No Hesitation

By sadloveletterssigned

327K 13.1K 4.3K

Serenity Hollowell just wanted to live Serenity but all that is crashed when Francesco Marino come... More

Chapter 1: Meeting Face
Chapter 2: Troubled Kitten
Chapter 3: After Work
Chapter 4: New Car Smell
Chapter 5: Changes
Chapter 6: Unraveled Feelings
Chapter 7: Strong Serenity
Chapter 8: Obession
Chapter 9: Blood Run
Chapter 10: Reintroduction of Lovers
Chapter 11: New-Old Face
Chapter 12: Crashing Discoveries
Chapter 13: Flight Risk
Chapter 15: Wake Up and Recover, Serenity.
Chapter 16: Family Protection
Chapter 17: New Family
Chapter 18: Trouble in Serenity
Chapter 19: Focus Francesco!
Chapter 20: Signing Papers
Chapter 21: Calsum Hutchens
Chapter 22: Sicily, Oh Italy
Chapter 23: Can't Breathe
Chapter 24: Serenity of Parish
Chapter 25: Reassurance
Chapter 26: Epilogue
New Book
Second Book

Chapter 14: Ways to Die

8.1K 414 114
By sadloveletterssigned

"You must have a pretty high pain tolerance," Ryo said while cleaning off his knife. Francesco had been tortured for 2 hours. He showed no emotion and said nothing.

"Yusiv," Ryo lifted his head. "You don't even know this lady, why protect her."

"She seems innocent."

"She's not. Her family did something terrible to mine."

"Hmph," Francesco said. Knowing that wasn't the truth. They had stripped him of his suit and had it on a table nearby.

Ryo pressed a button that leaned Francesco's chair back. He put a towel over his face and started to water bored him. Francesco was zip tied to the chair with is hands bonded but his feet free. He could kick but he didn't want to jeopardize the plan.

Serenity had pulled up at the place where they held him. Seeing his truck and sighed a breath of relief. Then she prayed knowing what she was about to do...knowing that she would die here. She got out the car and men surrounded her already with guns drawn. She raised her hands and look at them feeling the rain on her face. Not minding the thunder and lighting for the first time actually calming her.

"I'm Serenity Hollowell, I know he is looking for me and wants me dead. I'm tired of running to take me to him and let's get this over with." Serenity said calmly and with a smile on her face. The men looked at each other confused and shrugged their shoulders and lead her to Ryo.

Ricci, Lester and the rest of the crew drove as fast as they could down the Highway. Lester looked at his phone in disbelief.

"She made it there! The voice detection just said she is going to Ryo... and that she wants to get this over with."

"No, No, No, this can't be happening Lester," Ricci said. "She can't die. Not now, not when he just got his humanity back. She is supposed to be the God-Mother to our children!"

"Jocelyn is pregnant?" Lester turned his head.

"She told me last night," Ricci said smiling. "We were going to tell Serenity today and ask her to be the God-Mother."

"There is no time for good news, can we go save my daughter please?" Jules said. Even though she was his God-Daughter he always thought of her to be his. He had promised her parents that he would take care of her if something were to happen to him. Now here she was trying to do something reckless.

"Congratulations," Lester said and ran his fingers through his hair. "We have to get both of them we are ten minutes away. Push the pedal."

Serenity was lead down some hallways, she had lost count of the turns and the doors. Just having flashbacks of when she was with her family. She smiled to herself remembering her father, mother, and her sweet grandmas. She rose her head up proudly for the last time, in her head, she was embracing her beauty one last time. She even put a pep to her step the men that lead her to Ryo were still confused.

Why was she so happy to die?

Ryo was about to brand Francesco until there was a knock at the door. Francesco followed his movements as he opened the door.

"Well, you made this very easy for me. I don't have to hunt you down anymore!" Ryo said and led Serenity in and sat her in a chair. Francesco's eyes widened and his face started to turn red.

Just what in the hell was she doing? How did she get out of the house? "Yusiv isn't this the lovely woman that you helped on the side of the road."

Francesco's eyes shifted and looked at Ryo.

"Yes, yes it is."

"Serenity, would you like to thank Yusiv for helping you?" Ryo said turning back to her.

"Yes, I would." Serenity said and looked at Francesco. Going along with the flow and she smiled at him. "Thank you, Love, for helping me on the side of the road."

Francesco couldn't believe what he was seeing he watched as Ryo zipped tied Serenity hands separately to each arm of the chair. She was far across the room from Francesco and kept a smile on her face.

"What made you come here?" Ryo said crouching in front of her.

"Find my iPhone, but in all seriousness. I knew you were looking for me since I am the last bloodline in my family. My father put your father in jail and my head has been on the chopping board ever since that day."

"You seem like you have a heart of gold, so I'll give you the choice of how you die," Ryo said lifting her chin to look at him. Francesco's heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest. She couldn't be serious right now! She was going to sacrifice herself for HIM?! Leave him alone on this earth?! Hell No!

'Baby, Please don't do this to me!' Tears threaten to come out his eyes. The love of his life about to die. He started to become angry and irritated. Serenity looked passed Ryo and saw how Francesco was about to unravel. She knew his emotions would get them both in trouble. Francesco stared at her and shook his head 'No.' Slowly. He still kept that emotionless face but tears were burning his eyes.

"Love, you should close your eyes. This could be bloody." Serenity called to him.

Ryo turned to look at Francesco and Francesco looked back at him.

"Do you call everyone 'Love' Serenity?" Ryo asked

"Yes, I love everyone so I call everyone Love. Except you who are about to kill me."

"That's quite alright," Ryo said pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Heart of Gold indeed."

