Abnormal / / Luke Hemmings

By poisoncalum

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"My life is just one big running depressing poem" "I like depressing poems" "I don't" "I know, love" More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Authors Note

Chapter Eight

91 5 5
By poisoncalum

The song of this chapter is Fluorescent Adolescent by Arctic Monkeys. It has nothing to do with it but I fucking love this song.

"Why are you guys so late?" Calum asked as we walked down the steps to Mikey's basement.

"We were sleeping." Luke answered for us. That wasn't a lie, we had fallen asleep after our earlier events. Calum shrugged and kept messing with his base and I sat on the couch allowing Luke to set up the microphone. Pretty soon Ashton showed with Zack and Matt. Things were very awkward but the boys needed to keep Matt around. He looked me but only for a second before scowling and turning away. Calum didn't seem to want him there anymore than I did because we shared an annoyed look. Luke winked at me from the microphone and Ashton began hitting the drums. 

The first song they sung was called 'Out of My Limit' and I really enjoyed it. Then they messed around with some covers. First they sung 'Year 3000' by the Jonas Brothers, then 'As Long as You Love Me' by Justin Bieber. Finally they sang 'Teenage Dream' By Katy Perry and again Luke winked and gestured at me. I laughed at him but I could see the other boys sharing knowing looks and I wondered if Luke had told them anything. 

"What'd you think?" Luke asked plopping on the couch next to me.

"It was good. I love Katy Perry."

"She's mine." Calum yelled from across the room. Luke chuckled at him and Ashton returned from the bathroom digging through his pockets.

"Alright boys, something a little different today." He pulled out a small bottle that looked to me like advil. 

"Shit, we haven't done this in awhile." Michael perked up. 

"What is it?" I leaned in whispering in Luke's ear.

"Ecstacy. But it's pretty intense."

I nodded my head and Ash walked around popping one into everyones hand. He gave me mine, and it was a pink little capsule that had a little heart engraved in it. Luke already put his in his mouth and swallowed. I looked at him and popped mine in as well. Nothing happened at first. Not like the heroin. Luke was leaning against me now and he seemed to be zoned out.

"When does it start to work?" 

He smiled up at me. "It takes a minute or two."

As he finished his sentence, a sensasional feeling ran through by body and I could feel under relaxation all through my veins. The room seem to slow and I could feel everything in a possitive way. I looked around and all the boys seemed to have hit their high also. Luke laid across the couch and pulled me onto him so we were almost cuddling.

"Feels good." He mumbled into my ear and I nodded. He ran his fingers through my hair and I played with the buttons on his flannels.

"Are you guys together?" The voice that spoke was Michael. He was laying on the chair oppisite us.

It must have been the drugs because we both cracked up laughing and shook our heads. Michael shrugged and turned back to the ceiling. "We should do something." Luke suggested.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Like something bad. Maybe ding-dong ditch someone's house."

Ashton laughed. "Dude you won't get away in time with your current state." 

"Yes I can." 

"No, Luke, don't be dumb."

"I am the best ding-dong ditcher in this room."

"I'm not saying you aren't I'm just-"

He sat up and shifted me so I would stand with him. "Me and Holland are going to prove we are the best." Ashton just shrugged and Luke took my hand leading me out of the room and into the garage.

"Luke what are you doing? We can't ding-dong ditch."

Suddenly my back was to the door and he leaned in close. "I know, I just wanted to do this for a little." He pressed his lips to mine, a gesture I had become used to. My hands found his hair and he moaned into my mouth when I pulled at it. "Fuck we should have skipped band practice and just done this all day." 

I blushed and he began kissing my neck. He knew it would get me hot and bothered so I needed to stop him before I came under his horny spell.

"We need to go back out there."

"No we don't." He said not stopping the sucking on my collar.

"We can do this later when we leave. Not here though."

He finally stepped back and touched my neck. "Don't get mad but I think I sucked on this area for a little to long. It's bruising."

"Luke! We need to go out there! They are gonna know." 

"Fuck them, it's our buisness." He took me out of the room and back in. 

"Did you guys do it?" Ashton asked.

