The Right Way Around: Book One

Por Jinchuu-kun

50.5K 2K 1.4K

[Highest Ranking #44 in Naruto] Naruto has been kidnapped by Madara and held hostage after years of battle. N... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter 41

Chapter Thirteen

1.1K 45 18
Por Jinchuu-kun

A/N: Hello and welcome to another chapter of the insanity that is my fanfic. I hope you all have been enjoying it so far. I have enjoyed writing it. I hope I continue to live up to your expectations.

Some more moving forward, I guess. I know it's still slow. But I'm...leading into things. I would rather take my time and flesh out every chapter instead of speed through them and give you all half-assed work. This story is very important to me and I want you all to enjoy it to it's fullest extent.

I promise things are going to be picking up soon. There's just a lot of issues two characters have to work through somewhat. Cause I meant it when I said this story was dark and twisted. The archive warnings, tag warnings, and trigger warnings I put up are there for a reason.

(Don't own art. Pretty sure artists mark in upper right.)



When Tenzō finally got back to his apartment he was a very unhappy camper. He'd been stuck with Hokage for hours, not getting home until nearly midnight. Putting his sandals in the genkan next to everyone else's. He lifted a brow at the very small pair of shoes amongst the adult sizes. He was about to go to his room when he came face to face with a piece of paper hanging from ninja wire from his ceiling in the hallway. He blinked at it before plucking it from the string.

'Hi Tenzō,

I made dinner and put your plate in the warmed oven. I hope when you get back it's still warm for you. I also snuck in a little surprise for you. Enjoy! But don't take too long...the bed isn't as warm without you in it. I made Genma sleep in the guest room with Raidō.



Tenzō couldn't help the fond smile that graced his exhausted features. He folded the little note up, tucking it into his flak jacket. Moving into the kitchen he opened the oven that was still warm and pulled out his food and little bowl covered with tin foil. He eyed the bowl, curious what it was and removed the foil. His eyes widened and he stared at the candied walnuts piled in the bowl. A warmth blossomed in his chest and spread out, warming him throughout his body. He picked up a walnut and nibbled on it, smiling more as his eyes closed. Sugared vanilla, with a hint of...bourbon? He blinked, looking at the walnuts. He might have just fallen in love with Kurama.

Sitting at his table alone, he smiled at his snack and the meal. None of it was greasy, everything had light flavors and blended so well together. There was a small portion of steamed rice with miso chicken laid over the top, three oyake, and warm mushroom salad. He savored every bite, closing his eyes and smiling. Kurama was an amazing cook, he wondered where or how the redhead had learned to cook so well. Perhaps it coincided with his theory that Kurama grew up alone, much like Naruto, and adapted how he needed to, to survive.

Finished with his dinner he took his plate to the sink, washing it and placing it in the drying rack. He grabbed his bowl of walnuts and headed to his bedroom, munching on the subtly sweet crunch of his favorite nut and food. He was curious how Kurama knew that walnuts were his favorite. Entering the bedroom he sat the bowl down and began undressing, tossing his flak jacket over a chair at a desk and removing everything else and tossing it into his hamper.

Changing into a pair of loose boxers he moved over to the bed and paused. He blinked, staring at Sasuke spooning Kurama in his bed. He lifted a brow, shouldn't it have been the other way around? With Kurama spooning the young preteen? Sasuke's left arm was tucked under Kurama's head, his right arm tight around the redhead's waist, holding the young man against him firmly. Sasuke's face nuzzled into loose red hair. Why was the Uchiha even there? Sighing Tenzō walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed in. He scooted close to Kurama, brushing his fingers through the long locks as he watched the other man sleep peacefully.

His thumb rubbed gently over Kurama's parted lips. The other's tongue slipping out just enough to lick the pad of Tenzō's thumb. The Anbu's breath stopped and he watched the other. He was still fast asleep. Automatic response? Interesting. He moved closer, cupping the side of Kurama's head, kissing him softly before getting comfortable, sliding his arm around the redhead's waist, avoiding Sasuke's arm.

Kurama's body shifted slightly, moving to weave their legs together with a soft sound of content. Sasuke's arm tightened and he pressed closer to Kurama's back, mumbling something akin to 'mine'. But Tenzō was certain he had heard wrong. WIth a yawn Tenzō's eyes slid closed, his kissed Kurama's forehead just before edging into sleep himself.


Pakkun stared at Kakashi as the two sat by the still glowing fire. "You didn't talk to him about it."

Kakashi looked up from the flames to look at the pug next to him. "I...chickened out." Kakashi chuckled weakly. "What if he says no..?"

Pakkun snorted. "That boy is desperate for a family." He looked up at Kakashi. "Just look at his behavior since you started acknowledging him and spending time with him. Then add on his happiness of getting to live with you."

Sighing heavily Kakashi rubbed the back of his head. "I'm not good with this stuff, Pakkun. My father...exited my life when I was five. I don't..." He knit his brow, looking back at the fire. "I don't know how to be a family."

The pug rolled his eyes. "Bullshit, Kakashi. Complete and utter bullshit."

Kakashi started in surprise from Pakkun's bluntness, staring at the small ninken.

"You're doing fine. The kid adores you and even calls you big brother." He looked up at Kakashi pointedly. "You need to suck it up and talk to the boy. You want a family just as much as he does. So why be your own obstacle?"

"Ah..." Kakashi looked down, not able to find anything to argue that the ninken's statements. He shifted, looking back at the tent that Naruto was sleeping in. "Maybe I should wait until tomorrow."

Pakkun growled and bit Kakashi's thigh, making the man yelp in surprise and gawk at the pug. "Pakkun?!"

