S.P.D.R (Spider-Man RWBY Cros...

By BWolf2

215K 2.7K 2.9K

In an Alternate version of Rement which resides in a parallel universe, there is a version of Spider-man. Thi... More

Ch. 1 Spider-Man
Ch. 2 Introductions
Ch. 3 Bar Brawl
Ch. 4 Fun and Games
Ch. 5 Belly of the Beast
Ch. 6 A 'Shocking' Weekend
Ch. 7 Great Minds
Ch. 8 Scorpions Sting
Ch. 9 Nevermore
Ch. 10 Faithfully
Ch. 11 Secrets
Ch. 12 Mountain Glenn
Ch. 13 Subject 102
Ch. 14 A Day Out
Ch. 15 Enter Sandman
Ch. 16 Infiltration
Ch. 17 War of Words
Ch. 18 Thrill of the Hunt
Ch. 19 Picture Perfect
Ch. 20 Wrath of Electro Pt.1
Ch. 21 A Wilted Rose (15 Years Ago)
Ch. 22 Wrath of Electro Pt.2
Ch. 23 The Good Doctor
Ch. 24 A Dark and Stormy Night
Ch. 25 Undermine
Ch. 26 The Countdown
Ch. 27 Yellow Eyes
Ch. 28 Vytal Preparations
Ch. 29 Investigation
Ch. 30 Doc Ock
Ch. 32 Unmasked
Ch. 33 Explanations
Ch. 34 Showdown on VNN
Ch. 35 Misdirection
Ch. 36 Invasion of Vale (RWBY)
Ch. 37 Invasion of Vale (Spider-Man)
Ch. 38 Invasion of Vale (JNPR)
Ch. 39 Invasion of Vale (Finale)
Ch. 40 Unbroken
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2

Ch. 31 Confrontation

2.4K 42 9
By BWolf2

A/n: Hey guys just a heads up just like ch. 21 this is another dark and more violent chapter and has more death in it, I am pretty sure you guys can handle it but I just wanted to give you all a heads up just in case.

Amity Colosseum

Team JNPR just defeated team BRNZ and team SSSN and team NDGO are walking to the Colosseum, while team JNPR is celebrating their victory, team SADE were getting medical attention and Team RWBY watches from the stands.

Yang Pov

Ruby: Yeah they pulled it off!

Weiss: Like there was any doubt, they have the legendary Pyrrha Nikos after all right Yang?

Yang: Y..yeah definitely!

Ruby: Hey sis you alright you sound kind of sad.

I knew if anyone could see that I was feeling off it would be my baby sister, alright Yang time to put on a brave face, and act like your not starting to freak out.

Yang: Nah! I am just still taking in that awesome fight!

My team is excited, and I don't blame them the tournament one of the most exciting things in the world, and I want to be excited, but I'm honestly getting incredibly worried. I look over to the seat on my left that I had reserved for Y/n, I know that he is infiltrating a secure ship, but I don't think he would have taken this long, I need to give him another call.

Yang: Hey I am going to get some more refreshments you girls want anything.

Weiss: Again!? You have gotten drinks three times now, are you sure you can afford it.

Yang: Oh it's fine I am buying on your tab.

Weiss: Wait, What?

Yang: Hey you offered.

Weiss: That was before I knew my card was declined!

Yang: You know what I will get some for everyone.

Ruby/Blake: Thanks!

Weiss: ON MY CARD!

Yang: Oh you will sort it out Weiss you always do.

I go into the corridor and pulls out her scroll and call Y/n for the 5th time.

Yang: *worried* Come one babe please answer!

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

3rd Pov


Team JNPR is walking off the arena while, but stop and meet team SSSN halfway.

Sun: Hey nice win guys, that was impressive.

Jaune: Thank you guys, but I am sure that you can pull this off as well.

Nora: Well just as long as you get on the bad sides of those lovely ladies.

Scarlet: That is easier said than done for some of us, *gestures to Neptune*

Neptune: Hey what does that mean?

Scarlet: It means your terrible with women.

Neptune: No I'm not!

Sun: He has got a point dude, I mean you talk a big game but you play a terrible one.

Neptune: Hey I play a great game, isn't right Sage?

Sage: ...no...no you definitely do not.

Neptune: Hey! Don't you remember that I took Weiss Schnee, to the ball?

Scarlet: Didn't you ditch because you were scared of dancing.

Neptune: ...Shut up.

Sun: *laughs* Alright making fun of Neptune is fun and all..but I think we should...

Then all of a sudden the entire Collosium shakes for a few seconds

Sun: ...what the hell?

Collisium V.I.: Unknown Breach detected engaging lockdown protocol.

