Life and Death | THE ORIGINAL...

By OriginalWolf6

187K 4.1K 853

Maddison Gerard; daughter of Marcel Gerard, family to Davina Claire, friends to the Original family, sister t... More

summary + more!
City Beneath the Sea
Fire with Fire
Ahses to Ashes


6.6K 153 105
By OriginalWolf6



Maddison walked into Hayley's room as the hybrid was rummaging through her closet. "All right. Bad news first. Rebekah will have to miss your nuptials. Kol has a bit of a life-and-death matter he needs help dealing with."

Hayley looked back at the girl and nodded, "Anything I can do?"

"It's witch business, which now seems to be her thing." Maddie chuckled softly, "besides, you have enough to deal with today and on that note..." Maddison pulled out a gorgeous, white, long wedding dress and walked towards Hayley. "Now it's white, which won't fool anyone but you can't get married in skinny jeans and combat boots."

"Oh, Maddison. Thank you." Hayley walked towards her long mirror and held it in front of her in awe. "It's beautiful."

"Well, Rebekah happens to be the only woman alive who's collected wedding dresses in 5 different centuries. Never made it down the isle of course, yet," Maddison added, "I'm still rooting for her and my dad."

"What about you?" Hayley asked with a laugh at her previous comment.

"What about me?" Maddie asked back as she sat on Hayley's bed.

"You and Klaus..." she trailed off with a raise of her eyebrows.

"We just started dating." Maddie protested almost instantly. It's not that she didn't want to marry him one day but she wanted to take it slow. The last time she rushed into things, she got heart broken.

"Yeah, but you guys have loved each other for a long time." Hayley reminded her as Maddie realized that she was right. "Do you think you'll marry Klaus one day?"

Maddie was quiet for a moment as she thought about it. Did she think that her and Klaus would get married one day? She hoped they would but she had no idea if it was something that he would want. Hayley watched the girl as plenty of emotions flash through her eyes. "For what it's worth, Maddie, there is no one I would want to be hope's step mom more than you."

That made the girl tear up at her words with a nod and a smile. She wiped a stray tear and began her answer, "I hope that one day I will marry the guy I've loved for what feels like forever and i hope that i can be a good role model to your daughter. I love her as if she were my own and i would do anything for her. Anyway, today is not about Klaus and I, it's about you and Jack. Rebekah also asked asked me to tell you that although you may be marrying my brother, not the words she used, you're always gonna be a Mikaelson. She wanted to tell you herself but you know, life-and-death situation."

"Gosh, that would be such a nice compliment if it didn't link me to so many homicidal lunatics." Hayley smiled and Maddie laughed with a nod.

"Oh, ain't that the truth." Maddie agreed with a grin and left the room.

Maddison was leaning against the door frame in amusement as she watched her brother struggle with his tie. "Need a hand with that?"

Jackson looked up to see his little sister with a grin on her face and sighed in frustration. "No."

Maddie could see something bothering him and she could only assume it was Oliver. They were friends and he should be here. "Jack, I'm sorry that Oliver couldn't be here."

"Yeah, me too." He nods as Maddie walked forward and poured two glasses of bourbon and handed one out to him. "Although, I'm sure he'd have a lot to say about me in this get-up in a vampire house."

Maddie chuckled and nodded her head. "Do you really think the wolves will be cool with the vampires?"

"And if not, screw them." He said as he walked towards the window. "I mean, we're done chasing old grudges. We got real enemies to worry about." Jackson turned to face Maddie but she was so deep in thought that she didn't even say anything. He sighed and walked in front of her with a older brother kind of look. "This ain't about vamps in general, though, is it?"

"Look, I know you said you were okay with me and Klaus and I'm not asking you for permission, Okay?" Maddie asked with a little bit of stress, she knew she didn't need his permission but she wanted him to be okay with it.

"Good because even though I never gave you the love is love talk, I can see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you." Jack told her which made her let out a small smile. "He's good enough for you, end of discussion."

"I just don't want the people I care about to hate him so much that they don't support us." Maddison told him as she bit the inside of her cheek.

"That won't be easy but we got no chance of winning this fight without something to fight for." He said which made Maddie nod her head. Hayley walked in and Jackson turned his attention to look at her and his eyes went wide. "Whoa." His hands came over his mouth in shock as Maddie grinned at his reaction. The way he looked at Hayley was something she dreamed of. Little did she know, she had that already.

"I think that is my cue. You look beautiful, Hayley." Maddie whispered on her way out and walked to her own room to get ready.

