Never have I ever

By joeanneisreal

209K 4.1K 1K

*COMPLETED* Dianne Buswell, australian exchange student. Joe Sugg, english, school popular kid. What happens... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chatper 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Thank You!
1 year

Chapter 15

3.3K 58 5
By joeanneisreal

Diannes POV

I woke up to boys laughing. I groaned, nuzzling into Joe's side.
"Morning." He smiled and kissed my forehead when I sat up.
"Are you guys really eating cookies for breakfast?" I asked, Josh nodding. He offered me one and I took it, nibbling on it with a small pout. Joe smiled, putting his arm round me.
"We were planning on going bowling today? Then maybe a round of laserquest." He said softly and I nodded.
"I wanna shower before we go. Caspar wheres your bathroom." I asked.
"Use my ensuite." He smiled and I nodded.
"Rich kid." I chuckled and he rolled his eyes, the other boys laughing. I grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom, getting in the shower. Once Id showered and got dressed, I put on some light make up, which wasnt that good anyway since it was cheap. I sighed and walked out the bathroom. I smiled, tugging on the sleeves of the fluffy jumper I was wearing.
"Wait you guys are all dressed.....YOU CHANGED IN THE SAME ROOM?" I gasped and they laughed as if I were crazy.
"Not that weird." Oli laughed as I sat next to Joe.
"Whatever. What times bowling?" I asked, leaning my head on Joes shoulder.
"Whenever we can be bothered to leave." Byron laughed, before looking over at Conor and Jack who were having an arm wrestling contest.
"Place your bets now!" Mikey laughed. Caspar, Josh and Oli voted for Conor, Byron, Mikey and Joe voting for Jack. I rolled my eyes, grabbing Joes phone and guessed his password. My birthday. How cliché. I giggled and went to his snapchat, taking a few selfies with the filters, picking the best one and setting it as his background before putting his phone back. Jack won the arm wrestling contest and after that we all got up and left. I smiled, Joe carrying me all the way there since I didnt wanna walk and he loves me. We all got our shoes when we got there before going to our bowling alley. We all put our names into the little screen before playing. Joe soon picked up that I wasnt too good, so when it was my go he stood behind me, helping me. I smiled and hugged him when I got a strike.
"Thank you!" I smiled.

Once the game finished, Mikey came last, but I came second to last so I couldnt really laugh. We all got our tags for laserquest before one of the workers walked us down to the laserquest maze. We got given our jackets, finding out who was in our team. It was me, Byron, Jack, Oli and Conor vs Joe, Caspar, Josh and Mikey. We all ran into the area and I hid in a corner behind a wall. Being small had its advantages. I held my laser gun, pointing it at Josh and hitting him. I stood up and cheered before I got shot. I turned round, seeing Joe smirking.
"Your red hair gives it away baby." He smirked before grabbing my hand and dragging me to the back of the maze. He smiled and kissed me, his free hand holding my waist. I pulled away and smirked, shooting him with my laser.
"Gotcha." I smiled before all the lights went on so we had to go upstairs to see who won. We gave our jackets back before getting the results.
"Before we look, whoever wins is paying for lunch." Joe said and we all agreed, however it backfired since he won. We all walked to the nearest McDonalds and Joe ordered as we found a table and sat down.
"So Di, got any dance competitions coming up?"
"Ive looked at some, I just need my aunts permission to enter." I smiled, Joe soon walking over with a tray full of food. He sat next to me, putting an arm round my shoulders as we ate.
"What you weirdos talking about?" He asked.
"Dance competitions." Mikey said.
"For Dianne. God knows you all cant dance."
"Thats rude, however its true." Mikey laughed but nodded. "Yeah for Dianne." He said before eating. I finished last, like normal, and after lunch we aimlessly walked around until the sun began to set. We all begun to head to Caspars house, and we decided to go home that evening. I knew I needed to actually go home, so once we all got our stuff Joe walked me home.
"Remember, message me if you need my help." He kissed my forehead before I snuck into my apartment. My aunt was already asleep so I went up to my room, getting changed before falling asleep straight away.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up early morning to the smell off cooking. It was sunday morning and I huffed, trudging to the kitchen. My aunt had bacon on a plate and begun cooking eggs.
"Hey aunt."
"Morning Dianne." She said, looking over her shoulder at me. She didnt smell of alcohol, meaning she hadnt been drinking. When she wasnt drinking she was a lot nicer to me.
"Come sit for breakfast." She said, letting me lay the table. We both sat down and had breakfast. "So hows school going?"
"Its good." I smiled. I liked these moments, they happened very rarely but when they did I hoped they lasted long.
"Any friends? Boyfriend?" She asked and I blushed.
"You've met Joe."
"Im only teasing. I know about the boyfriend. Any friends?"
"Im friends with his friends, theyre all super nice." I said softly and she nodded, getting up and washing our plates when we were finished.
"Hows dance coming along?"
"Amazing." I smiled. "I was wondering if I could maybe take part in a few competitions?"
"Ill have to think about it due to money, but hopefully soon sweetheart." She smiled.
"You meeting up with him today?"
"Your boyfriend!"
"Im not sure." I smiled. "I was thinking of getting all my school work done today." I said and she nodded.
"Well I have my gym class this morning so ill be gone for a while." She said before going to get dressed. I smiled before hearing a knock at the door. I walked over and opened the door, gulping when I saw Melony. How on earth did she know where I lived?
"Hey Diana."
"Its Dianne...."
"Whatever, anyway wanna hang out today?"
"I-Im busy today."
"Fine." She scoffed before walking off. I shrugged and closed the door, walking to my room.

Joes POV

I walked out my house, heading to Diannes to surprise her when I saw Melony walking towards me. I rolled my eyes, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jeans.
"Hey Joey." She giggled, twirling her hair.
"Hey." I huffed.
"Wanna hang out today?"
"I was just about to go to Diannes-"
"I dont get what you see in that australian girl anyway. Shes not even pretty."
"Your right, shes not pretty. Shes drop dead gorgeous. Now move." I scoffed, walking past the female. I knew shed come after me and Dianne at school, but who cared? I certainly didn't. Anyway, I got to Diannes apartment block, walking up to her apartment and knocking. The red headed girl opened the door, smiling brightly when she saw me.
"Joe!" She smiled and kissed me, pulling me inside. "What brings you here?"
"Came to see my gorgeous girlfriend." I smiled as we walked down the hall to her room. She sat on her bed, and I noticed the school work scattered around. "This looks like fun."
"Its not, but ive gotta do it." She sighed. I sat down on her bed, pulling her onto my lap. She smiled and snuggled into me. "Im sleepy."
"You have work to do missy." I shook her gently. She huffed and reached for her half written dance essay, grabbing her pen and began to write. I was watching her over her shoulder, gently rubbing circles onto her hips with my thumb. I gave her little kisses on her cheek or neck every so often, mainly when she finished a piece of work. Somehow it kept her going, and I didnt mind watching her for three hours straight while she worked. She put it all away before walking back over.
"Its 3pm and I want to nap." She laid down. I chuckled and closed her blind amd curtains so her room was dark, closing the door after. I laid down next to her, playing with her hair as she fell asleep.
"Night baby." I cooed as she finally fell asleep.



Shorter chapter I know. I decided to have her aunt a little nicer this chapter. Yeah she is the bad guy but I still want some bonding time with her and Dianne. She is normally drunk most of the day in this fanfic so its odd for her not to be.

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