The dog gave him his best deadpan expression. "Now. You're doing to go into that tent, wake up that boy, and tell him what you want to do and ask him. Right. Now." He growled at his summoner.

Holding up his hands in surrender Kakashi stood up, backing away from the rabid Pakkun. "Alright, alright. I'm going." He let out a breath. "Sheesh..."

Unzipping the tent Kakashi slipped inside and then stopped. "You're not asleep."

Naruto looked up from a scroll he was studying. " couldn't sleep..." He mumbled, looking back down at the scroll, a small lamp lit up by his knee.

"Did you take your nighttime dose?" Kakashi stepped inside further, zipping the tent behind him as he sat down next to the blond, looking at the scroll. It was a scroll on sealing, time-space jutsu's to be exact, and the repercussions of the more serious ones. Why was Naruto reading about that?

"Mm... It's not working tonight..." With a sigh, Naruto leaned back, pulling his arms overhead in a big stretch. "Mmmnn." His spine popped and he grunted, slumping forward again. "Thought I'd study in the hopes it'd bore me to sleep. It's not working."

Kakashi watched the young male, tilting his head. Naruto wasn't his usual bubble of sunshine. This seemed to happen at night. It was like watching the boy grow up by decades in an instant. His eyes hardened, his body held itself like a veteran shinobi, his body moved purposefully as though conserving energy. It was like watching and eleven-year-old turn into a twenty or thirty-something adult.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about something..." Kakashi waited for blue eyes to look at him and he sighed. "I..." His gaze dropped to the hands in his lap.

Naruto watched the man before him, wondering why he seemed so anxious and worried. "Kashi-nii?" He asked softly, tilting his head.

"A-ah.." Kakashi smiled, looking up at harsh cold blue eyes, the pained steeliness softening slowly when they made eye contact. There was the kid he had grown to adore, hidden just under that layer of maturity and pain. "I would like to make our living situation...permanent..."

"Eh?" Naruto tilted his head in his confused puppy way.

Pakkun could be heard from outside the tent. "Gotta be blunter than that Kakashi."

Kakashi sweatdropped and laughed nervously. "I...uhm..." He swallowed, why the was this so difficult? He's fought in wars from a younger age than Naruto. He's killed people, tortured them, destroyed them. Why couldn't he get this out? Clenching his jaw he squared his shoulders and looked at Naruto. "I want to adopt you, my...little brother..." He had started out confident and determined, but it faded to nervousness towards the end as the words got harder to get out. But they were out there now.

Naruto stared at Kakashi as if he was still trying to process and absorb what was said to him. He blinked once, twice, thrice and then stared unblinkingly. "You..." He blinked. "Want to..." His brow knit. "Adopt me?"

Kakashi smiled sadly, seeing how hard it was for the boy to accept and understand that someone would want him. "Yes, Naruto."

"I...what?" Naruto swallowed, staring. "I don't understand... why would you want to adopt me...?"

"Eh?" Kakashi blinked, tilting his head in confusion as well. "What do you mean, Naruto? Why wouldn't I want to make our brotherhood official?" He reached over, resting his hand on the boy's head. "You're very important to me, Naruto. I want to call you family and know that it's real."

Naruto sucked in a breath, his eyes widening impossibly. There it was. It finally sunk in. He hadn't realized how truly close he and Kakashi had gotten. Still being on his medication, moments of clarity were rare. It usually only happened when he waited too long to take his next dose, the half-life getting burned through quickly. And tonight, he lied, he told Kakashi he had taken his nighttime dose, but he hadn't. Every couple days or so, he wouldn't take his night dose and would sit in his room, relishing in getting to be himself. Getting to be his true self. Not hiding behind an old mask that never fit right, not being so drug-hazed he fell into the old mask like a worn out sock.

Was it okay for him to be like he was? His brow knit and he looked down at the scroll in front of him. The nights he didn't take his medicine were the nights he focused on his true purpose for going back in time. It wasn't to just escape Madara or get free. It was to stop all of that horror from ever happening. And now there was the risk of Madara being back in time with them. And that was terrifying. For a multitude of reasons.

Naruto's jaw clenched. Could he, in good conscience, accept being adopted by Kakashi knowing full well he could be the reason the jōnin died horribly again?

"Naruto..." Kakashi drew the boy from his thoughts, looking at him curiously. "You won't be a burden to me. I would be honored to be your brother and guardian."

Naruto pressed his lips together firmly, tears lining his eyes. Even at thirty-one, Naruto hadn't had a family. At best he had Sasuke, and that was more of a booty call title than anything. Sasuke never held Naruto, or let him stay in his tent or room. The war had dragged on forever until he was taken. And even then, he had no idea if the war had officially ended. He heard from Obito that Madara was still warring with the Allied Shinobi Force, trying to either get them all to submit to him or wipe the planet clean.

Pressing the back of his hand to his mouth he closed his eyes, his fingers trembling. A few tears escaping down his cheeks from his closed eyes. If he did this, Kakashi would be forever bound to him through family ties. Naruto wanted to accept so desperately bad. He had always wanted a family, even just one member. The closest thing he had ever gotten to that was Kurama.

"Are you sure about this...?" Naruto looked up at Kakashi. "You have to be sure." He whispered desperately. "I..." He looked down. "I'm the Kyūbi Jinchūriki... You should be made aware of that..."

Kakashi jerked back slightly. How the hell did he know he was the Kyūbi Jinchūriki? Kakashi remembered bein at the meeting when Kurama arrived. No one had mentioned Naruto's status. Not that he could remember.

"So you know then..." Kakashi said quietly.

