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After The New Order of The Stone defeated Romeo also known as the Admin, Now Beacontown has been restored. Wi... More

Chapter 1: Awkward Situation
Chapter 2: Suspicious, Isn't It?
Chapter 3: You Gotta Stop Doin' That
Chapter 4: Friends and Family Joined Together
Chapter 5: Chaotic Incident in The Theater
Chapter 6: The Mysterious Threat
Chapter 7: The Truth is Revealed
Chapter 8: The Impending Doom
Chapter 9: In Mortal Peril
Chapter 10: In This Darkest Hour
Chapter 11: The Struggle Continues On
Chapter 12: The Silent Storm
Chapter 13: Grim
Chapter 14: Did Not Expect That
Chapter 15: The Great Escape
Chapter 16: Liberation Time
Chapter 17: Night After The Liberation
Chapter 18: Ura Ura Ura!!!,🇷🇺
Chapter 19: Centurions! At Your Service!
Chapter 20: Siege of Mushashi🇯🇵
Chapter 21: Das Panzerlied🇩🇪
Chapter 22: First experience with Modern Equipments
Chapter 23: Ask the Girl, Jesse :D
Chapter 24: When The Yankees Stepped in🇺🇲
Chapter 25: Vive Le France🇫🇷
Chapter 27: The Fire of Resistance
Chapter 28: The Return of The Swastika
Chapter 29: Glory Of The Navy🇬🇧
Chapter 30: The Steel of Destruction
Chapter 31: Multiple Party but One China 🇨🇳🇹🇼
Chapter 32: Enemy at The Gates
Chapter 33: Tank Brawls and Cavalry Charge
Chapter 34: Spirit of Wellington
Chapter 35: Showdown and Fate
Chapter 36: The Battle of the Bad Luck Alley
Chapter 37: Doom is upon us
Chapter 38: Nothing is in Vain
Chapter 39: United We Stand
Chapter 40: Greed of The Corrupted Eagle
Chapter 41: The Dark Juggernaut
Chapter 42: The Return of the Allies
Chapter 43: Hitler's Steel
Chapter 44: Return to Beacontown
Chapter 45: Believe in Unity
Chapter 46: The Charge Of The Freedom Fighters
Chapter 47: Time of the Judgement
Chapter 48: Even in a desperate Moment, there's always hope
Chapter 49: Future seems to be Bright and yet it also seems to be Dark
Chapter 50: Chasing off the Inevitable
Chapter 51: Light of Hope shines on the Dark Path we went through
Chapter 52: The end is closer than you think
Chapter 53: Victory is ours (Mega Chapter and Grand Finale)
Epilogue: The Peace and Calm after the Storm
Extra 1: Major Power's Infantry Units

Chapter 26: The Tides of War

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{M.Jesse's POV}

i got woken up by the sound of my alarm. When i got up from my bed, i looked at the Sun Clock. It was 9 PM in the Night. Time for the Meeting. I quickly got up from my bed and walked to my wardrobe and changed outfits. I wear my usual outfits which are my shirt and blue jeans

    I went outside my bedroom and walked downstair to be greeted by My Sister who was having a snack of Cookies and Fresh Milk, Petra who was sharpening her 'Miss Butter' Sword, and Lukas who was writing on his Journal

"Hey Guys! You all had a Great Breaktime?" I said as walked to the counter

"Yes, We do! Jesse you seems to be ready for the meeting with the Allied Commanders considering that Casual outfit of yours" Lukas said, looking up to me from his book and pointing his ink feather at my appearance

"Oh yes i am! Don't wanna them Miss the Hero of Residence of Beacontown" i said, smugly

"Well then! Do you need any help with the meeting?" Lukas said as he put his journal on the Living room's table "You know, i could actually help being your wingman considering your sister will be shopping for supplies this tonight" Lukas insisted

"Yeah, Bro! Our supply of Milk and Bread is running out so i was thinking of restockinf them" My sister said as she finished her milk and throw the bottle at the Dustbin "Oh yeah! Petra will help me. So, dont worry for us on getting late for... Yoy two already know that?" She continued as she turned to Petra who nodded at her. I turned to Lukas again

"Well, If you insist" I told him

"Awesome! I'll grab my leather jacket" He said as he ran to his room to get his Leather Jacket

"Man! You sure got that spirit, Lukas!" I said as i went and sit on the Sofa

"Yeah, Thats the good ol' Lukas i remembered" Petra said as she put down the Sword sharpener on the table and Put 'Miss Butter' in her Inventory

"Heh, still loving that sword i see" i smirked at her

"Why wouldnt i?" She said smugly

"Because i thought you're gonna buy a new sword than the one you're using right. Its kinda rusty don't you think so too?" I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders

"Well, you know this sword has been helpful to me for the past 3 Years and i just don't wanna to abandone it just like that" She replied, crossing her arms

"Ohhh, Well, You got a point" i said laughed nervously, scratching my back. She laughed too. Then Lukas came out from his room wearing his leather jacket. I looked at the clock. It is the TIME

"okay well, See you later girls!" I bid the Girls good bye

"See ya" Petra and my sister replied

"Come on Lukas! Dont wanna make em' waitin'" i told Lukas as i went to the door as Lukas approached me

"Okay, I'm ready" He said

"Okay, let's go" i said as i opened the door and got outside the Temple followed by Lukas.

