Shadows | Clalec

By iovemay

184K 9.8K 2.7K

[COMPLETED] "Emotions are nothing but a distraction, Clary." He said and I looked at him and knew that his he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 28

2.6K 150 23
By iovemay

[Do not kill me for this chapter please... and... euhh... I hate Jonathan. Make sure to follow me on wattpad for spoilers and make sure to vote and comment!]


I felt overwhelmed with all these emotions. They were a bit too much for me to even handle. Alec was such a complicated person. I never knew that he build up that much inside him. I could feel that he was feeling guilty, sad and just as me overwhelmed. I could sense all of these emotions.

"Clary, we need to go. It is Halloween." I heard Izzy saying. I looked behind me and had confusion all over my face. It is Halloween today?

"Demons always run wild when it is Halloween. It is the devil's night and it is much easier for them to cause chaos as everyone dresses themselves up." Izzy said after she saw the confusion on my face and I mouthed 'oh'. That would be making sense. I was still shaken up about me and Alec. We were parabatai and my damn rune was still burning up. It hurts like hell.

Izzy and I both walked to the weapon room and took the weapons we needed. I was looking around in the room to see where Alec was but there was no sign of Alec or my brother Jace. I did not ask Izzy anything. I did not wanted to come over clingy, I mean we are not in a relationship. We were just parabatai.

"Jace and Alec already left. We will be meeting them in the club." Izzy said and again all the memories came up. My birthday when I met all of them. When I got attacked by a demon, which I was protecting. Where I met the obnoxious Alec.

If someone would tell me that my life would turn up like this, I would have thought that they were crazy and just walk away. The shadow world was extreme but easier than a mundane life and much more exciting too. Feeling the rush when I kill a demon or when I was in danger was some kind of so good to feel.

"Let's go." Izzy said when she took a seraph blade. I nodded and we portalled to the club. It was the exact same club. We walked inside without any of them realising that we were there. It was amazing but weird. I walked inside and I saw Alec and Jace. They were both standing next to girls. I activated my hearing rune and heard now exactly what they said.

"Let's call it a night and come over to my house." I heard the girl say and looking at Alec. I felt myself getting angry and jealous and I knew I wasn't at my best if I was so. Jace smiled to the other girl which annoyed me even more.

"Hello, sexy." I heard a man say. My attention got broken of from Alec and the girl. I looked up at the man who just approached me. He had a smile on his face and I looked away from him.

"Dance with me." He said and I looked over at Izzy who tried to warn me. I looked behind me and I could see him checking me out. His eyes were glowing. It was a demon. I decided to distract him and kill him.

I took his hand seductively and started dancing with him on the music. I rushed my hand through his hair and smiled when I could see he was enjoying it. I let my hips move in the rhythm of the music and bit on my lip when the unknown man was enjoying his view.

I stopped when I saw Alec looking at me. He looked furious. No, he was beyond furious. I could see him walking towards us and when the man touched me I burned him out of fear.

My powers were again all over the place and I looked at the man.

"You are a shadowhunter." He growled and I saw him changing. He pushed me and I grunted. I took my seraph blade and tried to attack him but all my efforts were in vain.

Alec pushed me away from the demon and let his arrow fly right through him and the demon burned up. Alec quickly turned around to face me. I was still gasping.

"Are you out of your mind?!" He screamed at me. I was so happy that no one really could see us but only Izzy and Jace. I looked at him but did not really say something. I hesitated. I did not kill the demon. I was too slow.

"What? I was doing my job just like you, Alec!" I screamed back at him when I reminded myself that he was flirting with other girls. He rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw.

"Damn you, Clary." Alec said and walked away from me. I looked at Izzy who was shocked herself. My brother Jace found it amusing somehow because there was a small grin on his face. I sighed and rushed my hands through my hair out of frustration.

"It was a bit too much. I thought you were about to kiss him but seeing Alec jealous is somehow amusing. I have never seen that." Izzy said with a smile and I shook my head. Why would he even be jealous?

