What Once Was A Dream

By unionj_forever12

10.3K 393 28

August Wood an aspiring dancer with a big dream. August has only ever known the world of dance but what happe... More

Chapter 1/ A Friend I Might Have A Crush On
Chapter 2 / The Chemisty We Share
Chapter 3 Get Off Noodle
Chapter 4 What We Can Become
Chapter 5/ Give Him A Chance
Chapter 6/ Trust Me
Chapter 7 / Movies And A Dance Battle?
Chapter 8/ Back Stabbing Bitch
Chapter 9/ Affect My Furture
Chapter 10/ A Date That Went Horribly Wrong
Chapter 11/ Not Worth A Second Thought
Chapter 12 / A Dream I Have To Throw Away
Chapter 13/ You Didn't Sign Up For This
Chapter 14/ Hobbling Myself Around
Not a chapter but Q&A!!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
The End Of The Road
Part Two - The New Beginning
Part 2- I'm not Jordan......i'm Daniel
Part 2- You Ruined Me
Part 2- Without Judgement
Part 2- Unfollowed
Part 2- This Moment
Part 2- Space
Part 2 Right In Front Of Me
Part 2- What Did I Do
Part 2- Trust Me
Part 2- How He Talks About You
Who's the Daddy
Jordan's Secret
Part 2- This is there end and each of them need a new beginning
Everyday -part 2
Happy Fucking Birthday Your A Daddy
Friends Is No Longer Enough
Tragedy strikes Part 1 Out Of 4
Tragedy Strikes part 2 out of 4
Tragedy Strikes part 3 out of 4
Tragedy strikes Part 4 Out Of 4

Part 2- Let loose

53 4 0
By unionj_forever12

It's been about a month, and Jonah and I are finally going for our time away. Jordan is good as well as the baby, Her morning sickness is bad and that's why I feel bad for leaving her.

"Your going to fuck him "

"Nooo I'm not. We're going as friends "

"In till you come back and say you slept with him"

"Not Going to happen"

J just rolled her eyes at me, continuing to shake her head. I know she wants something to happen on this trip. An entire two weeks away with someone I can't completely control myself around, but my goal and hopefully I stick to it is not to sleep with him. Try to keep this friendship for as long as I can in till it comes to that point we're friendship is no longer enough and we hit the end of the road. How we truly know when friendship is no longer enough. When you know you've fallen in love and you can't control the urge to kiss one another. Or when you just know it's no longer what you want. I don't know why are relationships difficult.

"Please let yourself go when your away, just see what happens atleast  "

"He told you "

"Yeah, he  tells me most  things " Billie walks into our dorm and sits on our couch

"Do he tell you about  his intentions?" Jordan asks and wiggles her eyebrows.

"He said it's whatever you want it to be"

"Your not going to give anything away either "

"Nope, just pack for all types of weather"

I just stuffed clothes into a bag and grab my toiletries, I'm nervous to go away with Jonah. But excited at the same time, I feel like a girl who's had her first boyfriend with butterflies in the pit of their stomach. Trying to remember a time when I felt this way and to say the least I can't, my previous relationship the light had gone out and the spark was fading. Sam was a relationship full of confusion of my own feelings as everyone was in my ear to date him. We were pressured to be together that we felt a thousand miles apart. I'm always scared to be in a relationship, only because I don't think about the beginning but only think about how it will end and when it will end.

"Are you sure your going to be okay without me for two weeks. I really don't want to leave you alone "

"I'll be fine, stop making excuses. Noodle and Bean will check in one me as well as Zach as well as Billie. I have an army, I'm taken care of, now go sort out what ever it is with Jonah. Let yourself  feel something for him August. His a good guy" her face softens, with thought of Jonah being a good guy. Cause we all know he is. However everything is just so confusing .

When she said my full name I knew she was serious. Over the past three years I've kinda forgotten what it feels like to hear my full name. I've always been Auggie, or Aug but never August. In a weird way August doesn't really feel like my name anymore, I know when I introduce myself I do it as August, but after about a week it's Auggie.i know that's random but it was something I wanted to address.

About 15 minutes later Jonah shows up at my dorm, to pick me up. He picks up my bag and we walk to the car.

"Won't the boys be needing the car"

"That's why there's something called Uber. They understood "

"And Daniel "

"He wants you to be happy, and if that's with me being whatever we are he said have fun. "

"From this point on we do not speak of Daniel. "

"Daniel who " he raises an eyebrow and winks at me.

The car ride up was peaceful we didn't really talk, just listened to music some old school pop and the more sad songs ever written. It was the typical scene you would see in a movie, the jamming out to the upbeat songs. When it started raining head against the window and gazing out into the world. From the corner of my eye I could see Jonah starring, his big puppy dog eyes and smile he makes me blush.

Daniel's pov

"What do you think will happen between them"

"I don't know man, you have to let her go though. You guys are over and have been for awhile "

"I loved her Jack and I hate myself for doing what I did. I thought being a villain would make it easier but it just made it worst "

"You crushed her. "

Subtle but I understand what's his trying to say so harshly. I decided to message her

D: Hey
A: What do you want Daniel

D: How many times do I have to say sorry before you forgive me for real.

A: I don't know, maybe every time you say sorry. I still may never be able to

D: I willing to keep fighting for you

A: haha, that's funny because if I remember correctly you said you were done fighting for me and then kept making out with Jess. Over text message saying your willing to fight for me means nothing intill you actually prove it. Prove it that your willing to fight for me. If not just leave me the hell alone and don't interfere with any of my relationships.

"What Just happened "

"I'm going to drive up there and fight for her. "

"Did you nit listen to one fucking word i said "


"Idiot "  Jack face palms himself on my behalf.

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