Star Crossed

By SamanthaJade1994

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A fanfiction inspired by the Harry Potter fanfilm, Voldemort Origins of the Heir. Go and watch it if you hav... More

Chapter One- The beginning of the end
Chapter Two- He was a Riddle
Chapter Three- We are the estranged souls
Chapter Four- A knowing glint in those blue eyes
Chapter Five- A raven's suspicions
Chapter Six- The fourth silhouette
Chapter Seven- Schemes and Tea Leaves
Chapter Eight: The secret door
Chapter Nine- I know who she was
Chapter 10- Two lives
Chapter Eleven- I messed up for you
Chapter Twelve- You can't choose your family
Chapter Thirteen- The warning
Chapter Fourteen- The summertime dream
Chapter Fifteen- Like someone else
Chapter Sixteen- A seeker of you
Chapter Seventeen- A Prefect's duty
Chapter Eighteen- The masks we wear
Chapter Nineteen- The brave and the cunning
Chapter Twenty- Damage Control
Chapter Twenty One- A Sluggish Invitation
Chapter Twenty Two- Welcome
Chapter Twenty Three- Among the whisperings and the champagne
Chapter Twenty Four- We're fire and ice
Chapter Twenty Five- An unlikely defender
Chapter Twenty Six- St Valentine
Chapter Twenty Seven- And I intend to be cruel
Chapter Twenty Eight- Private tuition
Chapter Twenty Nine- The warning bell
Chapter Thirty- Death at Hogwarts
Chapter Thirty One- Stand by me
Chapter Thirty Two- Special Award for Services to the School
Chapter Thirty Three- The Quidditch Final
Chapter Thirty Five- Half light
Chapter Thirty Five- Good memories are hard to catch
Chapter Thirty Six- The definition of invincible
Chapter Thirty Seven- Assertion
Chapter Thirty Eight- To brew a love potion
Chapter Thirty Nine- I was getting to know you...
Chapter Forty- A ghostly invitation
Chapter 41- The darkness is lurking
Chapter Forty Two- Unusual festivities.
Chapter Forty Three- Entering the Maze
Chapter Forty Four- The game has begun.
Chapter Forty Five- What I'm afraid of
Chapter Forty Six- Finish this
Chapter Forty Seven- The aftermath
Chapter Forty Eight- Out with a bang
Chapter Forty Nine- The prefects bathroom
Chapter 50- Just as friends
Chapter Fifty One- May I have this dance
Chapter Fifty Two- Not all monsters are bad
Chapter Fifty Three- Close your mind
Chapter Fifty Four- Some innocence left
Chapter Fifty Five- 'The Elite Alleys'
Chapter Fifty Six- Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations
Chapter Fifty Seven- Prefects meeting
Chapter Fifty Eight- The Carnival
Chapter Fifty Nine- Unwelcome guests
Chapter Sixty- The Hospital Wing
Chapter Sixty One- Good fortune to you.
Chapter Sixty Two- Home for summer
Chapter Sixty Three- The attack
Chapter Sixty Four- Loss
Chapter Sixty Five- The Funeral
Chapter Sixty Six- Gavina
Chapter Sixty Seven- A new head boy
Chapter Sixty Eight- Home
Chapter Sixty Nine- Anger
Chapter Seventy- Sneak
Chapter Seventy One- Harnessing power
Chapter Seventy Three- Scared Riddle?
Chapter Seventy Three- All Hallows Eve
Chapter Seventy Four- Gavina's right hand girl
Chapter Seventy Five- Broken down
Chapter Seventy Six- A Hogsmeade Meeting
Chapter Seventy Seven- Mending bridges
Chapter Seventy Eight- The Ball
Chapter Seventy Nine- You broke me
Chapter Eighty- Feeling the consequences
Chapter Eighty One- Our time is precious
Chapter Eighty Two- Hidden Talents
Chapter Eighty Three- Bottoms up
Chapter Eighty Four- Dangerous
Chapter Eighty Five- 'I could never hate you.'
Chapter Eighty Six- Those on the inside
Chapter Eighty Seven- Decode the warning
Chapter Eighty Eight- Work Experience
Chapter Eighty Nine- Breaking away
Chapter Ninety- For your protection
Chapter Ninety One- A Lioness is not submissive
Chapter Ninety Two- A hint of jealousy
Chapter Ninety Three- Fallen from grace
Chapter Ninety Five- Farewell Grisha
Chapter Ninety Six- Miss. McLaggen
Chapter Ninety Seven- Reunited
Chapter Ninety Eight- The lure of the Underworld
Chapter Ninety Nine- Underhand
Chapter One Hundred- Fate
Chapter One Hundred and One- Intervention
Chapter One Hundred and Two- Debts
Chapter One Hundred and Three- Choices have there concequences
Chapter One Hundred and Four- 14A Knockturn Alley
Chapter One Hundred and Five- Intimidation is a skill
Chapter One Hundred and Six- Clever Devil Devil
Chapter One Hundred and Seven- A Trap
Chapter One Hundred and Eight- Rescued
Chapter One Hundred and Nine- A Moment in Time
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven- A final choice
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve- The honest answer
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen- Grief
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen- The Initiation
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen- Lost Hope
One Hundred and Sixteen- Falling into Darkness

