Rising 🎤 {Glee} {1}

By coopsaadvice

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{Ongoing, just so wattapad won't delete} where a boy from the football team joins one club what everyone thr... More

season one
1. the new directions
2. mistake kisses
3. the acafellas
4. the mckinley titans little kicker
5. her last name
6. its my life
8. bust a move
9. keep on rolling
10. perfect harmony
11. there's nothing holding me back
12. jump! on those mattresses
13. sectionals! major heartbreak
14. you say goodbye! and i say hello!
15. Madonna!
16. i just wanna go home!
17. we've got bad reputation?
18. swollen tonsils
19. my dreams will be true
20. everyone's always talking at me!
21. funkytown
22. don't stop believing
season two
1. summer of our lives
2. britney spears
3. spencer's broken arm
4. the double date
5. rocky horror! the creature
6. i've never been kissed before you!
7. the substitute! my name's Finn
8. our name together is quinncer
9. i could never forget you!
10. the christmas spirit
11. zombie football players
12. stuck on you
13. the justin bieber experience
14. the drunk kiss
15. the sex talk
16. our own original songs
17. you watch me
18. i was born this way
19. you can go your own way
20. prom king and queen
21. nationals
season three
1. starting again
2. pre-presidential duties
3. helping mike audition
4. lucky charms
5. afterglow
6. one way or another
7. i kissed a girl
8. senior year sectionals
9. you're all i want
10. first interactions
11. michael jackson week
12. the new spanish teacher
13. fall in love

7. showdown

2.4K 58 5
By coopsaadvice

7. showdown

Head Over Boots - Jon Pardi
"cause you're the one i want, you're the one i need, baby, if i was a king, you would be my queen, you're the rock in my roll,"


Spencer put his hands around Santana's waist, "as we head into sectionals, i want to get some feedback, like what kind of stuff you guys would like to be doing,"

Santana leaned her head onto Spencer's shoulder, "is there anything, any music in particular, that you guys want to do?"

Mr Schuester looked around the room, "could we maybe try something a little more.. black?" Spencer half smiled at Mercedes, "i agree, we do an awful lot of show tunes,"

Spencer high fives Kurt when Rachel looks at them, "it's glee club, not krunk club," Mercedes looks up at Rachel, "don't make me take you arhe cpet,"

Mr Schuester points towards Mercedes, "fantastic, thank you," Mr Schuester half smiled, "Mercedes, Kurt and Spencer, duly noted, anything else?"

Spencer, Matt and Mike shyly raised their hands, "um, we can pop and lock," Mr Schuester looked at three boys, "not really what we're going for, Mike, Matt and Spencer, but... noted, noted, yes,"


"lady's choice," Coach Sylvester looked at Mr Schuester while Spencer furrowed his eyebrows alongside Mike and Santana, "heads,"

Coach Sylvester flipped the coin when Mr Schuester catches it into his hands, "heads," Coach Sylvester smiled, "awesome," Mr Schuester looked away, "all right, the following students have been selected for a special, elite glee club called Sue's kids,"

Spencer wrapped his hands tighter around Santana's waist, "i don't wanna be away from you," Santana kissed her boyfriend's cheek, "hold on,"

Mr Schuester looks at Coach Sylvester, "we agreed not to split up the group," Coach Sylvester tiles her head, "oh, come on, Will,"

Coach Sylvester smiled when she held a piece of paper in her hands, "give me a chance to do things Sue Sylvester's way," Mr Schuester rolled his eyes, "maybe with my proven leadership, abilities, i can help these pathetic group of mouth breathers place at sectionals,"

Mr Schuester looked at Sue, "we can even compete in sectionals if we divide up the club, Sue," Spencer frowned, "it's against the rules,"


Coach Sylvester held the glee club competition rules, "you need to crack open a book, William," Coach Sylvester threw the book towards Mr Schuester, "here, i have, shout choir rule book, page 24,"

Spencer half smiled, "provision 14, second addendum," Coach Sylvester turns towards the new directions, "fourteen members must perform for each team, however not all members must perform every song,"

Mr Schuester closed the book, "fine," Mr Schuester looks at them, "just go ahead, take all the football players and your cheerios,"

Mr Schuester sits down when Coach Sylvester slides on her glasses, "all right, everybody, listen up," she looks at them then towards the piece of paper, "when you hear your name called, cross over to my side of this black shiny thing,"

Mr Schuester looked at Coach Sylvester when Spencer frowns, "that's called a piano, Sue," Coach Sylvester ignored Mr Schuester, "Santana,"

Santana moved out of her boyfriend's grip, "no," Spencer frowns, holding onto Santana's hips, "don't go,"

Santana kissed her boyfriend's lips, when she quickly moved Spencer's hands going towards Coach Sylvester, "wheels," Artie wheels towards Coach Sylvester, "gay kid,"

Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "come on, move it," Kurt quickly stands up when he makes his way towards Coach Sylvester.

