Foreign Love

Oleh Bookworm_Tina

103K 2.8K 501

Tiana takes a foreign exchange student programme to the USA. Her life turns upside down when she is to stay w... Lebih Banyak

Farewell Party
Departure Marking the Beginning
Meeting the Andersons
Mixed Emotions
Vampire Out of Control
Giving into Temptation
Lads vs. Lassies
Our Indescribable Relationship
An Emotional Outbreak
A Sweet Nightmare
A Violent Dinner
Riccardo The Guardian
A Bitter-Sweet Evening
Growing Closer
Erasing the Vampire
Starting Anew
Who's Bipolar Now?
Riccardo: The Vampire Prince
Goodbye,But Forever?
Soulmate Stalker
Approving the Vampire
At The Lake Part One
At The Lake Part Two
Meeting the Parents
A Dramatic Turn Of Events
Shape Shifter
Nothing Ever Goes To Plan
Tiana: The Vampire
Friend Or Foe
The Royal Ball Gone Wrong
Family Matters Part One
Family Matters Part Two

Mindless Behaviour

2.5K 76 7
Oleh Bookworm_Tina

This chapter is dedicated to Janedoe22 for being the official foreign love reader! Thank you. :) <3

Riccardo's POV

God looking at her set my heart on over drive, being this close to her set my body on fire. I wanted her so I needed her. I had never felt the way I did being around her in my entire existence. She had some sort of control over me, just when she would look at me with her beautiful brown eyes; it would set my heart on fire.

I had her trapped between myself and the lockers, her eyes not moving off mine. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on. I could tell by the pace of her heartbeat that I had the same effect on her as she did on me. I couldn't help but feel happy about that; knowing that she was attracted to me made me feel warm inside, but i knew it was wrong, it was too dangerous to be this close to her, but I couldn't contain myself, and the naughty thoughts running through her head didn't make it any easier. I wanted her and I wanted her now!

"God you're hot when you mad." I whispered more to myself.

Without thinking I crashed my lips against hers taking in the strawberry flavoured lip gloss that she wore, her lips were so soft and smooth as I had imagined. I kissed her hard with raw passion, all my wanting for her finally coming out. She kissed me back with just the same amount of passion. I pushed my body against hers clashing her against the lockers even more and closing any space in between us. I ran my hands slowly up and down her back eventually stopping on her lower back and slipping my hands under her shirt, the feel of her hot skin against my hands felt like fire; her touch set my hands alight. I bit lightly on her lower lip asking for entrance and she easily gave in, our now passionate kiss had turned into a full make out. She ran her hands through my hair.

I couldn't stop only there, I had wanted this for so long I would go all the way if had to. I then moved my lips down to her jaw and down to her collar bone planting light feathery kisses all along, I heard a soft moan from the back of her throat, I smiled to myself knowing that she enjoyed this as much as I. I then made my way to her neck; I sucked on the core of her neck.

I kept on kissing and sucking on her neck, my senses were hyphened' there was only a thin layer of skin separating my mouth and her vein from where I could smell the blood running through. Her blood was intoxicating, I could feel my eyes tightening and becoming clearer and darker' my vampire sight and senses at the verge of being in full control. I could hear the blood pump through her heart, every drop that pumped made me want to rip her neck open and ravish the intoxicating liquid.

I could feel my fangs growing bigger and bigger as I kissed on, what were light feathery kisses were now turning into something harder and more passionate, I was licking on her neck wanting to rip her skin open and mark her as mine.

NO! that would be too dangerous, I had to stop, I had to get away from her, she had to go away before I hurt her or even worse kill her...

I abruptly pulled myself away from her breathing heavily; I could hear her breathless pants from behind me. She had to leave, now before I do something I would regret for all my existence.

I could hear the blood pumping from her heart, the smell of her blood lingering around my nose; I wanted her now more than ever, more than a few minutes ago, I needed her to be mine, her scent was so strong on me that I could almost taste her, I imagined how her blood would feel slowly moving from her neck to down my throat, oh the wonder, her blood smelt so good imagine what it would taste like.

