The Dueling Professor | Gelle...

By DarkGuardian_15

144K 5.8K 1.2K

{An alternative universe based in present day. All Harry Potter characters are in this au as well} Sapphire... More

An Ilvermorny Girl In A Hogwarts World
Feathers and Claws
Relationship Advice
Taken By Surprise
Homework In The Hospital Wing
The Dueling Professor's Offer
A Lion's Thanks
Hogsmead Visit
Gryffindor Versus Hufflepuff
Whispers In The Dark
Birthday Surprises
The Patronus Charm
Grindelwald, Dumbledore, and Severus Snape
Breakfast At Gellert's
The Pensieve
A Christmas Tragedy
Saving Grace
Letter From The Ministry
Reconciled Friendships
Summer Break
Quality Time With Grindelwald
Snape's Lessons
Potion Ingredients
Gellert's Love
The Order of the Phoenix
Snake Man
Cornelius Fudge
New School Year
Classes and Assistant Duties
A Suspicious Package
Twin Cores
Chocolate Frogs and Sugar Quills
The Malfoy Family Scandal
For The Greater Good
The Burrow
Christmas With The Weasley's
Snape's Secret
Back To Hogwarts
Piles of Homework
Black and Grindelwald

Winter Dance

3.6K 156 53
By DarkGuardian_15

Sapphire's POV:

«Gemini Souls»

You may know the word Gemini from the interesting phenomena of astrology. The Gemini astrological sign representing twins. The case of the Gemini Soul is somewhat similar, yet very rare. It isn't commonly known amongst wizardkind due to its rarity. The Gemini Soul takes place when two souls merge together into one human body (also occurs in animals). The body will inherit personality traits from each soul, making the individual very complex. The mind of a being with a Gemini Soul has many layers, and can contain twice the amount of knowledge as someone with a single soul. Even though this is a rare occurrence, it is fairly easy to recognize. You don't need to look any further than their eyes. For example: their right eye could be blue while their left eye could be green. One eye represents one soul, while the other eye represents the second. Most witches and wizards have been casted out of families and society for this abnormality; some have even been killed.

