By Fight_The_Faries

4.8K 167 54

Dakota Hale is the youngest member of the Hale family. Her life hasn't exactly been what you would call a dre... More

Chapter 1 AKA: Who The Hell Cares 'Cause I Dont
Chapter 2 AKA: Un-Fucking-Believable
Chapter 3 AKA: A Cougar Is A Mountain Lion, Dumbass
Chapter 4 AKA: Haha, Sharp Point
Chapter 5 AKA: The Neverending Crap
Chapter 6 AKA: Vendetta
Chapter 7 AKA: I'm Sorry
Chapter 8 AKA: Just Fascinating
Chapter 9 AKA: Laser Eyes
Chapter 10 AKA: The Way It's Always Been
Chapter 11 AKA: Good Lacrosse Ball To The Face
Chapter 12 AKA: I Promise
Book Two Bitches!!!

Prologue AKA: Missing

519 15 5
By Fight_The_Faries

 I sat in the small two-room apartment building my older siblings Derek, Laura and I got. I was reading one of my favorite books on our small, black couch. Waiting for my brother to return home from wherever he went.

My brother and I are the only ones left of my family besides my sister Laura and uncle Peter. Peter and I were the only ones to survive the fire in my families home. The only reason I survived was that my Uncle Peter grabbed me and we tried running out of our flaming home.


I was 10 years old when it happened. I was hanging out with my family, our relatives came over and we were having a get-together. My parents called me out of school for the day since I wasn't feeling very good that morning. I had this bad feeling that I couldn't shake no matter how hard I tried. That feeling lingered for most of the day but I didn't know why I was feeling the way I did at the time.

We were all having a great time, laughing, relaxing, enjoying ourselves. That was until the room began to be engulfed in flames. The large flames rolled across the ceiling and walls, burning everything it touched. Sucking up every bit of air as it grew larger and larger by each passing second. The lights burst from the intense heat that struck them, Sparks flew and glass shattered every which way possible. The small light they gave dying down to nothing, leaving only the red glow of the flames.

My family, everyone I loved was being burned alive. Their screams rang through the loud crackles of the fire. I screamed out for them, tears flooding my eyes, the thick smoke engulfing my lungs. I watched helplessly as I saw my whole family crumble to the ground in a matter of seconds, burns scattering their lifeless bodies.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed as I saw the orange and red flames engulf them in their weak states. I fell to my knees as I watched my parents, and everyone else I loved dies right there with my own eyes, knowing that there was nothing that I could do to save them.

Hot tears streamed down my face at the sight as a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my tiny body and lifted me up off the ground. It was my uncle, Peter. I looked back to the place where my parents once stood alive and strong. "Momma......Daddy" I squeeked out, my voice breaking when I called out to them looking over my uncle's shoulder at their unmoving bodies.

Wanting so desperately for them to get back up and be fine. For them to run over and hug me and comfort me, telling me that everything would be okay, but they didn't move. They continued to lay there in the hot flames that proceed to eat away at their charred flesh.

"It's Okay, Dakota, it's all going to be okay." My uncle soothed. We both coughed wildly from the heavy amounts of smoke that filled the whole house, intoxicating the once fresh air, secluded having no-where to go, much like me and my family. The stench of burning flesh merged with the dark clouds of smoke that occupied the air.

He held me close to him as he tried desperately to find an exit that wasn't covered with a huge wall of fire, but there was none. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his shoulder hugging him tightly, crying.

There was no exit, no escape where we wouldn't get hurt, we were trapped like rats in a poison infused maze. He decided to take a chance and ran through the thick wall of fire to get us safe outside. Using his side to crash into the burning wood hoping we would go right through the weakened structure limiting the damage that would be done. He tried to cover me as best he could but in the attempts of getting the two of us outside to safety my legs got badly burned.

My injuries weren't even a quarter of what my Uncle Peter had. He just laid charred on the dirt as I laid next to him whimpering from the pain and coughing, both of us unmoving. I look up to my uncle and crawl over to him as fast as I could with my injuries, which wasn't fast. Ignoring the pains of protests that erupted throughout my body. "Uncle Peter?" I question looking at his smoking body. Tears formed in my eyes yet again as I searched for any sign that he was alive. "Peter?" I ask again getting no answer.

I looked down at him leaning against my elbows as ambulances, cops, firemen, and medics started to fill the area. Medics rushed over as I cried, they pried me away from my Uncle. I let out broken screams in protests. "No-o! Uncle Peter!" I cried, voice breaking, as they put both of us on separate gurneys. I tried to sit up but the medics kept me down telling me I needed to stay still and that they were doing everything they could to help my uncle. They hoisted us into the back of two different ambulances strapping us down.

They put some type of mask over my mouth and told me to count back from ten. Their voices were in and out as I was fading to unconsciousness. The last thing I saw was the firemen hosing down my burning home before my view was soon blocked by the ambulance doors closing shut with a light slam. Soon after everything went black and we were rushed to the hospital.

They took us into two separate places and patched us both up. When I woke up I was in a hospital bed, alone, hooked up to all sorts of monitors. I didn't know if my uncle was alive or dead like the rest of my family.