"asian !" Sue pointed at Mike, "shaft," Matt rolled his eyes as he stood, "female asian."

Tina gulped as she followed Mike and Matt, "Aretha," Mercedes quickly made her way to Kurt as Sue looked down at her list one last time "and Zac Efron,"

Spencer's eyes widened as Sue gestured for him to come, as Special hesitantly made his way to stand behind his girlfriend.

Sue turned to Will, "i don't want to participate in a group that ignores the needs of minority students."

"you've got to be kidding me!" Will exclaimed outraged putting his hands onto the black piano.

Sue shook her head, "i wouldn't kid about this, and maybe that's your problem, Bigotry is no laughing matter."

Santana grinned holding up her right hand in a 'C' formation, "and that's how Sue, sees it."

Spencer rolled his eyes at his girlfriend when she says Coach Sylvester signature line, Sue grinned at the Latina cheerleader, who stood in front of Spencer, "outstanding."


"what did you have to do to get him to stop?" Spencer held onto his bag strap, "let's just say i feel sorry for my dad's cause they're probably going to have dipped into my college fund to pay for intensive therapy,"

Spencer half smiled, "oh, hardcore," Rachel looks up at Spencer, "i don't mind, i did it to protect you and your brother,"

Spencer looks down at Rachel, "and Quinn, Finn's girlfriend," Rachel looks up at Spencer, "of course,"

"we're all teammates," Rachel let's outba small breath, "hey," Spencer put his hand onto Rachel's shoulder, "i got to tell you, you are really awesome,"

Rachel stood in front of Spencer, "i'm gonna make it up to you someday, i swear Rachel," Rachel nods her head with a smile on her face.

Spencer smiled before he walked away from Rachel, "hey-" Sean wrapped his arm around Spencer's shoulder, "when should me and our friends join glee club?"

Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean join glee club?" Sean smiled at his best friend, "Spence, dude, me, Micaela, Mason, Samaria,"

Spencer smiled, "um," his smile flattered, "don't join yet because Mr Schuester and Coach Sylvester have seven of us each,"

Sean patted his best friend's shoulder, "we'll join after that then," Spencer smiled, "just text the group chat when to join,"

Spencer and Sean do their handshake, "and plus, i need to make sure Quinn's okay with the baby," Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "you know?"

Sean looks at Spencer, "i'm not my dad, okay and anyway me and Quinn are twins, i know everything what's happening with her," Spencer patted his best friend's back, "i'll see you later at the diner,"

"yeah! we'll be there!"


"i'm ki-kind of nervous," Spencer stared at Tina when Santana was ruffling her boyfriend's hair while she sat beside him, "i debated not even showing up,"

Spencer looked at Artie then towards Mercedes, "well, i think it's gonna be great," Spencer smirked alongside his girlfriend, "did you guys catch Sue's corner last night?"

Spencer shook his head when Mercedes started telling them what Coach Sylvester had said, "hey kids,"

Spencer smiled at Mercedes when Coach Sylvester entered the choir room, "i brought some of my brass buddies with me," Spencer watched the band, "thought maybe they could help us out a little bit,"

Santana moved her hands away from Spencer's hair, "okay, so i selected a song that i think will speak to the frustration you felt under the failed leadership of Will Schuester," Coach hands Mercedes the sheer of paper.

Coach Sylvester handed the piece of paper towards the couple when she smiled at Santana and Spencer, "Hate On Me, an R&B song?"

