Written In The Stars : Guardi...

By GingerEyes

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Ava is the Collectors daughter and a woman known as the" Guardian". She is well known to go back in time ille... More

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy.
Chapter One : Who?
Chapter Two : Busted
When I First Met Loki
First Kiss On Our Wedding Day
Chapter Four : The Midgardain Game
The Letter * ADDED ON*
Chapter Five : The Deal
Where Were You?
Chapter Six : Into Eternity
Chapter Seven : Siblings That Are Worlds Apart
It's Fine
Chapter Eight : Hello Again.
Your A True Princess
Chapter Nine : Family Blood
How The Prince Was Created
Chapter Ten : Deliverence
One Last Favor For Her
Chapter Eleven : For My Family
I Looked At You In The Eyes
Chapter Twelve: Kill Him
Make Me Scream
Chapter Thirteen : Everything Comes With A Price
We Are The Guardians
Chapter Fourteen: Goodbye

Chapter Three : The Truth Comes Out *Added On*

799 21 1
By GingerEyes

I don't want to go to jail, Loki.

I know you were in a cell for over two years after the aliance with Thano's was broken , but you were surronded by loved ones.You may have been jelous of your brother, but you still had love from your wife and family. Your mother and I would always look after you.

She loved you and still does when you rest in the clouds with her.

But the fact about this horrible situation is that I am going to be locked up with a whole bunch of people that I don't know. You had it good Loki , I will envy you for that. Your sentence was for life though, my sentence for illegal time travel use is 350 years. But I am immoral so I can outlive it, I will look older but I will be alive and well.

I hope.

The armed Corps had been side to side with me as I was on the stairs to get into the jet. I had felt the rage of anger and stress runs through my bodies system. I wanted to escape as soon as I can and tried to escape by getting the others to weaken down.

My first swing was to the man on my right. He had gotten hit by the swing and taken a step back. I hit the man on the other side who was quickly approaching me at top speed. I had seemed to hit him too hard as he backed away with his hand on his head.

I was going to swing again, but I was stopped by the sound of a reloaded gun right next to my ear. I turned to the sound slowly and stared at the Corp wit the weapon.

He was middle aged a bit taller then six feet tall.  His curly brown hair covered a stand on his face, while his large blue eyes still remained focoused on me.

"Your a pretty little thing, don't make me use this on you" He said in a lower tone.

"I guess that you wouldnt want to hurt me officer.' I said in a quiet tone.

"It's Corp! I am a Corp not some cop from Midgard . "

"Sorry my appoligies Mr..." I began.

"Dey, And I already know who you are. Your that girl who has been doing the illegal time traveling and forging identies . Guardain correct?" He lowered his weapon.

"Yea, that's me. But my true name is..."

"Ava Taneleer, the child of the Collector. We are well aware who you are now kid" He said with a grin on his face.

"Kid? I am older then you I am over two thousand years old , who are you calling kid?" I said. He is thinking crazy talk right now. He knows who I am and who my father is so there is no point of him calling me that.

"Sorry but your appearence makes you look like one"

"It may, but that doesnt mean that you should call me one"

Mr. Dey had rolled his blue eyes at me then cleared his throat. " Well ,we can argue about that later, we however should put you two in the aircraft"

"Two of us?" I ask.

"Yea you and the baby"

Are you freakin kidding me. First the age and now this ?

I had felt his weapon touch the center of my back . He wasn't playing any more games with me anymore pressing a weapon where my baby was. He would shoot, I could tell just by the look in his eyes before he had moved back behind me.

I taken the steps into the ship . Slowly I began to get the feeling that I am going to change while I am going to be locked in the prison . The 350 years is going to be alot for me , my child will be born and live his or her first years knowing that I was a crimioal in the law.

I am not  too sure if he or she would forgive me.

"Ava!"  I had heard the voice of Father at a distance. My head had turned and my body froze looking at him. He was by the closest pillar with Carina by his side. The two had locked their eyes onto me and seemed like he was almost going to cry.

"Father," I breathe.

I knew that he didn't hear me . Corpman Dey had turned around to see the man as well. Father's lips had parted slowly going to speak something else to me but the officer had turned around and pushed me to keep on going.

But I didn't want to go, I wanted to say goodbye.

"Cant I.." I began.  I wanted to at least say something to my only living parent before I leave for three hundred and fifty years.