My legs burned, but I didn't do anything. I just sat there staring at my lap where my arms rested and my hands fiddled softly. The only sound that seemed to echo throughout the room was the low beeping of the machines.

I stared blankly for a long while, my thoughts clouding my mind until I was brought back to reality by the light sound of the door clicking shut. I slowly look up to see a sweet looking nurse with a clipboard tucked under her arm, as she smiled at me with a look of pity. I just simply looked back down to my hands and out of the corner of my eyes I could see her smile drop ever so slightly.

She walks closer and stands by my bed. "Hey sweety, my name is Melissa McCall, I just need to ask you a couple of questions. If you don't want to do it right now I can come back later." She informs me as I stare at her blankly, not wanting to talk.

I thought about it for a few "Okay." I say my voice low and scratchy, it sounding nothing like my normal voice. She nodded once and asked me the normal questions that they had to ask. Then another person came in to ask me questions, he was a sheriff. He was asking about any other family I had, I told him about my older siblings: Derek, and Laura, who were at school, that day.

Not too long after Derek and Laura came into the hospital, the sheriff stopped them before they could come into my room and talked to them about what happened. I looked out the window of my room, seeing my siblings break down right then and there.

Laura crumbled to the floor unable to support herself crying and yelling, Derek grabbed his older sister holding her against himself as tears streamed down his face as well. I couldn't stand to look at them any longer shifting my gaze back down at my hands.

*End of Flashback*

Peter's been at the Beacon Hills hospital for many years. While I got lucky, I had scars all along my legs but I'm still able to walk.

We left Beacon Hills a long time ago. Derek, Laura and I just wanted out of that place, we didn't want to be there to be reminded of that tragedy every day. It would drive us to insanity.....well more so than it already has.

And before you ask yes. I do know about werewolves and my family, I know that they were killed because hunters set fire to our house. The Argents. But what I have wondered for years was why. Why would someone kill my entire family? We didn't do anything wrong, how could someone be so cruel? Some of my family weren't supernatural, some of my family were human, like me.

Derek walks calmly and casually into the apartment and folds his arms over his chest and looks down at me on the couch, I look up from my book and up at my big bro. "Hey pack your bag." he simply states.

I furrow my eyebrows putting my book down I tilt my head to the side a little. "Why? What's up? Where are we going?" I ask.

"We need to find Laura, she was last in, ugh, in Beacon Hills." My face lost all expression at his words.

"What?" I ask my voice barely above a whisper. "Is-is she okay?" My voice came out stronger this time. Placing my book gently at my side, I stood up from where I was seated looking up at him.

He sighs. "Yeah, I'm sure she's probably fine okay? She was looking for something after hearing I about what had happened in Beacon Hills and I think she needs help. We're just going to head down there for a couple of days and we'll find her." He cupped my face in his hands. "I promise you. We'll find her"

I nod and go pack my things. I go into my room and grab the few clothes that I have and some other needed accessories. I was about to walk out and meet Derek in the living room when I stop and see a family photo of my whole family before the fire. Before everything went to hell. It was one of the only things to make it out. I swallow thickly trying not to think about it. "Dakota, You ready?" Derek's voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'll be right down," I say and quickly grab the photo and put it into my bag. I step outside of the apartment and put both mine and Derek's stuff into the back of his Camaro. We hop into the car and drive to what little is left of our home.  

We pull up to our burned house on the old familiar dirt road. I take in a deep breath as Derek parks the car on the side of the house. Derek turns to face me. "You going to be okay?" He asks. I turn to my left to face him.

His eyes are filled with worry. He knows how sensitive I am when I came to our family. "Yeah, I'm fine" I lie. He simply just nods before saying, "Its only for a few days, Kota." I nod and hop out to get my stuff from the back.

We enter the house and go up the stairs to our old rooms. I drop my bag on the floor and stare at what's left of our families homes. I then lay a fresh blanket down on the floor along with a pillow. I head to my brother to see How he's doing.

"Hey," he says hearing me come in.

"Sup. So what's the plan for tomorrow? What are we doing?" I question.

"I'm going to look for Laura, and you are going to the school I enrolled you into before we left." He states simply like its no big deal.

"What? You're making me go to school here to learn pointless crap while our sister is, missing?" I ask in disbelief. I can't believe him right now.

"Hey while we're here you might as well keep getting an education. You're  starting first thing tomorrow morning, and your school stuffs in the back of the car just so you know." He tells me. I just look at him.

"I can't believe it. You're actually making me do this." I whine.

He chuckles a little. "I'm sure you'll be fine. It's just high school." I sigh. "You should get some sleep for your first day of school tomorrow"

I wave him off. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Love you, Derek. Goodnight." He smiles at me from the middle of the room. "Love you too Kota, goodnight."

I leave the room he chose only to re-enter mine. I lay down on the blankets I set out and slowly drift off to a nightmare filled sleep. Not ready for what tomorrow will bring.

So? Did you like it? If not I promise it gets better this is just the first part, give it a chance.

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