"No, Holland pussied out." 

We went back to the couch and no one had really moved but I could tell the high was beginning to wear off and it was and hour later. 

"We're going to get going." Luke told them collecting our things. 

I stood behind him and all the boys nodded and mumbled goodbyes. We walked up the steps and tiptoed through the house not to attract the attention of Michael's mom who was home somewhere. We exited and I got into the passenger seat of his car. He put our things in the back and got in his side. 

"Where to now, Hemmings?" 

"Not sure, I just know I want us to be alone." 

"We should go shopping. I mean, we don't have too, but I could get a few things." 

He agreed and we made our way to the nearby mall which was about twenty minutes away.

"What do you need to get?"

I shrug. "I want to dress nicer for school so maybe a few dresses." 

"Your legs will look amazing."

"Thanks, bud."

He smirked and kept his eyes on the road. "You know what would be fun?"

"What's that?"

"Road head."

I stared at him with wide eyes. "No way."

"Come on, Holl, It could be great."

"Or you could kill us." 

"I wouldn't."

"Luke, I saw you earlier, you were jerking all over the place and that was just from a handjob."

"A great handjob."


"Alright, no road head today, but someday?" 

"Maybe if you stop twitching when I get you off."


I smile at him. His constant stupid remarks were the reason I had become so fond of him. He was just one of those people you felt like you needed in your life. We pulled into a parking spot outside of the H&M and got out. Inside it was pretty crowded and It was hard to fnd anything. I began to feel bad for Luke, every girl eyed him like the last slice of cake and he seemed uncomfortable especially when they tried to bump him on purpose. 

"I'm going to try this stuff on." I said, leaving him in the changing room waiting area. I put on the first dress and it was loose and I actually liked it a lot. I looked at myself in the mirror for a few seconds. Then there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and it was Luke. He shoved himself into the room with me and sat on the chair.

"Some girl just tried striking up conversation with me."

"So, you came in here because?"

"I didn't feel like getting hit on and also," He stood again and backed me into a wall. "I thought what could be hotter than hooking up in a dressing room." His hands cupped my face and crashed our lips together. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He put his hands on my butt and squeezed it, making us both laugh. He removed his lips from mine leaving me whining. He then kissed my collarbone and neck and I pulled at his hair. I let out a moan and he came up smiling. 

"Luke Hemmings, our you teasing me?" 

"Maybe just a little." He shrugged and put me down pressing me farther into the wall. I could tell he was hard and I really was ready to leave.

"Backseat in ten minutes. I'll meet you outside." 

He nodded and left the room trying to cover his crotch. I quickly got redressed and went to the register to pay for the dress. I grabbed ot from the woman thanking her and practically made a mad dash for the car. I got to the backseat and the openned the door for me pulling me in.

"You looked really hot in that dress back there."

"That's good because I bought it."

"Good. I can't wait to take it off you." 

His lips found mine and he layed over me in the cramped seats. I immediately went for the bulge that was growing in his pants. I ran my hand over it and he groaned. I fumbled with his button and he helped after a second and my hand went straight into his boxers. It became a repeat of the morning. He muffled his moans into my neck and put his hands under my shirt and grabbed my boobs. 

"Fuck you're great." He moaned.

He sucked on a part between my neck and collar and for some reason it made me arch my back. "Luke don't stop that." 

He smirked and continued, grunting every few seconds when my pace changed on him. When I knew he was about to burst I slowed and let the hot liquid shoot onto my hand. He sat up and grabbed a blanket from the floor to clean us up. 

"Fuck I love when you slow down at the end." 

"I love when you bite that part of my neck."

"I love when you moan my name."

"I love when you make me moan your name."

"Okay we better stop before I get turned on again."

"You know, Luke, you're a very horny guy. You might want to get that checked out."

"I'm just like all other guys. The difference is I have a sexy little friend who won't admit it but is just as bad as me."

"I can control myself."

"Oh please Holland, you would have fucked me in that dressing room if I didn't stop. You're dirty. You know what else I think?"

"Whats that, the all knowing Luke?"

"I think the thought of being caught turns you on." 

