsun said as she pulled away, meeting Byulyi's eyes with an adoring glance.

"I love you too, Yongsun-ah," Byulyi replied, "Text me when you get to work, yeah?"

"Always do, baby," the blonde replied as she grabbed her jacket and bag off of the small end table. She made her way out the door with a soft farewell, leaving Byulyi in silence after that.

Smile still gracing her lips, Byulyi made her way back into the living room. She shut off the TV and went to go find her camera bag, thoughts pinned on the prospect of finally getting to spend a quiet lunch with her girlfriend. It had been too long, she thought, and any time spent with the love of her life was her favourite time.



deuxième jour: terminé


Idk this one was harder to write
It's okay I suppose
We love some domestic ass moonsun oh yes


Tomorrow's will be harder,,, Laundry is such a vague prompt idk what to write hm

Blue;s is peak Vampire Yong era and I'm honestly thriving
Byulyi looks hopelessly in love as always
Big uwu
I love that picture
We stan a vampire power couple

Also mielbebe pointed out that that picture resembles

And that made me laugh because it really does
I love the Addams family
Mamamoo Addams family AU anyone?

We love clingy girlfriends who unabashedly hold hands in public ooof
Moonsun is feeding us so well this era I feel so blessed :')

Also that Yong outfit was deadly skskks

Look at this ethereal woman
She owns my whole soul
She's absolutely glowing
We love a healthy byulie

Have some soft ass wheesa
They're the most precious babies uwuwuwuwu



Word count: 2246

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