The bad boy and the loner girl

By NotPerfect_SueMe

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Beatrice hates school, and everyone in it. she has one friend, her names Mags. other then that she is a loner... More

chapter 1:my life in a nut shell
chapter 2: ohmigosh
Chapter 3: i will squirt you
chapter 4: the loner life
Chapter 5: high as a butterfly
Chapter 6: motor bikes and hitch hikes
Chapter 7: revenge is coming
Chapter 8: centipede
Chapter 9: the secret
Chapter 10: the bad boy cries?
Chapter 11: i am a ninja
Chapter 12: part 1: stuck in a horror movie
Chapter 12: part 2: stuck in a horror movie
Chapter 13: cause sloths are cool
Chapter 14: sassy pants
Chapter 15: i want fabulous
Chapter 16: him and his stupid lips
Chapter 17: tears and confessions
Chapter 18: dont be a meaner
Chapter 19: date night
Chapter 20: cleaners?
Chapter 21: dinner disaster
Chapter 22: eating and throwing
Chapter 23: christmas sex
Chapter 24: zombie apocalypse 101
Chapter 26: love me or hate me
Authors note!
Chapter 27: prom

Chapter 25: thank the sloth lord

7.4K 253 36
By NotPerfect_SueMe

"You know he will pull through." Ash says as he kills a zombie.

"Yea but i dont want him to just pull through at the last minute. I want a promposal." I say sadly as i round a corner aiming my gun.

Ash and i are playing COD at my house right now which im doing amazingly at by the way.

I cant believe Jace wont go. Like seriously though its one night. He cant sacrifice one night for the girl he supposedly loves?

"Boys suck." I groan.

"Hey not all of them!" Ash yells.

I laugh before frowning when a zombie kills me. "Nooooo!"

"Dammit Beatie now i have to survive this level alone!"

A minute later and hes dead too. Idiot, everyone knows not to stay still when theirs zombies everywhere.

Once we get tired of playing we head up to my room.

"He will ask you." Ash states as he lays on my bed as if its his own.

"Doesn't seem like he will." I pout.

"Common stay positive!" He yells and jumps on me.

"Oh get off ya big sloth!" I laugh.


"Mother whats for supper?"

She glances up at me before answering "spinach, mushrooms and rice."

I wrinkle my knows in disgust "ewww! Im not eating that."

"Suit yourself, just dont eat then." She says casually.

"Why such a grotesque supper?"

"We need to start eating healthier." She replies.

"Mhhhm." I say questionably before leaving the kitchen.

Before i can get back up to my room the door bell rings.

"I got it mum!!!" I yell.

I wonder who it is, couldnt be Ash he just left and hour ago, Jace wouldn't because im mad at him. Finnick had a family thing and i dont think Darren would be here since his parents are finally home today.

I open the door to see no body.

Wow i swear is someones playing that door bell game.

Wait a sec... Theirs a note on my doorstep?

What the heck? If its some practical joke where something pops out at me or sprays me when i open it i will freak the freak out.

I slowly pick it up with much needed caution before opening it up little by little.

Hmm nothing exploded so i start to read it.

Dear Beatie,

Since ive been a sucky boyfriend i decided to try and at least attempt to make it up to you.

Im at the place where we had a blast for the first time, you pulled out your water gun while i laughed my ass- butt off.

See you soon love.


I smile instantly and turn to grab my phone and bag before yelling a quick 'im going out!' To my mom.

So if i remember correctly he will be at the alley way where we first met.... The creepy, dark scarily sketchy alley way.

Yay. *note the sarcasm*

how am i going to get their!?

I dont have a car, i dont have a motorcycle like him and i also dont have my G2 licence, just G1. Im too scared to drive alone. Don't judge me!

I also dont have any change for the city bus.

I frown and sit on my driveway thinking.

I look back at the note to see a piece of the paper still folded. I unfold the bottom and notice one last sentence.

Ps. Look in your mailbox.

Of course.

I roll my eyes before getting back up and heading towards my mailbox.

I open it to fine at least 20 coins!

I stuff them into my bag and skip happily to the bus stop.

Its 6:40 which means a bus should be here in 5 minutes.

As soon as im off the bus again i fast walk to where i think the alley way was.

This past year ive become much more aware of my home town. Jace and Darren drove me everywhere but Jace made sure to point out where we are so i dont get lost again.

Dont see why hes complaining because thats how we met, he should be thanking me since i have no sense of direction.

Im still partially mad that he wont go to prom but maybe whatever he has planned will make up for at least a bit of it.

Once the alley comes into my view i slow down a bit and slowly, carefully round the corner into it. I pull out my water gun again because its too dark in here to see what it really is and i will scare all the creeps away hopefully!

I grin and spot another piece of bright yellow paper taped to the cold brick wall.

Really Jace another one?

I pull it off the wall and open it quickly this time.

Beatrice if your reading this then you've clearly figured out my first riddleish note. Congrats!

If this isnt beatrice then put it back and dont read stuff that isn't yours! Gosh!


Anyways beatie now go to the place we shot each other for the first time.

Love you!

Rolling my eyes i think back to the first time i shot him. He could mean call of duty but i think he means when we went paint balling. Either way he would be wrong because the first time i shot him was right here.

With my amaze balls squirt gun.

I guess i should head to Paint ball mania now.

Good thing this isnt my money being spent on these ridiculous bus rides.

*Insert evil laugh here*


5 clues later and im at Dine and no Dash about to read the note that he left on the table we used when he gave me the ring that i have on my finger at this very moment actually.

I smile and twirl it around my finger.

Okay concentrate beatie.

Im hoping this is the last note.

Mostly because i just want to kiss him for putting so much work into this and also because i only have a couple coins left.

So beatrice, here you are. The love of my life. The only girl in the world that im meant to be with.
Im the bad boy and your the loner girl, who would have guessed?
Im glad i ran into you that one night. Im glad you were lost. Im glad those jerks spilt that slime on you.
Come find me, beautiful.
Im in a place we've been before. Full of life and beauty just like you. Their are flowers and... Nature. Trees take over and a view like no other.

OHMIGOSH can i die of Jaces cuteness?

After im done having my fan girl moment i start to freak out for a whole other reason.

I have no idea where he's talking about!

Maybe a park but he said theirs a view like no other. I dont think sweaty kids is what he had in mind. Might as well check anyway!


So it wasn't a park with swings and shiz.

He said we've been their before though? I know we haven't because he never set up a picnic or anything romantic in the nature before.

Then again we did walk through that fantastic park filled with trails for walking and stuff?!

That was our first official date!

Ill go their next i guess, if thats not it then i give up!


When i arrive i notice the sign saying "place of worship"

Yup this is where we walked on our first date. Its beautiful so i hope this is where he is!

If i find another note imma scream.

I walk into the forest a bit until i have to choose between 4 different paths.

I look to each one individually.

I notice a red rose in the middle of the path on my right.

Is that for me? No Jace isnt that romantic.

Is he?

I slowly bend over to pick it up and notice a note attached to it.

Ughhh! Seriously!?

For fudge sakes Jace.

Beatie. Follow the red roses.

Thats it, thats all it says.


I smile and skip happily down the trail picking up each rose as i go.


Thanks for reading!

A bit short but i just wanted to update! :P

Couldn't resist! :P

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Thank you guys so much for everything it means so much to me!

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