Spencer smirked when he fist bumps Mike and Matt, "you like that?" Matt smirks at his friends, "Changster and Hudson,"

Mike and Spencer look at Coach Sylvester, "i want to see some that pop-and-lock groove, you guys are so famous for," Mike and Spencer started popping and locking in their seats, "you go to town,"

"and you, Mercedes," Coach Sylvester looks at Mercedes, "i want to see some mariah hands," the group started smiling at each other, "i can do that,"

Tina smiled when Spencer and Artie started ohhing in their chairs, "i think we g-g-got this one, Miss Sylvester," Coach Sylvester smiled, "all right, w-we'll see, hit it!"

"do-do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do. Do-do-do, do-do-do-do," Spencer harmonised along with group as they grooved in their seats, Spencer kissed his girlfriend's cheek.

"do-do-do-do," Spencer and Mike stood up with their backs titled backwards, "if i could give you the world on a sliver platter would it even matter?"

Spencer and Mike danced beside each other, wiggling their arms when they both jump over two chairs, "you'd still be mad at me," Matt stood up when he danced alongside his best friend's.

"if I could find in all this, a dozen roses, that I would give to you, you'd still be miserable," Santana smiled as Spencer held his hand out for her to join him whilst Matt and Mike performed his own moves at the front.

"cause the reality," Mercedes sang as she stood, "i'm gonna be who i be, and i don't feel no faults, for all the lies that you bought,"

Spencer smiled when Mike and Matt grabbed him and started dancing with him, "You can try as you may, bring me down, but i say, that it ain't up to you, gonna do what you do." 

Everyone grinned as they joined in, "hate on me, hater, now or later, 'cause i'm gonna do me, you'll be mad, baby."

Santana spun as Mike, Spencer and Matt placed chairs in a line for Mercedes to strut across, "go 'head and hate, go 'head and hate on me, hater,"

Spencer smiled when Santana smirks at him, "cause i'm not afraid of, what i've got i paid for, you can hate on me,"

Tina puts a chair for Mercedes, "you cannot hate on me, now or later, 'cause i'm gonna do me," Mercedes took a step forward with help from Spencer. 

"It's my destiny." Spencer harmonised along with Matt and Mike, Mercedes took another stop, "be mad, baby." 

"So shall it be." Tina shook her hips along with Santana as they sang, Mercedes stopped on the next chair, "you cannot hate on me. Go 'head and hate on me, hater,"

Santana smiled as Spencer twirled her, "'cause my mind is free." 

"'cause i'm not afraid of," Mercedes grinned down at Kurt as he draped himself over the last chair, kicking his legs up and down in the air. 

Spencer smiled while the girls all climbed onto a chair each to stand beside Mercedes, "It's my destiny." 

"what i've got i paid for, so shall it be," Spencer smiled at Santana, "You can hate on me, hate on me, hater, now or later, 'cause I'm gonna do me." Mercedes held her hand up. 

Spencer waved his hips along with the rhythm beside Matt and Mike, "It's my destiny." 

"You'll be mad, baby," Mercedes clapped, Santana winked, "so shall it be." 

"hate on me, go 'head and hate on me, hater. 'Cause I'm not afraid of," The group harmonised, while Spencer put a chair beside Kurt moving his head with Mike's, Matt's and the girls.

Tina grinned, "It's my destiny." 

"What i got i paid for," Mercedes waved her pointer finger.

Santana bobbed her head to the beat, "so shall it be." 

"you can hate on me, yeah." Mercedes finished, crossing her arms across her chest. 

Sue grinned in triumph as the group hollered and cheered as Spencer kissed Santana's forehead, before sharing high fives, all unaware of Will Schuester watching through the glass pane of the door.


Spencer stood on the football field alongside Brittany as he was helping his girlfriend stretch as Spencer had a free period, "you're so hot,"

Spencer looks Santana up and down while her leg was on his shoulder, when Santana put her hand to Spencer's ruffling his hair, "you're cute,"

Spencer let out a breath when Quinn rolled her eyes at the couple alongside Brittany when Coach Sylvester stood there, "speaking of which, Q... here, now!"

Quinn runs away from Brittany, Santana and Spencer going towards their cheering coach, "where are my cheerios?"

Spencer frowned when he remembered the cheerios having to stay behind in spanish, "Coach, they're not academically eligible," Quinn put her hands together, "Mr Schuester flunked them,"

Santana looked at her boyfriend, "what's wrong?" Spencer shook his head, "i don't get it, Finn is not there and he's definitely flunking spanish, so how come the cheerios are there when someone of them know spanish,"

Santana shrugged her shoulders, "i don't know,"


Spencer raised an eyebrow, looking away from his Spanish test to his brother in front of him as Finn let out a fake yawn, before leaning back to stretch and placing a folded up note on Quinn's desk in front of Spencer and Quinn.