I licked my lips and felt my fangs fully grown in my mouth; I couldn't hurt her, not my precious Tiana. I had to control myself, for her wellbeing, for her safety.

"GO! JUST LEAVE TIA!" I screamed at her, wanting her to get as far away from me as possible; there was only so much I could handle and right now I was filled with pure lust and hunger.

She stood there not listening to me, so typical her mind was racing with questions and I could imagine the amount of hurt reflecting in her eyes right now, but rather her feelings hurt than her being dead.

"GO!!!!!" I screamed again.


With that she ran out as fast as she could. I growled out loudly and ran with my vampire speed as far away as I could from her scent.

I knew I had once again led her on; played with her emotions but I couldn't be with her the way she wanted, I knew she wanted me and did I want her just as much if not more. I hated myself right now I hated what I was, I hated that I could hurt Tia with just as much as a hand shake.

This was my entire fault I couldn't control myself and got carried away only to hut her feelings once again; to only make her feel used and thrown away. I ran my hands over my face frustrated.

What was with this girl? Why did I feel so attracted to her? Could William be right? Could she be...? No it can't, she can't! Then why do I feel this way? I had been with many girls in my life but never had I felt this way before!

One things for sure though, if I had hurt her today I would've never been able to forgive myself... never!

Tiana's POV

I looked up at the figure whose shadow stood over me; I quickly wiped my tears away and stood up taking in the person now in front of me.

He was tall but not as tall as Riccardo, he had neatly combed brown hair, with deep brown eyes. He had a perfectly sculptured face. He was the type of guy you wouldn't call cute or hot, but rather handsome. There was no other way to describe him, he was handsome. He looked at me with a blank expression then turned it into a genuine smile.

I looked at him with furrowed brows. He looked familiar, he obviously was from the school but I had seen him somewhere... that's when it clicked he was Riccardo's friend I saw him sitting at Riccardo's lunch table.

"Hey there, what are you doing out here all alone?" he asked breaking the silence between us.

"I could ask you the same thing." I replied.

"Okay I would lie if I didn't see that one coming." He chuckled.

"I'm James." He offered his hand to shake.

"Tia." I replied shaking his hands.

"Yeah I know the exchange student?" he more like asked.

I nodded.

"Its kinda cold out here don't you think? We should get inside." He said.

There was something about James that made me feel restless but not in a good way, he smiled too much and that creeped me out a bit.

"Um yeah we should." I replied.

"Okay you carry on I have to get something for Mr French from the locker rooms, I'll see you around Tia." He smiled.

I smiled and walked off. Well that was weird I thought to myself. It felt as if he was checking up on me or something. I brushed away the thought and made my way back to the school.

I washed up in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my eyes seemed almost back to normal, the last thing I needed was to walk around the school with red puffy eyes from crying. I combed my fingers through my hair and gave myself a once over, I looked pretty normal except for my nose being a little pink from the cold, but then I noticed something on my neck, there was a small red patch just over my neck artery. It was a hickey from Riccardo; I brushed my fingers over it, remembering how much passion I had felt in Riccardo's kiss. It had passion, want and something else that I couldn't exactly put my finger on. His kiss was like no other kiss that I've ever had, well I haven't kissed a lot of people but still compare to the kiss I shared with Jason earlier on it was nothing compared to Riccardo's.

I snapped out of my thoughts, here I was thinking of him again, what was wrong with me? I sighed heavily and pulled a scarf around my neck, even though the hickey was light, it was still noticeable.

There was only about a twenty minutes until the end of the school day, so instead of walking in late for class I headed to the library.

I grabbed any random book and made myself comfortable on one of the soft couches. Even though the book was opened I hadn't been reading it, my mind was too preoccupied thinking about everything that happened in the past week. Everything happened so fast and unexpectedly, just a week ago I was shy Tia who only worried about school and grades. And here I was a week later thinking about how I was to explain to Jason why I kissed him, I still had to find my mystery spandrel guy, but most of all I had been thinking about Riccardo and how he played with my emotions. How he had an effect on me that I couldn't explain, he brought out a whole different me that even I failed to recognise.

