My bad boy.

By Meg1323

141K 3.5K 288

MY BAD BOY Taylor Smith is your typical good girl: Smart, polite, gets along with almost every body at schoo... More

My bad boy. [Book 1]
[1] Partners
[2] Invitation
[3 pt: 1] hideout; football game.
[3 pt: 2] Party
[4] Dinner
[5] Beach Day
[6] Sam's Place.
[7] Going Out With Ryder
[8] 21 Questions
[9] Babysitting
[10] Zoo
[11] Taylor's Story
[12] Water Park.
Authors Note.
[13] Taken
[14] Finding Taylor
[15] Fight
[16] Hospital
[17] New Neighbor
[18] Movie Night.
[19] Fair
[20] Back To School
[21] Handing out flyers
[22] Date Night
[23] Sleep over; part 1.
[25] Skip Day
[26] Sneaking In
[27] Championship Part 1
[28] Party. Part 2
[29] Spending The Day With Colton.
[30] We Meet Again.

[24] Truth or Dare.

2.7K 84 7
By Meg1323

"There's no way in hell I'm doing that." Tyler protested. I chuckled, "A dare is a dare, you have to do it." Sam said. I looked over at Colton and almost forgot that he was here- he was so quite.

"If I do, it's my turn, and your gonna hate me." Tyler said standing up and walking towards the front door. "Make sure you get this on video." I heard Colton whisper to Sam. "Already planned on it."

We walked to the front door where Tyler was waiting. It was only 10:30pm. Sam took out her phone and got ready to record Tyler. I giggled and shook my head.

Tyler started running and then he shouted, "MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB, LITTLE LAMB, LITTLE LAMB. MARRY HAD A LITTLE LAMB, ITS FLEECE WAS WHITE AS SNOW!" Tyler yelled. He ran back to us and Sam ended the video before he noticed that she was video recording.

"There happy." Tyler asked Sam. Sammy nodded and smiled "Very." Sam laughed. I wondered if Tyler had any idea that Sam video recorded his dare. We walked back to the center of the living room and it was Tyler's turn.

"Colton, truth or dare?" He asked as soon as we sat down. I took a drink of my Mountain Dew, and then popped a chip into my mouth. "Truth." Colton said. Tyler looked deep in thought trying to come up with a good truth for Colton.

"Okay... Have you ever been in love?" Tyler asked.

Colton's face went hard. I guess he has been in love before and something went wrong. "Yes." Colton quietly said.

"You have?" Sam asked shocked.

Colton chuckled, "Yes, I have."

Colton's POV:

I never thought that I would have to speek of Monica ever again. Monica was my first real relationship. We were kinda like childhood sweethearts if you were to say that. We became friends in first grade, and we dated in middle school till the end of 8th grade before things went down hill near the end of the school year. That was when my dad got arrested, I met Martin, I started parting like non-stop, Monica would try and help me, but there was no way. She broke up with me when she found out by Ashley when I cheated on her with Ashley. After that, Monica got involved with Martin, he was making her do stupid things, like sell drugs, kill people, start takig drugs, stealing money, what ever was illegal he made Monica do.

I haven't spoken to her or about her since God knows when. Saying I miss her is an understatement, I should've never let her get to close to me, I don't even know if she is alive or not right now.

"Colton." I saw a hand moving in my face, dragging me out of my thoughts. "Sorry, what?" I asked looking up at Tyler. "Who was she?" Tyler asked.

"Her name was Monica." I said. I didn't want to go on full detail about her, because that would just make me upset.

"Monica... Monica Lancaster?" Sam asked. I nodded and gulped.

"Yeah that's her." I said. "Oh my gosh! I loved that child, she was on my soccer team in seventh grade, she wouldn't stop talking about you. It was Colton this, Colton that. She loved you." Sammy laughed. "I know she did."

"Alright my turn?" I asked wanting to change subjects. Tyler nodded, "Taylor... Truth or dare?" I asked.