Quinn shares an frown with Spencer, "what is this?"

"Check it out," Finn grinned, "i came up with a name that I think would be good for the kid." 

"Eyes on your own test, Finn." Mr Schuester called and the boy turned back into his seat and ore tended to flick through his textbook for answers. 

Finn waited until Mr Schuester was distracted by helping Ronnie before turning back to his girlfriend and brother, "anyway, then I read that Gwyneth Paltrow named her kid Apple,"

Finn smirked, "and I think that's so cool 'cause you know how much i love apples, right?"

Spencer shook his head amused, unable to stop himself, from listening in, "so I figured we should name our kid something more original and poetic,"

Quinn opens the piece of paper, "then I came up with the best baby name of all time...Drizzle!" 

Quinn frowned, "Drizzle?" 

Finn nodded with a large smile, "yeah, yeah,"

Finn turns to his brother, "'cause you know how awesome it is when it's just drizzling outside, but it's not really raining so it smells like rain, but you don't need an umbrella to go outside." 

"Are you a moron?" Quinn asked angrily making Spencer wince from beside her.

Finn frowned confused, "what?" 

Quinn glared, "we're not naming our baby Drizzle, we're not naming our baby anything. Finish your test, Finn." 

Brittany from beside Spencer grabbed a hold of Quinn's spanish test paper when Quinn frowns leaning over Spencer grabbing her paper, "will you give me my test back?"

Brittany frowns, "i just don't understand anything," Spencer frowns when Quinn shots her a look, "that's not my problem,"


Spencer held onto his acoustic guitar, "Whoo! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho!" Spencer strums his guitar with a smirk,

"Where they at. Where they at. Where they at. Where they at," Santana ruffled her boyfriend's hair alongside Mike.

"Where they at. Where they at. Come on now," Spencer sang along with the entire glee club as they hung out in the choir room.

Finn came into the best with Spencer, "If you wanna come take a ride with me, three-wheelin' in a four with the gold D's," the new directions clapped their hands.

"Oh, why do I live this, hey, must be the money," shimming along with Quinn, Brooke and Santana grinned, "in the club on the late night feelin' right, lookin', tryin' to spot somethin' real nice,"

Matt and Mike smirked at their best friend who strummed his guitar, with a smirk on his face, "lookin' for a little shorty hot and horny so I can take home,"

"i can take home,"

Rachel smiled at Spencer, "She can be 18, 18 with an attitude, or 19, kind of snotty acting real rude,"

Quinn smiled dancing alongside Spencer and Santana, "but as long as you're a thicky, thicky, thick girl you know that it's on, you know that it's on,"

Santana put her hands onto her boyfriend's shoulders, "peep somethin' comin' towards me on the dance floor, sexy and real slow."

Brooke wiggled her hips suggestively towards Kurt who sent her a humorous wink, "saying' she was peeping and digged the last video,"

Spencer smirks when he snag, "so when 'Nelly, can we go' how can i tell her no,"

Kurt smiled, "Her measurements were 36-25-34, i like the way you brush your hair."

Brooke fluffed Spencer's hair along with Santana, "i like those stylish clothes you wear,"

Spencer playfully looks Kurt up and down, with a smirk, "i like it when the light hit the icy glare and i can see you, boo from way over there,"

the new directions crowded around Spencer, "whoo!" the group grinned at each other as they finished.

Rachel looked around when she looked at Artie, "i miss us all being together," Artie let out a breath, "i hope we don't get in trouble for our concert jam session,"

Artie pulled on his collar when he chuckled, "if she catches us mingling, we're cooked," Spencer turned his attention towards Kurt, "she told me if i even talked to one of Mr Schue's kids that she would shave my head,"

the new directions chuckled and gasped, "and i just can't rock that look, i mean even Justin Timberlake is growing his 'fro back,"

Spencer looked around the choir room, "well, we've got to go, you guys," Spencer took his guitar off of his shoulders, fist bumping his brother, "Miss Sylvester is expecting us in ten minutes in the dance studio,"

Spencer bro hugged Puck who held onto another acoustic guitar, "bye, man-" Spencer felt a hand slip into his when he sees Santana's hand in his.