"Merlin's beard." I muttered under my breath once I finished reading. 'No wonder Dumbledore gave me this book. It let me know why Gellert has different colored eyes.' I said inside of my head. "What's up?" Draco asked me curiously, taking me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I said as I looked up from my book. Draco and Nick were looking at me with concerned and curious looks on their faces. "Oh, sorry. I was just talking to myself." I replied with a slight laugh. I was helping them with their homework, so they didn't have to do it all tomorrow before the winter dance. Apparently Dumbledore and the heads of house decided to give the students a little party before Charisma break. I had already finished my homework, and I was busy reading the book Dumbledore had gifted me for my birthday. 'I should talk to Gellert about his Gemini soul sometime. Probably after the other students leave for holiday.' I thought inside of my head. "Are you ready for the winter dance tomorrow night?" Nick asked us curiously as he went back to writing his Care For Magical Creatures essay. "Yeah, but I'm bit nervous to be honest. I might need your help getting me ready for my date, Sapphire." Draco replied as his cheeks turned a light pink color. "Oh my god! Did Harry ask you out to the dance??" I whisper yelled, since we were in the library. "Actually, I asked him. I think he was surprised that I had the courage enough to do so." He replied, and I expressed how happy I was for him. Nick was excited about Draco and Harry going to the dance together as well. "I have a date with Adrianna Milton." Nick said after a moment of silence. His cheeks turned a little pink as well. "She's the Hufflepuff keeper, right?" Draco asked, and Nick said she was. I was happy for my friends, but I was suddenly aware that I didn't have a date to the dance. Deep down I didn't even wanna go to the dance, but I didn't wanna abandon my friends. At least there was going to be food, drinks, and live music. "So, who are you going with?" Draco asked me curiously. "No one." I replied. "What?! I heard Braxton Harris was going to ask you out." Nick said, and then covered his mouth. Obviously he just let something out that was meant to be a secret. "Braxton? Braxton who?" I asked with furrowed brows. "Well, he's literally all girls talk about, except for you." Draco replied. "He's captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team." Nick said, but I still didn't know who he was talking about. When they finished their homework we said out goodbyes and headed towards our common rooms. Draco and I were halfway there when someone called out my name. I turned around to see a tall boy jogging towards us. "Sapphire, could... could I talk to you for a few minutes?" He asked me curiously after he caught his breath. The robes he was wearing were Ravenclaw robes, and I had feeling he was Braxton. "Um... sure." I replied I told Draco I'd meet up with him in the common room later, and within a few seconds the Ravenclaw and I were alone. He had pale skin and jade green eyes that reflected the lamp light in the hallway. His hair was black, and shaved off on both sides; it kinda reminded me of Gellert's hair, but it was sort of slicked back instead of spiked up. "So, what did you wanna talk to me about?" I asked him curiously after a few minutes of silence. "I know it's late, but I was wondering if you'd like to go to the winter dance with me tomorrow night." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. I thought about it for a few seconds, and decided to say yes. I didn't wanna show up to the dance all alone, because if I did I knew that Pansy and her friends would say something about it. "Sure." I replied, and he seemed surprised that I said yes. "Really?" He asked me curiously as a smile spread across his face. "Of course, no one else asked me. I'm surprised that you did to be honest." I replied with a slight laugh, and his smile grew. "Well, for what it's worth... anyone would be stupid not to ask you to anything." He said, and I blushed slightly. He was a handsome guy, and I couldn't only imagine what people would think when I walked into the Great Hall with him beside of me. "Thanks." I said awkwardly. "Well, I better get back to Ravenclaw tower before curfew. I don't fancy getting detention with Filch and lose my opportunity to go to the dance with you." He said. We told each other goodnight before we went our separate ways. When I walked through the portrait hole I found Draco sitting next to the fire. As I told him what had happened, a huge smile spread across his face. "You go girl! You're going to the dance with the second most handsome man at Hogwarts. Harry being the first, obviously." He said, and we both laughed slightly. After we talked for a while we went to our dorms. I got ready for bed and started to feel guilty. Even though I couldn't go to the dance with Gellert, I felt like I was cheating on him. 'Gellert is just your friend, besides you can't have a teacher for a date.' I said inside of my head, but it didn't make me feel any better. I fell into a restless sleep. The next morning I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I put on a Slytherin green sweater over a plain white t-shirt along with a pair of black jeans and gray converse. Draco and I met up in the common room and then met up with Nick in the hallway. We talked about Braxton asking me to the dance, and they both seemed excited for me. People were staring and pointing at me as we entered the Great Hall, but I didn't pay attention to them. I knew that the news about who I was going to the dance with has spread like wildfire. Once I filled up my plate with food, I started eating. Later I knew I'd have to help Draco get ready for his date with Harry. It wasn't clear if it was actually a date or not, but I liked to assume that it was. When the owls started filling the Great Hall, I was surprised that I got something. A long package was wrapped in silver and green paper. An envelop was just underneath the black ribbon that was tied around the package. I opened the envelope first, and I was glad that I did.

Dear Sapphire,

Don't open the package in the Great Hall. I ordered you a dress as soon as I heard about the dance; I really hope you like it, and I desperately hope it fits you. Also, I heard a rumor that you were going to the dance with Braxton Harris. Is that true? Anyway, have fun at the dance with your friends!

- G.G.