The Night is peaceful. People roaming around doing their Activities. Parrots and Ocelots roaming around Beacontown, Our Militias working on the fortifications helped by the Foreigners. This is the sight i never Saw in my live: Beacontown Will become a battleground and Will be sieged.
We walked through the city as i saw Jack coming to us.

"Hey, Jesse! Going for the meeting i see" Jack greeted me

"Yes, Indeed! The Foreigners and the whole of Beacontown needs me" i said to him. Winking

"Well, i'm going too. John asked me lately because he needs someone who is experienced with Expedition" He said as he strapped his sword on his back

"Hah! Man, They really needed everyone who's experienced in combat or leadership or expedition or anything they needed" i said

"You're Right! Man i think this will be the first war that the order of the stone and the Beacontown will fought in history" Lukas said as he took off his googles and cleaned them. Then he put his googles back on

"Yeah, Beacontown never fought a single war. This is their first time after the fall of the Admin" I said still walking to the Place of meeting

"Agreed! This must been pretty new to Beacontown" Jack chuckled

"Yeah it is" Lukas said as we continued. Heading towards the Meeting place

(10 Minutes later)

Later on, We arrived at the Building. The building has 3 floors. The front yard is filled with colorful flowers and green grasses. The Flag of the British stand on the top of the building right on the left side of the roof while the Royal Italian flag stand on the right side of the roof. The front door was guarded by two British Soldiers judging by their outfits and equipment (Mk5 Brody Helmet, Mk5 Vest, Light Brown Shit, Khakis, and a pair of dark Brown Boots. We went inside the building to be greeted by a British Officer with wearing a hat

"Ah, Sir Jesse! Glad you Made it! If you're looking for the Meeting Room, it's in the Second floor. You can find the sign 'Planning Room' on the Room's Door" The officer informed. I nodded and thanked as we went upstairs to the meeting room. We were walking through the hall until we found a room with a sign 'Planning Room' just like the Officer said

"I think this is the room! Judging by the sign" Lukas said, looking at the Sign

"Well, here goes nothin' " i said as i opened the door and went inside to be greeted by Colonel Conrad who was standing near a huge map that was hanged to the wall. The room is huge. Way too big than our Treasure Room that we have back in the Temple. The room had a huge square table that has about 40 seats

"Ah! Jesse you arrived, welcome! Take a seat" Conrad greeted as he gestured to the seat where the Beacontowners sitting. Theres Ivor, Isa, Milo, Romeo, Gordon, and Binta sitting on the seats. On the Allied seats, there's John and his group there too with some Allied high rankingOfficers

"Jesse! Finally you're here!" Ivor exclaimed

"Yes, I am" i said as Lukas, Jack, and i sit on the available seats. The room was occupied with British Military councils (20 Peoples) , Royal Italian Military councils (12 Peoples) , and then a new formed councils for our Town: Beacontown Councils (8 Peoples) which Leader is myself. Conrad then looked at all of us

"Now that everyone's here, let's begin" he said as we all nodded. He began the Briefing

"Okay, Soo... As you all know, the Germans are going to launch counter offensive on Beacontown at anytime. We're not sure when, but Soon. Soon they will. So we need a strategy plant to defend beacontown from their offensive" he said as he showed a blank black board. Then with a click of on a device Conrad had in his hand, a picture appeared. It was a Picure of a massive army which is i believed as the German Forces in an unknown Snowy plains

"This is the 89th Army Group. We took this picture yesterday from our reconnaissance pilot. They worked as diversion for the American and French troops to make them focused on the 89th Army Group while German's 109th Army Group moved towards Beacontown and so that our Allies, the American and French Resistance couldn't help reinforce our defenses" Edward explained gesturing to the picture. He mentioned 'American' and 'French' as their allies. So there's another Allies huh?Hmm Interesting...

"Next!" He said as the next picture came. It was another picture of the Nazis army but bigger. The settings is on a Grassy Plain

"And now this is the 10th Group Army. They are the one who be will be coming to this Town soon. They outnumbered us 10 to 1. and by the way, these Forces is led by none other than the Devil himself..." He explained as the next picture came. The picture was a portrait of a men with German officer outfit but with lots of medal on his uniform. He had two blades on his back. He had a scar on his left eye. I wonder who is it. He must be the Leader of these Germans

"Fieldmarschall Karl von Manstein. Descendant of Fieldmarschall Erich von Manstein. We must stop him and his forces at all cost" Edward said now his voice is a bit raised. The next picture came. It was Beacontown's map

"To Prevent the Nazis from attacking behind the Town, SAS garrison will be placed at the order's temple" He said pointing at our Temple in the map "Is that okay Sir Jesse?" Conrad asked me. I nodded at him

