My human mate

By maia_l

152K 3.1K 260

One simple school fight. That's how this all started. Well it wasn't that simple of a school fight, it was ac... More

My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
my human mate
my human mate
my human mate
my human mate


3K 111 7
By maia_l


Cole got called to a meeting with his dad when we were laying in the woods, so I pulled my clothes on and went back to the house.

I hadn't realized how starving I was until I walked into the kitchen and saw food sitting out. I looked down at my stomach as it was growling.

I shook my head and ran upstairs into Coles room. I hadn't eaten in a couple days, but usually I could last a whole lot longer without food.

I plopped down onto his bed frowning. I hadn't thought about how being a werewolf could affect my eating habits. And if I kept my habits of not eating for long periods of time, would it affect the strength of my wolf and all the things I could be able to do? I didn't want to weaken myself and my abilities, but changing my ways wasn't as easy it people make it out to be. Humans are creatures of habit and although I am part wolf now, I will still always be part human. I couldn't just drop my thought process to why I didn't eat ( even if I didn't have much of a thought process too it.) either way I decided to drop the mere thought for the moment. I really just wanted to test out everything I could do as a wolf. I know cole would be pissed that I wouldn't wait for him to come back, but how could I just sit here and wait after I had just turned into a fucking werewolf!?

I hurriedly ran down the steps and filled up a water bottle from the kitchen then made my way to the woods. Once I got deep enough in I slipped off my clothing and concentrated on shifting. It took longer then cole had done earlier, but hey, it was only my second time.

I quickly started running move I was in my wolf form. I tested my speed, hearing and sight. Everything was more intense in this form.

I finally stopped sprinting when I assumed I was at the end of the packs land. I could tell because the smell was had changed. I wouldn't have noticed if I was still human, but now with my new senses, there was no way I wouldn't be able to tell.

I stopped right at our packs line and observed the other sides land. I sat curiously wondering whose packs land it was.

Eventually I lost interest and started sprinting all around. I ran all the way down our packs line of treaty until I would come across the scent of a different pack, so I would run back.

I would stand absolutely still and try to figure out each noise I heard and where it came from. I did anything that was new too me.

God being a werewolf was fucking awesome.

When I realized it had gotten considerably darker I made my way back to my clothes. I took me longer to shift back then it had to shift but I still managed to do it without anyone's help.

I chugged my water and pulled my clothes back on as I made my way back to the house.

As soon as I got back cole was waiting for me.

"What the hell Allison!" He yelled at me.

"What?" I asked insistently.

"You know very well what. You've already been captured before, and now you're going out again to god knows where, without been telling me!"

I hated to be thinking this while cole was upset by goddamn he was super sexy while being angry. He kept rubbing his hands through his hair pulling the dark strands a little while doing so.

I snaked my arms around his waist and buried my face into his chest. I took a deep breath in. Fuck he smelled so good.

"I'm sorry I mumbled to him.

He slowly wrapped his arms around my torso and bent down so he could kiss the top of my head. "It's alright cupcake"

We stood there for what seemed like eternity, but it didn't bother me, I wanted to stay just like this with him, forever.

But then my god for asking stomach had to growl, again. I soon realized that I was having terrible hungry pains from the lack of food in my body. I hit my head against Coles chest a couple times while groaning.

He pulled back from my, gently gripping my arms. He was frowning and looking me in the eye. "Are you hungry cupcake? I could make you something. Wait, when was the last time you ate?" He rushed out all very quickly.

"No I'm fine," I quickly lied. "I'm just really tired." Cole frowned deeper, obviously not believing me. I could tell he thought something was seriously wrong.

"No I don't think so. How about I make you some eggs?" He asked, but I knew it wasn't am actual question.

"Fine." I sighed out. Slumping into the bar stool at the counter while he got everything out to make eggs.


I was very happy that Allison's stomach interrupted us. I didn't want to think about why I was actually upset she went out into the woods. And I didn't want her to worry about it either.

But after I talked to her about eating, I realized Allison was keeping a secret too.


okay so it's me again. And short chapter I know. I'm glad I finally found the motivation to update and I hope I haven't lost all of my readers. Please tell me what you think about this chapter, and I know I say this practically every time I update, but I'm sorry for it being so late. I've been battling with some pretty bad depression lately but I, getting a lot better, no worries everybody. Honestly I'm doing better.

Anyways please comment what you think and vote if you enjoy it. Love you all


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