8th member - bts

By ramenoodles__

262K 4K 1.1K

A new member joined the most popular K-pop group. What will happen? • Request open • I don't write smut. #2 i... More

Imagine - 8th Member
Imagine - Morning Routine
Imagine - Fansign
Imagine - Exauhsted
Imagine - Depressed
Imagine - Gucci Prince
Scenarios - Date & Dater
Imagine - Jealous and Mad
Imagine - Shirtless
Imagine - Lotte Family Concert
Text - Vacation
Japan - Airplane
Scenario - Airplane seat
Japan - Day 1
Japan - Day 2
Author Note
Scenario - Capsule Love
Japan - Day 3
Japan - Day 4
Text - Japan Concert
Japan - Day 6 & 7
Japan - Day 8
Author Note
Japan - Day 8 pt. 2
Japan - Day 9
Japan - Day 9 pt. 2
Japan - Day 10
Japan - Day 10 pt. 2
Japan - Kidnapped
Japan - Rescue
Japan - Final
Japan - Bonus
Scenario - Fever
Author Note
Imagine - Epiphany
Imagine - Fanfics
Text - Celery Sticks
Imagine - IDOL
Scenario - What am I to you ?
Imagine - Bestie
Imagine - Clumsy Baker
Imagine - Bon Voyage
Imagine - Bon Voyage Pt.2
Request - EXO
Imagine - Interview
Imagine - Pure
Scenario - Fights
Scenario - Sensitive
Imagine - Christmas
Author Note
Imagine - Balcony
Imagine - Balcony pt.2
Imagine - Boy with luv
Imagine - Persona
Facts / TMI
Missing - Kim Seri
Self - Jung Hoseok
Namjoon - Jimin
Piano - Kim Seokjin
Snow - Kim Seri
Min Yoongi
Request - Black

Imagine - London

1.2K 17 3
By ramenoodles__

" Here's my music set, princess. " Yoongi placed a whole suitcase on the the sofa as Namjoon sits next to you, tilting his head.

" Where are you going? " He asked, holding a bowl of cereal.

" To London, with Hoseok. " You said.

Namjoon spit the cereal out of his mouth, Seokjin perfectly dodging it.

" What???! " They both said in harmony, and eyes like golf balls.

" How am I not informed??? " Namjoon asks

" How do you know??? " Seokjin pointed towards Yoongi.

" Guys, it was in a hurry, they had just informed today. " You laughed.

" We're alone now, it feels weird. " Hoseok said, wrapping his arms around your shoulder exhaustedly.

You leaned your head onto his shoulder, looking up and playing with his ear. " It does. "

After eating you played around for a little bit before going onto the plane. You took the midnight flight and was exhausted, but excited to work on Hoseok's mixtape.

Hoseok slept most of the flight, and that left you with so much boredom, so you slept too.

" Seri? " Hoseok yawns, looking over to your head hanging from the seat.

He chuckles, placing you on his shoulder and raised the blankets to your nose so you wouldn't be cold. With a kiss on the forehead he said Sweet Dreams And doze off too.

" LONDONN WE'RE HEREEEEE!!! " You yelled, spreading your arms wide and running around the streets while Hoseok laughs.

" I'm tired, can we hurry up and find our hotel please? " Your grumpy manager whined as he stretched his arms.

After you placed your luggage inside your rooms, you immediately jumped onto the bed and open your iPad.

Dialing the guy's Kakao Talk accounts, a small Taehyung pops up on the screen.

" Sewiiiiiiiii ~ I miss you ~~ " He whined childishly, as a Jungoo popped up, " Jagii, did you arrive safely? "

" Yeah, I did. " You laughed as the whole group, one by one started to pop up on your screen, asking the usual questions,

" Did you eat? "

" Are you tired? You must be, it was a long flight. "

" Where's Hoseok? "

" Don't forget to buy us some gifts! "

Hoseok swing his arm over your shoulders, holding you tight, " We gotta go, guys, bye. " He ended the call and you looked at him with furrow eyebrows.

" Are you kidding me— "

" Nope, we really gotta go " He said, kissing your cheek, " Where? "

" A date. " He raised his eyebrows.

Outfit -

" I don't know where to go exactly... " You mumbled, looking at the map, while Hoseok holds your hands, confidently.

" Isn't there that Sherlock Holmes you like? I heard the government recreated his house. " He said and your eyes lit up, " Wait What?? Really?!! " You jumped up and down excitedly.

" But I don't know the address. " He laughs.

" 221B Baker Street.. I think it's there, exactly like the book. " You smiled, pulling Hoseok with you.

" Wah ~ " You gasped, covering your mouth in happiness, " It's really Holmes' House!! Omg omg omg omg omg " You run your hands through the walls and bookshelves, your facial expression like you just touched Jesus.

" Stop overreacting, it's just a house. " Hoseok laughs as you hit him, " Noo! It's the most beautiful house I've ever seen! " said you.