"Yes, thats okay. Because i actually don't think my people could hold that much of forces" i replied. He nodded

"Very well then" Conrad said as he pointed the front gate

"Our 'Fighting Cock' 75th infantry division and the Beacontown's Militias will be positioned at the front gate along with Gorzia's Arditti Cavalry behind them for an counterattack" He then pointed on the front of the gate

"Our newest Tank Division Will be positioned here until the signal was given for them to withdrawl from their position" He then pointed behind the First line of defense

"Beacontown's Militia Will hold their Advance in here with our Field Artillery support and Anti Aircraft Guns are already placed everywhere in the town in case of the Nazis Blitz tactic" He then pointed behind the order's temple

"The rest of the Chalengers Will attack from here and push the Germans back to their hive" he said as the next picture came. I think it's It was their own flying Machine

"our Tornados in the air will give us air superiority and dogfight against the Germans Hovercrafts" He said as the pictures on the Black Board disappeared with a click of the device in Colonel Conrad's hand

"Beacontown's Council member, do you agree with our plan" Conrad asked us, the Beacontowners council

"Yes" we all said at the same time

"Good! We'll close this meeting with a speech from our King yesterday. I will be playing it right... Now!" Edward said as the board reveals a moving picture of a man with a hat. Strangely, the Man in the picture could talk

"Peoples from the entire world and this world. Today we marked this day as the 'Darkest Hour'. The Axis Forces had outnumbered us and the Allies 10:1. But we must have faith that we can destroy the Fascism and free ourselves from the outraging war even tough we're all alone in this but together we'll make unity of Free people, Free from the Grips of the Dark Fascists! We Will never ever Surrender!
From yours truly king George X of Great Britain" The king from the picture said, ending his speech

"Sir Jesse, The Germans are well trained and well armed. Are you sure you can protect your friends and people from the Germans?" Conrad asked me for confirmation

"With all my heart, I'll protect them at all cost" I said, placing my hand on my chest

"Oh yes, Sir Jesse is your Militias ready for the upcoming battle?" Conrad asked

"They all are ready! Personally trained by Petra, Jack, and John for the new style of combat" i replied. The Colonel smiled

"Jolly Good. Question anyone?" Conrad said as he sit on his chair. Lukas raised a hand "Yes, Sir Lukas?"

"What if the Germans attack from behind our defenses?" Lukas asked

"Well, thats why i prepared the 79th gurkhas rifle behind the overall line of defense" Edward replied showing a picture of dark skinned soldiers wearing the same uniform and Guns as the British except that they wear some sort of Fedora rather than Helmet

"Oh,okay then. Thank you, sir" Lukas thanked him

"You're very welcome. Anymore question?" Edward asked. Jack raised his hand. Edward looked at him

"What kind of tactics do you British used? I'm really curious" Jack asked. Conrad smiled as he wrote a word on the blank board. The words are 'Guerilla', 'Knight's Igne', and 'Marching Fire'

"Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfarein which a small group of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military. Guerrilla groups are a type of violent non-state actor" Conrad explained Guerilla Tactic

"Next is Knight's Igne which is the Defensive formation seperated to several Columns with or without fortifications" Edward explained Knight's Igne

"And the last but not least, Marching fire which is our Attacking Defensive by marching in formation or with separated formation while firing at the enemy and supported by Cavalry and Artillery" Edward explained Marching fire

"Interesting Tactics you got there" Jack complimented

"Yes, it is" Edward said "anymore question?" Edward asked. I'm curious, if they have Tactics, Do the Germans have tactics too? I raised my hand to ask Conrad a question. Conrad looked at me

"Yes, Sir Jesse?" Conrad letting me to speak

"If you guys have tactics, what kind of tactics do the Germans had?" I asked him

"They had Blitzkrieg. Blitzkrieg or in English 'Lightning war' is a method of warfare whereby an attacking force, spearheaded by a dense concentration of armoured and motorised or mechanised infantry formations with close air support, breaks through the opponent's line of defence by short, fast, powerful attacks and then dislocates the defenders, using speed and surprise to encircle them with the help of air superiority. Through the employment of combined arms in manoeuvre warfare, blitzkrieg attempts to unbalance the enemy by making it difficult for it to respond to the continuously changing front, then defeat it in a decisive Vernichtungsschlacht (battle of annihilation)." Conrad explained as he shows various picture of battles of which seems to be Germans troops and Tanks attacking unknown troops (The Polish Troops in 1939 in the Invasion of Poland and The French Troops in 1940 Battle of France) who seems outnumbered brutally by the Germans

"Oh Geez" i gasped so everyone in the Beacontown's Council

"But don't worry, we are fully prepared compared to the early Polish and French Forces" he assured we nodded in understanding "Anymore Questions, Gentlemen?" Conrad asked. The room felt silent

"Okay then, Dismiss. Have a goodnight, Gentlemen. Godspeed" He said, ending the Council Meeting as everyone cheered including the members of Beacontown's council. Well, this will not only just our Struggle against the Germans, but our struggle for Freedom

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