By AudreyPark

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BOOK I : SUMMER VACATION Park Yoomin, the protagonist, is a cold high school students who is... More

CHAPTER II: The new part-timer
CHAPTER III: The start
CHAPTER IV: Her story
CHAPTER V: Diva and Dino
CHAPTER VI: Diva and Dino Part II
CHAPTER VII: Confusions and Secrets
CHAPTER IX: Umma's worries
CHAPTER X: Unexpected Rendez-vous
CHAPTER XI: Brother's visit
CHAPTER XII: A cute little date- Part I
CHAPTER XIII: A cute little date - PART II
CHAPTER XIV: A cute little date - Part III
Chapter XV: A NEW BOND
CHAPTER XVI: Red Haired Guy
CHAPTER XVII: My pinned down cousin
CHAPTER XVIII: Preparations and Stalker
CHAPTER XIX: Taewoo's special day
CHAPTER XX: A Wicked Girl & A Boyish Girl
CHAPTER XXII - End of Summer
BOOK II: published

CHAPTER I: That violent girl

523 7 5
By AudreyPark


My friends told me that his chapter is confusing because I didn't write names at first... so maybe that's why they don't read it any further... but I swear the next chapters are easier to understand TTuTT please continue reading it thank you~ (the first chapter and the other chapters have so much view gap and I was like -hurt- or sth IDK TT ^ TT


Ok I tried to make it less confusing~

I added the name beforehand so I guess it'll be easier to read~

sorry for the confusion but I swear the next chapters arent confusing ^^

I really do <3



CHAPTER 1: That violent girl

- Yoomin's POV -

"Ah! Look she's here!", whispers the girl with the long straight black hair - Go Jae Moon- to her friend. "I-Is she THAT unfamous violent girl?, asked the girl in short hair -Yang Song hee- with her shaking voice. Out of eagerness Go Jae Moon answered loudly, most likely shouting " That's right! Park Yoomin that scary girl!". She said it out loud that most of the students in the hall could hear it. Of course, Yoomin herself heard it and took a sharp piercing glance at them.

"Damn! She heard me!"

"You're so stupid! I'm so scared now! Let's go!!!"

The girls ran out of fear, so fast as if there's no tomorrow. Not even bothering looking behind them they continued running until Yoomin was nowhere to see.

"What a poor girl.", said the girl with glasses -Jung Hanna- and let a loud sigh. "Yeah, they may end up in the hospital if Yoomin catches them.", continues the girl -Go Junhae- beside her. "Huh? I mean Yoomin is the poor one!", talked Hanna, the girl in glasses, back, clearing the misunderstanding her best friend made. Junhae looked at her with a shocked face. Her eyes become twice bigger than her normal one, scrunched brows and her widely opened mouth, so big and wide that you can put a baby's fist inside."Hey, aren't you afraid a fly might fly into your mouth?" asked Hana, her friend comes then back in her senses. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?!", roars the girl out of shock, she stopped for a while, gets a deep breath and started it again "Are you crazy?! You're definitely out of your mind!". " No I'm not!", replied Hanna back. "Yah! That girl is dangerous! Put that in your mind! Don't you ever get near her or meddle with her problems!", she continues on lecturing her. "Why?", asked Hanna who still thinks that Yoomin isn't that bad. Junhae gave her a big sigh and starts her reasoning "She beat the crap out of some students in her old school last year! It was 10 vs 1 you know! But she still defeated them!!! Why do you think the other students call her violent?!" she finished it with a huff. "Ey~ don't believe ya~", replies the girl in glasses ignoring her reasoning. A big loud sigh came out of the almost out of breath girl's mouth, "YOU!!! Ugh! I give up. Just promise me you won't go near her." "I know, I know", she answered. Both of them glances at Yoomin.

A guy running in the hall accidentally bumped Yoomin. He caught everybody's attention in a split second as if he did something wrong as bad as killing someone. Both Yoomin and the guy fell on the floor. All the other students started whispering, with a scared emotion painted on their faces. The loud crowd became silent as Yoomin stands up. The boy wondered why the people around him became so stunned. He lift his face and saw a scary figure. It was the rumoured girl Park Yoomin. Without even thinking he stand up as fast as he can and shouted "Pa-Park Yoomin I am really sorry!", he started getting cold sweat from the fear he got. The people surrounding them once again made a noise. You can hear "What a poor guy." almost in every corner. The boy started to feel the stares from the students who surrounds them, eyes full of pities, some were making fun of him soundlessly. Some of them also says "He's dead.".

