A Dragon's Mermaid

By GreenEyedKoneko

219K 7.6K 664

Book 1 in The Beasts Mate Series. This book contains 18+ content, so readers must be 18 years of age or older... More

A Dragon's Mermaid
Chapter One 🌊
Chapter Two πŸ‰
Chapter Three 🌊
Chapter Four 🌊
Chapter Five πŸ‰
Chapter Six 🌊
Chapter Seven πŸ‰
Chapter Eight πŸ‰
Chapter Nine 🌊
Chapter Ten πŸ‰
Chapter Eleven 🌊
Chapter Twelve πŸ‰
Chapter Thirteen 🌊
Chapter Fourteen 🌊
Chapter Fifteen πŸ‰
Chapter Sixteen 🌊
Chapter Seventeen πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Nineteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Twenty πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-One 🌊
Chapter Twenty-two 🌊
Chapter Twenty-three πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-four 🌊
Chapter Twenty-five πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-six 🌊
Chapter Twenty-seven 🌊
Chapter Twenty-eight πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-nine 🌊
Chapter Thirty πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-one 🌊
Chapter Thirty-twoπŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-three🌊
Chapter Thirty-four πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-five 🌊
Chapter Thirty-six 🌊
❀️Chapter Thirty-seven πŸ‰

Chapter Eughteen 🌊

5.4K 197 5
By GreenEyedKoneko

I sigh happily as I submerge my body into the hot water. My body leans back, and I rest my head on the edge. Lavender scented bubbles cover my naked body. I am alone in the bathroom since Vulcan had to take care of some clan business. He surprised me with this bubble bath and a glass of champagne.

We had spent the day with our mothers planning our mating ceremony. The date has already been set to Saturday, and the clan has been informed. I called Marina and Zaraya today to tell them the good news. They were happy for me, and asked how they could help.  My only request was that they come dress shopping with me tomorrow.

I am very happy that my parents and sisters will be able to attend my mating ceremony. Momma contacted my brothers to see if they could attend. They told momma they would have to check with their workplace first. I hope that at least one of my brothers will be able to attend the ceremony. It is rather difficult to take time off in such short notice. Papa never missed a day of work, which is why his supervisor approved his time off.

I hum softly as the hot water soothes the aches in my body. All that walking and planning can really cause some muscles to ache. Maybe I should ask Vulcan to teach me some combat training. It may be beneficial to learn more combat training for situations when it may be difficult to use magic.

A soft knock on the door awakens me from my thoughts. I can sense that Neri and Siaya are on the other side of the door. Her energy seems better than it was the day before. Her mate may be closer to the clan since my magic would not be that affective.

"Come in" I said as I scoop bubbles in my hands. I blow the iridescent bubbles, and they scatter back into the tub. The door opens and they walk in together.

Neri seems to have a glow to her mocha colored skin. Happiness can be seen in her eyes. I am glad that she is getting along with Roark. I can already tell that he will be a good mate to her. Siaya has gained some color back to her skin, and her eyes do not look as dull.

"Oh my, I hope we did not interrupt your bath," said Siaya.

I wave my hand to dismiss her comment. "You are not interrupting anything. I was about to get out soon anyway," I said.

"Um Lady Siaya wanted to speak to you, and I brought her here," said Neri.

"Yes I was surprised that Neri knew where you were. Would it be alright if we had a quick chat?" asks Siaya.

I chuckle since I am not surprised that Neri knew where I was. We are connected since I provide Neri with the energy she needs to survive. Once she and Roark officially mate I will no longer be her main source of energy. That is a discussion she will need to have with Roark before they mate.

"We are very close and Neri asked for my location. Mermaids are also able to communicate telepathically with ones they are close to," I explain.

I do not give Siaya the entire truth for safety reasons. She seems trustworthy, but it is for her safety as well. Unfortunately, evil has eyes and ears in even the safest places. I do not want to risk harming any of my new family members. While Siaya is not blood related to Vulcan he sees her as family.

My hand reaches down to pull the drain, and then the water begins to drain. I stand up from my position in the tub, revealing my body. I am careful as I walk down the marble steps. Siaya seems surprised that I am not embarrassed to show nudity. Vulcan explained that dragons do not view nudity as an issue. They shift out in the open and expose themselves to clan members. However, males are highly protective of their mates. After mating they are known to horde their mate in their chamber for an extended period.

"Are the mers not bothered by nudity? I hope that my question was not rude," said Siaya.

I walk to the vanity and sit down in front of the large mirror. I pick up the elegant gold comb and begin to brush my hair.