Naruto looked up at Kakashi. "You...knew?" Several hundred things slammed into place in his memories and he shuddered, looking down. That was why Kakashi never acknowledged him the first time around. Naruto housed the very creature that killed both his parents and Kakashi's makeshift family.

He couldn't breathe... Naruto jumped up. "I...I need air.." He moved around Kakashi, nearly tearing himself out of the tent and running off into the woods.

Kakashi turned and blinked. "Naruto...wait!" He scrambled out of the tent. "Shit..." He covered his masked mouth with a hand, looking around at the trees to figure out which way the boy had taken off in. "Naruto!" He called out, stepping forward. "Fuck..!" He growled, punching the trunk of a tree in frustration. And Pakkun had dispersed reaching his limit for being summoned. Shiba was also gone due to his limit being reached. But it was okay, he could find Naruto on his own.

Pulling his mask down enough to take in a deep breath of Naruto scent he closed his eyes. Where was he? Slowly he turned to the east, that direction. Pulling his mask back up he took off into the woods to find Naruto.


Sasuke's eyes opened slowly, Madara's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan spinning lazily. His hand smoothed over Kurama's chest, feeling the fox's heart thump under his palm. Madara nuzzled back of his head, breathing in the fiery amber and woody scents. The arm under Kurama's head curling up over it to play with the fringe there. Finally, he felt at peace. In bed, curled around his kitsune.

Leaning his head down he brushed his lips along the nape of Kurama's neck, his body shivering into a henge of himself. It felt much better being in his adult form. Madara let his tongue touch the hot skin, trailing up to the fox's jaw. He looked over the body of his kitsune, seeing the empty spot that Tenzō had been in thirty minutes prior. Madara had waited until the other had left to fully wake up and be with Kurama. He kept an ear out for sounds of movement near the door.

Licking his lips, he shifted over Kurama, looking down at his sleep softened face. The backs of his fingers caressed over his cheek, the skin supple and like velvet. He traced the pads of fingers over the contours of Kurama's face, his eyes following each motion, burning the other's face to his memory.

Madara leaned in close, brushing their lips together, whispering against his mouth. "You are stunning in every form you choose to be in. But I prefer this one." He dipped his tongue into Kurama's mouth, brushing along just the inside of his lips and the tip of his tongue. He pulled his head back, watching Kurama shift.

Glancing over his shoulder at the door, he went silent as death, listening to Tenzō move around in the kitchen, stretching his chakra out to figure out whatever everyone was doing. Satisfied with what he found he turned his attention back to Kurama. Sliding completely over the redhead and nudging his legs apart, nestling his hips in between Kurama's sun kissed thighs. Madara let his weight slowly press onto Kurama, his Sharingan spinning faster as Kurama began to stir.

Red slitted eyes met Sharingan and Kurama sucked in a sharp breath, eyes wide as he jerked his head to the side, hyperventilating. "It's not real.. It's not real... It's not real..." He clenched his eyes closed, a tremor running through his body as he whimpered. "Not real... not real... not real..."

Madara's eyes softened and he smiled. "I am very real Kurama. Look at me." He rumbled low, nuzzling Kurama's ear. "Let me see those crimson eyes." He nipped at the point of Kurama's ear.

Kurama's eyes snapped open again in absolute horror. "" He breathed out as panic exploded in his chest. This was real. Madara was on top of him.

Madara growled deep in his chest, forcing Kurama to look at him. The moment their eyes met Kurama's widened then lidded as his whole body forcibly relaxed. Slitted red eyes shifting to mirror an Uchiha's Sharingan with all three Tomoe.

"Much better." Madara murmured, kissing Kurama deeply, his tongue forcing its way into the kitsune's mouth.

Kurama whimpered, his eyes focusing and unfocusing as he tried to fight the control, his hands twitching at his sides. Nausea swam in his gut as Madara kissed him. His body reacted just how Madara wanted it to, a soft moan slipping form Kurama as his hips pressed up to feel Madara's clothed manhood. Clawed hands gripping at the sides of Madara's shirt as he pressed back into the kiss with a purr, his right leg curling around the back of Madara's left thigh, pulling him closer.

Madara broke the kiss, panting softly. "Mm.. my kitsune wants to play, hm?" Tilting his head he bit at Kurama's throat, sucking on the skin firmly. He rolled his hips forward, letting the other feel his growing erection. His right hand caressing over Kurama's bare chest, his left sliding down to the hem of Kurama's sleep pants, dipping a thumb inside and along the line of his hip bone.

Kurama let out a soft moan, arching up against Madara when he felt the man's fingers tease a nipple with a pinch. His toes curling as he began squirming under the Uchiha. Madara moved down, licking the nipple he'd pinched, sucking the hardening nub firmly, pulling another moan from his pet.

There was a knock on the bedroom door and Madara's head lifted, turning towards it. He lifted a brow, glancing at Kurama who's voice cut through the stillness of the room. "Yes?"

"Breakfast is almost ready, you and Sasuke coming out soon?" It was Raidō.

"Uhn! Give us a few minutes." Kurama stared up at Madara.

There was silence for a moment, then, "Alright." Raidō's steps could be heard padding away from the door.

"Good boy." Madara rumbled, his hand snaking into the front of Kurama's sleep pants, grasping his growing arousal tightly, firmly pushing the pad of his thumb over the slit of the tip.

Kurama sucked in a gasped breath, covering his mouth with the back of his hand as he arched up, his head pressing back into the pillow under it as he whimpered out a mewl.

"Just one touch from me and you're already hard and dripping." Madara lifted stick fingers. "Look at how wet you are...all the precum." He licked it off his fingers with a pleasured growl. His hand disappeared between them again, stroking Kurama with a strong grip.