Chapter Ninety Four- Confrontations

330 9 2
By SamanthaJade1994

"Riddle." I called as I caught side of his tall silhouette as it retreated down the dark empty corridor.
He froze his shadow inclining its head behind him in my direction.
"Congratulations Grisha." his voice was crisp and sincere yet I was certain should I have been able to see his face his customary smirk would have been firmly in place.
"To you to." I replied as I walked up the corridor towards him closing the gap between us, the sound of my boots echoing in the silence.
"To me?" He questioned, I was now a mere feet away from him, the moonlight now bright enough to illuminate his sharp features.
"Yes, you also left the pitch having met your goal did you not." I replied coldly.
"I'm afraid I don't quite follow your line of thought." he responded still not turning fully around to face me.
"Hooch." I replied simply, gone were the days of me skirting around the subject.
"Very unfortunate." He replied, his tone of voice frustratingly monotone.
"Was it?" I asked shifting my weight. "Was it unfortunate for you and those thugs of yours?"
"I suppose not. Though I must correct you I do not 'own' any thugs, though I admit my fellow Slytherin's tactics left something to be desired however you still won McLaggen I don't see how it caused you to much inconvenience." I could almost sense his smirk, so elusive... he knew exactly what to say, no leads, no connection back to him. There never was.
"You told them to attack him." I said plainly ignoring him.

"I'm sorry?" He replied turning his body around to face me, he crossed his arms across his chest as he looked down at me, "And why would I do a thing like that?"
"You tell me Riddle... or don't. It doesn't matter, just know that I know." I hissed as I turned on my heel to leave I felt him grab a hold of my wrist, I flinched as he held me in place.
"A crash course in manipulation Grisha. You don't tell the person what you want them to do. You help them to realise they want to do it. That way it can never be traced back to you." he whispered before he swiftly released my wrist, I quickly pulled it towards my chest.
"What are you two up to?" I jumped as I turned around to see Lazarus walking towards us his wand illuminated in front of him as he approached us, the bright light made him glow almost unhuman like.

"Just talking." I replied quickly glancing swiftly at Riddle out of the corner of my eye, who appeared completely relaxed.
"In the dark... in a deserted corridor." Lazarus raised his eyebrow at us.
"Do you wish to deduct points Lazarus? Afterall Hufflepuff need to claw back as many as possible before the end of this year." Tom smirked, his blue eyes glistening in Lazarus's wand light.
"Always something to say Riddle don't we? But very rarely is it ever a straight answer." Lazarus addressed him a coldness to his voice which I am certain did not go unnoticed by Tom, however he did not seem at all phased by it.

"Grisha has already provided you a straight answer Lazarus." Tom smirked. Lazarus clearly at a loss for anything more to say lowered his wand reducing the blinding effect of the charm.
"It just so happens that bumping into the two of you is opportune regardless..." Lazarus replied turning his gaze towards me instead, his dark brown eyes softening slightly, though still showing a hint of... I wasn't sure what it was...
"Wiglaf has asked me to tell you both we are meeting tomorrow evening, seven pm." he continued, I nodded my agreement. Tom however did not, he instead tilted his head to the side a look of amusement on his face.
"Did he now? He is not asking, he is instructing us." He smirked, yet there was most certainly a sign of disdain in his voice, he clearly did not like the thought of being dictated to... perhaps he was used to being the one to dictate.
Lazarus however didn't seem to pick up on this and instead merely rolled his eyes.
"Whichever way you choose to see it Riddle." He shrugged, before turning to smile at me.