Just then all exits, as well as both entrances, were sealed shut, locking teams SSSN and JNPR in, and team NDGO out. Everybody was confused and a little scared, even the great Pyrrah Nikos, but Jaune, was more than a little scared, everyone else in the crowd just stayed in their seats because they had nowhere else to go.

Nora: Woah, what's happing!?

Ground shakes

Neptune: I think we should get out of here.

Scarlet: I agree, Sage help me get this big bloody door open!

Collisium V.I.: Keep Calm Help will arrive in UNKNOWN ERROR munites.

Jaune: *losing it* HOLY...

Pyrrah: *runs to him* Jaune please we will be alright okay, I will let nothing happen to you.

She then leans him and kisses him deeply.

Ground shakes

Jaune: *calms down* Okay...

Weiss: I don't remember the last time the Vytal Festival had to activate the lockdown protocol.

Ruby: I know I am a little worried, I hope Yang makes it back soon.


Yang Pov

*Ring* *Ring*

Please, this is your Spider-Man mask phone thingy, you always answer this when you go out as Spider-Man, Please answer things are getting strange here and...I just need to know that you're alright.

Spider-Man *Voicemail*: Hi this is Spider-Man, I cannot come to the phone right now, probably because I am dealing with a bunch of guys at once, or a supervillain, or a giant robot, or stopping a car chase and, oh wow I thought I would have more time to record a message. *rushed tone* Anyway leave a message at the beep bye.

I get frustrated and Put my scroll away.

Yang: Okay that's it screw the lockdown I am going to look for him.

I try and pry open the metal shutters on the nearest exit.

Yang: *frustrated* Hey, open DAMN IT! What are these things made of?

Collosium A.I: Lockdown mode engaged, please return to your seats.

Yang: Ugh. I don't have time for this!

I then load up my gauntlets and fire six round into the door, but it only leaves a scorch mark.

Yang: OH Mother....

Collosium A.I: Please Keep away from the doors during the lockdown protocol and return to your seat, or defensive protocols will be enabled.

The shutters then start to get electrified, Shit, I can't just do nothing! *sigh* Calm down Yang you can't look for the Y/n right now, and he would not want you to lose your cool at a time like this, *deep breath* the best thing you can do right now is make sure your friends and sister are safe.

Yang: *concerned* Please be alright Y/n.

3rd Pov

The ground shakes some more.

Pyrrah is still comforting Jaune, while Sun, Scarlet, Sage, Nora, and Ren are trying to open the massive shutters, then Scarlet breaks away from the group to goes over to Pyrrah and Jaune

Scarlet: Hey Pyrrah I know he is your boyfriend, but do you mind using your semblance to open the...

Just as he said that a giant arm, breaks through the ground grabbing Scarlet and dragging into the depths of the arena floor, and everyone present looks down to see if they can find him.


Neptune looks down the hole that his friend was pulled through, in a desperate attempt to find him.

Neptune: Where the hell did he go!?

The ground then starts to shake continuously

Then two arms come up from the ground and Doc Ock emerges into the arena and in his upper right arm he has Scarlet by the neck,

Neptune: Scarlet!?

Doc Ock: Stay Back or I will kill him!

walks to Ironwood who is sitting in the front row, and he gets right in his face with only the force field separating them.


Pyrrah: Is that Professor Octavius?

Jaune: What the hell are those things on his back, giant robot arms?

Sun: Scarlet you're going to be okay, were... we're going to figure this out alright.

Scarlet: *choke* *gag*

Yang then walks back to her seat to watch what's going on.

Yang: *whispers, extremely worried* Oh No.

Weiss: W...what does he think he is doing.

Blake: Why does he have four mechanical arms now.

Ironwood then stands from his seat.

Ironwood: What is the meaning of this Otto!?

Doc Ock: I know what you did!

Ironwood: I don't have the slightest idea what you mean!

Doc Ock: Of course you, so you are going to walk into the arena so I can take you to a place where you can be...' reminded' so to speak.

Ironwood: And if I refuse?

Doc Ock: Then the competition for this tournament is going to get smaller real quick, *tightens grip on Scarlet* starting with him.

Ironwood: *smirks* Are you really threatening me Otto? I know you and don't have the spine for it. You never could...


The crowd falls silent as they look on to she Scarlets body go limp, as Otto releases his hold on him, and when he falls to the ground with a thud everyone can see what they heard had just heard. Scarlet's neck was broken.

Doc Ock: I'm sorry, you were saying?

Sun: Scarlet!!!!!!!!!

Neptune: YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!

Neptune charges foward with relentless fury but Otto just used his upper left arm to push him away.

Jaune: Hey team,

Team JNPR and Sun and Sage look at him.

Jaune: Let's kick this guy ass!