You took lots of pictures with the camera you brought, and can't stop laughing at how it brings back memories of your childhood filled with Detective books.

" There was this time when he was almost killed. " You nudged Hoseok, " Really? "

" I think he was chasing after a criminal on a boat, and that guy shot a bullet that apparently was one inch away from his head. "

" At that time I was really having a heart attack, and I literally fainted. " You smiled and Hoseok widened his eyes, " What— really?? "

" No I'm just kidding. " You chuckled.


At 221B Baker Street  #SERI

" Where should we have lunch? " You asked, and Hoseok clutches onto your hand tightly, " I came prepared, I think you're going to like it. "

He took you to this large fancy building, you began freezing in place as he turned around, tilting his head, " Whats wrong, Jagiya? " He asked.

" Uh, We're not coming for a party or anything right? It's just lunch right? " You asked, nervously as he chuckled, pinching your cheek. " No, we're not going to a party. "

" But it looks too— fancy. "

" Is that a bad thing? "

" My outfit... people will look down at me... "

" As if they could look down at the most beautiful thing in this world. "

" But still.. "

He sighs,

" Hold onto my hand then. " he says and you raised your eyebrows, " Alright.. "

" WAH ~~ sMELL ~ " Hoseok sniffed the plate of food and let's out a satisfy grin. " Jin Hyung would love it here, what did you get? " Hoseok asks.

" Uh... the most common food that I could find, the one that doesn't cost a hundred bucks like yours. " You eyed the caviar in the corner of Hoseok's plate.

" just feel free, I'm paying tonight. Shall I order some more food for you? " He asks, picking up a menu. " Really? Do we have enough money to go back home after this? "

" Yes, of course, if you want, I'll go into Jin hyung's bank account and steal " Hoseok whispers as you laughed.

" No I really don't need anything else, just some beverage would be nice. "

" Hey, wouldn't Yoongi like this? " You pointed towards a small DJ set that attracts Hoseok's attention immediately. " Um.. no I don't think so, he prefers buying keyboards and speakers. Maybe a new mic "

You finished buying gifts for the members and headed back to the hotel.

There, you and Hoseok put on your face masks and chilled with each other while checking all your stuffs for tomorrow's workday.

" Okay, I have all my things, what about you? " You turned to Hoseok who was smiling.

" I forgot something, I might need a suitcase for it. " He says and you tilt your head, " What needs a suitcase? "

Hoseok leans down and picks you up, hence your widened eyes. You held onto his neck and tightly when he spins you around, placing lots of kisses to your face. He laughs when you got yourself out of his grip and started walking like a drunk woman.

" WHAT THE -BEEP- " You cursed, " You know I can't take — too much spinning. " You fell onto the bed, already exhausted.

" Im never— " You were cut off by Hoseok jumping on the bed after you, he planted a kiss on your head then smiles.

Digging yourself shyly into the blankets, you said " Ugh— Goodnight, you little bastard. " You turned off the lights.

" EYYYYYYY IT'S WORKDAY EVERYBODY " Hoseok shouted loudly and you groaned, smushing your face into your pillow. " What's good about waking so god damn early for work. "

" Oh good morning, Seri. " Hoseok says attacking you with kisses as you tried your best to shoo him off, " Hold on, I'm sleeping.. " You mumbled.

You two got ready as you button up Hoseok's coat and he fixed your little beret.

Outfit -

You twisted the door knob only to see Hoseok's hand stopping yours.

" What? " You asked.

He wraps his arms around your waist tightly while kissing your neck making you jolt, " It will be a long day ahead. " He mumbled, " What do you mean? "

" I won't get to kiss you, and hug you, or any kinds of skinships " Hoseok pouted and you chuckled, patting his head.

" H-Hello. " You said in English, greeting the foreign producer.

" Nice to meet you, I'm Peter " He says, shaking your hand tightly as his eyes immediately diverts to Hoseok who had just entered the room. " Hello! " said the sunshine boy.

You worked hard for the past five hours before Hoseok started tapping onto your shoulder,

" Yes? " You answered, stretching your arms.

" Let's grab some lunch, I know a good place. " He whispers and you tilt your head, " Why the whisper? " You asked.

" What's wrong? " Peter turned around as Hoseok jolts, heaving a sigh.

" Uh— uh... food, eat, nyam nyam nyam. " Hoseok says as you laughed, ruffling his hair. " Aigoo, you're so cute. " You said in Korean.

" Oh, alright, I know a really good place, let's go together. " Peter says wearing his coat.

" I thought it would be just the two of us.. I even had a place set up. " Hoseok pouts, holding your hand.

" Aw, it's okay, the more the merrier. " You smiled but it seems like he was uncomfortable around the foreign producer. " Okay, I promise, dinner. It'll only be the two of us. " You reached out your pinky and he locks it.

" Promise. "

" Hey Peter— Uh... do you have any recommendations? " You asked him.