"We do not see nudity among the same sex as a big deal. We become rather possessive if others see our mate nude. Father's and brothers are also known to be extremely protective of female family members," I explain.

Neri giggles softly, "I do not think it is just our people who feel that way. My lady's mate broke a family members leg for peeking into my bedroom. Oh and then he threw him out the third floor window".

I burst out laughing, "Oh that sounds fantastic! I wish that I could have been there to see that".

Siaya laughs softly, "Men are men no matter their species. Anyhow, I wanted to thank you for helping me. I have not felt as weak for the last few days. I can feel Zion through our bond, and my health has improved".

I smile when I hear that she is indeed feeling better. "I am happy that I was able to help. I am not a healer, so I would suggest you visit the healer after he returns," I said.

"Oh yes I had already scheduled an appointment for today. The healer wanted to me to have a check up regarding my pregnancy," said Siaya.

We chat for a few more minutes before Siaya excuses herself. She had wanted to freshen up before her mate returned. Neri sees her out and then returns to the bathroom. At that point I had already styled my hair in a high ponytail with two braids framing my face. I tie an gleaming amber ribbon to the ends of each braid.

"Would you like help choosing an outfit? You had mentioned that would be dinning with Vulcan tonight," said Neri.

I smile at her sweet thought and nod in agreement. Vulcan informed me that we would have dinner together in private. He thought the ceremony planning was stressing me, and that I needed a break from our mothers.

We walk to the large closet and I sit on a comparable black leather bench. Neri pulls several dresses from the rack, but my eyes land on one dress. The dress is a lovely off shoulder in an amber red. It stops just above the knee, and has a good belt with a royal blue gem in the center. I stand up to put on a red bra and panties set. Then I pull the dress over my head, while Neri searches for shoes. We decide on a simple pair of black sandal wedges.

"You look so lovely tonight Avalon. I am sure that Vulcan will not be able to take his eyes off you," said Neri.

"Thank you Neri, and I think so as well. I appreciate you helping me, but shouldn't you be getting ready for your date," I said.

Neri smiles, "Oh I am already dressed for my date. Un does this outfit not look good enough" She then adds, "Roark said we were going to see a movie and then have dinner".

I look at her outfit, which is rather cute. She is wearing a raspberry pink dress that stops above her knee. She has on a rose gold necklace, and a thin studded rose gold belt. A white jean jacket covers her dress, and she has on beige strapped wedges.

"No your outfit looks very nice. In fact Roark may not be able to keep his hands off you," I said.

A red hue begins to show on Neri's mocha colored skin. Her blush starts at her cheeks and goes down her neck. That is when I notice that her dress shows just the right amount of cleavage.

"Umm that would be nice. I enjoy it when he holds me and kisses me," stares Neri.

I giggle softly since I feel the same way about Vulcan. I wish that he would touch me even more, but he is determined to wait until after the ceremony. However, I wish that he would see to some of my needs. He has left me a hot mess the past few mornings with his hot kisses.

"We should probably go find our mates. Vulcan will probably be in his office. Do you know where Roark is?"

Neri hums as we walk out of the closet into the bedroom. We make our way out of the bedroom and into the large hallway.

"Roark said he needed to speak with Vulcan. He should be in Vulcan's office," said Neri.

The halls are dimly lit with small chandelier torches. The floors are a lovely wood and the walls are made of stone. The den feels welcoming even with the mountain aspects. The walk to Vulcan's office is not long, since it is two floors below our bedroom. When we reach the large wooden door I knock.

"Come in my treasure," calls Vulcan from inside.

I pull on the large handle and open the door. Vulcan is sitting behind the large wooden desk. Roark and Dion are standing next to him on each side. They are looking down at the paperwork that is on the desk.

"Hi Vul, I hope that we are not interrupting your work," I said.

"You are not interrupting anything my treasure. We just finished going over training schedules and new patrol routes," said Vulcan.

I am sure that he wants to strengthen security since I will officially become his mate in a few days. Leaders of other clans will be informed, and there are several rival clans. Vulcan informed me they are rather far, but  that does not mean much when you're a dragon.

"Considering our lovely mates are here we should call it a night," said Vulcan.

"Great because I promised to take my little one out on a date," said Roark.

He walks up to Neri and I move to the side. He picks her up in his arms, and spins her around. Neri giggles softly as he continues to spin her. She places a kiss on his nose, which I find cute. Roark stops spinning her, and then places kisses over her face. Neri giggles as she clings onto his shoulders.

"Well have a nice dinner Vul and Avalon," said Roark as he carries Neri out of the office.

Dion chuckles, "Well I suppose that is my cue to leave as well. Enjoy your evening, and don't do anything I would not".