After Maddison finished getting ready, she went to find Klaus and saw him standing on a Balcony across from where Jackson and Hayley were gonna be at. "You look awfully lonely."

Klaus turned to look at her at the sound of her voice and his eyes drank her appearance in completely. To him, she was the most gorgeous woman he's ever met. He couldn't help but think about how she had no idea that he was head over heels in love with her. "You look absolutely breathtaking, my love." He whispered to her and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Maddie couldn't help but smile at the 'my' part of his sentence. "You look pretty handsome yourself, Nik." She responded back and leaned into him as he wrapped his arm around her waist. His eyes held a slight surprise at her name of choice but he actually liked it coming from her.

Music started playing making everyone stand up. Hayley and Jackson both walked in and grabbed each others hands as they slowly walked forward. Their hands letting go as they began to walk up the staircase and meet in the middle at the very top.

"Please be seated," Mary started as everyone sat down below. "We gather together as a community seeking peace, inspired by the union of this couple before you. There was a time when werewolves saw themselves not as cursed but as blessed with a connection to our most pure selves." Hayley turned her head to the right and looked at Klaus and Maddison and smiled at the two. Her smile soon fades as Elijah walked out and stood next to Maddison making Hayley look back to Jackson.

"And tonight, we honor that blessing with the long-awaited unification of the two crescent bloodlines. In doing so, we chose to embrace Hayley's vampire nature. With this union, Hayley will share her unique gifts with her pack." Mary said and binds Hayley and Jackson's hands together and puts a stick match in their hands. "And now, your vows."

Jackson sighed nervously before speaking. "I pledge to honor and defend you and yours above all others."

"To share in blessings and burdens, to be your advocate, your champion." Hayley continued on.

"To be your comfort, your sanctuary, and for as long as we both shall live."

"To be your family." Hayley said and Maddie could see something shift in the woman at the word family.

"To be your family." Jackson smiled, along with Hayley. The two both looked at each other before they lit the candle beside them and then blew it out together.

"You two have endured all the traditional werewolf rituals and trails. There's only one remaining. Jackson, you may kiss your bride." Mary smiled as she looked to her grandson.

Jackson took a step forward and put his hand on Hayley's cheek before moving it to her chin and leaning forward to kiss her. Maddie was happy but she couldn't help but feel bad for Elijah, who looked away from the two. Maddie rested her hand on his shoulder as Klaus looked his way but Elijah continued to look in the opposite direction.

Hayley and Jackson's eyes both glowed and the pair smiled before looking down to see the wolves eyes all glowing as well. Everyone was bouncing in excitement that it worked. Klaus smiled at the result and walked off, unwrapping his arm from Maddie in the process causing her and Elijah to exchange glances. Elijah nods and follows after his brother.

Werewolves and even the vampires dance through the quarter happily with the bride and groom. Maddie stopped as she heard her name being called and turned to see Davina, "Hey you."

"Hey, Maddie, will you dance with me?" Davina smiled up at the girl.

"Of course I will." Maddison smiled and grabbed her hand that was held out for her and the two danced happily along with everyone else. Her eyes caught Klaus and Elijah on a balcony above and listened into their conversation.

"Niklaus, you yourself even mentioned had you been raised by Ansel you might have been a better man. Now perhaps a better man has entered Hope's life, and seeing that, you are shaken to your core." Elijah said to Klaus which shocked her.

"Are you alright?" Maddie asked Josh, noticing his silence.

"My boyfriend and his buddies are super wolves now." The three looked behind them to see Aiden doing some flips and his friends all cheering. "It's gonna be awesome."

"Hey, at least your boyfriend showed up." Davina retorted to him.

"He may still, you never know." Maddie defended as she tried not to show the guilt she was feeling. "At least your boyfriends aren't total maniacs, well, maybe Kol is." She teased and bumped Davina who grinned.

"Oh, come on." Josh smiled and twirled Davina as she smiled. Her smile soon gone in an instant the minute she looked forward.

Maddie furrowed her eyebrows and followed her gaze to see a weak Kol leaning up against the wall. "Is that...?" Josh trailed off but Maddie sped out of there and to the compound to tell his siblings. She couldn't keep it to herself anymore, he did not have much time.

Once Maddie walked in, she heard Klaus and Cami upstairs talking. She wasn't meaning to listen to them but she just couldn't turn it off quite yet.

"I heard her crying." Klaus announced.

"Oh, my guess is she's probably just teething." Cami replied as Maddie smiled, hearing the young baby girl cooing.

