Mr Bad Boy Saved Me

بواسطة jazzybella15

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Warning ⚠ some chapters contain strong language/sextually contents "Stay away from me"I shouted as I backed... المزيد

Author's note
Chapter 1:Painful life
Chapter 2:Weekend
Chapter 3:Claimed
Chapter 4:I'm back
Chapter 5:Gym
Chapter 6:Friendly advice
Chapter 7:Men in black
Chapter 8: Self-Defense
Chapter 9: Home?
Authors note:Thank you
Chapter 10:Curiosity killed a cat
Chapter 11:Beauty lays in the eye of the beholder
Chapter 12:Freaky weirdos
Chapter 13: Who Is That
Chapter 14: A Lot Of Pain
Chapter15:Are You Happy
Chapter 16:Oops I Dropped Him
Chapter 18:Demons within
Author's note: Antonio's POV
Chapter 19: Desirable
Chapter 20: Morning Bouquet's
Chapter 21:The Fight: Part One
Chapter 22:The Fight:part two
Chapter 23:forgotten feelings of pain
Chapter 24:Suicide
Chapter 25:I LOVE YOU
Chapter 26: True colors
Chapter 27:Edward_part 1
Chapter 28: Edward_ part 2
Chapter 29: Antonio's Queen
Chapter 30: Psycho side
Chapter31: Daddy's Coming
Chapters 32: Wrecking ball
Chapter 33: Venom
Chapter 35:Paralyzing
New Stories
Chapter 36:Truth or dare
Chapter 37:Mafia
Chapter 38: My Life
Chapter 39: Nicholas
Chapter40: Anger
Chapter 41: Morning After
Chapter 42: Sadness
Chapter 43: Truth
Chapter 44: Parents
Chapter 45: Break up
Chapter 46: Decision
Chapter 47: Marco
Chapter 48: Reunion
Chapter 49: Makeout
Chapter 50:Meeting The Rest
Chapter 51: Beating
Chapter 52: suspension
Chapter 53: pain
Gang's POV
Chapter 54:The past
Chapter 55: freak out
Chapter 56: out of Town
Chapter 57: Note
Chapter 58: Summer
Chapter 59: Confession
Chapter 61: Antella
Chapter 62: Slapped
Chapter 63: hospital drama
Chapter 64: joining forces
Chapter 65: Take out
Chapter 66: B'day party pt1
Chapter 67: B'day party pt2
Chapter 68: Epilogue
Book two
Sneak peek
Book 2

Chapter 60: Ballroom

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بواسطة jazzybella15

"What the fuck do you mean they want us" Antonio asked angrily.

"Mom called and said they arrived the day before yesterday, they didn't call because she wanted it to be a surprise. She's hosting a party and we need to be there"Gabriel said and everyone seemed to be happy apart from Antonio.

"Our folks are finally here, it's been so long since I last saw my mom" Diego said with a grin.

"Mommy's boy" Roberto said but through couldn't hide his smile.

"I don't care, I just want to huge my mom" Diego said and I chuckled.

"All of you seem very excited, what time are you guys going to the party" I asked and everyone shared a look.

"What's wrong aren't you coming" Laura asked and I looked her confused.

"I wasn't invited and plus I've never been to such luxurious parties" I said and Antonio intertwined out hands.

"Kitten, of course you're going. We all are, it's not like we have a chose in the matter and my mom was so desperate to meet you" he said and I blinked a couple of times.

"Your Mom wants to meet me" I asked and he nodded.

"Sure why not, don't worry Mom is more like Gabriel " he said.

"That's true, i took after mom" Gabriel said.

"Hey it will be eight in a few hours. Girls we have to get ready" Fran said and Gabriel's eyes widened.

"Let's hope there's time to get ready, did mom have to call me so late. Come on girls we don't have time" Gabriel said standing up.

"The time is only 3: 17 PM. Like a lot of hours before 8 PM" Justin said and Maria rolled her eyes.

"You can't understand because you're a guy. We have a lot to do, we have to pick out a dress and style our hair-" Maria said but Fran cut her off.

"You're wasting time explaining to him" Fran said.

"Come on Isabel" Laura said and I stood up.

"I'll see you later " I said to Antonio and he nodded.

The girls and I made our way to our respective individual rooms to pick out what we are going to wear. I had no idea what to wear so I just stared at my clothes.

"What should I do, Gabriel will kill me if she finds out I've not found my dress" I said and I heard laughter behind me.

I quickly turned around and came face to face with Maria. When she saw my face she started laughing like she just heard the most funniest joke.

"You looked so surprised, I thought you'd faint" she said walking closer to me and I lightly hit her arm.

"I thought you were Gabriel, you almost gave me a heart attack" I said and she continued laughing.

"Are you that scared of her" she asked and I shook my head.