"Here you are! Where did you disappear to?" I heard someone ask me.

I turned to look at Emma sitting on the couch next to me.

"Hey Em, um I just needed to clear my mind so I took a walk." I replied with a faint smile.

Emma understood that I didn't want to speak about anything so she just smiled and nodded.

"Just remember that if you want to speak about anything, know that I'm here." She said smiling.

"Thanks Em." I replied pulling her into a small hug.

"Hey you two." I heard an over jolly voice say above me.

I looked up and saw Gabriella smiling at me.

She sat down on a small chair in front of me grinning broadly. This girl was always so jolly and full of life. She was straight forward and spoke her mind. If she didn't like someone she made it obvious but if she took a liking to you she was the best girl that you would know.

"Hi Gabby, what's up?" I smiled.

"Nothing really, apart from me and Emma bunking class looking for you." She replied casually.

I chuckled lightly and said, "Yeah no biggie."

"Nah!" she grinned.

Emma and Gabby chatted for a while; I drifted away from the conversation until I heard Riccardo's name.

"Did you just say Riccardo?" I asked.

"Yeah Tia, Why?" Gabby asked.

"We weren't saying anything specific, I was just asking Emma if she saw where he was, I haven't seen him since lunch. Have you Tia?" Gabriella asked before I could reply to her previous question.

Hearing his name made my heart race at 250 miles, I didn't want to think about him let alone speak to him.

He toyed with my emotions and I wanted nothing more to do with him. But somehow Gabriella asking me about him as if she knew about him made me feel sort of jealous, I mean Gabriella was gorgeous, I stood no chance against her.

What was wrong with me? Here I was thinking of that Riccardo again. I have to stop I mentally told myself.

"Nope I haven't." I lied.

"Besides why are you looking for Riccardo? You should stay away from him he's a jerk; no sorry jerk is an understatement!" I said a little too loudly. I couldn't help myself, it was like an almost outbreak of emotions. All I felt was anger towards him, and I was taking it out on poor Gabriella.

"All he'll ever do is compliment himself and feel all smug about it! He thinks he's too good for anyone to even speak to him, he thinks he can do as he pleases, he thinks he owns everything and everyone!" I continued. I just couldn't stop myself. I knew I would regret this later but I had already gone too far to stop.

"And don't get me started on his ever changing moods!" I chuckled humourlessly.

"One minute he's all too friendly the next he just snaps and turns cold, like you don't even exist! I swear his mother shouldn't have named him Retardo rather than Riccardo! Yeah that suits him best because his nothing but a self-centred, mood changing, jerk of a retard!" I finished taking in a long breath.

Both the girls looked at me as if I had lost my mind, they eyes were sticking out and Emma's mouth was a little open, I didn't know why but Emma looked a little awkward.

"Chill Tia, Gabby just asked if you saw him and you gave out a whole seminar here." Emma said with a blank tone.

Gabby started laughing, owning her a glare from the few people around the library.

Before I could ask the bell signalling the end of the day rang. Emma, Gaby and I took our things and made our way out of the library, Gabby still had a smirk on her face; she still hadn't gotten over what I'd said about Riccardo.

My stomach was turning inside out now, I had to finally face Jason, and boy was that going to be awkward.

"Tia?" I heard Gabriella taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you and Emma would like to spend the afternoon at my place. I mean it is Friday meaning the start of the weekend." She asked.

"Sorry Gabby, but I've gotta babysit my annoying little brother today, my parents have something they gotta do and the nanny called in sick." Emma replied rolling her eyes.

"Awe too bad Em, what about you Tia?" she asked.

"Um I don't know Gabby, I mean..." I started.

"No excuses Tia you're coming and that's final! Please for me?" she pouted.

"Besides it would be fun! My parents aren't even in town." She said.

I chuckled and said, "Oh well fine then."

