That Moment (Harry styles/Sel...

By elizabeth_756

72.4K 2K 275

Meet Claire Woods she's a famous successful celebrity. She's terrified of love but why? She has everything in... More

Hi my name is. . . :)
- Chapter 1 -
- Chapter 2 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 6 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 -
- Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 13 -
- Chapter 14 -
- Chapter 15 -
- Chapter 16 -
- Chapter 17 -
- Chapter 18 -
- Chapter 19 -
- Chapter 20 -
- Chapter 22 -
- Chapter 23 -
- Chapter 24 -
- Chapter 25 -
- Chapter 26 -
- Chapter 27 -
- Chapter 28 -
- Chapter 29 -
- Chapter 30 -
- Chapter 31 -
- Chapter 32 -
- Chaper 33 -
- Chapter 34 -
- Chapter 35 -
- Chapter 36 -
- Chapter 37 -
- Chapter 38 -
- Chapter 39 -
- Chapter 40 -
- Chapter 41-
- Chapter 42 -
- Chapter 43 -
- Chapter 44 -
- Chapter 45 -
- Chapter 46 -
- Chapter 47 -
- Chapter 48 -
- Chapter 49 -
- Chapter 50 -
- Chapter 51 -
- Chapter 52 -
- Chapter 53 -
- Chapter 54 -
- Chapter 55 -
- Chapter 56 -
- Chapter 57 -
- Chapter 58 -
- Chapter 59 -
- Chapter 60 -
- Chapter 61 -
- Chapter 62 -
- Chapter 63 -
- Chapter 64 -
- Chapter 65 -
- Chapter 66 -
- Chapter 67 -
- Chapter 68 -
- Chapter 69 -
- Chapter 70 -
- Chapter 71 -
- Chapter 72 -
- Chapter 73 -
- Chapter 74 -
- Chapter 75 -
- Chapter 76 -
- Chapter 77 -
- Chapter 78 -
- Chapter 79 -
- Chapter 80 -
- Chapter 81 -
- Chapter 82 -
- Chapter 83 -
- Chapter 84 -
- Chapter 85 -
- Chapter 86 -
- Chapter 87 -
- Chapter 88 -
- Chapter 89 -
- Chapter 90 -
- Chapter 91 -
- Chapter 92 -
- Chapter 93 -
- Chapter 94 -
- Chapter 95 -
- Chapter 96 -
- Chapter 97 -
- Epilogue -
Authors Note

- Chapter 21 -

764 22 2
By elizabeth_756


"So we have pictures of Harry Styles back in his hometown over Christmas break with a certain girl." I heard this guy from TMZ say. They showed pictures of me walking out of the pizza place I took Claire. There was also one outside my house where we kissed. Thank god they couldn't see her face since she was covered up but how the heck did they get those pictures I didn't even notice. "Looks like things are serious with her and it's not just a fling if he bothered to take her to his place to meet his family."

"Yea yea I get it I mean the medias made him into some womanizer but really he doesn't look like that I'm glad." That guy Harvey said. "Wonder who she is tho. We don't have pictures of her face and no doubt she's the same one from the other pictures."

"Harruhhhh what are you watching?" Claire walked in with this petite blond haired girl behind her. She looked at the screen. "Oh yea they got pictures sorry." She nervously put a hand to the back of her neck. She looked so cute when she does that.

"At least they didn't get your face but seriously how long are you guys gonna keep this up." Zayn asked. "Sooner or later there gonna get a picture of you two together." Logan said.

"We'll talk about that later but look guys this is Alex." Alex walked out from behind Claire and waved at us. "Hi it's nice to meet you." She said quietly barely audible and for some reason she reminded me of a girl version of Niall.

"Hey love I'm Liam, this is Zayn, Louis, Harry-" she cut him off. "I know who you all are your one direction." She said smiling and taking a seat beside Kendall.

"Do you know some of the songs we released?" I asked. "Sorry I don't really listen to your music." She said looking down. Nialls smile dropped and so did all ours. "It's not my type I'm more of a Wanted fan."

"It's ok love they have good music too." Liam said giving her a reassuring smile. Niall looked at her like he was studing her and she looked uncomfortable. Claire must have noticed because she suggested we go for a swim in the indoor pool and well all agreed.


After we all changed we went straight for the pool but Alex was the only one not getting in. I couldn't help but wonder why she has a fit body but all she wore were big long sleeved sweatshirts and baggy sweatpants. Every now and then she would tug at her sleeves and look down. I also noticed the lack of eye contact she would make when one of us would talk to her.

"Niall stop staring your making her uncomfortable" Zayn said. I couldn't help it there was just something off about her like she was hiding something. She was shy and very quiet. Thru out the whole afternoon she wouldn't say much and she would just stare off into space.

I excused myself to go to the kitchen to get some more snacks for the movie we were watching when I walked in Alex was washing her hands and I saw her roll her sleeves up. Her whole arms were filled with dark purple bruises.

"What happened to your hands?" I panicked at I ran to her and examined her hands. She pulled them away and rolled her sleeves back down. "It's nothing I just bruise easily please don't worry about me." She looked down and walked away leaving me there wondering what happened to her.

I walked back out after a few minutes because the lads were yelling at me to hurry up. Alex wasn't there anymore I guess she went to sleep. Harry and Louis were cuddling against Claire since she was in the middle and she kept complaining that she couldn't concentrate on the movie. Claire and Harry were great for each other but I wonder when Harry's gonna have the balls enough to ask her to be his girlfriend.

Louis had Eleanor and Liam had Sophia. Me and Zayn were the only single ones now. The reason I don't have a girlfriend is because I don't just want some girl I want to make sure she's the right girl for me. I'm waiting for my princess. Alex could be my princess I know I don't know her but to me it looks like she needs a prince to save her from whatever she's going thru and I would like to be that prince. Just by looking at her I could tell she was never like how she is now. Something changed her or someone.

I actually got to see her smile just for a second and it was beautiful. It was when Claire and Liam were against Zayn and Louis on what movie we would watch. Claire and Liam wanted Toy Story but Zayn and Louis wanted Finding Nemo. Alex was siting there with me looking at her I know I sound like some creepy stalker but no I saw her actually smile like a full on smile and it was a beautiful sight.

I looked over to where she was sitting at awhile ago before she left. I didn't feel up to watchin the rest so I just got up said good night and left to the room. The whole Time I brushed my teeth and charged my phone I was thinking of Alex and her bruises. I layed down looking up at the ceiling still thinking of her and I found myself thinking of her the whole night.

~ ALEX's POV ~

The shower was the only place I could cry openly. I walked out and looked at my body in the mirror but just saw purple bruises everywhere. They were getting better but when break would be over new ones were coming. I changed into my usual baggy clothing and went to bed.

Nialls face appeared in my mind when I would close my eyes and I couldn't help but feel bad. His face was filled with concern but I barely knew him. I heard my phone ring from beside and grabbed it to answer.


"Hey bitch are you still writing those lame ass songs of yours" I heard laughter in the background.

"Please just leave me alone."

"Aww are you gonna cry god your such a crybaby"

"Hey let's sing one of her songs!" I heard some guy yell. They started singing and in the process they made fun of it. The tears were falling freely from my eyes. I couldn't hang up because if I did the beatings would be worse. When they finished they just hung up. I layed there looking at the ceiling wondering what I did to deserve this.

"God I don't do anything bad. Why am I getting treated like this? I'm sorry for whatever it is I did just please make the pain stop. Please!"

(A/N) hey I just wanted to say that well this book isn't just gonna be about Claire and Harry there's gonna be a small story about Alex in here too.

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