Chapter 29

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PoV: Sonic 

"You guys are having a whole litter," Tails looked at the picture of all six of our babies.

"Yes we are. And tomorrow the doctor will let us know when," I said, "Shadow you did a wonderful job."

"You're the one making them," Shadow kissed me.

"I need the ingredients from you though," I giggled.

"I'll give them to you anytime you need them."

I couldn't wait to have our big family.


"You can not keep them."

"Excuse me?" I couldn't believe what the doctor just said to me.

"Legally, I can not let you keep more than three. Your body isn't ment to handle pregnancy in the first place. For the safety of your own life, I can only let you keep three at most," she said.

"This is murder. You want to me to kill half of my children," I growled.

"Please. We can't even tell if your body will survive one birth. We can not let you risk six. We will do it blindly so you do not need to chose," she said, "And it's better than you having a miss carragie and lose them all. Please, you can save three of them and yourself."

"You want me to kill three of my babies."

"How will you nurse them with two nipples. Your stomach can only hold so much food to give them all their vitamins and penalties. You could end up with all of them premature and in poor health conditions. You want a healthy baby don't you?" She squeezed my hand.

"So, if he has them all, he'll die?" Shadow asked.

"Humans and mobians are all capiblt of holding up to eight children in their womb, but surviving a vicious pregnancy like that... it's unheard of. Woman die after birthing a single child, I don't want to risk suck a thing with such a special case as Sonic's," she replied.

"Sonic," Shadow kissed me, "it's not murder until their heart starts beating."

"But Shadow," I felt horrible knowing I could lose my children.

"Please. I want to keep you in my life," Shadow kissed me.

"... okay..." I kissed the picture of the six of them, "I love you."

"I'll make sure you get the best pain medication available for pregnant women," the doctor turned off the monitor and typed in a few things into here computer, "We'll have the room ready by this afternoon. You should spend some time together."

"Yeah... we should," I carefully stood up and walked around the hospital with Shadow.

  I didn't feel like talking. Shadow bought me a chocolate pudding to cheer me up. He promised me we'd name the three children we lost today and bury them in a nice place. I chose to bury them my my parents side so the family could at least stay together.

  Noon came by, that last face I say as I breathed in the sleeping gas was Shadow's.


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