12. the new spanish teacher

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(Glee: Episode Twelve: The Spanish Teacher) 

"All right, guys!" their teacher's voice bought spencer's attention away from his girlfriend who was shaking maracas from where she sat near the whiteboard in the classroom, "let me ask you something

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"All right, guys!" their teacher's voice bought spencer's attention away from his girlfriend who was shaking maracas from where she sat near the whiteboard in the classroom, "let me ask you something. where do you think you'll be in the year 2030?"

"broadway. twinsies!" both rachel and Kurt claimed smiling.

"married," spencer stated looking to where his girlfriend sat, whose cheeks redden at his words.

"walking," artie said.

and then came puck's response, "in jail, or dead, or both," spencer quirked an eyebrow at his friend's response.

mr schuester ignored the last bit that came from puck's mouth, "wherever you are, whatever you're doing, you're gonna need to be able to speak spanish," quinn looked at her ex boyfriend confused as spencer shrugged his shoulders, "the reality is, by 2030 more people on this planet will be speaking spanish than any other language. the world is changing. our culture is changing. and that needs to be reflected in here."

"so for our next assignment, we're only doing songs written or performed by someone latin, or of latin descent. or english songs performed bilingually."

brittany then smirked, "oh, i'm bilingual," samaria pats her girlfriends knee shaking her head with a smile on her lips.

"uh, mr schue," santana gained their teacher's attention, "though i love that we're finally getting all lima sound machine in here, why now?" she questioned their teacher, "santana," their teacher sighed, "because it's long overdue. the truth is, i love all things latin. i mean, i love latin food, latin art, latin people—"

santana interrupted their teacher, "you don't know any latin people," someone knocked onto the choir room door and in came in a handsome man.

"hola, will."

mr schuester nods his head, "i know, um, guys," he looked at his students, "this is david martinez, david martinez, this is the glee club," mr schuester introduced the man to them.

"oh, my god, cutest—"

david martinez smiled charmingly at them, "hello, everyone. it's a pleasure." spencer looked to his girlfriend seeing santana having a dreamy smile on her face, "uh, david here is one of my—many latin friends, and, uh, he's interested in starting his own night school glee club after hours, so, uh, i invited him to come watch us get our duende on."

"duende?" finn questioned, "it means dwarf you ass," santana a scoffed at her teacher's words and finn's question, "now i'm completely confused. what's the assignment?"

mr schue clapped his hands, "to sing, in spanish, with duende. which, yea, literally means dwarf." he said to santana, "but metaphorically, it means to have spanish soul, to be filled with spanish passion."

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