I thank Dion as I make my way to where Vulcan is sitting. When I am close to him he pulls me down to his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"That does not leave much Dio! Have fun showing the newbies whose boss at training," said Vulcan.

"You know it boss man," said Dion as he walks out of the office.

Vulcan's lips press against my lips, and I welcome the kiss. I melt into his arms as he runs his hands over my hips. Our lips move together in a slow sensual dance. His lips feel so sweet and soft.

His tongue licks my bottom lip seeking entrance. I part my lips, and he slips his tongue inside. Our tongues explore each other's mouths. I moan into the kiss as Vulcan begins to suck my tongue. My body trembles with need, and I can feel myself become wet.

Vulcan breaks our kiss, and I breathe slowly to catch my breath. He looks at me with darkened eyes, which means he has caught my scent. The hot stare he is giving me causes me to let out a moan.

"You smell so delicious for me," said Vulcan in a low voice.

I squirm on his lap trying to get a hold of my lust. That is rather difficult considering he is being to sexy! Vulcan runs his hand down my hip and stops at the hen of my dress. His hand travels under my dress until he cups my panties.

I let out a soft whimper as hot breath fans against my neck. "So sexy, and you are tempting me my treasure," he said.

His lips kiss my neck as his hand moves against my panties. Moans leave my mouth as he continues to rub me. My panties begin to dampen even more with his actions. I can feel his hard dick from his pants. From what I can feel it must be pretty big. Vulcan slips his fingers into my panties as he bites onto my neck.

I moan loudly as he bites on the sensitive spot where my mark will be. His fingers stroke my wet slit several times. As he strokes me his hand brushed against my clit. My hands cling onto his shoulder while his free hand massages my left breast.

I try to bite back my moans, but that causes him to slip a finger inside my wet heat. The sensation feels out at first, but my body adjusts to it. When my grip on his finger loosens he increases the pace.

"Do not hide those sweet sounds from me. I want to hear and see everything," whispers Vulcan.

"B-But if someone is outside they can hear me," I manage to say between moans.

Vulcan chuckles against my neck as he pinches my nipple. I let out a lot moan at the pleasurable pain that I feel.

"No one will be able to hear your sexy sounds. The walls in here and our bedroom are soundproof. I am the only one that can hear these sounds," he said.

"O-Oh!" I moan out my response. While my noises are a little embarrassing, I feel better. If someone were to hear us I would be beyond embarrassed. Considering we are mates I should not feel this way, yet I do.

I moan loudly at his words, because for some reason I love hearing him talk this way. He adds a second finger inside my pussy, as he massages my breast. His fingers move in and out of me in a quick rhythm. I cannot help but squirm on his lap, which makes his fingers go in deeper.

His fingers touch a certain spot inside me that has me seeing stars. I become a moaning and trembling mess. Vulcan continues to hit that spot inside of me hard and fast. My ass continues to rub against his dick, which feels harder than before.

"Let go and come for me, my treasure," said Vulcan.

I moan loudly as he continues to hit that pleasure center inside of me. My pussy squeezes against his fingers, and before I know I am seeing stars. I scream his name loudly as I cum for him. My juices fall onto his fingers as I lean against him. Vulcan presses soft kisses on my forehead, nose and lips.

I whimper as he takes his fingers out of me. For some reason I feel empty now that they are gone. I would love for them to return, and make me feel like that again. I have never felt so much pleasure in my life!

Vulcan brings his fingers that are covered in my juices to his mouth. He lips his fingers of the clear substance.

"You taste absolutely delicious, and I may have to taste it directly from the source next time," he said.

I bite my bottom lip to stop the moan from escaping. How can he say something so naughty, with a straight face? His hard length is still noticeable. I cannot help but feel bad that Vulcan is in this state. I mean he took care of my needs.

"Um... Would you like me to take care of you? "

He raises an eyebrow, "Is that something you would like to do?"

I think about it for a moment, and conclude that I would. The thought of seeing and touching him excites me. Maybe that is from all the sex talk I am getting from Marina. Zariya may still be a virgin, but she loves having fun with men. She has been known to share too much after she has gotten a good organism.

"Y-Yes but I am not sure how, since I have never given one," I answer.

Vulcan smiles at me, which reassures my decision. "I can teach you how I enjoy being touched next time. Our dinner is ready, and waiting for us," he said.

I hop off his lap, and then Vulcan gets to his feet. He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. We walk out of the office, and head out into the den.

Men, women, and children hustle around the den. I sigh in relief when no one approaches us. Maybe it is because they are intimidated by Vulcan's scent on me. I cannot smell it, but I am sure the dragons can. Several people say hello as we walk past them.