"Who was Andrew?" I asked. Her face went hard. But she didn't say anything.

Taylor's POV:

He did not just go there. I mean yeah, he told us about Monica, but Sam and Tyler doesn't know he was abusive.


"Andrew, you don't want to do this, you'll regret it." I cried as I pushed my self further to the wall. Andrew was drunk. He wasn't some happy crazy drunk, he was a mean and abusive drunk. I didn't even knew he drank.

"I don't think I'll regret this. You kissed him!" He yelled throwing a glass vace to the wall, it shattered into a million almost like my heart. I loved Andrew, I didn't know he would turn out like this. "Come here." He said grabbing a hand full of my hair. I cried out loud from the pain and he kicked me in the stomach to try and shut me up but that didn't help. "Shut up!" He yelled. I cried out loud as he threw me onto the couch. He came over to me and getting on top of me. "Andrew, get off!" I yelled. This was the very first time I have ever been afraid of him.

"Not until I am done what I should've done so long ago." He hit me across the face and the next thing I know is he is doing something to me that would make me hate him forever.

End of flashback.

Everyone was looking at me because I knew I was a mess. Colton looked at me like he felt so bad. "He hit you?!" Tyler shouted. "Over and over." I cried. I still had the bruise on my stomach from when he kicked me. That hurt like a bitch.

"Tyler calm down." Sam said. "I will not calm down Samantha! Andrew, the Andrew I knew, hit our best friend Sam. He did-" "Quite Tyler!" I yelled. That made him shut up instentally. "I need air." I felt like I was suffocating and I practicly was. I didn't need that. I knew Sam was probably mad that I didn't tell her, but really- I told no one. If I did Andrew would've went to jail for rape and being abusive, but I didn't want that. Now he's dead, so I'm happy I don't have to worry about him.

I didn't realize I wasn't alone until I looked over and saw Colton coming out of the house. He shut the front door and made his way to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." He said. I nodded but remained silent. I wasn't mad, I just didn't feel like talking. He should've never brought up Andrew in the first place because now I can't quit thinking about him and why he turned out that way.

It was quite, peaceful actually. I couldn't wait for summer break in Lily eight weeks, going camping with my best friend along with Alyssa and the others. We did that every summer: go out for about a week and camp. It will be a good getaway.

"Taylor." Colton said. I ignored him and walked back inside. I don't know why I was being so harsh on the kid, he did bring up Andrew and that kinda ruined my night.

"Who wants ice cream?" I asked heading into the living room.


It was one in the morning and we were all watching The Conjuring. Somehow me and Tyler got close. I was snuggling up to his chest- when we were little we always cuddled like this, people thought we were together because we always acted like a couple, but we weren't. That's when me and him were going out.

"Anyone wanna play hide and clap after this?" Sam joked as they were playing hide and clap. "Ha-ha, sure." I said. I actually didn't want to because after seeing this movie I don't trust that game.

"Ready for auditions tomorrow?" Tyler asked. I shook my head, "Crap, I totally forgot about those."

"They're not until 3:30, so I will just drive you." Sam said. "Are you trying out?" I asked her.

"I'm thinking about it."

I nodded and rested my head back on Tyler's chest. I was nervous about tomorrow because I had this feeling that I was going to be Juliette and Colton was going to be Romeo. Romeo and Juliette had to kiss, and they will have to in auditions too. Oh gosh.


I hope this is an okay chapter. To be honest it's not my favorite. I'm going to skip auditions and move it along to probably Tuesday or Wednesday, just to get the book moving on forward.

I have so many ideas for the upcoming chapters I'm so excited to write! This book is coming along good and I'm so glad, and I'm glad you guys are enjoying it as well. :)

Since I'm in school, I won't be updating so much, and I also get writersblock a lot so I'm sorry about not updating all the time.

Well, until I update next I hope you enjoy this chapter :)


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