After that moment JNPR, Sun and Sage start charging at Doc Ock, and he turns to them with a smile on his face.

Doc Ock: I would like to see you try,

Nora makes a swing at his bottom right arm, but then he catches it with his upper left arm and then proceeds to crush Magnhild like a soda can.

Nora: Magnhild!

Ren then starts shooting at him but he easily blocks them with an anouther arm. Sage and Sun try to charge him from the middle but he uses Nora as a human bludging weapon knocking both of them across the arena and they hit Ren on the way, knocking off about 30% their auras. But Nora is still hanging on to the handle of her crushed weapon refusing to let it go.

Pyrrah/Jaune: NORA.

Otto sees that Pyrrah is about to use her resemblance on his arms so he throws Nora at them knocking them to the ground, he then quickly moves over to Pyrrah and grabs her with his upper right arm and sticks the needle in her and injects the Null Formula into her.


Jaune: Get away from her you...

Jaune swings his sword at his lower left leg, but when he makes the connection the sword shatters, this causes Jaune to back away slowly.

Doc Ock: Useless. *grabs Jaune with his upper left arm*

Pyrrah: Ngh..*tries to use her semblence but it's not working*

Pyrrah: W...what did you do to me?

Doc Ock: I made you powerless like the rest of us, your semblence is now locked away permanently.

Pyrrah: *scared* W..I...what

Doc Ock: It is truly a PITIFUL site the great Pyrrah Nikos, reduced to a sniffling coward. Pathetic.

As he says this, Ren, Sun, Neptune, and Sage start to slowly get up, but before any of them could go anything Otto continuously knocks Pyrrah and Jaune into each other until they are both unconscious, and he then drops them, and Otto picks up Pyrrahs shield and spear.

Sun: You Bastard!

Doc Ock: *dismissive* Oh jut up.

He then throws Pyrrahs Javelin at him.

Sun: Ach.....

Crowd: *Gasp*

Blake: *quiet/crying*No.

Neptune: NO!

The Javelin has pierced Sun's chest, and he is bleeding out.

Neptune runs over to his best friend.


Otto then uses one of his arms to hit Neptune's face breaking his nose and knocking him back several feet and depleting his aura.

Doc Ock: This isn't about you.

He then grabs the spear and pulls it out of Sun's chest.

Doc Ock: Game Over, Mr. Wukong.

Sun then falls to the ground and is losing blood at a rapid rate.

And at that causes Sage and Ren to attack him with a series of quickly focused attacks, but Otto just blocks them with Pyrrah's shield and spear and then gains the upper hand and knocks them both out and grabs Ren and is about to kill him.

Ironwood: Stop! I will go with you, Otto, just stop, please.

Doc Ock: *Drops Ren* Wise decision.

Ironwood then walks down to the arena entrance and Otto opens it and grabs him.

Doc Ock: Ready for your final act?

Otto then stomps his way to the hole he mad in the arena floor and exits everyone fields of view.

Collosium A.I: Lockdown disengaged.

When that happened Blake then rushed to the arena to cheek on the mortally wounded Sun.

Blake: *Crying* Sun..Sun...Please stay with me...

Team RWBY then enter the arena, looking at the scene that was playing out in front of them, and they two were also on the verge of tears.

Blake: *Crying* You got to stay with me...

Sun: B.....Blake....

Blake: *Crying* I'm here.

Sun: You...g...gotta....stop....running..................................

Blake: Sun? Sun? SUN!

2 Hours Later Team RWBY's Dorm

Ruby and Weiss are sitting on the letters bed in silence while waiting for Yang to return.

Yang: *Opens door* Hey.

Ruby: What did Blake say.

Yang: She said she is going to wait at the hospital wing until Neptune and Sage wake up, she thinks that she should be the one to tell them.

Ruby: I see

Yang then pulls out her scroll and tries to call Y/n for the 12th time in 30 min. After what happened to Sun she NEEDED to know he was safe. But the call goes to voice mail again.


Ruby: Still no luck.

Yang: No, I need to go...


They were interrupted by their window opening and when they looked they saw an injured Spider-Man trying to climb through the window but he falls into team Ruby's room crashing into the nightstand Blake had to keep her books. Weiss and Ruby were confused as to why Spider-Man stumbled into their room via the window, and is now moaning on their floor. But Yang got a worried look on her face after that happened.

Yang: Y/N!

She rushes to him and helps him to his knees.

Ruby and Weiss both had shocked looks on their faces.

Ruby: Y/n?

Yang then pulls off his mask.

Wiess then covers her mouth and widens her eyes in shock.

Ruby: OH My GOD.

Yang:*Extreamly worried* What happened who did this to you!?

Y/n: *cough* Doctor Octavius.

A/n: See you guys in Ch. 32 Unmasked

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