Vulcan closes my eyes once we are in the backyard. He guides my steps, and thankfully I do not fall. When we reach out destination his hand falls down. I blink to allow my eyesight to adjust. I gasp as I take in our venture. A small candle lit table is set at the edge of a cliff. The cliff overlooks the tall mountain. The moon and stars illuminate the night sky.

"Oh Vulcan this is so beautiful! Thank you for arranging such a great dinner," I said as I hug his side.

Vulcan returns my hug before pulling out my chair. I sit down and then he pushes in my chair.

"You are welcome my Avalon. I wanted us to enjoy a quiet evening with just the two of us," said Vulcan.

Vulcan takes out a bottle of champagne that has been chilling. He opens the top, and then pours the bubbly beverage.

"Well you definitely succeeded. However, I have to know on how we get up here without me falling," I said.

Vulcan chuckles as he hands me my glass. We clink our glasses together, and then take a sip. The champagne is sweet with gentle bubbles.

"I am glad that you are happy with our dinner so far. We walked half way, and then I flew the rest of the trip" said Vulcan.

Well that makes sense, and I probably did not notice because of the wind. Vulcan reveals our dinner; salad, lemon chicken, and garlic butter mashed potatoes. We begin to eat together, and the food is amazing. Throughout dinner conversation flows easily.

"Oh my goodness! I cannot believe that you would pull pranks with your brothers," I said through giggles.

Vulcan chuckles, " I had to stop after becoming clan leader. My favorite prank was when we put pink hair dye in dad's shampoo".

"Wow! How did he react to that? Papa would have freaked out, and then given us a million chores," I said.

"He commented that he rocked the hair, and then doubled our training," he answers.

I take a bite of the delicious chicken as he swallows his food. I have been enjoying myself, and I love spending time with Vulcan.

"Have you ever pulled a prank on your
parents?" asks Vulcan.

I answer his question after swallowing my food. "It may not seem like it, but my siblings and I have prank wars.  Papa hates it and doubles our house work".

I hum," Um would you mind training me? I would like to learn some hands on combat".

Vulcan hums as he takes a bite of mashed potatoes. "Yes I can train you when I have time. Mom could also train you with Ember," he said.

"Thank you! I would like to learn more, since I feel like I should not always rely on magic," I explain.

He nods his head in agreement, "That is a good idea, since your magic would be nullified".

Vulcan surprises me with hot tea and delicious macaroons. I moan happily as I eat the sweet lightly fluffy treats. Oh I do not remember the last time I had macaroons. I love the he remembered that I like them, since I mentioned them a few days ago.

"What can I expect during the mating ceremony? You mentioned that the priest and elders will lead the ceremony," I said. That is not a different between our ceremonies.

"An ancient passage will be read while the elders sing. I will place my jewelry onto you, and you will do the same. Jewelry signifies status and your mate," explains Vulcan.

"That is a difference for our ceremonies. The mer do gift our mate a necklace that we made for one another," I said.

Vulcan nods, "The jewelry could be handmade for us, but it is typically custom made for higher ranks".

It may feel a little odd wearing such nice jewelry, but I love sparkles. The jewelry will show others that I belong to Vulcan, which I like. The clan members have been welcoming, but I would like some extra security until things settle down. In any case it is nice to see how jewelry places a role in both species ceremonies.

Vulcan continues his explanation of the ceremony. "Both of our hands will be bonded together with gold cuffs that belong to my family. The priest will say a prayer before we bite each other," he said.

My eyes widen in surprise that we will make each other in front of people. The mer  mark one another in private after the ceremony. We bite our mate while in the throws of passion.

"We are going to bite each other in front of others? Will we umm have sex in front of them as well."

I do not want other people to see me have sex with my mate. Supposedly the mark blinds you with lust, but still.

"No the guests will continue with the reception. We will mate in private while the party takes place due to the lust," said Vulcan.

Well I am happy to hear that we will mate in probate. However, would people not think it's rude that we leave the celebration?

As if he can read my thoughts Vulcan goes into more detail. "It is a custom, and the clan will be too thrilled to eat and drink. The real celebration brings once we arrive".

I smile, "Well I am sure that is the case. We have been planning for quite the party".

"That we have and it will be a  fun party. I thank the heavens for making you my mate," said Vulcan.

Vulcan stands for his seat to stand behind me. His hands wrap around my shoulders, and pulls me close to him. I sigh happily as I place small kisses on his arm. My heart melts at his sweet words. I feel the exact same way, and I am looking forward to Saturday. He peppers kisses on top of my head.

"It will be a great day, and the first day of our lives together. I am beyond happy they you are my mate," I said.

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