Ultimate alien hero of remnan...

By danse1999

5.5K 49 18

I'm a fan of Ben 10 and so this a fan fanfic involving my oc having the ultimatrix as a young child after the... More

Chapter 1: dust robbery.
Chapter 2: house work and part time hero.
Chapter 3: meeting blake.
Chapter 4: the Kid.
Chapter 5: the Hero vs the Fallen Huntsman. ( past ).
Chapter 6: Encounter with bandits.
Chapter 7: a knight, ?.
Chapter 8: the Villains!
Chapter 9: captured and escape.
Chapter 10: dock fight and summers release.
[ dark max / evil short story ].
Chapter 11: dreams and the bounty hunter.
Chapter 12: alien hero vs the bounty hunter.
Chapter 13: Reunion and Fight.

Prologue: getting the watch.

344 3 0
By danse1999

Max POV [ age: 10 years old / rose house basement / 12:00am ].

How could they do this to me. I did nothing wrong and yet they beat me up, even when I try to explain them. but they beat me up again. Not even acknowledging or listening to me.

Max: *hurt* ow *cuts* ( my body I'm really hungry. ).

Max gets up and heads up stairs. As he reached the stairs he put his left ear up to it, listening for any footsteps. After hearing nothing he slowly turned the knob and open the door as quietly as he could.

Max: ( coast is clear. ).

Max began walking as slowly as possible. After he made it to the kitchen. He went to the fridge and opened it, seeing a birthday cake half eaten.

Max: *sigh's in saddens* ( Yang's brithday. ).

Max remember it was yang birthday today and his was 1 month ago. That everyone ignored or didn't care about.

Max: *tummy growl* ( this cake will have to do. ).

Max grabs the cake and carefully places it on the dinner table.

Max: *spoon in hand* ( good thing everyone's fast asleep. ).

Max starts eating the cake and drinking some water to help him if he chocked and clean his teeth a little.

Timeskip 1:00am [ nearly finished cake ].

Max got and put the cake back in the fridge, and threw the water bottles away.

Max: ( better then the scarps they feed me. ).

Max went back to the basement and went to sleep.

Timeskip 3rd POV. [ morning 8:00am ].

As everyone had woken up and started eating breakfast, yang decided she wanted some cake left over from her birthday yesterday. She called for her dad to get the cake out.

Yang: Dad, can I have some cake.

Tai: Alright sweetheart.

Tai went to the fridge. Opened it and found that the cake nearly gone, only one piece was left.

Tai: *hold cake* ( that little bastard gone pay for ruining a perfect day. ).

Tai put the cake on the table showing everyone. Yang was sad, but immediately got angry.

Yang: Who ate my birthday cake!

Tai left the kitchen heading towards the basement.

Max POV. [ still sleeping / dreaming ].

As max was sleeping. He started dreaming, in the dream a mysterious man with a robotic army was standing on top of a mountain wielding something blue and metal on his wrist. Max was confused about him till he felt something hit his head waking him from his weird dream.

A/n: this is one of those dream about the future or freaky unknown dreams.

Max: Ow! *vision blurred* Who? *sees it's tai* why did you hit me?

Tai: did you eat yang's birthday cake?!

Max: *looks down* I-I was really hungry.

Tai: so eating My daughter's birthday cake to end your stupid stomach ache was your solution!

Max: Yes. But I was—.


Tai: no more Excuses! I had enough of you!

Tai grabbed max and dragged him by his hair upstairs from the basement to the living room. Then tossed him.

Tai: Yang! Your worthless older brother is the one who ate your cake.

Yang: *angry* You ate my cake!

Max: I-I'm s-sorry—.

Max got punched in the face an angry yang. And continue to get punch over and over again by her. Until she stopped. Then summer, raven started punching and kicking him till, he was bruised and bleeding.

Raven: never ever ruin my daughter's birthday!

Summer: ungrateful.

Qrow said nothing just looked down.