"Rictumsempra!" Wiglaf chanted as a flash of blue light shot towards Lazarus, he staggered back slightly before managing to deflect it.
"Flipendo!" The blue streak of light shot back towards Wiglaf but was quickly countered.
"Expelliarmus!" Lazarus was instantly threw back and landed in a heap upon the floor. I clapped with a chuckle,
"Unusual choice to use Flipendo." I smiled at Lazarus, "Congratulations to both boys," I smirked.
"Bloody hell I had a feeling this time," Lazarus groaned, "I'd thought I'd win!"
Wiglaf chuckled, "You should move your legs more," he suggested.

"If you're not ready with an expelliarmus, dodge. I'm sure you'll remember it next time." Wiglaf smiled as he reached down to offer Lazarus hand helping him back to his feet.
"I trained every single day for this!" Lazarus enthused pointing his finger in Wiglaf's face with a smirk, "One day, I'll beat you my friend. I know it."
I laughed, "You have a long way to go before you can defeat a senior."
Lazarus turned his smirk upon me and scoffed.
"Go on, have a laugh while you can." he grinned. "Now I make an oath. One day, I will be the strongest wizard ever. Stronger than Dumbledore, stronger than you Wiglaf," Lazarus smirked again pointing a finger towards Wiglaf. "And then I will marry you Grisha."
"Oh God here we go again," I dropped my head in my hand. Lazarus always made these jokes and comments... it was getting to the point were I really did wonder if he was joking or not...

"I will marry you and we will have some beautiful babies. I'll find the lost cup of my house, I'll get back the ancient castle of Helga Hufflepuff and we'll live happily ever after! What do you think?"

I stood shell shocked for a moment... was he joking? Wait he had to be joking right!?

"Enough with this nonsense," Wiglaf sighed as he fastened his lace.

"Come on, this will probably be my last reunion here in Hogwarts. We have many things to discuss."

I breathed a small sigh of thanks that Wiglaf had diffused the awkward situation between myself and Lazarus but my relief was short lived as Lazarus had seemed to ignore Wiglaf completely.
"Come on Grisha, say something."

I groaned, fine I would play along with his little game what harm could it really do? It was either that or awkwardly reject him... and I didn't want to hurt his feelings!
"Alright, let's make a deal. If you really become a great wizard as you say, you will be strong enough to beat Tom." I grinned, I knew how to push Lazarus's buttons and Tom was certainly always a sure bet... that and there was little hope that Lazarus would ever be able to defeat Tom.

"Tom?" He rose he eyebrow at me.
"Yes, exactly." I replied smugly.

"If you defeat Tom then maybe I will consider your proposal," I chuckled to myself at how unlikely this all was.

"Tom?" Lazarus repeated but this time his voice had lost its playful tone.
"Don't make me laugh Grisha." He paused for a moment before throwing his hands into the air,
"Alright, alright, alright. Everyone at school knows that you have a crush on Tom."

I froze... is that what everyone thought? But I... I didn't have a crush... not a 'crush' I... it was more than a crush... I was a crush... I... I cared about him... I believed in him that was all... I was not thirteen anymore.

"But so what? He may be a bookworm but, but no he's not even remotely as strong as Wiglaf."
He gestured towards Wiglaf who inclined his head to the conversation with a weary expression.

"Oh really?" I asked suddenly finding myself becoming defensive.

"So you think you can beat him now?" I asked... not what was I doing! I was knew that I was coaxing a disaster, Lazarus loved a challenge no matter how stupid it was.

"Me? No." he admitted. "Not now. Alright he's a seventh year student so I think-"
"Stop! That's enough." Wiglaf intervened interrupting Lazarus.

"You look like kids fighting over chocolate frogs!" He snapped, brushing threw the middle of the two of us and towards the small desk at the end of the room.

"Wiglaf we..." I began knowing that he was right, that I had risen to Lazarus bait.