"I am just going to catch a breath outside." I said and walked out without even listening what they would say or think about it. It was dangerous to walk around alone because the whole place was full of demons and they all wanted me.

"Fuck you, Alec!" I screamed as soon as I came outside. I hated how he could do things and if I did it he would be furious. Why? It was so damn frustrating. He was confusing me. I don't know how to feel about him. He was just so fucking confusing.

"You seem quite upset, little sister." I heard someone say. I frowned and knew it wasn't Jace. I turned around and saw Jonathan. Out of shock, I let a small gasp come out of my mouth, which I regretted right away when I saw how amused he was by my fear of him. He knew that I was afraid of him and he was going to take advantage of it.

"Because I am and believe me you do not want to mess around with me right now." I warned him but instead of getting shocked or surprised by my answer, he laughed. He should really watch out because somehow my powers were back and he wouldn't love or like that.

"Oh, little sissy. You wouldn't even dare hurting me." He said and in one flashed he was right next to me. I gasped and backed away a bit but he held my arm, very tight. He looked me in my eyes and started smiling. His smile gave me chills all over my body. One question always rambled around in my mind. Who made him this way? It couldn't be that he was born evil. I don't believe it. I don't want to.

I saw a rune next to him. Confused, I looked at it but quickly started drawing it on my hand and directed my hand on him. I saw electricity coming out of my hand. The electricity blinded my eyes and I couldn't look at Jonathan. I felt the energy draining out of me and all the power I just had faded quickly away. I looked at the direction where Jonathan was standing but there was no sign of him.

I felt myself getting dizzy and I started looking around me and I was relieved knowing that Jonathan was gone. He was gone and I was safe. I had no idea what kind of rune I had used and the outcome did not amuse me. All the life I had inside was completely sucked out by electricity that came out of my hand.

I looked at my hand and my skin was red and swollen. I touched it with my finger and grunted when I felt it burning because of my touch. I started to breathe faster and looked at the stars above me. They were shining happy and I smiled. Heaven was really there wasn't it?

I had no clue why I reminded myself of heaven. I guess it was because the life in me got sucked out when I used the electricity rune. I had never seen a rune-like that but then again I was new. I was a new shadowhunter and maybe it was normal to feel this way. Something in me felt off about it and I knew that it was not what I thought but I wouldn't agree with it. I wouldn't agree that I was different from the others. I never asked to be a legend. I never asked any of this.

I saw my eyesight getting blurry and I knew sooner or later I would collapse on the ground and no one would know where I was. Now I was regretting that I rushed out of the club. I wish I had stayed there because having an argument with Alec was not that hurtful than experiencing this. I was one-to-one to my brother Jonathan and I knew if he had a chance he would have either took me with him or kill me.

Why did he dislike me so much? What did I do to him?

Somehow we were really similar to each other. We were both abandoned. We did not receive the love from our parents and we were both alone. We were scared. We were unloved. The only difference was that he was the devil and I was the angel. He was the devil within and I knew he was here to just haunt me or painfully kill me. The second part scared me the most.

I grunted again and felt the same energy source I felt when I realised the power out of my hand. It was hurtful and it made me want to faint. It felt like my body would shut down any minute. I felt anxious. Would the mundanes be able to see me when I was unconscious?

My mind travelled around to another thought. Was Alec feeling my pain? He should have. I was his parabatai. He would be able to sense my pain. I just hope he would take it seriously because knowing him, I don't really think he would care.

We were so complicated. We both denied our feelings for one another but yet still get jealous when we see someone else getting too close to us. Izzy's words travelled around in my mind. Was he really jealous or was I just making it up? Because I deeply inside me did hoped he was jealous. I hoped he would tear the boy's hands off my body. I hoped he would be in his place but yet he was not there.

I felt my legs getting weaker and I looked behind me to see if someone had followed me but there was no sign of Jace, Izzy or Alec. I was really doomed. I let out a deep sigh and right after that everything went black and the last thing I felt was the cold and wet floor.

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