"You were talking to me about my options?" Serenity directed Ryo's attention back to her.

"Yes, since you are being so civilized about your death figured to give you some," Ryo said. "This is something that is personal for the both of us. Your father put my father in jail and I should be the one to end your life."

"One offspring killing off another." Serenity said and chuckled.

"It's just the way that it has to be," Ryo said. "You haven't been trouble for my uncle and me if anything you have been pleasant. You haven't come looking for us and looking for revenge just been living your life. Yet, he feels threatened by your presence and when he is uneasy so am I."

"Just you and your uncle?" Serenity asked.

"The rest of our family has disowned us," Ryo said. "He is the only person that I have." Then he thought and looked at her and wondered. "Do you have anyone that you care about Serenity?"

"No, all the people that cared for me died. I'm tired of being alone and would be like to be with them. So, we are helping each other." Serenity told him. Ryo looked down at her in disbelief.

"I guess we are," Ryo this was just all too real to him. Her words made him feel guilt which was un-natural it was making him uneasy. "Have you gotten to do everything you wanted."

"No, but that's quite alright. What's the point if you are not happy?" Serenity said. Francesco couldn't believe what he heard. She was lying to him she cared about a lot of people but herself. She was even comforting Ryo the person who was about to kill her.

"You are a beautiful woman Serenity," Ryo said caressing her chin. "I can't believe you aren't married."

Francesco blacked out, his pupils dilated becoming in large. He was trying to wait for Ricci and Lester and the others but he could only hold on so much. He was growing impatient.

"What's my options Ryo." Serenity said getting to the point.

"You could die today, a few hours of torture, and shot to the head," Ryo pointed to his tools and looked back at Francesco who only stared and didn't blink. "You could be in the sex traffic ring that we operate for three more years of life then I kill you...Or you could marry me. Carry me a child for 9 months and then I kill you."

She stayed silent for a few moments she already knew which option she wanted. She just wanted to breathe for a few more moments without being in pain.

"I would like to die today," Serenity said. "All the options end with me dying might as well just kill me today. I won't be used and thrown away so do your worst."

Francesco started to lose his breathe she signed her own death certificate.

"Yusiv are you all right over there?" Ryo turned at looked at Francesco.

"It's alright," Serenity said. "Maybe he isn't used to seeing something like this."

'Seeing the woman that I love about to die a second time, yea I'm not used to being this.'

"Okay, you have spoken."

'God, is this your punishment to me? Bringing this woman into my life to love and adore and you are going to take her away from me? Take me, God, I am the one that deserves to die! I LOVE HER. Don't do this to me please, I love her. I love her God...please I'm pleading.'

Serenity felt a sharp pain of a knife cutting through her flesh, she didn't scream just gritted her teeth. Then she felt another slice go through her check. He was just slicing through her not too deep just enough to leave a scar. He respected that she didn't scream, and he respected that she was tired of running. He thought he could sadistic with her, but she talked to him so normal. He just couldn't talk to her while he was torturing her. That's how far he could go.

Francesco watched as she got cut and it pissed him off. Knowing that it was only one against probably fifty men. Then all of the sudden the power went out.

"Power Grid is off, move in and find them," Ricci yelled. "Move in and destroy everything, I want no survivors and I want blood."

"He is right in the center, all networks offline, cameras are disengaged," Lester said looking at the tracker. Then he looked at Serenity's car and swallowed. "She is here Ricci."

"What the fuck are we waiting for? Move!" Jules yelled and cocked his shotgun.

Serenity losing some blood from her arms and her legs she was going in out when the lights went off.

"What the hell is going on?!" Ryo yelled. "Find the switch right now!"

Francesco smiled and let out a breath of relief. He knew his people were here and that it was time to jump to action. He broke from his bondage and snuck up behind Ryo slamming him to the ground. He attacked him like an animal like he had been wanting to. Back up was here now and he could do what he wants.

Ryo was a fighter though and he gave Francesco a struggle but he couldn't get a grip on him. He was slippery his blood made him that way.

Serenity was trying to see but she couldn't it was just too dark. Then she felt someone touch her face softly and felt a sense of security. She knew it was Francesco and she felt him graze the slash that was on her face.

Then she heard Ryo's scream and a crack of some bones. Francesco broke his legs and now was going for his neck. Serenity's ears could bleed from the sound of his cries and she passed out again. Everything was overwhelming even though she thought she had everything under control.

She was prepared to die and here it is God giving her another chance to fight.

Francesco wouldn't let up off Ryo, this man had hurt her, made her fear for her life, and convinced her that her death would be better. This was her final solution, dying to save others from protecting her. He heard the others kick through the door and heard Ricci.

"Where are you!" Ricci called and turned his night mask on.

"Don't worry about me! Get Serenity!" Francesco said. It was just overkilling now. Ryo had died minutes ago. He wasn't killing for Serenity's sake he was killing him for him.

"Ren," Jules ran to her and broke her out of her bondage. She felt over in his arms and he had called a couple of men over. They carried her out of the building.

"Are you okay?" Ricci asked running to Francesco.

"Find the uncle. His name is Kelly," Francesco said twisting Ryo's neck.

"He was the first one we found," Lester said popping up behind them. He just watched through his goggles as Francesco looked down at the man. Still not satisfied enough he went over to the table and grabbed a machete. And he hacked Ryo's head off hearing the blood trickle on the floor. Now he was satisfied.

"Come on. The men are done cleaning up the evidence that you've been here. We have to go." Francesco nodded and walked out the building getting in a separate vehicle that Serenity. He put his head in a cooler and got in the back.

They wanted death, and that is what he delivered.

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