I shrugged. He wasn't completely wrong.

"Maybe a little."

"You are so fucking hot Holland, Oh god you don't even know." 

"You aren't bad yourself."

He climbed through to the drivers seat and I followed him. When I was about to sit he pulled me back into his lap and kissed me. "You are my best friend Holland."

"You are mine as well." 

"Do you want to do something else?" 

"We could-" I was cut off by a knocking on the window. We both turned and it was a girl I had never seen before. Luke sighed so I assumed he knew her. 

"Hey Lukey, just saw your car here, wanted to say hi."

"Hey, Madison."

I climbed off of Luke and for some reason he thought it would be appropriate to smack my ass as I leaned into my seat. 

"I just wanted to see if you were coming to Jimmy's party tonight. I just got my outfit and I wouldn't want you to miss out on seeing me in it." 

I uncomfortably sat on my phone texting no one. "Can I bring my girlfriend?" He asked her and my head snapped up at him.

"Uh, I think it's invite only. I mean, you'd have to ask Jimmy but I doubt it. She seems nice, I'm sure she wouldn't care if you came and had a little fun tonight." She was getting extremely close to him and jealousy raged through me. Her hand reached out for his arm and I lost it.

"Can you fuck off? He's with me."

They both turned to me shocked and I sat there, trying not to seem suprised I said anything even though I was.

"Excuse me?" She asked me.


"Who is this girl Lukey?" She whined.

"My girlfriend. She's right, leave." The girl scoffed at Luke and took off. He turned on the car but just sat there. 

"Girlfriend, huh?" I laughed, trying to joke.

"Were you jealous?" He teased and nudged my arm.

"No, she was just gross. I'm gonna assume you have hooked up with her before and thats bad Luke, it is really bad."

"I actually never have. She tries everytime she see's me. Trust me baby it's just me and you. Your the only hands I want on my dick."

"Wow, Lukey, you're so romantic, you mean it?"

He laughed at my sarcasm. "God don't call me that. Makes me feel like I'm your son and you are my mom."


"Oh yeah, really nice to have an image of your mom pop up when you're getting it on."

"Please stop, Lukey." 

"Are you trying to mess with me, Ms. Carson?"

"Maybe a little." 

"Do you want to go to that party tonight?" 

I shrugged. "She just said you need an invite."

"No, you definitly don't Jimmy doesn't pull that shit. Plus, I'd love to see you in that little dress you just got. Actually, I'd like to see it on the floor, but you look so fuckable wearing it as well."

"Thanks Lukey." I smirked.

"That's it." He said pushing himself into my seat and kissing me. 

"I look slutty." I say, putting my second earring in.

"You look good, but if any guy tries anything tell me, I can and will kick their ass. You're mine."

"So possesive. What if I try things on other guys?" I joke and he comes up spinning me around. "I'll just have to remind you who you belong too." He said, pressing his lips to my neck.

"We better go." I whisper to him, trying to hold in moans.

He picked me up and sat me on the bed. "Not just yet." 

He kissed lips hard, and immediatly his tounge forced entry. His hands ran up my thighs and he pushed my legs apart so he could fit between them. "If only we were naked." He mumbled.

This went on for a little longer and eventually his cellphone rang to break us apart. He looked at the caller and pushed it back in his pocket. "Who is it?"

"Mikey, but he's at Jimmy's so we will just see him when we get there." We walked out the house and got into Luke's car. We drove a really short distance and you could heat the music from a block away. We pulled up a few houses down and got out. Luke led me to the door by my hand and kissed my lips quickly before clearing his throat.

"Ready?" He asks.

I wish I had just said no.

A/N: Hiiiii everyone updates are back. I went to WWAT and I am currently dealing with PCD ((post concert depression)) all the boys did amazing and wow CALUM HOOD IS A SEX GOD. Just needed to say that. Sorry to leave this at a cliffhanger but the next chapter will be long and I have a lot of ideas. BUT WHEN LUKE TELLS HER HE WILL REMIND HER WHO SHE BELONGS TOO ONHFJEN THATS SO HOT. wow okay well bye. 

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