"No, but if I don't find what to wear soon, I'm afraid she'll eat me alive" I said making her laugh even more.

"That's Gabriel for you, OK let me help" she said and I smiled.

"But what about you" I asked when her laughter died down.

"Oh I came to borrow a gown because i hadn't packed for this" she said with a smile.

"Oh that great, now we can fine what go wear together" I said and she nodded.

We started looking through my gown section and tried on dress after dress. We spent like two hours just looking for what to wear. Mrs Fernandez collection of the section was very hard to choose from, everything looked so good on us.

If it was possible, I would have chosen to wear all of them in one day. Playing dress up was fun, Maria and I talked a lot until we found the one's. You know that dress that you just can't take off, it just made you feel like a princess.

For me it was a peach pink dress which was  sleeveless. It hugged my chest perfectly then was loose from the waist down. It wasn't that wide or long through it hide my feet.

It had very strange patterns which just stood out and it just looked so good on me. That means a lot coming from me. It was really beautiful.

And for Maria it was a red long beautiful dress that hugged her top half perfectly. It was a sleeveless dress as well, she looked like a movie start In that dress.

"How are you holding up,you know about your parents" I asked suddenly and her smile dropped.

"Uh Antonio talked to me and gave me an inspirational speech that made me realize a lot of things. I'm slowly accepting what happened" she said and I smiled.

"Yeah,I guess I should appreciate this mature side of him More often. Some times I worry about him,he neglects his own desires and wishes to fulfill the desires  of his loved ones. To most people he's a heartless bad boy but in reality he cares a lot" I said and she smiled.

"Come let's do your make up" she said and I gave her a smile.


"Ladies time to go" I heard Diego shout from down stairs.

"Give us a minute babe" Gabriel shouted back from my bedroom door.

The rest of the girls joined up in my room so we'd do our make up and hair together.

Gabriel had put on a dark green, bare back sleeveless gown which had tiny butterflies on it. Laura put on a long lavish blue dress that really hugged her body also sleeveless. Fran put on a purple gown which had roses just at the edges.

We did our make up lightly and just styled our hair and let in loose. By styled, we curled in up a bit.

After the last touches the girls went down stairs but I hesitated a little until I also made my way down there.

When I got down the stairs, Antonio was staring at me like I was the queen or something. He was in a black suit and my oh my did he look  hot with his hair gelled back.

"You look stunning" Antonio said after a long time staring at me.

"You're the one who looks stunning. You look like a movie star" I said as he intertwined our hands.

"Well thanks for the compliment. This is going to be like a red carpet thing so we have to look like this" he explained as we began walking outside.

"I'm a bit nervous what if your parents don't like me. What if they think I'm not good enough" I asked getting paranoid about everything.

"Relax, my parents trust their son to find the right girl to be worthy to be called my girlfriend" he said and I gave him a nervous chuckle.

"OK what are the do's and don't's to these things. I have no idea how to talk or act" i said and he opened the door reveling the guys.

"Just stay by the side of any gang member and you'll be fine" he said and everyone complimented me on how I looked.

"Shall we" Gabriel said pointing to limousines parked just near the gate.

"Do we really need to ride those" I asked and she nodded.

"Come on. You, Ray, Maria, Diego, Antonio and I are riding together" Gabriel said dragging me to the black tinted car.

"Oh OK" I said as we got there.

Once we all got inside, I realized  how comfortable,big and fancy it was inside. I've never experienced such luxury but I guess that were the perks of dating the son of such famous people.

All through the way, Maria and Gabriel gave me pointers on how to act there and how much I was actually allowed to share.

"It's not really necessary though, they are just perjurious, stuck up rich snobs who care more about there hair more than their children" Gabriel said and Ray chuckled.

"She's right, act how ever you see fit. Oh but bare in mind to watch your manners around grandfather" Ray said snacking on the food we found their while Antonio was just having a soft drink.

"OK why are you eating now,won't their be any food their" I asked.

"It will be an all you can eat buffet but  considering dad found out we went against him and tried to take out Edward, I don't think he'll let us eat" Ray said munching on the food.

"He'll probably give us a long lecture about what we did" Gabriel said, she and ray started laughing but Antonio just sat there.

"He'll probably ground you" Diego said laughing as well.

"What's wrong, you seem off" I asked and he shook his head.

"I was shocked knowing they were already here and I'm a bit nervous knowing grandfather will be there" Antonio said and I intertwined our hands.

"Everything will be alright" I said and he gave me a smile but mine dropped when the car stopped.

"Looks like we are here" Gabriel said with a smile but my stomach erupted with a whole zoo.

Even before we could get out, I saw a lot of people there. It was dark out but the lights from the huge mansion was the only source of light.

The door was opened and we got out of the car. As soon as we did my eyes were blinded by all the flashes from the cameras. Antonio held my hand as we walked on the red carpet. Yes you heard me right.