"We are already behind sehedule Ava," Dey continued giving a gentle nudge to me. Yet I had kept still and firm to my ground as I asked again.

"My father , is right there can I at least..."I pleaded again to him. Dey had looked at me in a stern expression then waved father over to me. Dey had ushered the guards into the jet as he muttered that  I only had a few moments with him.

Father had rushed up to the stairs and Carina had followed in a quick pace with her high heels. I never seen my father run before so this comes as a shock to me that he even can.  He immeaitely wrapped his arms around me.

"Ava, what is the amount ?"

"What? "I asked.

Father had backed away  then looked at me full of concern. He had glanced over at Carina who had brought my father's wallet out of her dress pocket. He was dead serious about this, he didn't even know that I am going to the slammer for.

"I don't know.." I managed to say in a lower tone.

He had immedately snapped his fingers at Corpsman Dey and lingered him to come over here. The officer had tried to put a smile on his face but he was rather shocked to even see himself this close to one of the elders of the galaxy.

"Mr. Taneleer what a pleasure to have you. What can I do for you?" He asked.

Father looked at the officers raggy clothes and then clicked his tounge on the roof of his mouth . He wasn't too happy to see that officer that was arresting me was in complete old school clothing comapred to him. My father was far more fancy then he was, even though it seemed like he was sweating through his fur coat.

" I would like to bail out my daughter this moment"  He said clearing his throat. My father like it can be assumed is very wealthy and could cut off all charges. He was willing to do that for me. He can easily gain back the money when we get home.

"You can't just bail a person out like this. Especailly the charges that she is facing" Corpsman Dey had said . Father had risen his thin eyebrows and glanced at me.This isn't going to be too good.

"What is she charged with? " He asked in a lower tone.  I havent heard him this angry in a long time, perhaps maybe three hundred to four hunderd years, after my mother died.  He went on a rampage and almost killed Carina things went that far.

Let's just hope that Corpman Dey wont exactly tell him.

"Forgery and illegal time travel" He said . My father's cheeks turned red and then kept his eye contact on me. He wasn't going to be too happy for a long time , just like last time. He in fact seemed a bit angrier this time though.

"You did what?" Father said in a lower tone then before.

Thank's alot Corpsman Dey! I am totally screwed now. He isn't going to take this easily by the look on his face.

" I..uh sort of went back in time illegally anf forgered others identies to save lives" I said under my breath quickly.

My father had looked at Dey and then didn't even dare to not look at his only daughter. Anger had revealed inside his own eyes . His skin gotten more paler not knowing what to do. What was a man like him to do ? Make me a slave like Carina until he thought it was nesserary.

"How many times did she commit the crime? How did you find her? " Father asked .

Dey shrugged." Well we dont know exactly we just know it was more then 10"

WAY more then ten Corpsman Dey. Try more around a hundred or two.

" You didnt awnser my second question" He ordered.

"She made a run in with Star Lord and seemed to attack him" Dey said to him. Father had made the clicking sound in his throat again and rolled his eyes hearing about it.

Carine however had spoken her first words in the entire conversation. I had shown kindness to her, she has done wrong in the past as well. I had forgiven her for robbing me before and feels like she is in my debt.

"How much for her freedom, my master will pay for it. She is so dear to him and no matter the crime."

"It's going to cost you ten million franks" Dey had said. There was a low growl in my fathers voice as he had turned away from me and began to make his way down the stairs. Carina had kept her eyes locked onto mine until Father hesitantly called for her name .

Her eyes then seemed to have turned into a different color in a blink of a eye. She had turned from a beauitful eyed girl to one with blue. Dey had his back turned away from missing out the entire surprise. Her skin had suddenly turned a pale white and her face slowly began to turn more and more masciline.

Eventually I had seen the face of my dead husband. He had kept his contact at me as he pressed his fingers on his lips as the second hand went to his sons womb. 

This illusion is beauitful. But the heat gotten to me for sure.

The face gotten back to normal to normal causal Carina and had turned her head away from me. Dey had placed his hand on my back as he had put in into a seat of the crowded jet and strapped me in making sure that I wouldn't escape.

My eyes were starting to take in all that had happened. I never had seen my father get that angry at me before, I usually gotten the better side of him until now.