'They're looking... They're looking at me again, as if I'm some kind of monster. I can feel their scared stares and glares.' "Tsk! Argh!". Finally the scary girl Yoomin let some noise out of her mouth. Her face seems to darken and looked so annoyed. She hated it when she gets lots of attention wether it's for a good thing or bad thing.

"She's angry!", says a guy silently in the back, "She's so pissed!" he continued. The boy who bumped Yoomin started to run off somewhere. Not to escape but to seek for help. "Hyung, what should I do? Help me!", asked the younger guy scaredly and nervously. "I-I don't know!", answered the older guy back. Didn't helped that much.

Yoomin started moving, everyone still looks at her as if she was an idol or something. Everyone's eyes followed her every move. Yoomin walks towards the guy's direction. Everyone got so tensed. The boy's expression became darker, he was the most tensed one, since he's the one who bumped at Yoomin. His skin became paler and paler as Yoomin gets nearer him and his older friend (his hyung). He started to bow and apologized loudly "I am really sorry Yoomin! Please forgive me!".

Yoomin ignored him and walks pass through him, more precisely, she just wanted to go inside her classroom... wanting to get rid of the unwanted attention.

The boy's expression has gotten lighter, "Woah~ I'm saved.". But then at that moment. " Park Yoomin!", some girl shouted. The brighter atmosphere became dull again. "Park Yoomin! You're so hateful!!!", she added. It was the same girl in glasses, Jung Hanna, who pitied her few minutes ago. " Oh my god! This stupid crazy girl!", her friend starting to go insane and put her hand on her face. Hanna totally ignored what her best friend told her, not to meddle with Yoomin's business.

Once again silence overcame the hall. You can almost hear them breathing and the sounds of their heart pumping so hard that it might jump out of their body because of the tension happening right now. Yoomin turned around after hearing her name loudly. Yoomin and the reckless girl are staring at each other. Hanna girl started speaking, "That guy apologized, didn't he?!" But Yoomin didn't even said a thing. The atmosphere became more intense. The girl with glasses started to get angry. "You could have said him that it's OK and that you're fine!". Yoomin didn't open her mouth at all once again. Yoomin ignored Hanna and continues walking towards her classroom. "Hey don't ignore me!", she shouted angrily but there was no response at all. Yoomin didn't even looked back. She just walked out of the commotion.

* Riiiiing *, the bell rung. It's time for class again.

As Yoomin reached her classroom, the heated up like battlefield hall started to brighten. The viewers can finally breathe. Everyone surrounded Hanna, as if she was some kind of hero who just came from a war. "Jung Hanna! You stupid crazy girl!", shouted Hanna's -the girl in glasses- bestfriend and of course, with a strong smack with the sermon. "Yah! What are you doing?! That hurts!", shouted Hanna in pain. The boy who bumped Yoomin slipped in, "Hey, weren't you scared?". "Huh, why?", answered Hanna confusedly. "That was Park Yoomin you know! The most feared girl in this school!", the guy told her frantically. "So what?", asked Hanna, without having any trace of fear on her face. "Woah, you're so brave!", praised the other students. "Brave? Huh! She's just a complete dumb!", the best friend cut off the praises Hanna got. "Go Junhae! Who are you calling dumb?!", asked Hanna jokingly angry. "You! Jung Hanna is the dumb person I meant!", shouted Junhae loudly that the whole floor could hear it. Junhae teased her best friend Hanna. Everyone started to laugh. They were so loud that Yoomin could hear it even though she's 2 rooms away from them. They seemed to forgot that it was class time, the teachers could hear them stepped out of the classroom and scolded them big time.

'They are really full of big idiots...'

- Taewoo & Minjae's POV -

"Minjae 1hyung, who was that girl?", asked the red-haired baby-faced guy. "Who?", questioned the taller guy with wavy layered hair until his shoulders. "That girl who everyone was afraid of." answered the cute guy. "Oh~ Taewoo, you like her?", Minjae teased him. "No, I don't!", Taewoo pouted. Minjae gave him a 'Hmmm~'. "I really don't!", Taewoo insisted. "OK OK, I get it. Park Yoomin", said Minjae and gave Taewoo a big smile. Taewoo gave him a confused face. "Her name.", Minjae said and gave him a wink. "Hmmmm~", Taewoo smiles a bit, but he refrained to so that Minjae won't tease him.

"But don't go near her~ She's going to eat you!", Minjae threatened the shorter guy playfully. "Yah! You think I'm stupid to believe that?!" Taewoo shouted at him and pouted, that pout made him look cuter than he normally is. Minjae continued to tease his cute friend and said him a flat 'YES'. "Hyung!", Taewoo turned his back on Minjae and started to sulk. "Sorry~", Minjae wanted Taewoo's attention. "Tche!", said Taewoo who didn't even looked at Minjae. "Taewoo~", Minjae continued to try getting Taewoo's attention. "Are you done yet Mr. Lee and Mr. Choi!?", shouted the teacher! "If you're just going to make some noise, get out of this room! NOW!", the teacher sounds very pissed. Without saying anything Taewoo and Minjae went out of the classroom.