There were people screaming out our names trying to get our attention but we only stopped when we were half way to the entrance.

"Everyone evening" a woman greeted.

"Evening Nichole" Laura said with a smile.

"Long time no see. I'm sure the views want to know what you've been up too" Nichole said.

"Not much, just laying low" Gabriel said.

"Gabriel that's not possible. I'm curious to know, who exactly are you wearing" she asked completely throwing me off.

Who was she wearing?

"Who else than my Mom. Support your local team right"Gabriel said holding onto Diego's arm.

" oh I see you two are still the hot couple "Nichole said and Diego grinned.

" of course we still are. We're just making room to share our spot light "Diego said.

" oh don't think I forgot about this lovely couple, so Antonio when are you going to answer our questions "Nichole asked and Antonio pulled me closer.

" don't worry Nichole, we'll be having a conference soon and you can ask all your questions"Antonio said then guided away from the flashes of cameras and inside the building.

I gasped in awe as I took a look inside. The whole place screamed fancy it was a breaking ball room.

A lot of people were there. Once we stepped foot inside, a guard walked up to us.

"The three of you are wanted by your father in the study" he said referring to Gabriel, Ray and Antonio.

"We'll just go look for our parents as well good luck" Diego said then everyone else followed suit.

"Let's go kitten" Antonio said and I looked at him like he grew two head.

"But only the three of you are needed" I said and he chuckled.

"Come on don't think too much about this" Antonio said making me nod.

Deep inside I was ready to pass out, I was going to meet his parents. What if Mrs Sophia did end up liking me, what if she decided I wasn't good enough for her son. My head was completely filled with what if's.

We were guided to a study and when we got in we found a man staring at god knows what. The room was big and had a brown color theme.

The man's back was facing us but I could still feel the power and authority he possessed. He was putting on a black suit just like Antonio's.

"Mr Fernandez your children are here" the man who escorted us here said and Mr Fernandez turned to face us.

I always thought Antonio looked like his father and that was true to some extent. He had jet black hair, the most beautiful baby blue eyes and a face that was just wow.

He looked powerful,he carried that eerie feeling. He was a few inches taller than Antonio. I guess Antonio got most of his features from his dad.

Mr Alessandro didn't look at all happy when he saw his children,he had a deathly glare plastered on his face.

"Leave" Mr Fernandez said to the man who brought us here and nodded then left us.

"Sir" Antonio said taking a step to his father while Gabriel and Ray just stood there at the door with worry in their eyes. I also stood by the door doing nothing in particular.

"What's this I've been hearing that you disobeyed my orders" Mr Fernandez roared with anger.

"Sir I have a good reason for hiding this-" before Antonio could continue his father punched him making him stumble back a bit making me gasp but I didn't move.

Antonio did nothing but just stand there. His father walked behind him slowly then kicked Antonio's leg making him lose balance and drop to his knees.

"Father-" ray started but was cut off when his father raised his hand in the air.

"Antonio when you told me that Edward was in Boston, I remember giving you clear instructions not to try get involved" he asked and Antonio sighed.

"What could I have done, he kidnapped my girlfriend. You're acting as if you wouldn't have done so yourself" Antonio said making his father even note angry and my eyes widened when he took out a gun and aimed it at Antonio.

"I think being in Boston to much has made you forget your manners" Mr Fernandez said. Antonio didn't even look a little scared.

I tried rushing to Antonio but Ray held my wrist firmly. I looked up at him and saw him giving me that 'nothing will happen smile'. I had no choice than to stay where I was because that was family matters.

"I haven't forgotten anything father but please try to understand my reason for doing it" Antonio said but his father still looked angry.

"Stop pointing that gun at my son or so help me I'll kill you" a beautiful voice said from behind us and it was none other than Mrs Sophia Fernandez.

She was so beautiful with her black hair, brown eyes and her flawless skin. She was putting on a long dark blue dress that hugged her curves. She looked much like Gabriel bit much older.

She was my all time idle and seeing her in real life was a big moment for me. It was Aldo nerve racking because she was my boyfriends mother.

She walked up to her son then helped him to his feet and stood between Antonio and Mr Fernandez.

"Sophia-" Mr Fernandez started but was cut off.

" Alessandro never and I repeat never point a gun at my son ever again "Mrs Sophia said.

" do you know what your son did "Mr Fernandez asked.

" yes and you have no right to punish him for trying to help his girlfriend. You should be happy, he finally has someone to call his own "Mrs Sophia said and Mr Fernandez sighed as all the anger vanished.

" come on daddy, don't let our family reunion turn out like this "Gabriel said and Mr Fernandez chuckled as if he was angry a minute ago.

" come Here all of you"Mr Fernandez said opening his hands wide and all three of his children rushed to give him a hand.