"We're just joking," Lazarus continued.
"Joking?" Wiglaf quickly countered, "Joking..." he dropped his head with a sigh.

"Do you remember why we are here?" He asked raising his head again, "Do you remember who we are? Why regardless of the different houses the sorting hat sorted us in we are bounded forever by a destiny we can not change!"
Oh if only Wiglaf knew how true that statement was...

Myself and Lazarus walked towards him, feeling both slightly ashamed of our childish behavior... this was after all the very last time we would meet here at Hogwarts... and Tom was not here... my thoughts drifted to him... where was he? I thought... I thought he would have at least attended our last meeting.
"We are the Heirs..." Lazarus breathed.

"Exactly," replied Wiglaf. "And remember we took an oath."

In unison we began to recite the oath that we created all of those years ago, we had to referenced it in such a long time and yet it came to me as if it was yesterday we sat under that old oak tree scribbling down different lines and promises, I smiled at the old memory... so innocent then... so... so hopeful. So much has already changed.
"We, the heirs will fight so that evil will be eradicated. We will bring peace and justice. We will make the earth a better place."

The room descended back into silence before it was punctured by the sound of slow clap which echoed around the room, we all looked up towards the source but I already knew. Tom.
Tom was stood at the top banister looking down at us a smirk upon his face.
"Such a nice speech Captain," Tom inclined his head... Captain... we seemed to be using the title more and more recently when referring to Wiglaf... did he resent him taking the lead... Wiglaf has always been this way... passionate.

"Don't worry Mr.Riddle. We are honored we are nothing but low rank wizards right?" Wiglaf replied gesturing to the three of us. Tom leaned both hands against the banister, his smirk still firmly upon his face as he looked down at us.

"How could we expect a noble Slytherin like yourself to lower yourself to the vile rules of punctuality."
"You're right, Captain." Tom replied nonchalantly, he seemed almost amused by Wiglaf's frustrations.

In a flash Tom vanished and reappeared behind us causing us all to turn around abruptly to face him.
"Now you maybe the only Wizards expect from Slytherins I even dare talk to. Not like there worthy mind you." Tom grinned widely, he knew what he was saying he was taunting.

"Grisha he disapperated." Lazarus whispered down my ear.
"We are in the room of requirement idiot." I grumbled back at him.

"We were talking about the sacred heirlooms of the houses, perhaps you care?"
"Oh big news," Tom smirked.
"Actually Grisha and I were just discussing who is the best wizard between you and Wiglaf," Lazarus butted in. No! What was he doing!
"Well I was just... "I tried to deflect but I knew it was pointless Tom would latch onto this like an owl to a mouse.

"Stop this!" Wiglaf interrupted clearly fearing the same as I.

"What's wrong?" Tom grinned, "Afraid to lose your spot Cap?" I... I had never seen Tom like this... as if he hated the thought of Wiglaf having control but yet he had never shown so much animosity towards it before.

"There's never been any Cap," Wiglaf seethed as he walked out from around the desk, my heart was beating faster in my chest as the atmosphere in the room changed.

Lazarus sighed, clearly completely oblivious to the building tension. "Oh come on Wiglaf, it looks like you're afraid of Tom. You could beat him in a heartbeat if only you wanted to."
Tom merely looked pleasantly at them both, his grin still in place... I almost prefered Tom to look angry.

"You'll see Grisha," Lazarus hissed at me, I turned my head away. I was not in the mood for his stupid games right now, he never seemed to learn.

"Well, this is new." Tom smirked. "Is that so Cap?"
"Guy's stop it!" I interjected trying my best to put a stop to the testosterone that was suffocating the room.

"I won't fight you Riddle," Wiglaf snarled looking furious.
"But I think you want to," Tom said leaning back on his heels, his hands resting casually in his pockets.

"This is the last time we'll actually all meet yes? Now or never." What was Tom trying to do? Did he want to fight? Why!?
"Right, right!" Lazarus encouraged.
"There's no reason for us to fight. You are not my enemy... for now." Wiglaf replied under his breath.
For now!? What happened to bounded together forever! We were supposed to be a team.