"Taewoo, talk to me. I'll buy you your favourite banana milk after school!", Minjae, the taller guy tried to bribe Taewoo with his favourite drink 'banana milk'. Taewoo's frowned face turned into a cheerful expression that looked like a little child when it gets something he wanted. He then turned to Minjae "Really?!", his brown eyes started to sparkle it looked like puppy eyes. "Yup, let's buy it after school!", Minjae suggested. "Yay!!! You're the best!", Taewoo started to compliment Minjae while jumping around because he's way too happy that Minjae is treating him his most beloved drink. "Would you please be quiet outside?!", their teacher's face became so red , her blood is boiling like a volcano that is about to errupt. She then went in after she shouted at the two dazzling boys.

"Mrs. Volcano is angry kekekeke" Taewoo started to laugh while teasing his red-faced teacher. "I told you to shut up!" the teacher's head came out of the door looking at them madly. "She definitely is..." Minjae said it to Taewoo silently and a naughty grin was shown in his pink plump lips. They both laugh silently preventing the devious teacher from hearing them. "I'll buy you 2 banana milk!" Minjae smiled widely at Taewoo showing most of his teeth. Taewoo's eyes started to sparkle. In his shiny eyes he could see Minjae glittering , he can see Minjae with wings and a halo over his head, yes exactly, like an angel. "Hyung... you're the best!!!" that happy cute guy shouted so loud that the whole school could hear him and ran up to the older guy and hugged him tightly. "LEE TAEWOO!!!" their teacher yelled at a louder volume as the cute guy, her face was so red that it's almost of the same color as Taewoo's hair. "You-" *riiiiiiiiing* the bell rung and it interrupted the errupting woman. "Hyung... 1,2,3 run!" Taewoo and Minjae run for their lives before getting from the tomato-faced woman an earful lectures. "Hey, you two don't you dare skip the closing ceremony! Or else I'm going to TORTURE YOU NEXT SCHOOL SEMESTER!!!!" , she shouted at them with all her might.

"*huff huff* How could they say that- *pause and catches his breath* Yoomin is the most scary girl in school. *takes a deep breath* that crazy teacher is way more scarier than Yoomin!", Minjae nagged at Taewoo. Taewoo just gave him a nod, unable to speak because of lack of oxygen from running away from that old woman. Under the shade of the big tree behind the school they throw themselves on the ground. Breathing like crazy dogs. They looked at each other and started laughing happily.

"What about the closing ceremony? Should we skip it?", Minjae asked Taewoo with an evil grin on his face. "I don't dare to do it. You heard 'Mrs. Volcano', she's gonna torture us next semester!.", explained Taewoo the taller guy scaredly. Just imagining it is already like a total hell for the both guys. "Yah! You think she can find us in that pool of peaople? Don't get scared~", Minjae reassured Taewoo not long after, Taewoo agreed at the ideoa. Considering Minjae's reasoning it did had a point.

- Yoomin's POV -

"Students, starting tomorrow is your summer break except for those who failed the exam, you'll need to continue going to school.", the professor explained it before ending the class. Everybody started to fluster and nagged, the room was filled of nervousity. "I will tell you the names of those wo have failed: Lee Baekhyeon, Jang Kiseop, Yang Maeli, Kang Yuri and Jang Mimi, you need to go to school starting on Monday." he continued. Everyone who have failed started to complain saying that they don't want to go to school on their precious summer break. "Well if you did your best this semester you wouldn't need to spend your vacation here in school.", told the professor with his arms crossed and giving them that 'bitch' look.

"Strange~ Park Yoomin didn't failed?" a girl that sat on the first row, started to annoy Yoomin. "I heard she threatened the teachers." a guy added a fuel to the fire. "Whoa that's so low." the girl looked back to Yoomin's seat and give her that annoying 'bitch' look. "Do you have any problem with me?" Yoomin hit her desk while standing up, the chair fell back because of the force, she then glared at the girl across the room. The girl flinched, she felt a electric current running through her spine. "Park Yoomin, sit down!" the professor feels that he needed to interfere 'cause he knew that it won't be good if he hadn't stopped them. "Kim Sujong, she didn't failed because she's good at academics, not because she threatened my fellow teachers. Song Kiho where did you get the idea that she threatened us?" the professor tries to prevent those misunderstandings but it's already late, but he could at least lessen it. Sujong and Kiho became silent. " So that's all! Dismissed! Don't forget to go to the Auditorium for the closing ceremony." the professor ended the class. "Have a nice vacation!" all the students ended it with a bow. "Riiing!" the bell rang, the sign that the school ended.