Max was trying to stand up. but due to the punch's and kicks he grab the couch trying to balances himself up. Now up, he was staring at them.

Tai: heh. Your pathetic. Your not even huntsman material, you'll never make a good huntsman in life, worthless brat. No wonder your an orphan, cause no one wants you.

Something within max made him mad.

Max: *laugh* And your just a joke.

Ruby, Yang, Summer, Raven and Qrow's eyes widened at what max just said to tai.

Tai: *mad* what did you just say!

Max: heh. What's the matter loser never had someone tell you off. Or is it because, you're a coward who can't fight his own battles. *mocking* 'oh no my hair needs to beautiful and I'm trying to be hip like the kids with cargo shorts'

Qrow: kid stop-.

Max: what's wrong tai. A doofus like you can't scare your enemies so you hurt me.

Raven: Shut it-.

Max: I wonder do ever try what you cook, cause it taste mushy and your cooking is just terrible. No even eats it, except for qrow.

Summer: Go to your-.

Max: Seriously you a huntsman. What your semblance rapidly punching someone till you trie out, faint, or wet your yourself.

Yang: leave my dad—.

Max: your jokes are terrible and so are your one liners. Not mention your taste in clothing, plus that stupid beard you keep mentioning about.

Ruby: stup it big bother—.

Max: you want i play a violin. Cause I bet even criminals laugh at you, when they see a moron like you trying so hard not laugh at you, even others. Cause they're not afraid of a stupid, hothead like you. Cause you don't- *gets punch*.

Tai: That's it!

Tai kept punching max leveling even bigger marks on his face along with some broken bones. This was scaring the whole family even Qrow was worried.

Max's was trying to crawling away from tai.

Tai: no you don't *grabs leg* you really are annoying, running away like a pathetic weak coward. I'll make sure you never walk again.

Everyone watch tai lifted his foot and bring it down. Hitting Max's spine breaking it. Max yelled in pain and passed out. Qrow reacted by pushing tai away from him.

Tai: Hey!

Qrow: *weapon out* Enough Tai!

Tai: get out of way Qrow. This little bastard has to learn his place.

Gun fire.

Qrow: I won't let hurt him!

Tai back off a little. Qrow walked over to max.

Qrow: ( kid! I'm sorry for not protecting you. Or even training you. ).

Qrow got his scroll to call for an ambulance.

Tai: Tch. Call whoever you want, cause no one wants a weak kid like hmm. ever!

Summer: Stop calling my son weak!

Raven just gave tai an angry expression.

Ruby and Yang crying due to seeing their older brother nearly dying in front of them.

Timeskip 3rd POV. [ hospital / 10:40am ].

Max was laying down on the bed. Cast on his face and legs. Some aura pumping in and out, repairing some of the damage bones. Meanwhile the rose family waited for the news of there son. Except tai wasn't there with them.

Doctor: *enters* Ms. Rose.

Summer gets up and went over to the doctor.

Summer: *concerned* I-I-Is my son gonna be alright?

Doctor: Yes Ms. Rose your sons gonna be alright. *summer sighed in relief* bet he will have to say for at least 4 weeks.

Summer: What?!

Doctor: due to your son's injuries and poor health. He will have to remain here until he fully recovers. Do you understand Ms. Rose, then you can come pick him up.

Summer: *sad about Max* can we at least see him.

Doctor: yes. But please do not touch him.

Summer informed the family. So they went to see max, and in his condition wires connected to his legs Healing them and his broken back, a tube im his mouth allowing him to breath air, cast on his legs, head, and body.

Summer: *holding tears* ( Max! I'm sorry this happened to you! I promise when you come I'll get rid of tai. ).

Raven: ( Max. When you come back, I'll train you to fight. ).

Yang: ( big bro. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. ).

Ruby: bw-bwother I'm sawe. *cries*.

Summer hugs ruby.

Qrow was busy on scroll with someone about his nephew condition and request that his nephew be sent to another family.

Timeskip 3 weeks. [ hospital / max room / 10:00pm ].

