The Defectors

By Imcrazyyouknow

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We come into the world where freedom isn't something we can have. We can't afford it unless we gone through t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 29

43 7 7
By Imcrazyyouknow

Chapter 29


There are only two things in this world could define you. First, if you passed the process you could live a better life and if you failed to do so, just live and accept your miserable life. For anyone who didn't pass, it wasn't fair as they are trying to give their best but for some reasons, they couldn't move forward just because of the rules they couldn't abide. It is a fact of sad reality we had that for every living person, one must have a better life if the person would offer its life into a survival test in which they can determine if the other word suits for you. And that's how cracked up the world we live.

It is very different from far years now and every year, we are afraid of what comes next.

An alarm rang as it implies opening the cell from where I stand now. A few moments later, from the shadow, I saw the three incoming people towards my cell. I properly seated on my bed and look at them entering the premises. Dilly and Manny were on her back and the dreadlocked girl came in front of them.

"How's your stay, Dylan?" she asked.

I smirked, "this isn't human," I said shaking my head, "and I still don't want to join your goddamn movement."

"That's when you are wrong, Dylan." Manny said, "you are recruited to be part of the movement and there's nothing you can do about it."

"He's right," the dreaded girl nodded, agreeing on her. "Before I have asked you to join our movement. I let you have your own decision that time because I know, we know that everyone can have their own freedom but as the process of rebirth occurs, I cannot let go away the chances of you being on the movement. I know this is not your choice but from now on, you're gonna be part of us... just like what Manny said, whether you like it or not."

"And so, what if I did, what are you gonna do to me, huh?"

"You're gonna be oriented on what purpose you're gonna hold, but today we're taking you to a room where we can remove the tracker on your neck."

I immediately shook my head, "no, no, don't do that."

"The tracker is an abomination, Dylan." Dilly said, "it should never be part of us, never was and in that way, we can be freely moved into one place or another without being monitored directly on the High Council."

"How sure are you?" I asked.

"We just know, Dy." The dreaded girl said, "Let's the chats now and head to the operation room."

Manny forcefully grabbed my arms and followed by Dilly on the other side. Dreaded girl makes her way out of the cell and then we followed her as we head to the operation they were talking about.

As we track down the hallway leading to the room where they supposed to bring me, all I can see the other people who were looking at me while we're moving towards that place. They were gossiping around and all can't tempt to look at me with disgrace and humiliation. I don't know what's going on their head but all I can think of was getting out of this place and never meet them once again.

When we reach the operation room the dreaded girl says, we entered the metal door and as when I get to see what's inside of the room, I gasped when I found a dental engine chair in the middle of the spacious room, hit by the only light of the four-cornered walls. The corners were dark and I'm not mistaken that there are people who are hiding behind the darkness... and they are just there, watching the scene.

Manny pushed me forward into the chair in the middle. I don't have any choices but to follow them. When I got into the chair. The dreaded girl ordered Manny and Dilly to strap me on the chair. Dilly strapped my hands on the armrest and also my head on the headrest while Manny strapped both of my feet—just as they're making sure I wouldn't escape the premises. It is hard as fuck when they were all around and all they ever wanted is you.

"And now what are you gonna do to me?" I asked aggressively.

The dreaded girl smirked, "can't you follow so I've said earlier, we'll gonna remove your tracker."

"Then what are you doing? Why do you keep watching me instead of doing what you're supposed to do, right?"

The dreaded girl nodded, "okay, as you cannot wait, we'll start now. Dilly, bring equipment."

I watched Dilly from my peripheral vision were heading towards the corner, she removed the cloth covering the trolley and heard the equipment clangs to each other. I heard them small evil laugh and I couldn't stand hearing them. I tried to resist from the straps but they were all too tight and I just gave up because I would just lose my strength by forcing myself to escape from this.

Dilly push the trolley on our direction and gives me a better view of the equipment. My eyes widen as some of it were sharp and really intimidating. I just took a deep breath and hold the edge of the chair. The dreaded girl picked up the pair of elastic gloves and wear it both hands. She checked first the equipment and its frightening me.

"Are you ready?" she asked facing her back from me.

"Hell, I'm not." I smirked, "but I can't stop you, so you better make it painless."

"I'll try my best, Dy." She turned on me and I saw her grin, "but I'm not gonna promise it wouldn't be bloody... cause I'm so sure, it will be."