Spencer hugs Rachel and Quinn when he smiled brightly at Brooke, who smirked back at him, "bye,"

"bye, white people," Spencer chucked when he wheeled Artie's wheelchair, "hey!" Mr Schuester entered the choir room, "what are you guys doing here?"

"just s-s-stopping by to say hello," Spencer smiled at his teacher when Mr Schuester smiled, "oh, it's great to see you guys,"

Mr Schuester patted Spencer's back, when Spencer half smiled when he turns around to wave goodbye to the other half of the new directions, "bye,"


"we would just like to say that although we find ourselves ok opposites sides," Spencer put his arm around Santana's shoulders, "we hope you enjoy our number and we look forward to seeing yours.."

"get on with it!" Coach Sylvester shouted from beside Brittany when Spencer leans over Santana rubbing Brittany's arm.

"enough with the jibba-jabba! sing something!" Spencer bit onto his lip, "Sue, you can talk to kids that way,"

Coach Sylvester covered her mouth with her hand, when Mr Schuester rolled his eyes, "tell me how i'm supposed to breath with no air?"

Coach Sylvester looked at her group, "all right, that's it, come on," Spencer looked at Coach Sylvester, "she had her chance, everybody up!"

"we're leaving," Finn looked at them when everyone stood up, "i'm sorry, is there a fire?" Spencer looked at his brother, "no, and that's the point, there is no fire,"

Mr Schuester threw his own onto his notebook, "you know, it's said enough that my Sue's kids are living in squalor and probably on food stamps," Spencer frowns, "my dad's a dentist,"

Spencer bit onto his lip, looking at Mercedes, "but for you to drag them in here and bore them to death," Coach Sylvester shook her head, "i won't stand for it,"

Coach Sylvester looked at her group, "come on kids, out," Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "we're going for conies, my treat,"

"all right, that's it!" Mr Schuester threw his notebook onto the auditorium chair, "really?" Mr Schuester stood up, "you know what, Sue?"

"you've been pretty honest about your feelings for me so let me return the favor, you're rude, Sue, you have no class, and you are a terrible teacher!" 

Sue glared, "i'll have you know I have my Ph.D," Will threw his hands up, "you got it online, Sue!" 

"You are a failed performer, Will." Sue pointed at him, "you weren't good enough to make it in the real world, you're not even good enough to run this stupid little club that nobody cares about."

Spencer and the rest off the glee club shared looks of shock, "time after time, Will, you fail!" 

Will took a step closer towards Coach Sylvester, "you spend every waking moment of your life figuring out ways to terrify children to try to make you feel better about yourself and the fact that you're probably gonna spend the rest of your life alone!" 

Sue scowled, "how dare you talk to me like that!"

Will went to open his mouth to retort when Spencer stepped forward, "enough!" everyone went silent as they looked at the tall brunette, "are you two serious? you are both being absolutely ridiculous!"

Spencer shook his head, "it's your job as teachers to teach and inspire kids, and right now, the only thing you two are encouraging us to do is sign you up for Jerry Springer! Get over yourself, buck up and do. your. job." 

Will was was wide eyed as he looked at his student, he was ashamed of himself. How had he lost track of what he was meant to be all about?

He had just gotten so caught up in his rivalry with Sue, he'd lost track of his priorities. 

Sue's face was impassive as she watched Spencer, she didn't appreciate being scolded by a teenager but deep down she admired the boy's fiery spirit. 

Finn cleared his throat, "i'm sorry, Mr.Schue, Miss Sylvester, but Spencer is right, i mean if we wanted to hear Mom and Dad fight, those of us who still have two parents would just stay home on payday." 

"i agree." Mercedes nodded, "Glee Club is supposed to be fun. And furthermore, I don't like this minority business, i may be a strong, proud black woman, but i'm a lot more than that, we're out."

throwing the teachers a peace sign, the girl linked her arm through Brooke's as the two made their way towards the stairs. 

Tina nodded, "M-Me too." 

Rachel stepped forward in the stage, "Fellow Glee Clubbers, it would be an honor to show you how a real storm-out is done, i encourage you to follow my lead." 

Will and Sue watched defeated as the entire glee club trickled out of the auditorium, leaving them alone with their thoughts.