"Thank you for taking care of her." Klaus thanked her quietly.

"She's actually pretty-low maintenance. She's been smiling and looking all around. I think she likes it here. It feels like home. Do you want to hold her?" Cami asked him.

Maddison waited to hear Klaus but he said nothing. Maddie furrowed her eyebrows when she felt nauseous and put her hand over her mouth. She rushed to the nearest bathroom and threw up in the toilet. She sighed softly and sat down on her knees as she puked once more. "What the hell?"

Maddison wiped her mouth completely and walked out to see Elijah stood by himself on the balcony. She decided to join him and followed his gaze down below where Klaus stood with Hope. The music stopped as he began speaking, "ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention, please? Hayley, if you would join me, I'd like to propose a toast."

Hayley looked back at Jackson before walking forward and taking Hope in her arms as Klaus continued, "I want to welcome you all. As you know, last spring, Hayley and I had a daughter. Due to tragic circumstance, she was lost.  Now she has returned home. Her name is Hope. She will live here among you, her pack, her family. We implore you protect our daughter. Teach her, love her as one of your own." Klaus finished and looked to Jackson, who nodded his head at him.

Klaus grinned at him and and grabbed a glass of champagne. "Jackson, I invite you and your bride to live here, uniting your proud and noble people in peace. Welcome to the family, mate. To Jackson and Hayley." Klaus looked up towards Elijah with the same grin on his face making Maddison bite the inside of her cheek. What was he up to?

Maddison was on her way to talk to Klaus about whatever that was but she ran into Elijah and Rebekah. By the look on their faces, they knew about Kol, Maddie nodded at them both as the three continued to Hope's nursery where Klaus stood. Klaus sighed, "Must you intrude on every moment?"

"I'm not here to quarrel, brother." Elijah said quietly to him.

"It's Kol. I couldn't help him." At those words, Klaus turned around to look at them. "He's not gonna last the night." With that, Klaus gave one look to his daughter and nodded as they all left to go find Kol.

Once they arrived at the cemetery, they overheard Kol and Davina. "I think I want to be alone for this bit." Kol told Davina and turned to walk into the tomb.

Kol coughed and brought his hand to his mouth. "I'm afraid that's not an option." Elijah speaks up as Kol turned around to see them all standing there for him.

"Always and forever is not just something you weasel out of, brother." Klaus smirks as Kol smiles back at him.

Kol was now sitting in the ground, groaning in pain as blood surrounded his mouth. Maddie rushed behind him to let him lean back and his head rest on her lap. The three siblings sat by his side as Davina sat a little bit away, chanting, trying to find a spell to help him.

Kol slowly turned his head to look at Klaus, "all my life, all I ever wanted was...for you care about me." Kol smiled widely before he started coughing harshly and leans into Klaus' arms. Elijah and Klaus stood up as Maddie put her hand in Kol's.

"Kol, listen to me. You don't have much longer. You're going to die but you'll die a witch and we will consecrate your body. You will join the ancestors of the French quarter and those spirits can be brought back and I promise you, I will not stop searching for a way to bring you back." Maddie whispered to him through her teary eyes and a frown. Kol just smiled up at her and motioned her to lean closer, so she did, him whispering two things she though impossible. Maddison froze with wide eyes in shock but Kol's choking made her snap out of it and hold onto the boy.

Davina gasped and rushed towards Kol. "I tried a different spell."

"It's okay." Kol whispers to her, grabbing her hand. "I'm-I'm not scared." Kol laughed softly but soon enough, his smile was gone. Davina sobbed into his chest as tears silently fell from Maddie's eyes. She hated Kol in the beginning but he wasn't bad. Misunderstood, for sure, but he wasn't bad. He was a kid who was scared of death yet still helped his family on his death bed.

After the stressful and sad day it had been, Maddie stood in her bedroom listening to the silence. Her eyes glanced over to the mirror and her feet moved her right in front of it until she could see herself. Her hand reached to her shirt, pulling it up and bringing her hand to her stomach. She closed her eyes and focused on the sound, a little faint heartbeat filling her ears, her eyes shooting open with a gasp.


Maddison leaned down towards Kol. It was clear he had something to say while his siblings were having their own conversation. "If you want your magic back, i heard about a book in the bayou that could help you restore it." He whispered weakly as Maddie smiled softly as his words but he wasn't done, "And congratulations, you're pregnant, Maddison." Maddie's eyes widened in shock when he said that.

Maddison was pregnant.

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