"Yay then its final, you're coming with me home now!" she exclaimed.

"Okay but let me text Jason and let him know." I said smiling.

Maybe spending the afternoon with Gabby was a good idea; it would get my mind of things and buy me time away from Jason. I pulled out my phone and texted Jason.

'Hey Jason, going home with a friend so don't wait for me, ok : ) x'

'Cool enjoy! : ) x 'was his reply.

I put my phone away and made my way to Gabriella's car. Emma had said goodbye and looked at me with a weird expression it was like she was trying to tell me something but couldn't exactly say it. I figured I would ask her about it sometime. Gabriella stopped in front of a fancy black looking SUV, it looked expensive.

"Wow, nice car." I told her.

"Thanks, but it's not exactly mine it's my brothers my, car is gone in for service so I got a ride with him today." She smiled.

"You have a brother?" I asked. I honestly didn't know she had a brother; all I knew was that she had a boyfriend who I was yet to meet.

She opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by a male voice grabbing her waist from behind.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled.

I looked at her boyfriend's face as soon as it came into view and I saw that it was the same guy whom I had met in the football field earlier on; James he said he's name was.

"Oh sorry, Tia this is my boyfriend Ja..." Gabby started.

"James." I cut her off.

"Yeah and James this is..."

"Tia" James cut her off.

"Well then it seems you two have met." Gabby said.

"Um yeah, just a brief encounter... today actually." I said.

If James was Gabriella's boyfriend that meant that her boyfriend was friends with Riccardo, and I remember Emma saying that James was dating Riccardo's sister, so did that mean, Gabriella's brother was Ri...

"Riccardo!" I heard Gabby scream cutting me away from my thoughts.

I looked up to see Riccardo walking up to our little group, with a blank expression. He didn't as much as glance towards me, it was like I wasn't even there.

"Ricky this is my friend Tia, she's the exchange student." Gabriella introduced me.

"And Tia this is my brother Riccardo." She grinned at me.

"But I take it that you two have met before right?" she looked at me grinning broadly.

I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks, I had been blabbering and bad mouthing Ricardo just a while ago, not knowing that Gaby was in fact Riccardo's sister. Stupid me; I always had the bad habit of not being able to control my mouth.

Riccardo didn't as much as look at me, he just turned on his heels and walked to the car getting in the driver's seat. Riccardo was really rich because he didn't only have the Ferrari but this expensive SUV too.

James followed him and so did gabby, but as she made her way I grabbed her hand and pulled her aside. I had to apologise for I said about her brother, no matter how your brother was; nobody liked to hear bad things about him even from your friend.

"Gabby I'm sorry... I didn't know Riccardo was your brother and I just kept on taunting him and..." I started.

"It's cool Tia, you don't need to apologise, and I know my brother can be a jerk, so no sweat." She chuckled.

"Now come on, Ricky can get a little impatient." She said pulling my hand with her towards the car.

Shoot that's what Emma had probably been trying to tell me through her weird expression, now I was stuck to spend an entire evening at Riccardo's house. So much for staying away!


"No Tia, don't tell me you backing out form our evening just because you and my brother don't exactly get along." She said seriously.

I sighed and smiled, "of course not."

"Great!" she smiled brightly.

She stopped at the back door and said softly before she could get in, "He's not so bad once you get to know him you know."

With that she got in the car, I walked to the other end to sit in the backseat behind the driver, but to my dismay James was sitting there.

"Sorry Tia, but I didn't see Gabby for almost the whole day, so you'll have to sit in the front with Ric." He said grinning.

I looked at Gabby and James with pleading eyes but that seemed to have no effect on them, so I reluctantly made my way to the front with Riccardo. This shouldn't be so bad right? I've gone home with him before, that too in a two seat Ferrari.

Riccardo started the engine and we took off. I sighed and rested my head against the seat, boy was this going to be a long afternoon.

Pls comment, vote or fan if I deserve it of course! ;) <3.

Pic of James ---------------->>>>>

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