Beautiful Me...

By VampGothess

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Beautiful Me...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Dedicated 2Jordan and Raelynn
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

59 4 0
By VampGothess

I sat staring at the back of Miss Stancil's head as she started explaining some sums. Leda kept glancing at me. My mind kept wandering back to the kiss, and how he reacted to it.

He'd moved closer to me and held my hand. "You don't have to be shy Rae, it's just us." he'd whispered while I stood there shaking. His 6'1 height towered over me. I'd taken a step back and looked at him. I'd run away before he could say or do anything.

My mind drifted back to the class as I saw Miss Stancil talking to someone at the door. She nodded and turned towards the class. "Miss Strend." she pointed towards the door, irritation obvious in her voice. I stood up and walked out of the class. I could feel the envious glares at the back of my head. I smiled to myself, still not being able to pull the kiss out of my head.

The janitor stood outside. "Miss, you are required somewhere. Mr. Lee is ready and waiting for you." I nodded and started walking towards the library. I really wanted to see Jordan, but at the same time I didn't. I reached the library and found the door closed. I politely knocked.

"Come in." a familiar voice said. I opened the door and walked in, surprised to see the asian man I collided with at the cafeteria the other day. He smiled at me to sit down on the chair opposite him. "Sit, sit my child." he looked kind enough so I trusted my instincts and sat down, he was probably angry because I spilled my drink over his precious suit, in front of the whole school.

"So I hear you're dating Jodan." he started. "Is it true?"

I fidgeted with the hem of my tank top, trying to form a sentence. I hadn't expected this. Instead, I just nodded. Not looking away from my hands. I saw him tapping his foot waiting for an answer. I raised my head. "Yes."

"My child, I'm sure you're aware that he is apparently a teacher in this institute, not considering his age." he stood up and paced around the room. My heart beats sped up, with fear. Maybe he would ask me to break up with him. "Look young girl, you seem smart, and surely aware that being in a relationship with a teacher is not permitted..." he stopped in front of me, "Yet, you took the risk. Which means that you really do like him." he looked down at my face and waited for an answer. I didn't have the guts to speak, so I nodded. He instantly looked relieved. "Good...- now my son you can come out." he bellowed.

Suddenly Jordan came out from behind the book shelf. A huge grin was plastered on his face. He came around and stood behind my chair, he placed his hands on my shoulders and I instinctively shivered. He looked at me and squeezed my shoulders. "Meet my dad Rae." he introduced the owner of the college as his dad. My eyes widened and I turned to face him. He read the question on my face and nodded, confirming and doubts that I would have. He really was the son of the owner of the college.

I automatically stood up and put my hand forward. "Nice to meet you Sir." I said, kindly. Trying to shake of my nervousness.

He pulled me into a bear hug and patted my back. "My child, my child. I'm honored to meet the girl my son so dearly loves." I couldn't couldn't see Jordan but I could imagine the expression on his face. "Call me anything but Sir, my child." he stepped back and looked at his son. "Jodan." he nodded and left the library.

I turned to look at Jordan. His face was all red. His father said Jordan loved me, could it be true? Or was it just a random guess? I sat down on the chair his father sat on previously and stared at my hands. Not being able to think straight: first the kiss and now what his father had said. My hormones really needed to get a grip on themselves.

"So you told your dad about me?" I asked, convinced that Jordan wasn't going to speak unless spoken to. He dragged his chair next to mine and sat down and nodded. "Your dad's nice, and really kind. I never knew he was your father, and I accidently spilled my drink over his clothes." I stated, abashed.

"I know, I saw it." he agreed, of course he was there staring at me. He pushed back his chair and stood up, pulling me up with him. "Let's go out." I followed him out of the library and towards the parking lot. "Rae?" he stopped and looked at me. "When's your birthday?" I was stunned, such a random question.

"31st October." I admitted. His eyes narrowed.

"What? And you didn't even tell me." he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. "I can't believe it." he stalked off, looking pissed. I ran towards him and held his arm, stopping him.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. He shook his head and continued walking away. "You're breaking up with me?" I asked, as panic washed over me, I tried not to cry as the tears stung my eyes, I controlled them. He stopped dead in his tracks. He practically ran towards me.

"No, no, no ways, never. I would never do that. Rae please I love you too much, don't ever say that please." he wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. "I love you too much, too much." he didn't let go of me when my tears stained his white shirt, he just held me to his chest. "Don't ever say that again." he kissed my hair and ran his hand through them.

I looked up and he looked down, locking his eyes with mine. He leaned down towards my face and pressed his lips to mine. I tilted my head so that he could kiss me better, I put my hand on his head. He slowly stopped kissing me. "Let's go baby." he held my hand and I followed him, definitely aware of the color on my face. We stopped in front of a blue Harley Davidson. "Shall we?" he motioned for me to sit on the bike. "No, no sit at the front." he held my waist and moved me forward.

He sat down behind me and turned me over, so that I was facing him. My legs automatically wrapped around his waist out of fear and he chuckled. "It's our day today baby nae salang." the Korean classes I took helped me understand the words he used. My love. "Ready?" he asked, leaning over to hold the handles. The

position I was in gave me a clear view of his neck and I could clearly smell his perfume. He was obviously aware of it and his shoulders shook with laughter.

"Stop it!" I whined, trying to control my laughter. I felt him place his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. I burried my face in his neck and kissed him.

"I like that." he suddenly spoke. I smiled and closed my eyes, inhaling his powerful scent.

"So where are we going?"'I asked, I looked at his face as he started the bike. My whole body shook as the bike roared to life.

"You okay?" he asked, concern sipping from his voice as excitement took over. I nodded while resting my head on his chest and tightening my grip on his back as the bike moved.

"Why are you so excited?" I was curious now.

"This bike is a gift from my dad, and you're the one riding it with me for the first time." I was overwhelmed.

"Really?" I couldn't hide the happiness in my voice.

"Yes nae salang." I raised my head and kissed his cheek. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and laid my head on his arm. I had to squint to look at his face, although the sun was hidden behind the clouds, it was still bright. Winter was so close now. I couldn't help but feel lucky, maybe he was the one.

I suddenly felt my iPhone ring, I flinched and carefully removed the phone from my pocket. Jacob?

"Hey Jacob!" I answered, feeling excited. "Been so long! Yeah man... Great you? Oh... Well she's at the hospital Jacob, in coma... I'm sorry Jacob please.... No, no! You don't have to! I'll keep you updated... Bye." I hung up, feeling sad.

"What is it nae salang? Who was it?" he asked, curiousity leaking from his voice.

"Amber's ex, he's pissed I didn't tell him about her and he thought she was ignoring him.... Well, he's coming down soon to see her." I spoke, maybe then Amber would wake up.

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