A bright blush lifted on Kurama's cheeks as he was shown how well and easily he responded to Madara's touch. He bit his lower lip, looking away when the other licked his fingers clean. He gasped when the hand returned to his painfully aching length. Moaning softly as he bucked his hips into that wicked hand.

Kurama's gasps and soft moans were getting louder, so Madara muffled them with a deep kiss, his tongue claiming the mouth it invaded. His hand continued working Kurama to the edge with every pump. Kurama a writhing, desperate mess underneath him, bucking and grinding against him. Several tense, eager, and wanton moments later and the fox was curled up in a rigid jerk, his stomach flexing as it was painted with his cum. His pleasured cry nearly silence by Madara's still dominating mouth. His claws dragging down the demon Uchiha's back, some of the long black hair tangling with his fingers.

Lifting his hand between them Madara smirked. "Look at the mess you made." Kurama whimpered, panting heavily. "So much too..." He licked his hand clean, looking down between them at the mess on Kurama's stomach. " really are a work of art." He looked back into Sharingan controlled eyes, kissing Kurama softly. "I'll see you soon. Don't forget to shower." He purred, nipping a kiss swollen bottom lip.

Madara disappeared, leaving a confused Sasuke hovering over Kurama. Black eyes widened and he jumped away from Kurama. Kurama mechanically got up from the bed, moving into the bathroom to shower. The mind control stayed until it had firmly placed the event as a wet dream in Kurama's mind, then it faded away, leaving Kurama feeling used and disgusting.

Sasuke watched it all happen and couldn't believe it had happened.

"What is so surprising?"

" did you do that? I was in control..."

"You were asleep."

" many times have you done that?"

"That would be the first."

"Why did that to him? HOW did you do that to him?"

"He's a jinchūriki, Sasuke. Uchiha own the bijū and their jinchūriki."


"Is yours by nature's law."

"Isn't that...enslavement?"

"Hm, I supposed to those not Uchiha would feel that way."

"We' control and rule them?"

"Of course."

Sasuke stared at the naked, soaped up kitsune in the shower. Naruto was his by Sage law? He swallowed thickly, something dark twisted in him and he shuddered.

"You have to have the Sharingan though, you do not have it yet."

Sasuke bit back a growl of frustration and looked away from the showering man. He didn't want to be twisted or tempted by the insanity of Madara. But god damn he identified with the Uchiha. He wanted Naruto. He wanted to kill his brother. He wanted power. And Madara could give him all those things. He would try to get Naruto on his own first. If he failed, then he'd ask Madara for guidance.

Chewing on his lip he cleared his throat, looking at a now toweled Kurama. "Kurama... I... I like Naruto..."

Kurama turned, looking over his shoulder at the young Uchiha and then smiled. "Oh? That's good. He needs as many friends as he can get."

Sasuke grunted. "No..I mean... I LIKE him." He swallowed, scooting to the edge of the bed, letting his legs dangle over the edge. "And I want him to like me back..."

Kurama blinked, his hands wringing his hair with a towel as he slowly moved over to Sasuke. "I see. Does he know you like him?"

"I don't think so. He seems oblivious to Kiba and Shikamaru's affections too." Sasuke sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. The claw marks Kurama gave Madara already healed, thanks to the dead guy. The evil bastard knew how to cover his tracks. It wasn't time for him to be known and come out yet.

"Hm... well..." Kurama sighed, sitting next to Sasuke on the bed. "Naruto grew up entirely alone. He was an orphan soon after birth. He's had no one to show him what affection or love is. Not a true form of it anyways. The most he knows of it is what happened to him that hospitalized him." He looked at the Uchiha. "And now Kakashi's brotherly affection. But, he doesn't know how to react to it or accept it. So he's very erratic."

Sasuke nodded as he listened, this was all very good information. " I be more... blunt?" He looked up.

"Mm... you could. What were you thinking?" Kurama smiled encouragingly. If he could steer the pre-psycho in the right direction, maybe Naruto could have a decent relationship with him.

"Holding his hand... T-touching him.." He blushed. "Not like THAT...but...lit-little things.." He fidgeted, looking at the floor. "Ask him to go to lunch or dinner with me, just us..."

Kurama smiled. "Those are all excellent ideas. But they're still rather subtle when it comes to Naruto."

"Oh..." Sasuke's head hung in defeat.

"Why not ask him out on a date after doing those other things? Maybe try to spend as much time with him as possible, show him who you really are. Then after a week or so, ask him out properly." Kurama nodded, standing up and looking for something to wear. He still needed to go clothing shopping.

Sasuke inhaled slowly, then let it out slowly. "Thank you, Kurama, for the advice. It's helped."

"You're welcome!" Kurama chirped, disappearing into Tenzō's closet. He'd steal something from him. He paused when he held up a shirt to himself. Shit...too big. Tenzō had too much muscle and bigger than him in a lot of ways. He sighed, putting the shirt back, standing in the closet clueless now.

Sasuke approached him from behind. "What's wrong?"

He jumped a little, looking down at the boy. "Mm... I only have two outfits and they're both dirty... So I was going to borrow something from Tenzō but everything's too big..." Kurama sighed.

Sasuke snickered. "You're powerful but very slender." He glanced over Kurama's body before disappearing further into the closet, looking towards the back to find something that maybe a younger Tenzō wore. He came back up to Kurama, holding out an old Anbu uniform. "This might work?"

Blinking, Kurama took the shirt and pants, lifting them up. They'd be a little baggy, but they'd fit. "You're right, thank you Sasuke." He smiled, leaning down to kiss the top of the boy's head.

