My Blood: joshler

By khalisucks

14.1K 872 859

When Laura decides to marry two years after the death of Josh's father, Josh thought it'd be another one of h... More

Chapter One: Josh // a little trip into his arms.
Chapter Two: Josh // eat crap, Joshua.
Chapter Three: Tyler // just had bad luck.
Chapter Four: Josh // this man was the weird one
Chapter Six: Tyler // pondered of something terrifying
Chapter Seven: Josh // gee, thanks for getting us killed, mom
Chapter Eight: Josh // i'm so sorry i ruined it
Chapter Nine: Tyler // they were the best of friends.
Chapter Ten: Josh // i would get beat to smithereens
Chapter Eleven: Josh // can't stop thinking about
Chapter Twelve: Tyler // we're gonna be here a long time
Chapter Thirteen: Josh // you're one of a kind.
Chapter Fourteen: Josh // i'm not the one who's pregnant
Chapter Fifteen: Tyler // screw you, Joshua Dun.
Chapter Sixteen: Josh // violet blue, the only one who understands
Chapter Seventeen: Josh // we need to talk, jishwa
Chapter Eighteen: Josh // i swear on my tiny gay heart
Chapter Nineteen: Tyler // i wanna play a game
Chapter Twenty: Josh // not what it looks like?
Chapter Twenty-One: Josh // we won't abandon you
Chapter Twenty-Two: Tyler // so you forgot about me
Chapter Twenty-Three: Josh // everything goes wrong
Chapter Twenty-Four: Josh // happy new year!
Chapter Twenty-Five: Tyler // go fuck yourselves
Epilogue I: // that was forever
Epilogue II: // i'll miss you, violet blue

Chapter Five: Josh // maybe I should have lent him my coat.

558 34 32
By khalisucks

Chapter Five: Third Person POV


The boy was shy, is what Josh realised when the taller lad immediately ducked his head, looking confused as if deciding whether or not to come up to the front desk.

He shortly after came up with a decision though, as he slowly approached the front desk, giving a noticeable space between him and Josh.

Liam smiled, “Hello and welcome to Colours, where feelings are painted. What can I get you?”

The shy boy blushed, “I was hoping for just a can of red paint? I want to do some finishing touches” his voice could not be described, as cliche as that sounded.

It could simply be named, beautiful, soft, feathery, light, scratchy, nothing like Josh had heard before and suddenly he realised, he knew this stranger. Not platonically, but as someone he'd seen before.

He knew this particular boy with the black hair and soft voice existed, yet, he totally ignored him. A creature, as soft and shy and delicate as this person existed and Josh totally ignored it.

He suddenly felt a crash of guilt even when he knew he hasn't done anything wrong.

Maybe I should have lent him my coat, he thought, shaking his head when he realised how ridiculous that sounded. No matter how this beautiful strangers voice sounded, that was all he was to Josh, a stranger.

Unless he changed that.

But Josh was no good with that, no matter how many people he'd talked to, he just wasn't used to starting the conversations and stuff so he stayed quietly and watched ad Liam attended to the boy, apologizing to Josh and promising for some weird reason that was just Liam.

However, Josh didn't mind, he was okay with the shy boy stealing his spot because the kid didn't deserve to wait. He looked utterly petrified and uncomfortable and Josh couldn't help but think it was because of him and so, he backed away a little.

He watched for the next ten minutes as Liam helped the boy find the right shade of red to complete his already made masterpiece, but he couldn't watch any longer because the boy was done and already walking out of the door.

“Bye, Tyler! Come again!”Liam yelled after him.

“Of course, Liam” and the boy was gone.

Tyler, such a beautiful name for a beautiful boy, as cliche as that sounded and throughout Liam's break, Josh couldn't help but think about the shy, black headed boy.

When Josh got home, his mother was sitting in the living with a huge book in her hand, drinking coffee. Typical Laura. She was an all out, eccentric woman but when she wanted to relax, coffee and reading were her go-to-game.

“Hey, kid. Welcome home. How was paint shopping?”she asked, stopping her book and giving her son her full attention, one thing he could always trust her to do.

“Oh, it was okay. Didn't really shop, per se Liam Greene just borrowed me some sample extra painting and we've decided that during his free time on weekends and maybe weekdays after his school, he'd teach me. I've made him agree to collect payment, of course because it'll be just wrong of me to extort from him like that.” he spoke.

One thing Josh noticed about himself was that he gave too much information than necessary.

“Well, I'm glad things are working out, honey. Now can you sit down because I've got something to tell you” she dropped her mug of coffee on the table so he knew she meant business.

He slowly sat, “Don't tell me you're pregnant” he asked warily.

“I mean. . .” she trailed off.

“Mom!” he exclaimed.

She laughed, “Relax, Joshua. I'm kidding. It's actually something a lot more serious”

“Okay?” his heart was on the edge and he was expecting anything.

“My fiance is moving in with me!”she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

Just not that.

“What?!” he was so not happy with this.

Josh had always wanted to be an only child. In all his years of living, he'd never found himself wanting a sibling because in his mind, a sibling meant his parents dividing their love for him and more siblings meant the love they originally had for him would go away.

That thought alone scared five year old Josh to death. He thought maybe when he grew, he'd get over it but the more he grew and the more his love with his father grew, the more it scared him.

When his father died, he cried, not only because he'd miss him, but because he knew the love he once felt was now reduced. Now only his mother loved him, not his mother and father.

The first tattoo Josh ever got was the shape of a heart snapped into two with little broken pieces lying about it. He liked to think his tattoos spoke a language of their own and communicated with other person's on their own.

Josh wasn't ashamed of who he was. He was sometimes called the 'ink freak' but he didn't care. In fact, it helped him build up his 'bad boy' exterior even more and it made it even easier to avoid making friends at all cost.

Josh didn't like siblings and he didn't like friends because he was sometimes (all the time) selfish and he hated sharing things or people with other things or people.

So there he was, his worst nightmare coming to life. He'd lived contentedly with his mother for the past two years and he never had to share her with anyone apart from her fiance she went to see but that was okay because Josh never did see him.

And now? Now the man was going to be moving in along with his son before the big marriage that was in five months, apparently because Laura wanted to get a feel of the two families living together as one. She though it'd be great for them.

And as Josh's  heart ached, he couldn't disagree more.

|| - //

Thoughts? x

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