"We're not talking about a deadly duel Cap. Just an amateur fight." Tom teased, but nor him or Wiglaf were amateurs that's for sure and we all knew it.
"Tom, maybe..." I tried to get his attention but he acted as if I was not even in the room.

"We all know how much you care to prove how much the eagle is superior to the snake," Tom taunted.
"Enough!" Wiglaf bite back, Tom chuckled clearly happy that he had elicited the reaction he had been looking for.

"Relax Captain, It was just a joke. Come on Captain, where's your sense of humour? Well you never actually had a sense of humour." Tom chuckled, I looked at him blankly why was he doing this? What was he trying to achieve.

"Alright Grisha," Lazarus leaned down to me. "Wiglaf doesn't want to fight Tom? Then I'll try myself but then you'll have to marry me."
"What!?" I breathed but there was no time to stop him as he lunged forwards and threw his fight spell straight at Tom. Tom easily deflected it throwing it off to the side was a clash like thunder as their two spells collided.

There was a moments silence, my breath had hitched in my throat I couldn't breath as I processed what had just happened...

Tom shook his head and scoffed, "You don't want to Lazarus, you know well that you are not ready for this duel." I breathed a sigh of relief he wasn't going to retaliate... Lazarus would realise what he had done was foolish and we could forget all about this.

"Yeah? We'll see." Lazarus replied repositioning himself in his attack stance his wand raised.

No! I could not even reach out it was as if I had lost my ability to speak,
"Lazarus," Wiglaf tried to dissuade him but Lazarus ignored him as he sent another shot towards Tom, all I could do was watch in horror as my two best friends fought before me. We had practiced dueling together but nothing like this... there was anger here, I thirst to harm.
Tom again easily deflected Lazarus's spell but he did not cast his own... inside me there still bubbled the hope that he would not fight back that Lazarus would soon tire and the fight would be over. Another shot from Lazarus but this time Tom did not deflect the spell this time but countered it throwing Lazarus backwards he stumbled but remained on his feet.

The fight was over but Tom's face was hardened, it was as if he couldn't see any of us as he rose his wand and began to shoot spell after spell at Lazarus who could not keep us and staggered further and further backwards barely managing to deflect them.

There was violence in Tom's eyes... greed... hunger... as Lazarus fell to his knees it was over.
"Lazarus stop enough. You heard Tom listen to your elders once and for all." I begged seizing my opportunity as Tom ceased his attacks.
"Of course," Lazarus panted. "Tom, Tom, Tom! You like everyone to always listen to Tom!"
"Lazarus!" Wiglaf interrupted. "Stop this!"
Lazarus looked back up towards Tom who began to laugh.
"You don't have any other ace in the hole Laz." Tom looked towards me, Lazarus followed his gaze so that both boys eyes were fixed upon me.
"Oh... Oh..." Tom smirked looking back down at Lazarus. "Bye bye Grisha." He mocked.

This seemed to be enough for Lazarus as he sprung to his feet seizing his wand in both hands he aimed it at Tom as a force of orange light sped from his wand like a sea of fiery lightning.