Sasuke blushed. "No problem." He mumbled, hurrying out of the closet and changing quickly. Leaving the bedroom.

Coming out of the hallway the three jōnin all turned to look at him expectantly. Genma seemed disappointed that it wasn't Kurama and turned back to his coffee, sipping it in boredom.

"Your breakfast is on the table, Sasuke." Raidō smiled. "It's not as good as Kurama's cooking, but I think I managed alright."

Tenzō peered down the hallway at his room. "...was he okay?" He was terrified the redhead would have another weeklong episode.

"Mhm he seems a little preoccupied, but happy enough." Sasuke moved over to the table, sitting down to miso, rice, grilled fish, and kobachi. Sadly the kobachi didn't have any tomato in it, but it'd do. Sasuke began eating quietly.

Not being able to wait any longer Tenzō went to his room, looking for Kurama. He closed the door behind him, turning to see Kurama pulling up a pair of his Anbu pants from when he was 18. He blinked, trying to process that Kurama was in his clothing.

Kurama turned, seeing Tenzō and smiling some. "Hey." He adjusted the clothing. "Do you mind? I don't really have anything else at the moment."

"Uhhhhh ye-yeah! It's fine." Shaking his head Tenzō smiled, moving over to Kurama and resting his hands on the other's waist. "Can I...kiss you?"

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Kurama bowed his head in thanks. He straightened in time for Tenzō to slide up, placing his hands on his waist. "Wh-what..?" He blinked, lifting a shoulder. "I..." He swallowed and looked down. "I guess it's okay..."

Tenzō tipped his head to the side, his left hand lifting to tilt Kurama's head up. "I've been wanting to for a while now.." He stepped closer, leaning down and in, whispering. "You're like fire in my veins." He closed the space between their mouths, kissing the other genuinely.

Clawed hands rested on Tenzō's chest as Kurama was kissed, the action taking his breath away from the intensity of it. He shivered, melting into the kiss as his lips parted. Tenzō didn't hesitate to slip his tongue into the warmth of Kurama's mouth, deepening the kiss with a growl. His right arm slid around Kurama's waist, pulling him against the firmness of his body.

The door opened and Genma stepped in. "OI! No cheating!" He grabbed the back of Tenzō's flak jacket, yanking the younger shinobi from Kurama. He dragged Tenzō back out of the room with him. Winking at Kurama as he did it. "Come eat, beautiful."

Kurama laughed softly, touching his mouth as he followed the two bickering jōnin out to the living room. Going into the kitchen to join Sasuke at the table, eating breakfast with him.


Kakashi was in full panic mode. The sun was up and he still hadn't found Naruto. "NARUTO! Fuck...where ARE you!?" He rubbed his face, feeling the panic all the way to the tips of his trembling fingers.

A noise from his left caused him to turn sharply, lowering down into a fighting stance, kunai in hand. A Marble Fox walked through the trees and looked at Kakashi with a tip of his head. Kakashi stared at the massive fox, having never seen one that big in the wild.

"If you follow me, I will take you to him." Hibiki began to turn to lead Kakashi to Naruto. Hibiki was in his full form, which stood almost a large as a Clydesdale. He had been smaller to not overwhelm Naruto. But the smallest he could make himself at the time was the size of a Great Dane.

Kakashi straightened when the fox spoke. "You...are a summons?"

Hibiki's eyes lidded in amusement. "I am." He turned, his six tails flicking in his entertainment of the situation. No one knew fox summons existed, or that they formed a contract with anyone. "Coming?" He said over his shoulder as he walked into the trees.

Kakashi put the kunai away, following the fox. "If you are a summons... who summoned you?" He walked next to the fox.

"Uzumaki-sama," Hibiki stated as though it should be obvious.

"Uzu-... Naruto has a summoning contract with foxes?" His eye widened in disbelief, stopping to look up at the massive fox.

Hibiki laughed quietly. "Yes, he signed it the other day." He stopped as well, looking down at Kakashi.

Kakashi let out a breath, pressing a hand to his forehead. "Why didn't he say anything?"

"The kitsune of Mount Inari have never shown themselves or allowed someone to sign their contract. Uzumaki-sama is our first." Hibiki continued walking.

"So he felt he needed to keep it secret?" Kakashi asked.

"I suppose so. Thought we never asked that of him." Hibiki stepped around a bush and then ducked into a small cave.

Kakashi followed the fox into the cave, noting a warm glow from within. Likely from a fire. A silver fox, about 1/2 the size of Hibiki stepped forward, blocking Naruto from view in the back. It looked up at the marble fox, dark chocolate eyes meeting the golden topaz of Hibiki's. The silver fox had four tails swishing behind it.

"He is Uzumaki-sama's kin. Let him pass Toshiro." Hibiki said firmly. The silver fox bowed his head some, moving to let Kakashi pass. Naruto was curled up with an arctic white fox roughly the same size as himself, if not a bit bigger. This fox had two tails.

Naruto looked over at Hibiki and Toshiro, seeing Kakashi. He stiffened, then curled into the white fox with a whimper. "Dammit, Hibiki..."

Hibiki stepped forward, murmuring softly. "You need your kin. And from what you told me, he needs you as well." He sighed, nudging the white fox with his nose. "Move Kiyoshi, it is time we leave."

"No! Don't leave yet..." Naruto hurried, gripping at Kiyoshi's fur. Kiyoshi curled around the boy more, both tails laying over Naruto protectively.

Hibiki sighed, sitting on his rump. "Then we will stay until things are resolved with your kin." Toshiro huffed, curling up by Naruto's side, where he had been earlier.