"I missed all of you" he said then they all pulled away.

"Same here Father" Antonio said.

"We aren't done yet Mr. I'm glad my family is whole again" his Father said then hugged Antonio again.

"That's not fair,I also want a hug" ray said and his mom wrapped her hands around him.

"I missed you so much my baby boy" his mom said.

"Mother, father there's someone, I want you to meet" Antonio said walking to me.

"Hey" I said.

"This is Isabel, my girlfriend" Antonio introduced and before I could register anything, his mom hugged him.

"Nice to meet you. Antonio has told me so much about you" she said and I was mentally screaming.

She hugged me, she fucking hugged me.

"The pleasure is all mime Mrs Fernandez. I've been dying to meet you, I just wanted to say I love your works" I said when she pulled away.

"Among all the girl my son has been with, I have to say I like you the most for him" Mr Fernandez said.

"Oh mom dad is it OK if I take Isabel to meet some more people" Gabriel asked with a grin.

"Of course, we should all get down stairs to attend to the guests" Mr Fernandez said.

My feet were killing me,Gabriel dragged me from one place to another so I could meet some people.

The first people I met were Diego's parents who were exactly the same as him or more crazier and friendly. They were so fun to be around and they were so crazy,they would joke around and they made such a cute couple.

Next on list was Roberto's parents. They were also a cute couple but weren't as tough and strict as Roberto. They were so kind and seemed approachable unlike their son who was so intimidating.

Fran's parents were friendly but a bit strict like Antonio's parents,well her father was but her mom was so open minded.

Justin's dad was so like him. Kind yet mysterious. He didn't like saying to much to people maybe because of what his wife did to him. But I still could see the both of them were very close.

Bruno's parents were I don't know. Neutral I guess, they were kind, approachable and openly. It was a perfect pictures moment. His brother wasn't around though.

Laura was an orphan so no one was there from her family. Maria was so sad when her parents didn't show. She asked her mom's friend and that person said that her mom said and I quote "why would I fly all the way from mexico to Boston just to see a disrespectful and disobedient child. As far as I'm concerned she's dead".

Harsh I know, Ray managed to cheer her up so we were standing near the snack bar. Gabriel went somewhere with Fran. Diego, Antonio, Roberto and Justin went out with Diego's dad to do something and the rest were just around socializing.

" guy's I need to go to the bathroom "Maria said with a smile then walked away.

" Ray can I ask you something "I asked as I saw him noticing he was watching Maria's back.

" shoot "he said tearing his gaze from Maria.

" do you like Maria "I blurted out with a smirk making Ray Widen his eyes.

" what no. What gave you that idea "he said with a nervous laugh.

" hmm for starters you always stare at her,you always try comforting her,you always find reasons to be close to her and you always act sweet towards her as if you are courting her"I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Listen, Maria is just a friend" he says and I look him straight in the eye.

"Tell me the truth, I can keep a secret" I said and he smiled.

"OK fine, I think I'm developing feelings for her" Ray said and I screamed, not to loud though.

"I knew it. This is so great and don't worry. Your secrets safe with me" I said hugging him.

"You better, she's been through a lot, I want to make sure she's OK first" he said when I pulled away.

"Hey guys did I miss something" Maria asked and I shook my head.

"Not at all,ray and I were just talking" i said quickly and she smiled.

"Yeah she's right" ray said.

"I'm so hungry but I don't know what to get and what not to " I said and Maria and ray chuckled.

"Sweetheart it's an all you can eat buffet"ray said.

" and besides these people don't even eat much "Maria said and I thought about it.

" OK I guess I can grab a bit of cupcakes "I said and they shared a look.

" how about we try one of everything. I haven't eaten all day "Ray said rubbing his stomach.

" I guess. OK let's start at the beginning of the table "I said then the three of us rushed to the the edge of the table.

We started stuffing our faces with different dishes not caring if anyone was watching us.

There were so many dishes there most of which I couldn't even pronounce all I knew was that they were yummy in my tummy.

We reached the small chocolate fountain at the center of the huge table. The three of us smirked as we grabbed these small cups resting just around the fountain.

" have some shame for yourselves. What kind of lady eats like a pig "I heard someone say and the three of us turned around.

When we turned around, I came face to face with this beautiful girl. She had brown hair, blue eyes and an annoyed look on her face like a girl eating like that was a crime.

" what's it to you, it's my parent's party "Ray asked rudely.

" Ray of course, you'd be here flirting with these girls "the girl said and Ray rolled his eyes.

" what are you even doing here "Ray asked.

" none of your business-"she was cut off by Antonio.

"Anna what the hell are you doing here" Antonio asked angrily as he stood just behind her.

Oh so she was Anna, she was as bitchy as I thought she would be.


Hey guys sorry for the long update.

Don't forget to vote ,comment and or share.

Peace ✌

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