"Yah! You have a problem with me!" Yoomin goes immediately to the students who accused her for threatening the teachers and made a loud 'bang' from hitting her desk. "N-Nothing!" the girl who had the gut to accuse Yoomin is now filled with fear. She was so scared that a tear started to accumulate in her full of terror eyes. "I didn't threatened anybody... So be careful of what you say." Yoomin said that in a low cold voice, made the girl flinched. "I am so sorry, I won't do it again!" the girl apologized, her toughness few minutes ago shattered as soon as Yoomin glared at her.

'Finally the school's done! Time to go home. I better skip that close ceremony. Seeing those students makes my blood boil.'

Suddenly, there are 3 guys who appeared before Yoomin. "Park Yoomin, how are you?" the man in the middle asked her. "Thanks from last time~" the guy on the right side continued. "Who are you? Do I know you?" Yoomin asked them, she seems to have forgotten or doesn't remember who those 3 are. "Yah! Come with us!" the guy in the middle didn't asked her, thus he commanded her. The 3 of them drags Yoomin into a unknown alley. "Don't touch me! You're disgusting!" Yoomin gave them that disgusted look, her eyes narrow and glared at them coldly. "What did you say?!" The 3rd guy was annoyed and smacked the powerless Yoomin. "Hold her down!". The guys started to gang on her and started beating her. A punch on her face, a kick on her stomach and another punch on her face. They merciless beat her up until she spit blood. The unknown men continue on hurting her the whole 2 minutes long. The powerless girl's face started to swollen, she can't see anything from her left eye, her lid was way too swollen that it covers her eye and make her unable to open it.Yoomin started to open her mouth "Heh! Aren't you ashamed? 3 guys ganging up on a pinned girl?". "Shut up!" the guy hit her one more time. "And you call yourselves a man? Ha! Don't make me laugh! You're so gay!" Yoomin continues on provoking him, hoping it would lead into something. "What?!" the man got so pissed. Yoomin added salt on the wound: " If you're a man, you'll fight me one on one!". "What should we do?" his accomplice asks him. "Let her go." They let her arms and feet go. Yoomin snickers "1 , 2 ,3!". After the count up to 3 they started fighting again, but this time it's one on one. Yoomin is definitely in a disadvantage point. Full of injuries an eye that can't see. But still did her best to fight them.

- Taewoo & Minjae's POV -

"Hyung, wanna play video games?" the cute guy in red hair suggested. "Of course!" Minjae agreed at him without even considering. "Hey hyung, don't forget my banana milk!" Taewoo reminded his best friend. It shows how eager he is just to get his beloved banana milk. "I know ,I know! Let's stop by in a store before we go to your house!". "Uh-huh!" Taewoo nods his head and his big brown eyes started to glimmer. Minjae gave him a big smile and ruffled Taewoo's hair.

Taewoo caught a familiar figure in his eyes. It was Yoomin fighting against 3 guys. "Hyung, isn't that Yoomin?!" he pointed at the narrow alley where Yoomin is fighting. "You're right... Let's go help her!", Minjae becomes tense. "Let's go!", Taewoo shouted, they ran to Yoomin's direction, wanting to help her. However, they were late. They saw bodies lying on the floor, beaten up badly. Unexpectedly or maybe not, the last man standing was Park Yoomin.

"Hey, Yoomin are you ok?!" Taewoo asked her , he never felt this worried this much before. "Yah! You think she's OK?! She's obviously not ok!", looking at the situation she was clearly not fine, full of bruises and cuts.

Yoomin's sight begins to black out due of excess fighting and pain she felt on her body. "She's severely wounded!" Minjae stated. "Duh! I can see that,too!... Ey where do you live?", Taewoo asked the injured girl, but as expected she couldn't even reply. Her sight completely blacks out and she collapsed on the 2 boys' arms.

Taewoo starts to panic "Hyung! What should we do?!". "Let's bring her to your home! We don't have any other option!" Minjae suggested. "Our house?!" asked Taewoo in shock. "Your house is near here isn't it?" Minjae answered surprisingly calmly. "W-Well you're right..." Taewoo gave in and Minjae carries her on his back until they reached Taewoo's house.


Vocabulary (notes):

1= a suffix that is used when a guy calls an older guy


Author's Note:

So this is my first ever written story. I've started to take a liking on writing. At first I only write dialogues for my manga. So I never really written like this. Hope you'll like my first work kekekekeke :>

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