As the days gone and went by, max was recovering slowly due his injuries of both the present and the past, plus his body was getting healthier by the hours. The rose family did visit except for tai who still hated him and told everyone he should've died.

Little timeskip. [ 11:00pm ].

As max was sleeping. A visitor in a blue robe appeared in the room. The camera was now showing static.

Blue: hello son! I'm sorry this happened to you. But trust me, me or you're mother never meant to abandon or give up. But we had to in order to protect you from him.

He reached for his pocket and got a small metal box out.

Blue: Max! No matter what you do. I know you have pure and good heart in you.

Flashback blue robe. [ planet??? ].

Blue: Karver. Tell me, will my son be a hero or a villain.

Kraver: *looking into the future* huhu.

Blue: so he's a villain.

Kraver: No! But he needs to work on his jokes and one liners. Maximus.

Maximus: heheh. Guess he's takes after me. ( And his purple hair from his mother ).

Flashback ends.

Maximus press a button on box and it opens up. The ultimatrix appears Maximus left hand

Maximus: max. This ultimatrix was gift from my Great, great father, from me and now. I pass it on to you.

Maximus Retrieve a small red gum shape pill from left pocket. ( a/n: like cough drops. ).

Maximus: I know your sleeping but this pill will heal you faster, unlike this lesser technology.

Places the pill in max mouth and puts the ultimatrix on Max's left wrist.

Maximus: *pats Max head* I know you will do good with it. Azmuth might not approve, but I'm rooting for you and so is your mother, heh even my pales are rooting for you back on technis.

About to teleport home.

Maximus: I love you son *kiss on the head*

Maximus teleports back home.

Little timeskip again. [ 1:00am ].

Max was slowly waking waking as his eyes open, seeing a little blur and little light. Moving his fingers and arms. Then his legs.

Max: (w-w-what!? My legs! I can....... move them again. How? ).

Another Timeskip. [ after fully waking up ].

After removing his bandages and cast. Max notices three things. One he was healed, two his monitoring system was off, and three something was one his left wrist and it was blue.

Max: *sitting on hospital bed* What's this suppose to be some kind of watch?

Touches the top of the dial. And it pops up.

Max: *blue light glow* Whoa! *starts turning the dial seeing many different figures of people* hmm? ( I wonder what happens if I press this guy ).

A/n: blue color.

Max pressed the dial.

A/n: Ben 10 omniverse heatblast transformation.

His left arm along with the rest of his body was soon covered in dark red rock-like body with fire for hands, feet and his head looked different.

Max: *original voice* AAAAAAAHHH! I'm on fire! I'm on fire! AAAAH!

Bed and room set on fire due to him grabbing stuff and running around the room.1

Max then touches the wall near the window and melts it, falling through it.

Max: *falling* Aaaaaaaah!! *places both hands down blasting fire making him hover* whoa! Awesome. *slowly descends down*.

Max: *on the ground* this body and power is awesome. *grass on fire* Oops. *walks away heading towards the forest leaving small trails of fire behind*

Max: *thinking and smile* let's see what else can these powers do? *both hands together and create a ball of fire and throws it. At the trees*.

Max: *shocked* No! Stop! Stop burning! Oh man I'm so busted for this.

Runs away from the burning forest.

Timeskip morning. [ opening in the forest ].

Max: *XLR8* this is amazing. With this watch, I could do whatever I want. Hmm maybe even become a huntsman......... No! huntsman have fancy weapons and terrible clothes. Maybe I could become a hero someone who could help both Faunus and humans.

And with that max trained himself to fight and protect the one's who needed it. Along Max's adventures he unlocked even more aliens to transform into. And built himself a house in the clearing of the forest far away from vale or towns.

Present day. [ vale ].

Max: a dust shop? ( dust? such a dumb name for colorful crystal. ).

Heads inside to read a few magazines.

The prologue ends.

A/n: done. So I been readying Cereal421 rwby story. And every hero needs a villain.

P.S: he's not the main villain.

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