Strange Sizes (G/T Oneshots)

By Marakura

39.5K 541 203

Ladies and Gentlegiants! Come with me to faraway lands where people of strange sizes live. Will they be nice... More

🌺~ How to train your giant.
🌻~ Can be clumsy
🌷~ Falling for him.
🍂 ~That's not fair
🌹~ Song bird.
🍁~ Dirty hands.
♠~ My little bully.
✳~ Please come back.
🌹~ The littlest angel.
☔~ That's life.
☁~ Innocent revenge.
✴~ Little puppet.
🍃~ Tiny Nanny
👿 ~Big spooks.
🌲~L'arbre de mon quartier
🐟 ~Underwater surprise
🎑~The mumrik
🌻~Raising a giant
👆~ Hey hey

🍀~ Lucky charm.

1.1K 26 6
By Marakura

Art by Elisa Donnart
Miraculous ladybug G/T, enjoy!

"Hey, it's you again!" Adrien beamed. He had been downstaires in the kitchen, and when he came back to his room, he was met with the sight of a red, tiny thing darting across his desk towards the edge of his desk. But as soon as he spoke, the figure froze and stopped in her escape, instead just standing there and wrapping her red, black-spotted fabric around her and staying quiet.

Adrien's usually dull expression brightened at the sight of his little friend, his ladybug. He took the lightest steps towards his desk, afraid if doing the smallest thing to make his lady leave. "It's you again," he breathed out, calming his joy down.

The slow, hesitant nod she made was almost inexistant, but this small gesture alone made fireworks of rainbows and light explode in the boy's chest.

He met his ladybug one night, the night when his mother... Passed away. He was sitting on the floor against his bedframe, curled up and gazing at nowhere to try and process what had happened without starting to cry. Then, a small figure, barely taller than his finger, came running next to him. He distinctly remembers the red, black-spotted cape it wore, making it seem at first glance and from far like a ladybug. He had scrambled back at the idea of a weird insect touching him, but instead it left a piece of candy and a sloppy note that read 'Please don't cry'.

He got to see her again three months later on, then two, than one, and now some times each week. She easily became a soothing presence that replaced his mother, his lucky charm; sometimes leaving small notes, flowers, red and black strings and fabrics to let him know she was here, before running back out of sight in the shadows of his room, to watch over him and brighten up his darkest days.

Adrien didn't know exactly why he saw her more frequentely, but he hoped, in his wildest dreams, that the small girl was slowly lowering her guard around him, or even better, coming to his room exclusively to see him.

"... Did you need something?" He stole a quick glanced to his desk, not noticing anything missing. But hey, even if she 'borrowed' stuff from him on a daily basis, she never took anything he would miss. The tiny girl shook her head, making him sigh inwardly.

"I just want to help you, you know," He mumbled, looking away. She did so much for him, so much. And he couldn't do anything for her, and it was killing him. "I wouldn't hurt you, you could stay here, with me. Things would be easier that way, wouldn't they?" He whispered out of nowhere, voicing his enthusiasm at the idea. "And I'd protect from my dad, and Nathalie, and I'd bring you anything you need, anything you want! We'd spend afternoon after afternoon just relaxing and discussing, and-!" He let his voice die down when he saw his tiny friend shake her head again. He sighed and brought a hand to his head, supporting it so it wouldn't fall to the ground in deception. Of course, his lady had never accepted, and she would never accept anyway. Not all dreams came true...

"... Please, at least let me know who you are? What's your name? I've known you for so long, yet I know nothing about you," Adrien pleaded in a small voice, not really meaning it and getting ready to let go of that thin string of hope. So you can imagine his surprise when his lady looked down in hesitation for a long moment, before she wrapped the cape around herself tighter, and turned towards him.

The boy's breath got caught in his throat at the sight when his ladybug turned around, her body remaining hidden as always, and only letting a few strands of blueish hair poking out. She took a few confident, but small and slow steps towards his hand that rested on his desk; making the blond boy take a small step back in awe, altough his hand remained in place.

The little girl knelt down in front of his hand, looking down at it and staying silent and motionless for a few seconds, which felt like decades for Adrien. He could hear the sound of his heart beating like crazy, and slight grimace forming on his face from the emotions all mixing together in his head, making him uphoric, terrified, aprehensive, excited-

Finally, the tension was broken when the small girl made a move, and not any move; her pale, thin hands poked out of her cloak... And she touched him; Her cold, toothpick-like arms snuck around his finger and lifted it up on her lap, gently stroking it so lightly it felt like a feather.

And then she bent down, and she pressed her small lips against the tip of his finger.

If Adrien hadn't already gone crazy, now he did. The small touch on his finger sent a wave of electricity spreading across his body at light speed. His heart was aching from beating so vigorously, and his chest was just gone wild with a wave of emotions crashing down on him in a explosion of bright, powerful fireworks of bright colours. He had never, ever smiled as brightly as he did then since his mother had died, and he doubted anyone would ever make him feel like this ever again.

"I'm sorry," his eyes snapped at the little girl's direction as he heard the voice. Now, the touch was already fantastic, but her talking was just too much. Adrien just didn't believe he bad heard what he thought he had heard, it would be straight out surreal. He stared intensly at the girl, praying that his mind hadn't played a sick trick on him.

"I can't reveal to you who I am, not now. Just bare with me; someday, you'll find my real identity. For now, let me just be your Ladybug,"

Adrien wanted to describe her voice, to remember its sound through words and comparaisons, but he couldn't. Her voice was just- he just couldn't put it in words, it was too much. Everything was too much. All the blond could do was replay the sound in his head, over and over, and try to keep the memory of feeling on his finger.

He had done a mistake with his mother, he hadn't made an effort to remember every moment with her. He wouldn't do the same mistake a second time.

He didn't notice the small girl standing up and running to the edge of his desk, where her grappling hook hung; and even if he did, he wouldn't pay attention to it, he had far better to do.

Her small, calm and calming voice, the cold, thin arms that snuck around his finger, the frail, tiny hands brushing against his skin, her lips, her kiss, and the emotions that burned in his chest at the moment; all of it, he was going to remember it, think of it everyday and everynight until it was craved in his mind. This was the most precious moment of his life, and he would forever cherish it.

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