"because you're all minorities," Mr Schuester looked around the glee club, "you are in glee club," Spencer smiled, "now there are only 14 of you, and all you have is each other,"

Mr Schuester shook his head, "so it doesn't matter that Rachel is Jewish, or that Finn is.." Spencer looked at his brother, "unable to tel my right from my left,"

the new directions chuckle, "sure or that Spencer is a good dancer, or that Santana is Latina," Spencer hugged his girlfriend's shoulders, "or that Quinn is.."

"pregnant," Spencer's mouth widened when he looked towards his brother's girlfriend then towards Coach Sylvester, "sorry Q, it'll be all over the blogosphere by this afternoon,"

Spencer frowns, "now everybody... knows including me," Coach Sylvester stood up when Mr Schuester sighed.

Spencer raised his hand, "um, Mr Schuester?" Mr Schuester turns his attention towards Spencer, "what is it, Spencer?"

Spencer frowned, "so, you know when you told me that you need more people in glee club?" Mr Schuester furrowed his eyebrows, "um-"

Spencer just cuts him off, "well, never mind but i've found people who want to join the new directions," Spencer motions towards the door where Sean, Micaela, Samaria and Mason who entered the choir room.

Spencer stood up, "Mr Schue, this is Mason Wuinton, Micaela Quinton, Sean Fabray and Samaria Hastings," his friend's smiled at him, "they're looking to see if they could join the new directions,"

Sean, Samaria, Micaela and Mason half smile when they see the new directions faces, Sean looked at Quinn, "what's wrong with Quinn?"

Spencer looked at his best friend, "i-i'll tell you later," Sean nod his head when Mr Schuester just put on a smile to his face, "um, okay, that's great news great guys,"


Sean held onto his twin sister while she cried in his arms when Finn comes towards them, when Sean half frowns at Finn, putting Quinn onto Finn's chest, "it's okay, it's okay, it's okay,"

"everything's gonna be okay," Spencer stared at Rachel from across the corridor, as Finn rubs Quinn's back, "i'm so sorry Quinn,"


Spencer straightened out his white sweater when he sat beside Sean and Finn, "you're not alone together we stand, i'll be by your side,"

the new directions boys stood up, "you know i'll take your hand," Spencer goes in between Quinn and Santana.

Spencer looks at his brother, "when it gets cold, and it feels like the end," the boys moved away from the girls, "there's no place to go, you know i won't give in,"

"ah... ah,"

the new directions boys face the other way, "no, i won't give in," Spencer smiled at them, "ah-ah,"

"... yeah, yeah!" Spencer stood on the level alongside Samaria and Quinn, the entire group danced as they sang together, "Keep holdin' on." 

Spencer smiled reassuringly at Quinn in passing, "'cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through." 

"just stay strong," the group harmonised. 

Spencer danced with Micaela whilst Quinn danced tearfully with Finn, "cause you know i'm here for you, i'm here for you." 

"there's nothin' you can say," Rachel and Spencer belted out when Spencer took Finn's line.

The group harmonised, "nothin' you can say." 

"nothing' you can do." Rachel and Spencer stood face to face with small smiles on their faces.

"nothin' you can do," Spencer rubbed Quinn's arm, "there's no other way when it comes to the truth." 

The group all faced the front as they sang together, "so keep, holdin' on, 'cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through." 

Rachel and Finn circled each other with a smile as they sang lead, when Spencer moves for his brother to take the lead, "hear me when i say, when i say i believe, nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny,"

they held their hands out, "whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, keep holdin' on, 'cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through." 

The group came to a pause in their dance as they all faced one another, Spencer stood centre stage facing Quinn who looked to his brother's girlfriend in tears, "keep holdin' on."

Rachel sang as Finn arrived right behind the two girls as they all turned to face forward, "there's nothin' you can say, nothin' you can do, there's no other way when it comes to the truth."

Finn took a hand of Quinn and Rachel's in each of his, "so keep holdin' on, 'cause you know we'll make it through...we'll make it through." 

The auditorium was silent as they finished, the only sound was Quinn's laboured breathing as she panted back tears.

Spencer stepped closer to the blonde, his black vans moving against the stage floor before he used his free hand to grab onto Quinn's hand.

{Season 1, Episode 7: "ThrowDown"}

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