Tom stepped back looking a little taken aback by Lazarus's sudden surge of strength but he was ready. He raised his wand holding on to Lazarus spell he fought against it for a few seconds before transforming it... harnessing it... he pushed it back with so much velocity that the room itself seemed to tingle from the pure force of magic, Lazarus didn't stand a chance he was instantly struck as he fell to the floor, Tom dropped his wand back down to his side breathing heavily he looked down at Lazarus laid out body with an emotionless expression.
"Lazarus!" I yelled running towards him, Wiglaf quickly behind me. We dropped to our knees as Wiglaf checked over him quickly, he was not fully unconscious as he was groaning lightly but was certainly groggy.
"You've broken his arm!" Wiglaf exclaimed standing abruptly to his feet and staring at Tom with pure rage and horror.
Tom however did not respond, Tom's complete lack of emotion seemed to trigger something in Wiglaf as he withdrew his own wand and threw an attack towards Tom who blocked it with a spell of his own... locked in a stalemate they battled each other glaring into each other's eyes.
"Stop! No! No more this isn't getting us anywhere! Stop!" I yelled but it was as if they could not hear me over their own rage. I took a deep breath removing my own wand.
"Grisha..." I looked down to see Lazarus still lying on the floor. "Don't..." I grumbled, clearly he was in pain. I took another breath, I had to before one of them harmed the other... or worse.
"Protego!" I yelled jumping in the middle of them both, immediately they both pulled back staggering backwards slightly their breathing laboured.
"Wiglaf... Tom..." I breathed, Wiglaf nodded his head and with shaking hands lowered his wand turning his attention to Lazarus who was trying his best to stand.
I turned my attention to Tom, I was so hurt, so disappointed... did I even know him... I didn't know the man who just attacked Lazarus or fought Wiglaf... that man was dangerous and vicious... he averted his eyes from mine before stowing his wand back within his cloak and striding towards the door.
"Wait!" I yelled, Tom paused upon the threshold of the door.
"Let him go Grisha! He isn't worth it, he has shown us his true colours... at last." Wiglaf hissed, I turned back to Tom to see that he had left.
"No," I groaned. "It isn't supposed to be like this!" I ran from the room ignoring Wiglaf's calls and Lazarus's groans as the door slammed behind me and melted away to reveal the aged stone wall once more.
"Tom!" I yelled, my voice bouncing off the cold dense walls of the empty corridor. I began to run my footsteps pounding, echoing.
As I rounded the corner towards the bell tower I saw his dark silhouette stood looking out from the mechanics onto the courtyard below. I stopped my running and instead slowly and quietly approached him... I was within reaching distance now... all I would have to do would be to reach out and I would be able brush his arm. So much had changed within the last hour... that I feared it could never go back to the way it was ever again.
"Tom." I breathed, he did not reply nor did he even acknowledge my presence at all. I sighed deciding to continue I knew that he could hear me.
"What just happened?... You broke his arm... why... why didn't you stop. You knew you were stronger than him what were you trying to prove... I thought... I thought you were better than that."
"You thought wrong." Tom replied his voice little more than a low whisper but he did not turn to face me.
"Look at me." I begged placing a hand on his arm, which he quickly shrugged away leaving my hand suspended in mid air.

"Why are you here? Go and tend to Lazarus." He replied still staring off across the cloudy skies beyond.
"Lazarus is well tended with Wiglaf and to answer your question..." I paused deciding on whether I wanted to truly answer but I felt that I must after today there was no place in holding back.
"Because I have a tendency to become infatuated with those who are distant and difficult to understand, who share themselves sparingly, and rarely with their whole hearts. I adore the mysteries and enigmas in people... I don't fear them and besides I'll never forget that you were there for me in a time when I was weak and I needed you... you was there. I intend to be there for you... Lazarus, Wiglaf... we can fix this."
Silence spread out between us for what must have only been seconds but which felt like hours.
"I know my darkness. It is a very real part of me which I won't deny. I am neither afraid nor ashamed of it." he replied. Darkness...
"Then look at me, look at me if you are not ashamed." I breathed. With what I sense was reluctance Riddle inclined his head towards me, my own blue eyes finely meeting with his. They seemed to have lost all of the fire from before, they seemed if possible even more expressionless than usual.
"Without our darkness we would not know our light," I smiled weakly at him. "Wiglaf and Lazarus they... they will understand."
Tom scoffed, "You act as if I was the one who started this Grisha."
"No... but you finished it." I replied coldly.
"Why are you so unhappy," I blurted unable to stop myself, I was myself unsure of where this had come from. Tom to seemed temporarily taken aback.
"I am not." he replied bluntly turning his head away from me again.
"Bitterness, anger... hatred... none of those are happy emotions Tom and you seem utterly consumed by them."
"Nothing consumes me. I am in control of my emotions, emotions do not control me. Only the weak are governed by their emotions."
"Do you really think you were in control back there?" I asked craning my neck to face him.
"Who taught you that emotions were weakness? That's completely insane." I sighed.
"You someone who is so overtaken by your emotions will never understand but now this it is your emotions that will finish you, take it from someone who has lived it, seen it... and yes, I was very much in control, I always am." With this is turned from me.
"Wait we aren't finished." I said harshly, but he did not turn around.
"Yes, we are." He replied with so much finality that I knew it pointless to try to continue the conversation it would fall upon deaf ears and do more harm than good and so I let him go...

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