G.U.N's Escaped Test

By GoddessFiclover18

161K 5.3K 2.2K

An experiment, an extremely hostile one. Created to fight in wars and kill all enemies at given orders. Shado... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 16

4K 149 44
By GoddessFiclover18

PoV: Shadow

  Sonic was still asleep with the puppies in the morning. It was a good thing too, Infinite's guards picked up an intruder. We were focused on looking for them and dealing with the idiot who walked into our forest. We didn't find anyone, but still... something felt uneasy.
PoV: Sonic

  I woke, with the puppies. Shadow left a note saying he went scouting with Infinite. I hadn't been alone since we came here, it felt unnatural.

"I wonder what they're scouting for," I walked out to the living room, food was on the table for me.

  I was about to take a bite when I heard sonething fall. That made me nervous. The puppies were still sleeping in their box. So that wasn't them.

"H-Hello?" I stood back up, no one was there, "Ahh!"

"I found you," my blood ran cold to that voice. A hand covered my mouth and I felt something around my waist, "You're smaller that expected."

  Excuse me, I bit their hand and they let go.

"Get out of my house," I elbowed the side of their head.

"You're feisty today," I was staring into black and amber eyes. Red streaks on black fur.

"Who are you?" I couldn't get away even if my hands were free. A tail around my waist held me off the ground, "What do you want with me?"

"You can call me Ecplise, and you were promised to me," he pulled me against him, ignoring how much I pushed away.

"What?! The only one I promised myself to is Shadow. I don't belong to anyone but him-" he was kissing me. I slapped him for that.

"You're going to be punished for that," I felt the grip around my waist tighten.

"Ow! Stop that hurts!" I couldn't get his tail to loosen its grip on me.

"You'll like it soon enough," he covered my eyes and I felt my hands tied. I felt something against my mouth again, Shadow, hurry up and come back.
PoV: Shadow

"We're going back," I grab Infinite and sent us back to the house.

Sonic was tied up, not only that but some other male was kissing him.

"How did I miss him?" Infinite set up an army in the room.


  I growled, Sonic was mine. Him touching my mate was COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. I reached to grab him and Sonic was pulled away from me.

"You can play with him, after I get my turn," it had a long thin tail that was holding Sonic way from me.

"You don't get a turn, he's mine," I growled and started a fight.

"You don't want to hurt him do you?" He held Sonic closer to himself. I couldn't risk hurting him, "You know, if you-"

"Aaa!" Sonic moaned when a hand sipped between his legs, "d-don't touch me there... aa!"

"You don't know how to do that," he smile, yellow fangs drawn as they took a place against Sonic's neck.

  I was ready to kill him. He was making Sonic shout that sound I was going to make him shout. I saw Sonic squirm and stiffen. His cheeks were a vibrent red, but he kept saying no when he could. Infinite stood in the way, the room went red for a moment. Its color returned Sonic was in my arms, and he was growling against the intruder.

"Get out," Infinite growled.

"Not a chance, I always get what I'm promised. Sonic belongs to me," he growled back.

"Did he hurt you?" I pulled the blindfold off Sonic's eyes and untied his hands.

"No, but how does he know my name? I never told him that," Sonic clung to me, he was scared. I had to protect him.

"I won't hurt him," he said, "let me stay and fight for alpha. I'm not leaving unless you kill me, and I'm just as immortal as you."

"That's no fair! You aren't giving him a choice!" Sonic shouted.

"Exactly," he smiled.


  Infinite made a cage around him. I gave Sonic the key to wear around his neck. Letting the intruder out was up to him, I'd protect him either way.

"If you touch Sonic again, you'll be living in hell."

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