" What do you like? Salads? Pasta? Fish and Chips? " He asked.

" Uh... spaghetti and... macaroni. " You pointed towards the two pages.

He ended ordering for you and you two chat with each other about England and Korean, while leaving Hoseok behind, who was poking his food.

After finish working you waved goodbye to the foreign producer as you separate ways. Hoseok held onto your waist while smiling brightly. " You kept your promise. " He said as you chuckled, " I did. "

Walking towards another unfamiliar restaurant, you sat near the window while the waitress gave you two your menus.

" Oh! " A voice made both of you look up.

And it was Peter.

" O-Oh Hey.. Peter.. " You waved awkwardly, checking Hoseok's reaction.

He was unable to keep the anger exploding in his eyes but was able to keep his face straight, still staring or should you say— glaring towards the man who sat down in between the two of you.

" What a coincidence! " He said cheerfully, stealing the menu from Hoseok who was gaping his mouth wide.

" 아 미치겠다 [ a-michigetda - I'm going crazy. ] " Hoseok said in Korean, sighing and avoiding eye contact. " 야!! [ Yah ] " You looked at Hoseok.

" see you, peter! " You waved as he waves back, the moment he turns around, Hoseok grabs onto your arm, dragging you with him.

" Y-Yah, Hoseok, slow down. " You said, almost tripping. " Oh— I'm sorry... "

" What's with the rush anyways? " You asked as he holds your hand and slowly walks you down the streets.

" Peter, I don't like him. " Hoseok mumbles, his eyebrows furrowed. " What? But he's a good guy though? "

" Not for me at least, princess. " Hoseok turned around, fire in his eyes, the choice of nickname made you lowered your eyebrows " Y-Yah... what's wrong? " You were afraid to ask, but he simply yanked you closer to his body, and you two walked that way until you reached your hotel room.

Removing his coat with a little bit of your help, he threw it across the room while grabbing your hand and locking the door. Pinning you on the wall using only his arm to trap you inside, he stares at you for half a second before started blinking back to reality.

" H-Hoseok, what are you— " He leaned in, wrapping his arms around your waist,

" Jagi, " He says, " You only love me right? " He said with a little pout.

Releasing his grip on you, he stares into your eyes once again, " Right? " He repeated.

A little flustered, you said "... Uhm... yes. "

"...Mmkay. " He smiles reassuringly as you sigh in relief, thinking something had bothered your little sunshine.

He bent down to pick you in a quick second before you screamed. Putting you on the bed while taking off your hat and your coat, he joins you, making your head rest on his arm.

Not long after that, he hugs you from behind while mumbles something in your hair, keeping both of you as close to each other as possible.

He kissed your head, while turning off the lights, " Hoseok— we haven't showered— " You shouted,

" Let's take care of that tomorrow, this is too comfy, I can't move. " He chuckles while resting his head comfortably near yours,

" Goodnight, lovely Jagi~ " He sings, as you sigh while smiling, " Goodnight, sunshine. "

The bouquet of roses he just gave you fell out of your hand, landing on the ground with a thud, red petals flying out.

You failed trying to pick up the bouquet with your eyes fixed on him, your eyebrows furrowing, at this point they were knitted together.

" Can you... repeat that please? Peter? " You said in a small voice.

He rubbed his nape with a blush, " Ah— im sorry, did I say it too fast? I like y— "

" I'm sorry. " An arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you back,

" She's taken. " You saw Hoseok with fire in his eyes, fiercely looking at the other man, who had just said he liked you a few seconds ago.

You now remembered how Yoongi told you Hoseok was very scary when he gets angry.

And he's not wrong.

Peter looked at Hoseok's hand wrapped around your waist, your body now leaning on his slightly as he took a step forward, his sharp jawline making you stare at in awe as he took off
the round glasses he was wearing.

Now his eyes were even scarier, the way he glares at Peter makes you shivered because if it was you whose in that kind of situation, you'd be on your knees.

" H-Hoseok ah, k-kaja. " You held his arm,

" I'm sorry... I didn't know. B-But I wish you both the best okay? " Peter raised both of his hands in surrender, as finally, Hoseok had calmed down a bit, looking away, his fire instantly started to fade away when he looks at you.

" Mm— let's have some pastries on the way. " He smiles beautifully at you, probably trying to get Peter jealous.

" P-Peter, can you... uh keep— secret? " you looked nervously at the, obviously angry man. Who nodded at you reassuringly, still slightly glances at Hoseok.

" B-Bye! "

While you said that, he turns you around simultaneously, pulling you with him to the hallway, you turned around, giving Peter a last look.

" Thanks for everything! " You managed to say before getting dragged into a car.

A/N - How was your day?

I'm planning on publishing another story about Taekook. I never knew I would one day write an LGBT book about these two idiots but— I'm still not very sure yet. What do you guys think?

Would you read it?

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