I stood still as I had watched the Corpmen had checked through my backround . They were calling out the basic stuff : I was born to the Collector, I am a immortal, I was once married to Loki . He had died of saving his planet Asgard six months ago.

But the weird thing is that I have no hot clue where I am right now. I am starting to even get more nervous in this situation that I am in right now. The worst that could happen is that I die in here.

But that wont happen right??


I wont get killed in a prison. Yet I have so many people who seem to hate me right now, for not saving loved ones and such,not to mention that I had brought a few people in jail. I hope that I see none of them here.

Through the glass though, I had seen hoplessness of ever getting out before my time is up. I will be a mother while I am in prisson and the child will be raised by his or her grandfather for a peroid of time.

"What about that baby bump ? Or is that just fat?" A officer asked Dey.

Dey had shaken his head " That's the heir of Asgard there, you shouldnt call it a baby or a piece of fat. She is going to have to birth it in the cell"

Thank you captian obvious.

Dey had rung a buzzer for men to come in to take me only god knows where. I have never been here so I dont know what kind of torture they are going to put me through before I have to go to my cell.


I had been pushed down the halls by two heavily armed men who were shoving me around recklessly. They clearly didn't care if I didn't arrive to my destination with wounds around my body. We had stopped at the third room to the right and I was pushed to enter with the Yariain man. They are larger boned creatures with blue skin and bald heads. They are known to be gentle but deadly when nesserary.

The creature had turned to me and shown me the box in his hands. He didn't say anything but it was clear that he wanted me to put everything in the box.

I had glanced down to my bracelett and slipped it off. Fine he can have it.

My shoes? Yea of course, it's not like I put a bomb in there.

The pants I was wearing? Okay then this is starting to get  really awkuard for the stranger and I. I had already been half naked. The corpsmen had motioned his arms for me to keep on getting undressed.

I had unbuttoned my top slowly and then handed it to him. There isn't too much more for him to take off except for my underwear. Yet his eyes had looked to my hand.

I had stared at it slowly and then realised that I had forgotten about my wedding ring. In the light it had turned a blueish green, it was also one of the last rocks known as  Urua from Joutenheim .  It's a long story on how Loki had gotten it for me.

I couldn't take it off. There was something that couldn't let go of the past commitment that I had made to Loki. He has been on my mind a lot lately though, I had even seen him in Carinas face! It was the heat as he is long gone.

But with my will, I had the nerve to slowly remove it . It was hard at first but it had slipped off and then I knew that it was going to be easy for me to let this part go. It was only a ring.

A ring of the past.

Once it was in the box I had heard the slight knocking of the glass window. I had turned of course to assume it was Dey  to wave me to the showers or changerooms. But instead it was the pervy Peter who had began to smile at the current state that I was in.

I wanted to tell him to go to hell, but then I knew that I might get in trouble for saying that.

You never know.

I am a good girl who is locked up in prisson now, I might as well try to express my anger with slurs to this perv. I could tell that he was one from the start. The grin on his face was about to whiped off. 

The Corpman had snapped his fingers to get the two officers to return to lead me down to the next station for me to get dressed. But the moments before that they could even touch me, I had already ran off through the door to pin the man down.

It was clear that I wasnt giving him the correct message as he was smiling still.

" You perv, you sick minded freak!" I began to yell insaults at him. He had turned a bright shade of red when I had moved the slightest movement.

"Your rather hot in that kind of attire miss Taneleer" He said in a laughing tone as if to mock me.

"You don't mock me! " I warned .

"Why not miss richy pants?"

I wasn't picked up by some sort of Corpman, I was pulled up by a stronger man . He seemed to have known what he was doing as the movement was so fast. I couldn't help but stare at the man's face who had done it.

He was a larger structured man. He was rather huge actually, perhaps the most well built man I had ever seen. His head had grown no hair on his roof and his skin was a rather odd shade of grey. There were pairs of unique markings that were pink against his skin. His blue eyes were bluer then I would had expected.

"I was trying.." I had began.

"Look, you are going to have to save up your strength when you get in there" The creature said pointing at the doors at the end of the halls. I assume thats where the jail is. Soon after he had walked right up to the corpsman who seemed to be looking for him . He must had ran up to me once he had seen me.

"Thanks.. I guess" I said . The creature had nodded at me before walking back to the doors that were mentioned to me.

Who is that man?

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