The Move

By awk0_cheerdivas

50.8K 801 101

The 3x world champ Madi Corsello's world is about to change remarkably when her mom gets a job transfer, to n... More

The Move~Chapter 1
The Move~Chapter 2
The Move~Chapter 3
The Move~Chapter 4
The Move~Chapter 5
The Move~Chapter 6
The Move~Chapter 7
The Move~Chapter 8
The Move~Chapter 9
The Move~Chapter 10
Contest Results
The Move~Chapter 11
The Move~Chapter 12
The Move-Chapter 13
The Move~Chapter 14
The Move~Chapter 15
The Move~ Chapter 16
The Move~ Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 23

1.1K 26 0
By awk0_cheerdivas

This is the last chapter of the story then I will be working on the Epilogue and I'll post it tonight! Can't believe this is coming to an end, it's been fun writing it. All the comments make mine and the owners day. Well hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry if this is a short chapter

Madi's POV

"Taking home third place..... Cheer Extreme Coed Elite!" They announced

This was it we were either taking home silver or gold. This was it. My whole team moved to the center of the stage with Cali Coed. We sat in a circle everyone holding hands.

"Taking home second with a score of 287.9.... From San Marcos California, The California Allstars Cali Coed" They announced

"And your Senior Large Coed World Champions are the Cheer Athletics Cheetahs" His voice boomed through the arena

Everyone shot up running and hugging each oh her. I looked for Matt and smiled as I ran I to his arms.

"We did it" I cried

"I'm so proud of you" He whispered spinning me around

He let me onto the ground and we walked off the mat with our team. Jamie had the Trophy and a girl named Lexi had the banner. We went to where you took pictures if you won. Everyone got around the trophy and banner and smiled. I was having so many emotions go through me right now. I was so happy, excited, shocked, and defiantly proud. We walked back to get our rings fitted.

"I can't believe we just won" I said to Jamie going up to her after getting my ring sized

"I know it's amazing that after all our hard work and extra practices we won" She smiled giving me a hug

This was my team, my family. No one can replace the special bond I have with all these amazing people. Smoed will always have a special place in my heart but today Cheetahs is my family and always will be. I came to Texas and I thought no one liked me. Then they welcomed me with open arms.

"Let's go out to celebrate" Payton suggested as we left to go back to the hotel

"Yeah we can dress up and get all fancy" Jamie grinned

"We could go to that steak house by Epcot!" I suggested "I'll have my mom call in for a reservation"

"Ok sounds good! Is Matt coming?" Jamie asked

"Oh um I think I'll ask him" I answered

Matt wanted to stay at the arena to watch other teams. I heard Smoed had gotten first so I was excited for them. I turned my phone on and texted Matt.

To Matt

Hey the girls and I are going out to this steak house by Epcot are you wanting to come?

I waited for a reply but I didn't get one. I sighed and shut my phone off. Moments later my phone buzzed again.

From Matt

Sure when should I meet up with you and the girls?

To Matt

In an hour

I turned my phone off again as we walked into our room. Ashley also wanted to stay at the arena to watch. I went through my bag looking for the dress I brought just incase. I went into the bathroom and changed into a light blue blue dress the straps were covered with rhinestones. I stepped out of the bathroom with my uniform in my hands.

"I love your dress!" Jamie squealed as I set my uniform on the bed

"Thanks" I laughed "Your guys dress's are amazing!"

"Thanks" Jamie smiled

We went into the bathroom and I took all the bobby pins out and the pony tail out. I brushed my hair out and plugged in my curling iron. I curled the ends and did a twist style to the back with pieces of my hair.

"Matt said he's meeting us at the front of the resort" I told Jamie and Payton

"Ok I'm almost done" Jamie smiled as she finished curling her hair

"I'm done" Payton smiled stepping out

"You look great!" I smiled

"Thanks" She smiled

I slipped on my heals I brought along with the dress.

"My mom is next door so we can go get her" I told them as we walked out of the room

I knocked on the door to my moms room. The door opened and my mom was smiling.

"Hey girls you look beautiful" She smiled stepping out of the room

"Thanks Mrs. Corsello" Payton smiled

We walked to the from of the resort looking for Matt. I saw him near the bus that takes you to Epcot. He was in a white color shirt and a nice pair of jeans.

"Matts over there" I told the girls and my mom pointing to where he was

We walked over there and Matt looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

"You look amazing" He grinned giving me a small kiss

"Thanks you look great too" I smiled

"Let's go or we will miss the bus" My mom yelled from where the bus was

We walked over and got on. I sat between Payton and Matt. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I'm still in shock that we won" I said aloud

"Yeah it's amazing how hard work really does pay off" Matt said

We got off the bus and walked over to where the steak house was. We walked in and I saw a few people from smoed getting a table. I looked closer and noticed it was Michael Eddie, Robert, Lauren, Kelsey, Chimmy, Jenee, and Paige.

"Robert!" I squealed walking over to him

"Madi" He smiled turning around engulfing me into a hug

"I heard you guys won!" I said excitedly

"Yep we got that three peat" he grinned pulling away from the hug "I heard you won a ring your self too"

"Yep!" I grinned

"We should all sit together if we can get a table" Robert laughed

"Oh my mom got a reservation I can ask her if we can get a couple more seats" I smiled

"That would be great we need to catch up on everything" He nodded

"Ok hold on" I said walking towards my mom "Hey mom can you ask if they can add people? Robert and some others are here"

"Sure" She smiled

I walked back over to Robert smiling "She said all of you can sit with us"

"Ok I'll tell the others" He smiled


"Bye Robert" I mumbled as I gave him a hug

"Bye Mads I'll FaceTime you when we get back" He said

"Ok it was good seeing all of you well most of you" I shrugged since Jenee ignored me the whole time

"Don't worry she will come around" He sighed

We walked back to the bus. I didn't want this to end, this weekend has been amazing.

"I'm so tired" I yawned looking at my phone

It was 9:30 and we were heading back to the hotel. Our flight left at 4 in the morning. So not something I was looking forward to.

"Come on Madi were back" Matt whispered waking me up

"Ok" I mumbled getting up

All five us walked back to our rooms. I said goodnight to my mom and she went into her room to sleep.

"Night Matt" I mumbled giving him a hug

"Good Night Madi" He smiled giving me a kiss

He left to go to his room. I changed out of my dress and got under the covers. Payton and Jamie went to sleep right when we got back. Ashley wasn't back yet, but she texted me saying she was with a few girls from Panthers. I closed my eyes and replayed what happened today. Today was amazing and I couldn't ask for a better team or friends.

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