Kakashi watched the three foxes with mild amusement, though more in fascination. "Naruto...why did you run away?"

"I didn' away. I just... I needed to think..." He ducked his head, curling into the foxes around him. "Okay fine I ran!" He burst out, sitting up suddenly. "I fucking ran okay!" Naruto whimpered and looked away. "You offer this...huge thing to me..." He looked down, tears lining his eyes. "And you knew... you fucking KNEW I was the jinchūriki!" He glared up at Kakashi. "What else do you know about me?!" He stood up, spreading his arms wide. "Because the only people who know what I am were directly involved with the kyūbi that night." Clenching his jaw he ignored the tears streaking down his whiskered cheeks. "So tell me. Do you know who my parents are?" His eyes narrowed at Kakashi.

Naruto knew everyone had been silenced by the Hokage to hide everything from him. Even after his parents had specifically requested that Naruto not to be treated like a disgusting orphan that was a demon. Kakashi watch over his mother while Kushina was pregnant with him! And it was clear Naruto was not in his right mind. His spirit was thirty-one, his body and brain were eleven.

He had one whole set of memories from thirty-one years of life and now layering on it was a repeat of his life until the time he landed back. The only other people who could even remotely understand the level of insanity in his head were Obito, Orochimaru, and Kabuto. They had two lives jammed in their heads too. There was no way he could travel back in time, back into his old body, and come out totally fucking sane. Not to mention the years of war he endured, death, pain, and the fucking torture of being Madara's god damned fuck toy!

So yeah, saying Naruto was perfectly sane and well adjusted was downright laughable. He hadn't even been that way the first time around. Round two wasn't going much better.

Kakashi stood there, letting Naruto release all the anger he clearly had. Listening to his pain and concerns. He flinched when the boy asked if he knew his parents were. Kakashi had to brace himself for what he about to do. Minato would be proud, but if the Hokage ever found out...

"Yes... I personally knew your parents." Whispered Kakashi, lowering his head in shame.

Naruto sucked in a heavy breath, staring at Kakashi in shock. He hadn't expected the man to admit it. "Who were they?" He bit out, still unable to reign in his anger. His blue eyes slowly shifting to purple slitted ones, claws growing.

Kakashi flinched minutely when he heard how harsh and cold the question was. "Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki."

"The fucking... FOURTH HOKAGE WAS MY FATHER!? The JERK who sealed the Kyūbi inside of me is the same man who was supposed to be my FATHER!?" Anger poured from Naruto as an emotional dam broke. A cloak of purple chakra spread over his body and he growled viciously, an actual red fox tail growing from his back, large and bushy until it split into two. His fangs grew and he growled lower, his coming to points like Kurama's.

Yes, Naruto already knew all this, but he had never processed the betrayal he felt. He'd never dealt with all the emotions that came from knowing his father with Minato Namikaze, sealed the kyūbi in him, died, and left him an orphan. Sure, the first time he'd found everything out he kept bottling everything up and saying everything was fine, behaving like the sunshine boy he was. But this time? Nah, the floodgates burst. There was no holding this back. Because there was way more pent up inside of Naruto than just his family tree.

Kurama jerked up from the table where he was eating breakfast. Everyone looked at him even as his eyes started to bleed purple and his fangs lengthed, claws growing, ears stretching a pointing more. He looked around, trying to find the danger.

"Naruto..." Breathed out Kurama as he dashed from the front door, nearly ripping it off its hinges as he ran hard for where he felt the anger and panic.

Everyone paused for a fraction of a second before bolting after the head as fast as they could, barely able to keep the redhead in their sights. Kurama's speed was unreal.

Kurama sped up as he approached the village wall, jumping up and clearing it in one smooth leap. And before he even hit the ground he was gone through the trees. Sasuke ended up on Raidō's back because he couldn't keep up and was ignoring Madara to help him. It would give everything away, they couldn't afford it.

Kurama burst into the small cave maybe ten or fifteen minutes later. Sliding to a stop on all fours as he looked around. Kakashi was behind protected by two fox summons with four and two tails. A horse-sized third fox with six tails was facing off with a wild and crazed Naruto.

The boy looked like a kitsune hanyou; three wildly swishing tails, fox ears having replaced his human ones, violent purple slitted eyes, dangerously long fangs, his whiskered cheek like deep gashes, claws longer and deadlier, even his hair had grown and taken on a wilder, spikier look. He looked absolutely glorious and terrifying all at once.

The redhead was barely any better off, he hadn't sprouted tails or ears. But he looked crazed, bright purple eyes with slits, lengthed fangs, and claws. He was the Yang half after all, far more well adjusted than the merged Yin half within Naruto.

Kakashi looked at Kurama, his eyes widening, his Sharingan spinning. Kurama snarled upon seeing it. "Close that fucking eye! If you even attempt to control I will tear the fucking thing out and eat it!" He roared, the sound echoing in the cave.

Kakashi quickly closed his eye, pulling his head protector down. Two jinchūriki, he couldn't take them alone and he doubted the fox summons could handle two halves of the Kyūbi.

The fox summons nearly flattened to the floor of the cave as the roar ripped through it. Toshiro and Kiyoshi on their bellies, ears back, tails flat on the ground. Hibiki shuddered, his paws spreading farther apart to keep him standing. He was a six-tailed kitsune, he could handle this level of power from Kurama Ōkami. Any more though and he'd be flat the ground as well.

Hibiki glanced back, "He won't calm down Kurama Ōkami! I've tried everything!" He whimpered, tails flicking desperately.