"That's so sweet of him. He really does like you, Sapphire." Draco said after I told him about the package. "I know. I really like him too." I replied, glancing up at the staff table. Gellert was looking my direction, and he smiled once we made eye contact. I smiled as well, and made a mental note to thank him for the dress later. When we finished eating we went up to the common room where I dropped off the package in my dorm. Then we met up with Nick before roaming the halls. The entire castle seemed to be buzzing with excitement. If I didn't know there was a dance tonight, I would have probably thought there was a Quidditch game or something. The three of us hung out for what felt like forever until Harry, Ron, and Hermione stumbled upon us. "Hey, are you three excited for the dance?" Hermione asked us as she took a seat next to me. "Yeah." We replied at the same time, which was a little creepy. Harry took a seat next to Draco and Ron took a seat next to Hermione. We discussed our dates, and I was happy that Ron and Hermione were going together; they seemed like a cute couple. All six of us ended up heading outside where we ran into Fred and George. We built snowmen together for a while before we had a snowball fight. I honestly couldn't remember a time in my life when I had this much fun. "We heard you and Braxton are going to the dance together." Fred said to me as we all brushed the snow off of ourselves. "Yeah, he asked me last night actually." I replied. "Just so you know, he isn't the best in relationships." Fred said as he adjusted the beanie that was on his head. "That's fine. I wasn't looking for a relationship with him anyway." I replied. The Weasley twins went on to tell me about his tendency to cheat on every girlfriend he has ever had. I really couldn't understand why girls were crazy about him if he's a cheater, but I decided not to worry myself about it. After lunch Fred and George went to go give Filch a hard time. Draco went off with Harry and his friends, which left Nick and I alone next to the fireplace in the Great Hall. We were sitting in comfortable silence, until he spoke up. "I'm gonna miss you during Christmas holiday. I wish I could stay here with you so you won't be so alone." He said with a sad sort of look in his eyes. "It's okay, Nick. I'll be fine here at Hogwarts." I replied. I told him about the Christmas feast my mom and dad mentioned in the letter they sent me and everything. "Well, I still wish you didn't have to stay here all alone." He said. I gave him a side hug, which he returned. I couldn't help but be thankful for having such good friends. Before too long we split up to go get ready for the dance. I went into my dorm and opened the package Gellert had sent me. When I seen the dress I was stunned at how beautiful it looked. The dress was all black with ruins sewed in silver colored thread all over. I thanked Merlin that it wasn't strapless and that it went a couple of inches or so below my knees. Once I had the dress on I grabbed a pair of knee high socks that were black and white striped. Since I didn't have any dress shoes I slipped on a pair of black combat boots instead. Then I moved on to my jewelry. I kept my usual bracelets and rings on, and I kept the deathly hallows necklace Gellert gave me around my neck. There was a full length mirror on the far end of the dorm room, and I looked in it to see who I looked. To my surprise I actually liked my reflection. After I brushed through my shoulder length, dark brown hair, I decided to check on Draco. I walked out of my dorm room and knocked on his door. He opened the door and his jaw dropped. "Wow. You... you look beautiful, Sapphire." He said, and I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. "Thanks. You clean up nicely yourself." I replied. He was wearing a black tux with a Slytherin green bowtie. His bleach blond hair was slicked back, and I could smell some kind of cologne on him. He checked the time on his wristwatch and suggested that we should head towards the Great Hall. We were supposed to meet up with our dates in the Entrance Hall. Nick joined us, and he looked good as well. He was wearing a black suit with a golden tie. We complemented each other on our appearances, and silently walked towards the Entrance Hall. The three of us waited for a little while before Harry showed up. Then Adrianna came to whisk Nick away. I was starting to think that Braxton had ditched me, but then I spotted him coming in my direction. "Sorry I'm late, I had some trouble with my tie." He said, which was blue. "You look dapper this evening." I said with a small smile. "Thanks." He replied with a smile. I thought he was going to complement me on my dress, but he never did. He offered me his arm, and I took it before we walked into the Great Hall. We sat at a table far from where my friends were, and I felt so alone. Dumbledore stood up to make a little speech before food appeared on our plates. As we ate I noticed Braxton eyeing a Gryffindor girl in a sparkly red dress. I tried fighting the urge to roll my eyes, but I couldn't. Once everyone was finished eating the plates disappeared and the music started. The Weird Sisters were rocking out on stage, and the dance floor filled with students. Even some professors were dancing, which was comical. Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore were dancing hilariously. Filch was dancing with his cat, Mrs. Norris in the far corner. After a while Braxton asked me if I wanted to dance. "Well, I'm not really big on dancing." I replied. "Then why did you come if you didn't wanna dance?" He said. He just shook his head before getting up and disappearing into the crowd. 'You didn't have to be so rude.' I said inside of my head. I got up and walked over to the punch bowl where I got myself a drink. As I looked around I spotted Draco dancing with Harry, which lightened my mood a bit. Nick and I made eye contact and gave me a thumbs up as he danced with Adrianna; I have him a thumbs up as well. Despite my date being a jerk, I was actually pretty happy. "You look beautiful." A deep male voice said from beside of me. I felt myself blush as my heart skipped a few beats. I turned around to see Gellert looking at me with his different colored eyes. A small smile was on his handsome face. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a black tie that was inside of the white button shirt he was wearing. "Thanks, you look handsome yourself." I replied, feeling nervous. A cloud of comfortable silence settled down upon us for a few minutes, but I didn't mind. "Where's your date?" He asked me curiously. "He ran away when I refused to dance with him. It doesn't matter though, he was obviously interested in someone else." I replied, spotting him with the Gryffindor girl he was staring at earlier. "Why didn't you wanna dance?" He asked me curiously. "Well, because I don't know how." I replied as a slow song started playing. There was a short pause before he spoke again. "I'll show you, come here." He said, and my stomach filled with butterflies. I followed him, and he lead me outside. The moon was shinning bright in the inky black sky. Small snowflakes were drifting silently to the ground; everything looked so beautiful. The music from inside was faint, but I could still hear it. "May I have this dance?" He asked me curiously as he offered me his hand. I hesitantly placed my hand in his, and my heart skipped a beat as he pulled me close to him. He slowly showed me how to dance, and I was so nervous about stepping on his feet. "There you go, see... it's not too hard when you have a good teacher." He said, and I couldn't help but giggle slightly. He smiled and I blushed profusely. Our close slow dance quickly turned into a cozy hug after the slow song ended. "Thank you for the dress, and the dance... and... everything." I said after we broke the hug slightly. "Don't mention it, Sapphire." He said softly as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I shivered slightly, and it was obvious that he noticed. "Are you cold?" He asked me curiously with furrowed brows. "A little." I replied. He retrieved his wand from his pocket and a black trench coat came whizzing towards us. "Here." He said as he wrapped the coat around me. I put my arms through the sleeves and instantly knew the coat belonged to him. His intoxicating scent floated towards my nose as I pulled it closer to me. The two of us walked back inside and took a seat at one of the vacant tables. After a few minutes Dumbledore came walking towards us with his blue eyes sparkling. "Nice dress, Miss Vander. And my I applaud your wonderfully striped socks." He said as he placed his hands in his pants pockets. "Thanks, professor." I replied with a slight laugh. I didn't know why he liked my socks so much, but I found it rather amusing. But I was very aware of the awkward tension between Gellert and Dumbledore. They kept glancing at each other, and then quickly looking away when they made eye contact. "Professor, Snape has been looking for you. He's by the punch bowl if you'd like to see why he wants to see you." Dumbledore said to Gellert after a long moment of awkward silence. "Thanks for informing me, Headmaster." Gellert replied quickly before disappearing into the crowd of dancing students. I sat and watched until I couldn't see him anymore, and then turned my attention towards Dumbledore. To my surprise, he was already looking at me. "Professor, forgive me for asking but... what happened between you two?" I asked him curiously with furrowed brows. "Is it that obvious?" He asked, as he looked to his right and then down at the floor before making eye contact again. "I think it's better if you hear it from him first. The two of you are friends after all.... good evening, Sapphire." He said before he too disappeared into the crowd. I sat there wondering what had happened between Dumbledore and Gellert. But I was more worried about what Snape wanted with Gellert more than anything. If Snape hurts him, I won't hesitate to seek revenge... even if he is a professor.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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