"Well, well, well! Look who have we got here?" a voice coming from the door, entering the room caught to his attention. They were waiting for him to get out of the dark and when the light touches him, I was surprised to see a person like him on the field. "You look shocked, Dylan. Do you think people like me couldn't be in this field... well, that's the thing they aren't sure about." He said, "but glad to see you now... and finally got to meet you."

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, raising my brow to him.

"Good question, Dylan." He said, "I'm Barry—the boss."

"Boss?" I mumbled.

"You heard him, right?" dreaded girl, said. "He's the boss."

Barry nodded, "she's right and I'm the one who ordered her to get you but instead you turned her down and we couldn't let you go. And as we come into another plan of having you on the movement, and this is the way we found to keep you here. You have the right to be angry but the purpose of the movement will lighten you up."

I still couldn't believe that this old man could be in the field and what's the worst of it, he's the one who's been gathering all these people to destroy the High Council. And it's pathetic how he makes this person's mind turn to his agenda. Poor one.

"I think the conversation has to stop, please remove his tracker." Barry, the boss, ordered her.

Dreadlock prepare the blade on cutting the skin of my neck where the tracker located. When she's about to cut me open, I shouted at the top of my lungs to interrupt her focus and I did it cause she restricts herself to do it until Manny popped an idea to put a cloth in my mouth so I couldn't make a sound. I couldn't even shake my head because of the strap it's holding in. I'm just having a hard, deep breath and it's all I can do.

And I think, my journey in the process ends here.

She leaned over me and slowly press the blade on my neck until I started to feel something strange. It travels through the veins and into the system of my body and one second I learned, I'm shaking and all I can feel was the electric impulse coming from my neck—from my tracker.

The dreaded girl stopped as she sees what's happening on me. In every second, my head shakes. And I felt I'm not gonna last because of the pain I'm getting into. And I couldn't understand what's happening on me. It has been like this many times and I just didn't bother to know—cause glitch is one of the technology failures arises but I think it isn't.

"What's happening?!" the dreaded girl shouted, "can you please stop?!"

But I couldn't answer her, the electric fringes coming from the trackers keep triggering.

"Was he sick?!" Manny asked.

"I'm not sure he is! Cause if he had, he wouldn't be able to pass the initial tests before going to the field!" Dilly answered.

"And then what's happening?!"

"Dylan! Stop it!" A dreaded girl holds both of my shoulders but still, it didn't stop.

"Hold on. Hold on. I think I know what's happening," Barry said and everyone steps in curiosity as he was profound of his guess. He examined what's happening on me, look straight into my tracker and the movement of my head. He thinks he guessed it right and he was so sure of it.

"Boss, what's happening?" The dreaded girl asked.

"Someone's talking to us." Barry learned to say.

Everyone gasped as he announced it. No one even dared to notice or think of it, he was just the only one.

"Get me a piece of paper, Manny, C'mon, faster!" he ordered. Manny immediately gets a pen and paper and give it to Barry after. The next thing happened, he watched my head giving vibrant movements. Few seconds after, he showed to everyone what he wrote on the paper and everyone were surprised and a bit of clueless to what they have seen. Somehow, the electric triggers on my trackers stopped, I chased my breath heavily and follow them to what's happening but I couldn't pace up as I try to keep my system up.

"That's unbelievable..." The dreaded girl mumbled.

Barry smirked, "never to me..." he said and look back on me, "Dylan is the message, the deliverer and the salvation... he has the answer to our misery."

I shook my head, don't get his point. "What are you talking about?"

Barry faced the paper on me and read the words he written on it.

--. / --- /-. / - / --. / --- / .- / -. / -.-- / - / ... / .. / -. / -- / ... / - / ..- / .--. / .. / -..

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Don't do anything stupid," Barry said. "That's what it said Dylan... and whoever touches your tracker were I think, on our side and from now, your tracker wouldn't be removed as it will be a big help to our movement... I don't know what it may soon but this is a big message for me, Dylan. Whoever touches your tracker, he can be one of us... or maybe, just the same person who started the movement."

"Wait, what?!" I asked, confusedly.

"No more questions, Dylan." Barry said, "From now on, you can stay in a normal room, have decent food and freely can talk to anyone but know your limits. We still can kill you."

And after those words he said. The tracker triggers once more... and he writes what he read.

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