Tenzō, Genma, Raidō, and Sasuke arrived then, slowly going into the cave. Sasuke slid from Raidō's back, staring at the two wild jinchūriki's. His eyes drawn more to the Hanyou Naruto.

Sasuke swallowed and slowly approached. "Naruto..." Feral purple zeroed in on Sasuke and he growled low. Sasuke held up his hands. "I'm not gonna hurt you..." He inched forward, popping his neck as he felt Madara try to force himself forward to control the two jinchūriki.

Genma took his chances approaching Kurama. "Hey, beautiful..." He said quietly. Kurama snarled, spinning on Genma, growling low before a little clarity entered his gaze and he grunted. Genma smiled, holding his hands up too. "Calm down, beautiful. It's gonna be okay."

Kurama growled, turning back to his kit, stalking to the boy and growling low, the rumble reverberating off the walls of the cave. Hibiki backed away, moving to protect the new group of humans, grabbing Sasuke back with one of his tails.

Standing tall and strong Kurama stood a few feet in front of Naruto, looking down at him. "Stop." He warned. Naruto growled, his hands coming up into a striking pose. Kurama roared at the blond, the sound deafening in the small cave. Naruto dropped to one knee, fighting the power. He launched himself at Kurama with a roar of his own. The sound almost as terror-inducing as Kurama's.

Kurama shot forward, the two of slamming into each other in a blur of snarls, growls, teeth, claws, and fury. Hibiki maneuvered everyone out of the cave quickly. Sasuke tried to stay behind but ended up being grabbed up by the back of his shirt and carried out by Hibiki. He guided them away from the cave, setting the black-haired kid down and making sure they were far enough just as the mouth of the cave exploded in stone, wind, and fire.

Naruto tackled Kurama to the ground with a quaking slam, a small crater forming. Kurama used his back feet to shove Naruto off of him, the force of it sending the smaller male through the air, slamming back against a broken section of the cave wall.

"It's like watching titans..." Whispered Raidō.

Genma nodded numbly, staring in awe. "Naruto only has three tails, Kurama is just now forming one."

Kakashi was uneasy. "We have to stop them." He made to move forward but was halted by Hibiki.

"They have to do this on their own. There is nothing we can do." Hibiki stated.

Tenzō stepped forward. "I have mokuton. I can stop them." He lifted his hands but Toshiro and Kiyoshi bit his sleeves, holding his hands down at his sides.

Sasuke glanced at Hibiki. "Sharingan can stop this, right?"

Hibiki snarled, growling low. "You would take their control and freedom simply to stop their confrontation?"

Sasuke's eyes widened. "That's not a confrontation! That's a war zone!"

Hibiki shook his head. "You do not understand foxes. They are communicating."

Sasuke gaped, turning his eyes back to the fight. How was THAT communication?

Naruto leapt from a tree, slamming into Kurama in midair, a loud bang bursting from them with a shockwave, trees being blown back. The battle could go on for eternity, both incapable of running out of chakra without serious effort and time, both merged bijū and human with the ability to heal instantaneously unless the wounds are many and life-threatening. It was, by all definition, a battle of gods.

They were both smeared with blood but woundless, clothing getting ripped and shredded with every swipe of a claw. Naruto formed his fourth tail while Kurama gained two more, now at three himself. Hibiki pushed everyone back further. With every new tail came an entirely new level of power.

The two hanyou-like beings roared menacingly at each other, the roars echoing along the mountains and could probably be heard from Konoha just 25km away. The sheer intensity of their roars making the three fox summons drop to the forest floor on their bellies. Two god-like foxes roaring were hard to stand up to. And the two were so intertwined and merged it was hard to tell one from the other.

Kurama slammed Naruto into the carter like a bullet, the concussive ring blasting out from the center of the crater deafening as everyone covered their ears and dropped low so the shockwave didn't knock them over, trees being uprooted by them. It was relatively silent, aside from snarling and the sounds of jaws snapping until there a bijū dama the size of a house pushing Kurama away and across the small clearing they were in.

"BRACE YOURSELVES!!!" Hibiki cried out, all three foxes tackling the humans to the ground, covering the best they could as a shield sprung up, shimmering like a rainbow. Kurama hit the ground in the distance opposite of the bystanders. The massive explosion rocking through the mountains, the shockwave blasting so hard it hit the wall of Konoha.

There was an eerie silence then. A four-tailed Naruto crawling out of the crater, panting heavily and looking in the direction of Kurama. A bijū dama of equal size heading straight for Naruto. He cried out in rage and literally raced towards the giant black ball, slamming into it with all the force he had. The explosion just as massive as the first one, and through the explosion came Kurama crashing into Naruto once again.

They hit the ground, a 100-foot wide crater forming as a result, the depth 50 feet down. Kurama jumped back, out of the crater, five tails swishing madly as he growled, watching Naruto stalk out of the crater. They came face to face, noses nearly touching as they continued growling low and threatening.

Suddenly Kurama enveloped Naruto in a crushing hug, his whole body pressed to Naruto's in the hug, tails wrapping around them., his whole body pressed to Naruto's in the hug, tails wrapping around them. Naruto fought the hug, snarling and slashing at Kurama's back. Another roar ripping from him as a sixth tail slithered from his body. He bit into Kurama's shoulder, the other roaring in pain as he punched Naruto from him, the boy flying back, smashing into a section of trees and taking them out in the process.

The barrier around the summons and humans stood under the pressure of their fighting. Tenzō shook his head, murmuring. "Kurama's trying to get him to calm down... he just won't. We have to do something. They're both at six-tails! Are they even themselves anymore?"

Hibiki's ears flattened to his head and narrowed brilliant topaz eyes. "Of course they are still themselves. Naruto is fully aware and coherent right now. As is...Kurama." He forced himself to leave off the honorific, knowing it would risk both the time-traveler's mission.

Genma let out a breath. "They're both fully aware right now...?"

"Yes," Hibiki said simply. "They have to solve this themselves."

"How can Naruto handle this much power from the Kyūbi? Why is the chakra cloak gone?" Kakashi asked.

"Because the cloak was only to assist in creating this form." Hibiki looked at Kakashi. "Naruto and the Kyūbi are one and the same. As are Kurama and his half. You could even go so far as two say Naruto and Kurama are the same person, yet entirely different." He watched the two beings slash at each other mercilessly. "I bet if you compared their blood, chakra, and genetics...they would be almost identical."

Everyone went silent at that, turning their full attention to the two fighting. Kurama twisted around Naruto, leapt into the air and slammed his knee into the back of Naruto's head. There were two loud crunches heard, Naruto hit the dirt like a ragdoll and Kurama collapsed on his good leg, gasping in pain as the shattered patella in his knee flared with agonizing pain.

Genma and Kakashi shot forward and out of the barrier before anyone could notice them or stop them. They skidded to stops and dropped next to Kurama and Naruto, gathering them into their arms.

Genma's right hand hovering over the bloody form now unconscious in his arms. His breath shaky, his expression filled with fear and worry. Kakashi held Naruto close, checking the back of his skull, paling at the blood oozing down his back.

"Get them up! I don't care how you carry them, they need the hospital! Even if their healing is kicking in, they need a damn hospital." Raidō ordered, holding onto Sasuke who trying to get away and get to Naruto.

Madara was furious, wanting to get to his kitsune. One couldn't let godlike beings fight and expect them to just stop fighting without something life-threatening or damaging happening. If Sasuke had only let him out!

Kakashi gingerly lifted Naruto onto his back, keeping the blond close. "Why haven't tails and claws gone away yet?"

Genma hefted Kurama onto his back, it was easier for them both to run like this. "I don't know... Maybe they're still...upset?"

Tenzō grit his teeth. "You should have let me handle this. It would have never gotten to this point. LOOK at them! They're covered in blood and wounds! They threw giant BOMBS at each other!"

Hibiki's fur ruffled and he sighed. "Bijūdama is the proper term... It is a weapon only bijū have. Though...bomb is simple enough. Far less powerful, but it will suffice. Also, might I suggest that I carry them back to Konoha? I can run a lot faster, and I have Foxfire."

Sasuke looked at the massive fox. "Meaning?"

Toshiro spoke up, his voice low, dark, and smooth like dark decadent chocolate. "Meaning we can fly."

Sasuke gawked. Tenzō and Raidō looked at Genma and Kakashi pointedly. Both jōnin obeyed, moving to place the unconscious jinchūriki onto the back of Hibiki. Hibiki trotted forward, scooping Sasuke onto his back as well, then ran in a circle spiraling up above the treeline and taking off for Konoha, paws glimmering with iridescent Foxfire.

Toshiro stepped up to Kakashi and Genma. "I can take you two." They looked at him hesitantly, noting how small he was compared to Hibiki, though while Hibiki was the size of a Clydesdale, Toshiro was along the lines of an Arabian or Friesian. He huffed and they slowly climbed onto his back. His paws lit up with shimmering black Foxfire and he took off into the sky with the two jōnin.

Kiyoshi looked up at Tenzō and Raidō, he was the size of a Mustang. "Do not worry, I can hold you." His voice was soft and melodic. Knowing to not hesitate or question the third fox summons, they climbed onto his back. Icy Foxfire lit up around the Arctic Fox's paws and he raced off after his sibling summons.


A/N: This chapter was EXHAUSTING to write. So much emotion. And that fight? HOOO BOY! That took it out of me. I am so tired. You have no idea. Uhm, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I really put my effort into it, as I do with every chapter. If you've read other time-travel fics of Naruto's before, I'm sure you've noticed the commonality of Mount Inari and fox summons. While I couldn't think of a better than Mount Inari, I did change the foxes and a lot of about them. I fully believe fox summons should have been in the show. Especially when you take into account the mythology and importance of them in Japanese culture. But, ya know..Kurama and all. I guess they didn't want to make things confusing? Though I don't see how that would've been confusing. Maybe to kids, it would be? Maa...

Uhm... like I mentioned at the top. A LOT is going on for Kurama and Naruto. They're dealing with a lot of shit. A war that lasted roughly 19 years but was still on-going when they time-traveled, they were prisoners of war, suffered repeated sexual assault, were isolated, collared, had to watch pretty much everyone they knew and loved die horribly. Then, they were shoved through time, torn apart at an atomic level and put back together and Naruto was slammed back into his old 11-year-old body while Kurama was born into a new human form. To even suggest that they should be sane, with it, well-adjusted, and fully capable right out the gate is ridiculous. In my story, time-travel is no simple thing, and everything they have been through is INTENSE at the least. It's only been about a month and a half for them. And even then I have them recovering rather quickly. But, don't expect sanity from Naruto, Kurama, Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Obito. They have all suffered greatly and are back in time trying to stop a massive war and unspeakable horror from occurring. So...yeah.

I'm not really sure why I rambled about that? Maybe my own insecurities about my story and abilities... Who knows. I just want everyone to enjoy this piece of work that I am putting my heart and soul into.

Sorry for the ramble. Please hit the vote button if you haven't and leave a comment. They really do help ease my mind and fuel my motivation and creativity to keep writing daily chapters. And writing at all. I hope you all had an awesome weekend.

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